"You didn't get there on your own"

oh brother..that Obama is just so brilliant. the little people never understand what he MEANS..

Going by the tone of the OP, and the difference of tone of the video link, you are on the money...:cool:

You probably don't get that though...

oh yeah, we need you people to TRANSLATE for us..we just don't understand that brilliant Obama...:rolleyes:

Well, at least you understand that...some don't ya know...:cool:
In many ways that is so arbitrary a time period as to make you sound like one of those internet intellectuals. not saying you are, just suggesting the most rational observation. :redface:

There's not the slightest thing "arbitrary" about the time period, and I have no idea what it means to be an "internet intellectual" or why that's bad.

Louisiana Purchase and much more afterwards....

Is that supposed to mean something? Apparently you believe others understand your secret code.

No idea? Of course. If you were aware of what I speak of you'd hide your head in shame and embarrassment.

ROFL! In other words, if I don't understand you can't be bothered to explain it.

You're proving to be one of the all time dolts of this forum.
There's not the slightest thing "arbitrary" about the time period, and I have no idea what it means to be an "internet intellectual" or why that's bad.

Louisiana Purchase and much more afterwards...

No idea? Of course. If you were aware of what I speak of you'd hide your head in shame and embarrassment.

Do you have any idea what you're talking about? The Louisiana Purchase and Woodrow Wilson were about 100 years apart.

No, he doesn't. He just mutters these magical liberal code words and believes he's made a point of some kind.
Louisiana Purchase and much more afterwards...

No idea? Of course. If you were aware of what I speak of you'd hide your head in shame and embarrassment.

Do you have any idea what you're talking about? The Louisiana Purchase and Woodrow Wilson were about 100 years apart.

No, he doesn't. He just mutters these magical liberal code words and believes he's made a point of some kind.

Wow, just think if the government had spent more money on history how smart he could be. :D
having just watched the piece in your link (something I should have done at the outset), I see it ressembles nothing you say in the OP...just partisan hackery on your part...

One day I'm called a "commie" by a right-winger, the next I'm called a "partisan hack" by a left-winger. Back and forth, too funny. This board is a hoot, and it's consistent!

From the video you claim to have watched:
  • "If you've been successful, you didn't get there on your own"
  • "I'm always struck be people who say, 'well, it must have been because I'm so smart'"
  • "'It must be because I worked harder than anybody else'"
  • "If you've got a business, you didn't build that. SOMEBODY ELSE made that happen"

Now, I'm sure you agree with all that, but those are the quotes to which I was referring. As a person who has started and run multiple businesses, I was insulted. Not because I'd claim to have done 100% of everything in my businesses, but because he was so flippant and condescending about it, and because he was clearly playing to people who have not the slightest clue what it takes to conceive, start, build, run and maintain a business. No idea of the risks, sacrifices, endless hours, constant frustrations. And because he's clearly among that group. I'm not asking for a "thanks" or a "well done", I don't give a crap there, but perhaps a bit less ignorant mockery of my efforts by our President would be nice.

I'm sure you're not insulted at all. Hey, perhaps you've never been insulted in your life. After all, Obama has a (D) after his name, and all business owners are rich and evil, and they shouldn't have more money than you. Or, if you're a business owner, the (D) after his name is enough. I get it. But I just wanted to make things nice and clear for you.

Partisan hack? No mirrors in your house, I take it?


Here's the thing.

He wasn't talking to you.

He was speaking in general terms.

Right now there's a gap between executive compensation and employer compensation in this country that is unique amoung most modern industrialized nations.

It's something like 400:1.

That really makes absolutely no sense.

It also makes absolutely no sense that tax breaks resulted in off shoring and not hiring. You'd think these folks would be grateful for the breaks and increase the tax base.

But that's not what happened.

I think the President has been rather mild to the "Captains of Industry" considering what happened.
having just watched the piece in your link (something I should have done at the outset), I see it ressembles nothing you say in the OP...just partisan hackery on your part...

