"You didn't get there on your own"

One has to wonder what motivated obammy to speak so flippantly about us ungrateful business owners. Hmmmm. What could that motivation be?
Those who profit off it benefit more.
And they often end up paying more.

Ever paid commercial truck apportionment, tolls, fees and/or commercial real estate taxes?

Next red herring, anyone?

I got this one binky.

As a former truck driver..most of that cost gets spread to the consumer.

It's a theory called "Spreading the Cost".


Of course the cost gets spread into the price. DUH!

Which is ANOTHER REASON Obama's call for higher taxes for businesses is so cynical.

He KNOWS the poor and middle class will really end up paying those higher taxes IN PRICES!!!!!

More fair my ass! It will cause this economy to go into such inflation it will toss a lot of people into government assistanc just to survive, WHICH IS WHAT OBAMA WANTS!!!!
Those who profit off it benefit more.
And they often end up paying more.

Ever paid commercial truck apportionment, tolls, fees and/or commercial real estate taxes?

Next red herring, anyone?

Mitt Romney pays a lower tax rate than business does. But Republicans think that money earned by passive activity should be taxed at a lower rate than money earned by working or by producing a good or service.

So think about that.

So does George Soros, moron!

It's called the difference between capital gains and corporate tax.

If you libs had half a brain, you might not be so pathetic.
I got this one binky.

As a former truck driver..most of that cost gets spread to the consumer.

It's a theory called "Spreading the Cost".


So you acknowledge that business pass the cost on to the consumer, yet you suppport a Communist government punishing businesses and success with higher and higher taxes? Then you people wonder why the economy tanks under your policies?

God almighty are you stupid! You realize that business is not going to eat the loss, that they will pass it on to you, and still you sit here supporting that stupidity.

Under communism there is no business tax, cause all he businesses belong to the state. You fail again.

Oh my gosh you guys are IDIOTS!

You think that will keep the "peasants" from PAYING TAXES?????

I guess that explains all that starvation under Stalin and Mao, the communists were sooooooooooo much more efficient in moving food to the people who need it.
I got this one binky.

As a former truck driver..most of that cost gets spread to the consumer.

It's a theory called "Spreading the Cost".


So you acknowledge that business pass the cost on to the consumer, yet you suppport a Communist government punishing businesses and success with higher and higher taxes? Then you people wonder why the economy tanks under your policies?

God almighty are you stupid! You realize that business is not going to eat the loss, that they will pass it on to you, and still you sit here supporting that stupidity.

Commies don't pay taxes.

Dog almighty you are stupid.

And either a commie or an anarchist.

Your choice.

Commies don't pay taxes???????????

One has to wonder what motivated obammy to speak so flippantly about us ungrateful business owners. Hmmmm. What could that motivation be?

His handlers are weaning him off the teleprompter. That was a classic "gaffe". He said what he actually thinks, similar to his "spread the wealth around" and his "bitter-clingers" comments last election. Without the TOTUS... Obama's collectivist ideology shines through.
So you acknowledge that business pass the cost on to the consumer, yet you suppport a Communist government punishing businesses and success with higher and higher taxes? Then you people wonder why the economy tanks under your policies?

God almighty are you stupid! You realize that business is not going to eat the loss, that they will pass it on to you, and still you sit here supporting that stupidity.

Under communism there is no business tax, cause all he businesses belong to the state. You fail again.

Oh my gosh you guys are IDIOTS!

You think that will keep the "peasants" from PAYING TAXES?????

I guess that explains all that starvation under Stalin and Mao, the communists were sooooooooooo much more efficient in moving food to the people who need it.

Or banishing them to Mongolia...Siberia...or Hell? Why not just dig a hole and shoot them and bury? Problem solved.
Considering the way that FDR's hands were tied by Congress he did a good job of secretly and openly increasing military aid to England.
So yes FDR was responsible for reviving the war industry well before war broke out in '41.
If the repubs had their way,, The rising sun and swastika flags would still be waving.

If FDR had his way, he would have packed the court.

And what are you talking about reviving the industry? The US was in woeful STRAIGHTS when they entered the war, because they were unprepared!

They were terribly unprepared for WWII!

That's why Pearl Harbor happened you moron!

My grandfather was over the production of the B-25 for North American in Columbus, Ohio.

If he were still alive he could tell you. FDR didn't do jack! Not until the war broke out.


Good grief what history books did you read?

Some leftist revisionism, obviously!


