"You didn't get there on your own"

We are fast moving into a space where the income inequality isn't good..like Mexico.

And you think that's due to small business? If only government is more involved then income will stabilize.

I have a question Shallow; match the following.

1.) The Rich

2.) The Poor


A.) Most entangled with government.

B.) Least entangled with government.

If you can grasp how to match the above, describe whether more government will increase or decrease the gap between the two groups?

Mexico has almost no Middle-class. There are the land-owners and the unwashed masses. Why do you think so many are flooding across the border?

It's not because of income inequality in America.

What does Mexico have to do with anything? Other then to prove my point?

Mexico is an example of harmful income inequality. It is so bad it harms the economy. Incime inequality in this country works because the rich provide jobs. In Mexico there aren't any jobs. You cannot sell this shit here in America because expecting total income equality is a pipe-dream designed to create division. It's not realistic. It is simply a way to rationalize tax increases. It is government sponsored theft, and I'm not gonna go along with it as long as government refuses to stop wasting our tax dollars on superfluous bullshit.

Who's asking for total income equality? A little greater income equality would be nice. Our income inequality is approaching that of the second and third world shit holes that produce these desperate people. The American people have been pretty patient up to this point if you ask me but there's no guarantee it'll stay that way. And by superfluous bullshit, are you refering to our bloated military?
Still has an Adam's apple dipshit...or does he...

Hur hur, lefty come dun say sheezzz gotz du atoms appel -- hur hur, lefty shore is clevor..


Her stupidfuck, is she a man too?

Man, how long did it take you and your circle jerk to come up with that one?

Going into Nosense mode:
"Jeez, you shore ez funni Nosense....hur, hur, hur" ....:eusa_silenced:

Both men and women have "adam apples".

Education is a good thing!

Mexico has almost no Middle-class. There are the land-owners and the unwashed masses. Why do you think so many are flooding across the border?

It's not because of income inequality in America.

They 'flood across the borders' because we're not them.


Once our middle class is eradicated (shouldn't take long, what with the 400:1 wage inequality, and Willard's plans for more) *Damn unions! Get rid of 'em!* America will be Mexico lite, and the incoming will stop.
Obama either does not understand Free Markets or he hates them...

And again, politicians are not the government- we the people are. Business owners contributed to teachers salaries; roads; bridges etc. when they pay their taxes. The risk they make when they go into business is all their own- fuck this president and his arrogant bullshit! After his inane lecture to business owners I officially despise him.

You know what's thought-provoking about the question of whether Obama hates free markets or not?... he'd have no way to know. :eusa_eh:

We DON'T HAVE free markets. There's no way we can describe what we have today, with any shred of honesty or credibility, as "free". Of course, laissez faire markets don't really exist and wouldn't be desirable if they did. There's always some semblance of control and consumer protection. But even so, we could still describe our system as "free", as it was open to all citizens and not difficult to access. I don't think that can be said anymore. In terms of making legal purchases, sure we have access for everyone, but in terms of making legal sales... not so much.

kwc57 put on this really compelling post earlier, #298, which featured a perspective entrepreneur selling his wife's homemade tamales. But, as I mentioned earlier, that scenario can't happen in this country anymore. The truth is... the market is limited in this country in terms of legal sales, allowing only those people who can raise the "start-up" costs and overcome the strenuous hurdles of an overly litigious and overly regulated system. IOW, poor folks don't have access.

It's not "the rich" holding them down. "The rich" can't do that without the force of government. The big corporations that libs complain about USE tax and regulatory law to limit small and mid-sized competitors through politicians. And while everyone has a constitutional right to lobby Congress, politicians can't give more than what they have access to in terms of power. IOW, when we hold politicians to the LIMITED GOVERNMENT intended by our Framers, they don't have the power necessary to abuse us as they have.

We've got the Executive Branch legislating through regulatory law. We've got the Judicial Branch legislating from the bench. We've got Legislative Branch abusing their powers to tax and to regulate commerce to such an extent that federal law touches every aspect of our lives. This was NOT intended by the U.S. Constitution.

Libs... you need to understand, that by empowering government and rejecting the ideal of LIMITED GOVERNMENT, you create the cronyism which keeps people poor. Jose doesn't need government assistance if he's simply allowed to sell his tamales. The opportunity for self-improvement and success is denied to him by limiting his access to the marketplace.