One day I'm called a "commie" by a right-winger, the next I'm called a "partisan hack" by a left-winger. Back and forth, too funny. This board is a hoot, and it's consistent!

From the video you claim to have watched:
  • "If you've been successful, you didn't get there on your own"
  • "I'm always struck be people who say, 'well, it must have been because I'm so smart'"
  • "'It must be because I worked harder than anybody else'"
  • "If you've got a business, you didn't build that. SOMEBODY ELSE made that happen"

Now, I'm sure you agree with all that, but those are the quotes to which I was referring. As a person who has started and run multiple businesses, I was insulted. Not because I'd claim to have done 100% of everything in my businesses, but because he was so flippant and condescending about it, and because he was clearly playing to people who have not the slightest clue what it takes to conceive, start, build, run and maintain a business. No idea of the risks, sacrifices, endless hours, constant frustrations. And because he's clearly among that group. I'm not asking for a "thanks" or a "well done", I don't give a crap there, but perhaps a bit less ignorant mockery of my efforts by our President would be nice.

I'm sure you're not insulted at all. Hey, perhaps you've never been insulted in your life. After all, Obama has a (D) after his name, and all business owners are rich and evil, and they shouldn't have more money than you. Or, if you're a business owner, the (D) after his name is enough. I get it. But I just wanted to make things nice and clear for you.

Partisan hack? No mirrors in your house, I take it?


I'm not a leftie by any stretch. Only in neocon, whackjob America am I a leftie. I'm a centrist and my voting record backs that up. On hot button issues I am for the death penalty in certain circumstances, against affirmative action, for gun control and for the gays to be married. I am against abortion but believe a woman has the right to choose.

I can cherry pick quotes too, if you like. We can all do that. What I see is a man saying that he earns more than enough and is more than happy to pay more taxes. He believes that those who earn as much as he does, and more, can afford to pay more. He is happy to do so, and his political beliefs are that those like him should and if you believe the same, vote for him. If not, don't.

What he is also doing is drawing a line - if you will - and trying to intercept the negative reactions and typical conservative backlash of "Why should I pay more. I did it on my own. I deserve what I have made. The govt should get none of it. In fact, I should get more tax breaks because that helps create jobs"...yadda, yadda, yadda.

Now, you say you have started small businesses etc. Well done, you! Now, have they been one-man bands - ie, are you a plumber or electrician who works for yourself? More power to you!

However, if any of your businesses have needed more labour than yourself to run them, then he is right. You didn't do it on your own. Again, if you hired people to help you, but they were totally unnecessary, but you hired them only to make life easy for yourself, but in reality, you didn't need them, then more power to you. However, if you hired people that were critical to the success of your business and without them you would have failed, then he is right - you didn't do it on your own. And that is all I see him saying. I hear no talking down to you, just him stating a fact.

That's not what he's saying. The subject has come up before. They ask use who do we owe our success to. Then they talk about who built the roads.

It's a bullshit argument. They want us to have to get used to the idea of relying on government to solve our problems for us. They want all of us to be beholding to Big Brother. A massive centralized government that tells us how to wipe our asses. They don't believe in rugged individualism.

In a nut-shell, take our shit and learn to like it.

Also, Obama believes that a rich man never pays enough taxes. Every one of them got rich from screwing someone else, so he's more into punishment rather than fairness.

Of course if he or a campaign donor is rich they're excluded from his fairness doctrine. He's a firm believer in double-standards.
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having just watched the piece in your link (something I should have done at the outset), I see it ressembles nothing you say in the OP...just partisan hackery on your part...

One day I'm called a "commie" by a right-winger, the next I'm called a "partisan hack" by a left-winger. Back and forth, too funny. This board is a hoot, and it's consistent!