When posters indicate it took the spending of WWII to cure the depression they in effect are saying it took war-time spending to stop the depression, so FDR simply didn't spend enough. As for prepardness the Republicans fought FDR on rearming America. Check out the "America Firsters." Still FDR's peacetime draft had been in operation for a year before Pearl Harbor. One month before Pearl it was repassed by one vote in the House. FDR made decisions without Congressional approval for rearming America and helping Britain survive. Check out the fifty destroyer deal, Lend Lease. Good for your grandfather, I lived through that period, and still remember the first draft number, 158, and even the songs, "Goodbye Dear, I'll be back in a year cause im in the army now." That first draft peacetime draft of America's was for a year, until the extension added in 1941. In 1936 economic indications pointed to a recovery and FDR stopped the New Deal. A mistake because we slid back into another smaller recession. As for the Court packing, it was a political failure but the Court saw the light and as pundits said, "a stich in time saved nine."
Ever wonder how America got into the Great Depression? What kind of history books do you read?

If government spending was the answer, FDR's "New Deal" would have worked.

But it didn't. Unemployment remained 14% and higher.

Nor, did I say prosperity came from WWII. I said, UNEMPLOYMENT sank because of so many men being DRAFTED for WWII and so many women working in factories.

There was also strict rationing. That wasn't prosperity.

I SAID prosperity didn't happen until the 50s.
First of all, he WAS talking to me....he was talking to business owners and I was a business owner. He was not talking to the few larger companies that game the game...

In fairness to Obama, he was talking to the big businesses. Thing is, when he says "business owners", in his head, there's only big business that screws over every single American during the day and kills puppies and kittens at night. It's not his fault: that's what he was raised to believe.

Considering that the President is our nation's number one diplomat, "He was just being inarticulate" is not an excuse that really excuses him.
, it's over for Obama and even he knows it.


Oh god, you are maybe the winner of the funniest post of the day...

Real world: conz cant ever win a national election when everyone votes, not ever, simple fact of mathematics

Con world: Obama has no chance


Stupid bigot, the ONLY way you get close to winning is by stealing the election by preventing millions of us from voting...better not, or you will have a problem on your hands you will not like...:D

I guess that explains Ronald Reagan, George Bush 41, and George Bush 43.

In the last 30 years we have only had two Democrats in the Whitehouse. Clinton was elected because he promised a tax cut (he lied about) and Obama because he again promised a tax cut (WHICH HE LIED ABOUT, SUPRISE SURPRISE).

Clinton was only reelected because he benefited from the good economy the Republicans winning in 94, put on the economy--including a middle class tax cut, which caused the country to balance the budget)

Obama has had no such success. He has failed badly at the economy. His reelection is FAR from certain.
One good thing with this speech is the people got to see the MASK come completely off of obama and how he really views us and the country he hates and wants to TRANFORM..

VOTE this ugly man out..

he's put us down enough


You idiots are so upset, this reminds me of that idiot joe the plumber who didnt own jack...

i am running out of things to say to you guys, what do you say to someone who is wrong on absolutely everything they say, shaking my head, i may finally be speechless :lol:

There's a reason this guy's rep is in the read. :lol::lol::lol:
, it's over for Obama and even he knows it.


Oh god, you are maybe the winner of the funniest post of the day...

Real world: conz cant ever win a national election when everyone votes, not ever, simple fact of mathematics

Con world: Obama has no chance


Stupid bigot, the ONLY way you get close to winning is by stealing the election by preventing millions of us from voting...better not, or you will have a problem on your hands you will not like...:D

I guess that explains Ronald Reagan, George Bush 41, and George Bush 43.

In the last 30 years we have only had two Democrats in the Whitehouse. Clinton was elected because he promised a tax cut (he lied about) and Obama because he again promised a tax cut (WHICH HE LIED ABOUT, SUPRISE SURPRISE).

Clinton was only reelected because he benefited from the good economy the Republicans winning in 94, put on the economy--including a middle class tax cut, which caused the country to balance the budget)

Obama has had no such success. He has failed badly at the economy. His reelection is FAR from certain.

Don't confuse them with facts. :)
Considering the way that FDR's hands were tied by Congress he did a good job of secretly and openly increasing military aid to England.
So yes FDR was responsible for reviving the war industry well before war broke out in '41.
If the repubs had their way,, The rising sun and swastika flags would still be waving.

If FDR had his way, he would have packed the court.

And what are you talking about reviving the industry? The US was in woeful STRAIGHTS when they entered the war, because they were unprepared!

They were terribly unprepared for WWII!

That's why Pearl Harbor happened you moron!

My grandfather was over the production of the B-25 for North American in Columbus, Ohio.