I'm not suggesting that we let Jose make people sick. What I'm suggesting is that we use the power of governance to give him consequences if he does, and NOT preemptively as if our lawmakers were all Miss Cleo wannabes trying to forecast potential problems. Punish people if they do something wrong. Don't limit their access to the market.
Obama either does not understand Free Markets or he hates them...

And again, politicians are not the government- we the people are. Business owners contributed to teachers salaries; roads; bridges etc. when they pay their taxes. The risk they make when they go into business is all their own- fuck this president and his arrogant bullshit! After his inane lecture to business owners I officially despise him.

You know what's thought-provoking about the question of whether Obama hates free markets or not?... he'd have no way to know. :eusa_eh:

We DON'T HAVE free markets. There's no way we can describe what we have today, with any shred of honesty or credibility, as "free". Of course, laissez faire markets don't really exist and wouldn't be desirable if they did. There's always some semblance of control and consumer protection. But even so, we could still describe our system as "free", as it was open to all citizens and not difficult to access. I don't think that can be said anymore. In terms of making legal purchases, sure we have access for everyone, but in terms of making legal sales... not so much.

kwc57 put on this really compelling post earlier, #298, which featured a perspective entrepreneur selling his wife's homemade tamales. But, as I mentioned earlier, that scenario can't happen in this country anymore. The truth is... the market is limited in this country in terms of legal sales, allowing only those people who can raise the "start-up" costs and overcome the strenuous hurdles of an overly litigious and overly regulated system. IOW, poor folks don't have access.

It's not "the rich" holding them down. "The rich" can't do that without the force of government. The big corporations that libs complain about USE tax and regulatory law to limit small and mid-sized competitors through politicians. And while everyone has a constitutional right to lobby Congress, politicians can't give more than what they have access to in terms of power. IOW, when we hold politicians to the LIMITED GOVERNMENT intended by our Framers, they don't have the power necessary to abuse us as they have.

We've got the Executive Branch legislating through regulatory law. We've got the Judicial Branch legislating from the bench. We've got Legislative Branch abusing their powers to tax and to regulate commerce to such an extent that federal law touches every aspect of our lives. This was NOT intended by the U.S. Constitution.

Libs... you need to understand, that by empowering government and rejecting the ideal of LIMITED GOVERNMENT, you create the cronyism which keeps people poor. Jose doesn't need government assistance if he's simply allowed to sell his tamales. The opportunity for self-improvement and success is denied to him by limiting his access to the marketplace.

I'm not suggesting that we let Jose make people sick. What I'm suggesting is that we use the power of governance to give him consequences if he does, and NOT preemptively as if our lawmakers were all Miss Cleo wannabes trying to forecast potential problems. Punish people if they do something wrong. Don't limit their access to the market.

This entire post is great, the bolded sentence is right on!!
Liberals believe that Jose, selling his tamales, WANTS to make people sick and only the government prevents him from making people sick. The point of business is not to provide goods and services that people need, the point of business is to provide poor service, poor quality goods, and steal. Only the government keeps them from doing that.
Liberals believe that Jose, selling his tamales, WANTS to make people sick and only the government prevents him from making people sick. The point of business is not to provide goods and services that people need, the point of business is to provide poor service, poor quality goods, and steal. Only the government keeps them from doing that.

The government helps two ways. They prevent Jose from selling cheap but unsafe tamales. They also ensure that the meat that he buys is safe for the public to consume. The Government will also make sure that Jose's carts meet cleanliness standards.
The government will protect Jose from unfair business practices of competitors as well as from theives who want to steal his days profits
Liberals believe that Jose, selling his tamales, WANTS to make people sick and only the government prevents him from making people sick. The point of business is not to provide goods and services that people need, the point of business is to provide poor service, poor quality goods, and steal. Only the government keeps them from doing that.

The thing is though, it wouldn't be easy for Jose to build trust in the community and convince people that his tamales were worth buying. It would be hard work and he'd have to offer a quality product. But we don't even allow him the opportunity to try.