From the video you claim to have watched:
  • "If you've been successful, you didn't get there on your own"
  • "I'm always struck be people who say, 'well, it must have been because I'm so smart'"
  • "'It must be because I worked harder than anybody else'"
  • "If you've got a business, you didn't build that. SOMEBODY ELSE made that happen"

Now, I'm sure you agree with all that, but those are the quotes to which I was referring. As a person who has started and run multiple businesses, I was insulted. Not because I'd claim to have done 100% of everything in my businesses, but because he was so flippant and condescending about it, and because he was clearly playing to people who have not the slightest clue what it takes to conceive, start, build, run and maintain a business. No idea of the risks, sacrifices, endless hours, constant frustrations. And because he's clearly among that group. I'm not asking for a "thanks" or a "well done", I don't give a crap there, but perhaps a bit less ignorant mockery of my efforts by our President would be nice.

I'm sure you're not insulted at all. Hey, perhaps you've never been insulted in your life. After all, Obama has a (D) after his name, and all business owners are rich and evil, and they shouldn't have more money than you. Or, if you're a business owner, the (D) after his name is enough. I get it. But I just wanted to make things nice and clear for you.

Partisan hack? No mirrors in your house, I take it?


Here's the thing.

He wasn't talking to you.

He was speaking in general terms.

Right now there's a gap between executive compensation and employer compensation in this country that is unique amoung most modern industrialized nations.

It's something like 400:1.

That really makes absolutely no sense.

It also makes absolutely no sense that tax breaks resulted in off shoring and not hiring. You'd think these folks would be grateful for the breaks and increase the tax base.

But that's not what happened.

I think the President has been rather mild to the "Captains of Industry" considering what happened.


Mexico has almost no Middle-class. There are the land-owners and the unwashed masses. Why do you think so many are flooding across the border?

It's not because of income inequality in America.
One day I'm called a "commie" by a right-winger, the next I'm called a "partisan hack" by a left-winger. Back and forth, too funny. This board is a hoot, and it's consistent!

From the video you claim to have watched:
  • "If you've been successful, you didn't get there on your own"
  • "I'm always struck be people who say, 'well, it must have been because I'm so smart'"
  • "'It must be because I worked harder than anybody else'"
  • "If you've got a business, you didn't build that. SOMEBODY ELSE made that happen"

Now, I'm sure you agree with all that, but those are the quotes to which I was referring. As a person who has started and run multiple businesses, I was insulted. Not because I'd claim to have done 100% of everything in my businesses, but because he was so flippant and condescending about it, and because he was clearly playing to people who have not the slightest clue what it takes to conceive, start, build, run and maintain a business. No idea of the risks, sacrifices, endless hours, constant frustrations. And because he's clearly among that group. I'm not asking for a "thanks" or a "well done", I don't give a crap there, but perhaps a bit less ignorant mockery of my efforts by our President would be nice.

I'm sure you're not insulted at all. Hey, perhaps you've never been insulted in your life. After all, Obama has a (D) after his name, and all business owners are rich and evil, and they shouldn't have more money than you. Or, if you're a business owner, the (D) after his name is enough. I get it. But I just wanted to make things nice and clear for you.

Partisan hack? No mirrors in your house, I take it?


Here's the thing.

He wasn't talking to you.

He was speaking in general terms.

Right now there's a gap between executive compensation and employer compensation in this country that is unique amoung most modern industrialized nations.

It's something like 400:1.

That really makes absolutely no sense.

It also makes absolutely no sense that tax breaks resulted in off shoring and not hiring. You'd think these folks would be grateful for the breaks and increase the tax base.

But that's not what happened.

I think the President has been rather mild to the "Captains of Industry" considering what happened.


Mexico has almost no Middle-class. There are the land-owners and the unwashed masses. Why do you think so many are flooding across the border?

It's not because of income inequality in America.

What does Mexico have to do with anything? Other then to prove my point?
Obama Job Czar, GE CEO Jeff Imelt exports US jobs as GE gives tech secrets to China

Obama lectures OTHER candidates companies for votes, while he hires people to "protect" US jobs with a history of exporting American jobs.

It's hard to hear what Obama's saying when he's pointing that long finger from a Bully Pulpit that does something a lot worse.