If he were still alive he could tell you. FDR didn't do jack! Not until the war broke out.


Good grief what history books did you read?

Some leftist revisionism, obviously!


When posters indicate it took the spending of WWII to cure the depression they in effect are saying it took war-time spending to stop the depression, so FDR simply didn't spend enough. As for prepardness the Republicans fought FDR on rearming America. Check out the "America Firsters." Still FDR's peacetime draft had been in operation for a year before Pearl Harbor. One month before Pearl it was repassed by one vote in the House. FDR made decisions without Congressional approval for rearming America and helping Britain survive. Check out the fifty destroyer deal, Lend Lease. Good for your grandfather, I lived through that period, and still remember the first draft number, 158, and even the songs, "Goodbye Dear, I'll be back in a year cause im in the army now." That first draft peacetime draft of America's was for a year, until the extension added in 1941. In 1936 economic indications pointed to a recovery and FDR stopped the New Deal. A mistake because we slid back into another smaller recession. As for the Court packing, it was a political failure but the Court saw the light and as pundits said, "a stich in time saved nine."
Ever wonder how America got into the Great Depression? What kind of history books do you read?

We got into the Depression because the Federal Reserve bled 1/3 of the money out of the economy and then rather than stepping up and acting as lender of last resort like they were supposed to, they allowed banks to fail

Personally, I think it was intentional financial sabotage.
Still has an Adam's apple dipshit...or does he...

Hur hur, lefty come dun say sheezzz gotz du atoms appel -- hur hur, lefty shore is clevor..


Her stupidfuck, is she a man too?

:snort: :lol:

How about this one?? Is she a man???


I'm always amazed by the vast ignorance that passes for biological education amongst liberals. Someone should tell these anatomical geniuses that EVERYONE has an Adam's apple, and how prominent it is varies according to genetics and how skinny one happens to be. This whole "only men have visible Adam's apples" schtick of theirs smacks of an old wives' tale.
What is it you want Mac? Big tears because you started a business? Wasn't it your choice? Did you not reap the rewards that you thought were yours because you started a business?

Damn man. If you are a successful business man, quit whining.

Oh and btw, you need a better HR department. I read where your employees were ripping you off. Fire the HR manager and start over. Or is the HR manager YOU?

I could be wrong, but I think what he wants is for dipshits like you and Obama to stop acting like the effort he put into building his business was no great shakes, and like you and Obama contributed just as much, and are just as entitled - if not more entitled - to the profits from that business.

And I don't think there's anything "whining" about saying, "Where the fuck do you get off taking credit for my work?" There IS, however, a large element of whining in "How dare you object to supporting other people?" which is such a constant and popular theme with Obama and his worshippers. I also find a lot of whining in Obama's new line, to which his worshippers are fervently rallying, of "How dare you think YOU'VE accomplished anything, you arrogant, conceited plebian? We did everything for you, and you just got lucky."

well talk about extemist views.

I am glad to see all the twisted concepts of what Obama said. I thought it was just my wife that acted in a demented fashion of interpretation.

Oh right, it's always everybody just didn't understand what he said..
we heard it loud and clear...and I hope they show up to vote.......him OUT:eusa_clap:

Yes, everybody heard it loud and clear, he correctly stated that NOBODY ever made it ENTIRELY on their own, to argue the reverse proves you to be incredibly stupid.

I think we all see who is incredibly stupid.
I see someone is have a melt down..OH WELL

ConzHateUSA This user is on your Ignore List. :badgrin:

I agree. He's an idiot. He's like Mr. Shaman. Not worth bothering with.

I'm putting him on ignore as well. I'd advise everyone else to, as well, and improve the intelligence of this discussion.

(although, debating with liberals, improving the intelligence of discussion, is a forlorn hope) :D
What obama was clearly saying is that no matter how smart you are, how hard you work or how much you sacrifice, the government GAVE you everything you have an now you OWE the government. After all, didn't the government LET you be smart, work hard and sacrifice?

Obama was NOT clearly saying this. You are reading a whole lot into this that is not there to feed your own perceptions of Obama.

Success in life is a combination of opportunity and hard work.

Isn't it amazing how everyone in the country EXCEPT for Obama's most ardent worshippers is coincidentally "reading into this" the EXACT SAME "whole lot"? It's almost like that's actually what his words meant, and you dipshits are just desperately trying to spin it away, or something. :eusa_think:

Face it, Sparkles. When everyone's heard the quote, and THEN heard the allegedly "mitigating" full quote and context, and THEN heard the frantic explanations, and STILL thinks that's what the guy said . . . that's what he really said. Deal with it.

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