So often we pat ourselves on the back, talking about what a "Land of Opportunity" we have.. but that's just not the case anymore. The poor DON'T have access to that kind of opportunity. Libs seem to think that opportunity springs from government-funded education. It doesn't. It comes from having full access to the marketplace.
Liberals believe that Jose, selling his tamales, WANTS to make people sick and only the government prevents him from making people sick. The point of business is not to provide goods and services that people need, the point of business is to provide poor service, poor quality goods, and steal. Only the government keeps them from doing that.

The government helps two ways. They prevent Jose from selling cheap but unsafe tamales. They also ensure that the meat that he buys is safe for the public to consume. The Government will also make sure that Jose's carts meet cleanliness standards.
The government will protect Jose from unfair business practices of competitors as well as from theives who want to steal his days profits

Makes me wonder, should this be a state issue or a federal issue? Is this an overreach by the Fed, monitoring tacos?? How many people do you think the feds will put on this to make sure Jose's tacos are clean?? I'm thinking at least 5, one to do the inspection, one to type up the inspection, one to interpret what the inspection report actually says, one to find which laws he might actually be breaking and one to make sure he pays his taxes. :lol:
Obama either does not understand Free Markets or he hates them...

And again, politicians are not the government- we the people are. Business owners contributed to teachers salaries; roads; bridges etc. when they pay their taxes. The risk they make when they go into business is all their own- fuck this president and his arrogant bullshit! After his inane lecture to business owners I officially despise him.

You know what's thought-provoking about the question of whether Obama hates free markets or not?... he'd have no way to know. :eusa_eh:

We DON'T HAVE free markets. There's no way we can describe what we have today, with any shred of honesty or credibility, as "free". Of course, laissez faire markets don't really exist and wouldn't be desirable if they did. There's always some semblance of control and consumer protection. But even so, we could still describe our system as "free", as it was open to all citizens and not difficult to access. I don't think that can be said anymore. In terms of making legal purchases, sure we have access for everyone, but in terms of making legal sales... not so much.

kwc57 put on this really compelling post earlier, #298, which featured a perspective entrepreneur selling his wife's homemade tamales. But, as I mentioned earlier, that scenario can't happen in this country anymore. The truth is... the market is limited in this country in terms of legal sales, allowing only those people who can raise the "start-up" costs and overcome the strenuous hurdles of an overly litigious and overly regulated system. IOW, poor folks don't have access.

It's not "the rich" holding them down. "The rich" can't do that without the force of government. The big corporations that libs complain about USE tax and regulatory law to limit small and mid-sized competitors through politicians. And while everyone has a constitutional right to lobby Congress, politicians can't give more than what they have access to in terms of power. IOW, when we hold politicians to the LIMITED GOVERNMENT intended by our Framers, they don't have the power necessary to abuse us as they have.

We've got the Executive Branch legislating through regulatory law. We've got the Judicial Branch legislating from the bench. We've got Legislative Branch abusing their powers to tax and to regulate commerce to such an extent that federal law touches every aspect of our lives. This was NOT intended by the U.S. Constitution.

Libs... you need to understand, that by empowering government and rejecting the ideal of LIMITED GOVERNMENT, you create the cronyism which keeps people poor. Jose doesn't need government assistance if he's simply allowed to sell his tamales. The opportunity for self-improvement and success is denied to him by limiting his access to the marketplace.

I'm not suggesting that we let Jose make people sick. What I'm suggesting is that we use the power of governance to give him consequences if he does, and NOT preemptively as if our lawmakers were all Miss Cleo wannabes trying to forecast potential problems. Punish people if they do something wrong. Don't limit their access to the market.

Obama likes to invent problems.

If you created the problem it's easier to act like you have the solution.
Liberals believe that Jose, selling his tamales, WANTS to make people sick and only the government prevents him from making people sick. The point of business is not to provide goods and services that people need, the point of business is to provide poor service, poor quality goods, and steal. Only the government keeps them from doing that.

The government helps two ways. They prevent Jose from selling cheap but unsafe tamales. They also ensure that the meat that he buys is safe for the public to consume. The Government will also make sure that Jose's carts meet cleanliness standards.
The government will protect Jose from unfair business practices of competitors as well as from theives who want to steal his days profits

None of that happens because Jose can't raise the start-up costs and he can't get a loan since he has no collateral. Instead, Jose needs government assistance to take care of his family.