Why should communist China bankrupt its own mega-multibillionaires developing technology when Obama's Czar gives it away for a small fee along with American jobs?

Obama is the problem he's complaining about, and his believers are willing to overlook his fiascoes, swallowing one episode after another of truth stretched so thin you can see amoebic particles through it.

Sere interesant, mon amie.
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The hell with what?

Liberals started this government. Got everything essentially up and running.

Yep, Tom Jefferson and Rev. Madison were touting "from each according to their ability, to each according to their need" all right.

I'd like to see a country started by businesses.

Thomas Jefferson, business man, ran a tobacco company
George Washington, business man, ran a cotton company and a textile empire
Samuel Adams, business man, brewer
Ben Franklin, business man, newspaper publisher

Shallow, simpering moron.

It'd be kind of fun..it's never been done.

Gee you're dumb....

We can see how well "proprietary" material works when you are trying to establish a workable government.

North Korea beckons to you. No need to change the USA, just move to the paradise you dream of.

Take Obama with you.
having just watched the piece in your link (something I should have done at the outset), I see it ressembles nothing you say in the OP...just partisan hackery on your part...

One day I'm called a "commie" by a right-winger, the next I'm called a "partisan hack" by a left-winger. Back and forth, too funny. This board is a hoot, and it's consistent!

From the video you claim to have watched:
  • "If you've been successful, you didn't get there on your own"
  • "I'm always struck be people who say, 'well, it must have been because I'm so smart'"
  • "'It must be because I worked harder than anybody else'"
  • "If you've got a business, you didn't build that. SOMEBODY ELSE made that happen"

Now, I'm sure you agree with all that, but those are the quotes to which I was referring. As a person who has started and run multiple businesses, I was insulted. Not because I'd claim to have done 100% of everything in my businesses, but because he was so flippant and condescending about it, and because he was clearly playing to people who have not the slightest clue what it takes to conceive, start, build, run and maintain a business. No idea of the risks, sacrifices, endless hours, constant frustrations. And because he's clearly among that group. I'm not asking for a "thanks" or a "well done", I don't give a crap there, but perhaps a bit less ignorant mockery of my efforts by our President would be nice.

I'm sure you're not insulted at all. Hey, perhaps you've never been insulted in your life. After all, Obama has a (D) after his name, and all business owners are rich and evil, and they shouldn't have more money than you. Or, if you're a business owner, the (D) after his name is enough. I get it. But I just wanted to make things nice and clear for you.

Partisan hack? No mirrors in your house, I take it?


Here's the thing.

He wasn't talking to you.

He was speaking in general terms.

Right now there's a gap between executive compensation and employer compensation in this country that is unique amoung most modern industrialized nations.

It's something like 400:1.

That really makes absolutely no sense.

It also makes absolutely no sense that tax breaks resulted in off shoring and not hiring. You'd think these folks would be grateful for the breaks and increase the tax base.

But that's not what happened.

I think the President has been rather mild to the "Captains of Industry" considering what happened.

First of all, he WAS talking to me....he was talking to business owners and I was a business owner. He was not talking to the few larger companies that game the game....for if he were he would hjave said "this is to the few larger companies that game the game"...instead he referred to 'business owners'.....and small businesses make up 80% of business owners outr there.

The gap between executive pay and the employees is none of the governments business. No one says "you MUST take this job" for one of those mega companies. People do it becuase they like the benefits or the vacation time or the status of working for a "mega company"....

Tax breaks didnt result in off shoring. That statement makes no sense. Tax breaks gacve companies more money to re-invest in the company and thanks to excessive government regfulations, it is a poor investment to expand in the US when it can be done much cheaper outsiode the US. It is known as maximizing the power of ones investment dollar.

You need to get off the jealousy train and start thinking like a business owner.

What Obama said was a slap in the face of every American who sacrificed personal money, personal time, persaonal security and personal health to start a business.
If he did that, you would be right. He didn't, so you're wrong

Here's what Coulter actually looks like, you sheep fucking moron.