You know, liberals have NO PROBLEM understanding that preemptive war is a bad thing. But they can't seem to wrap their minds around the fact that preemptive regulatory law is keeping people poor by limiting their access to the sales end of the marketplace. There's no profit in Jose poisoning his customers. His business can't grow unless he offers a quality product that people are willing to buy. And... on the off-chance that he does make someone sick, there are legal consequences for his crime.

Don't be such sissies. Nobody's going to MAKE you buy a tamale from a guy you don't know. Oh.... wait. Maybe they will, with Congresses new power to tax if you don't do as you're told. :eusa_whistle:

You see how unlimited government can hurt both you and Jose yet?
Liberals believe that Jose, selling his tamales, WANTS to make people sick and only the government prevents him from making people sick. The point of business is not to provide goods and services that people need, the point of business is to provide poor service, poor quality goods, and steal. Only the government keeps them from doing that.

The government helps two ways. They prevent Jose from selling cheap but unsafe tamales. They also ensure that the meat that he buys is safe for the public to consume. The Government will also make sure that Jose's carts meet cleanliness standards.
The government will protect Jose from unfair business practices of competitors as well as from theives who want to steal his days profits

Did the government give him the recipe for his wonderful tamales? Did they give him the idea to start a tamale business? Did they give him the drive and initiative to start a tamale business? Did they pick just the right location for him? Did they tell him where to buy his supplies and ingredients? Did they pay for his advertising? Did the government give him his marketing strategy?
Obama either does not understand Free Markets or he hates them...

And again, politicians are not the government- we the people are. Business owners contributed to teachers salaries; roads; bridges etc. when they pay their taxes. The risk they make when they go into business is all their own- fuck this president and his arrogant bullshit! After his inane lecture to business owners I officially despise him.

You know what's thought-provoking about the question of whether Obama hates free markets or not?... he'd have no way to know. :eusa_eh:

We DON'T HAVE free markets. There's no way we can describe what we have today, with any shred of honesty or credibility, as "free". Of course, laissez faire markets don't really exist and wouldn't be desirable if they did. There's always some semblance of control and consumer protection. But even so, we could still describe our system as "free", as it was open to all citizens and not difficult to access. I don't think that can be said anymore. In terms of making legal purchases, sure we have access for everyone, but in terms of making legal sales... not so much.

kwc57 put on this really compelling post earlier, #298, which featured a perspective entrepreneur selling his wife's homemade tamales. But, as I mentioned earlier, that scenario can't happen in this country anymore. The truth is... the market is limited in this country in terms of legal sales, allowing only those people who can raise the "start-up" costs and overcome the strenuous hurdles of an overly litigious and overly regulated system. IOW, poor folks don't have access.

It's not "the rich" holding them down. "The rich" can't do that without the force of government. The big corporations that libs complain about USE tax and regulatory law to limit small and mid-sized competitors through politicians. And while everyone has a constitutional right to lobby Congress, politicians can't give more than what they have access to in terms of power. IOW, when we hold politicians to the LIMITED GOVERNMENT intended by our Framers, they don't have the power necessary to abuse us as they have.

We've got the Executive Branch legislating through regulatory law. We've got the Judicial Branch legislating from the bench. We've got Legislative Branch abusing their powers to tax and to regulate commerce to such an extent that federal law touches every aspect of our lives. This was NOT intended by the U.S. Constitution.

Libs... you need to understand, that by empowering government and rejecting the ideal of LIMITED GOVERNMENT, you create the cronyism which keeps people poor. Jose doesn't need government assistance if he's simply allowed to sell his tamales. The opportunity for self-improvement and success is denied to him by limiting his access to the marketplace.

I'm not suggesting that we let Jose make people sick. What I'm suggesting is that we use the power of governance to give him consequences if he does, and NOT preemptively as if our lawmakers were all Miss Cleo wannabes trying to forecast potential problems. Punish people if they do something wrong. Don't limit their access to the market.

Obama likes to invent problems.

If you created the problem it's easier to act like you have the solution.

And a good synopsis of where we are. ALL problems we have for the most part are Government meddling...and all for ultimate control.
So, even the parasitic OWS class deserves a pat on the back for the successes of the businesses they would like to destroy. Sounds like, in life, libbies believe that everyone deserves a blue ribbon, regardless of their accomplishments.
So Liberals are grateful to the Crown for our Founding and had no reason to rebel.

That's what we've been trying to tell you!

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