First of all, he WAS talking to me....he was talking to business owners and I was a business owner. He was not talking to the few larger companies that game the game....for if he were he would hjave said "this is to the few larger companies that game the game"...instead he referred to 'business owners'.....and small businesses make up 80% of business owners outr there.

The gap between executive pay and the employees is none of the governments business. No one says "you MUST take this job" for one of those mega companies. People do it becuase they like the benefits or the vacation time or the status of working for a "mega company"....

Tax breaks didnt result in off shoring. That statement makes no sense. Tax breaks gacve companies more money to re-invest in the company and thanks to excessive government regfulations, it is a poor investment to expand in the US when it can be done much cheaper outsiode the US. It is known as maximizing the power of ones investment dollar.

You need to get off the jealousy train and start thinking like a business owner.

What Obama said was a slap in the face of every American who sacrificed personal money, personal time, persaonal security and personal health to start a business.

Actually, if you watched the whole video he was trying to be inclusive by saying that people needed to work together to accomplish things, but you are so desperate to hate the guy you see what you want to see..

There was no slap in the face...at all...
Here's the thing.

He wasn't talking to you.

He was speaking in general terms.

Right now there's a gap between executive compensation and employer compensation in this country that is unique amoung most modern industrialized nations.

It's something like 400:1.

That really makes absolutely no sense.

It also makes absolutely no sense that tax breaks resulted in off shoring and not hiring. You'd think these folks would be grateful for the breaks and increase the tax base.

But that's not what happened.

I think the President has been rather mild to the "Captains of Industry" considering what happened.


Mexico has almost no Middle-class. There are the land-owners and the unwashed masses. Why do you think so many are flooding across the border?

It's not because of income inequality in America.

What does Mexico have to do with anything? Other then to prove my point?

Mexico is an example of harmful income inequality. It is so bad it harms the economy. Incime inequality in this country works because the rich provide jobs. In Mexico there aren't any jobs. You cannot sell this shit here in America because expecting total income equality is a pipe-dream designed to create division. It's not realistic. It is simply a way to rationalize tax increases. It is government sponsored theft, and I'm not gonna go along with it as long as government refuses to stop wasting our tax dollars on superfluous bullshit.
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Obama either does not understand Free Markets or he hates them...

And again, politicians are not the government- we the people are. Business owners contributed to teachers salaries; roads; bridges etc. when they pay their taxes. The risk they make when they go into business is all their own- fuck this president and his arrogant bullshit! After his inane lecture to business owners I officially despise him.
First of all, he WAS talking to me....he was talking to business owners and I was a business owner. He was not talking to the few larger companies that game the game....for if he were he would hjave said "this is to the few larger companies that game the game"...instead he referred to 'business owners'.....and small businesses make up 80% of business owners outr there.

The gap between executive pay and the employees is none of the governments business. No one says "you MUST take this job" for one of those mega companies. People do it becuase they like the benefits or the vacation time or the status of working for a "mega company"....

Tax breaks didnt result in off shoring. That statement makes no sense. Tax breaks gacve companies more money to re-invest in the company and thanks to excessive government regfulations, it is a poor investment to expand in the US when it can be done much cheaper outsiode the US. It is known as maximizing the power of ones investment dollar.

You need to get off the jealousy train and start thinking like a business owner.

What Obama said was a slap in the face of every American who sacrificed personal money, personal time, persaonal security and personal health to start a business.

Actually, if you watched the whole video he was trying to be inclusive by saying that people needed to work together to accomplish things, but you are so desperate to hate the guy you see what you want to see..

There was no slap in the face...at all...

When we hit hard times, I paid my employees regardl;ess and took no money out of the company. I had no persoanl income.
Did my employees share that sacrifice?
Did the government share that sacrifice?

No. We did not all do it together. I offered people a job and they took it. I paid them. They did what they were paid to do.
They NEVER said "oh, let me pay for that"...or...."let me sacrifice my vacation so I can assist you with preparing for that audit.

Nope. I PAID for that...AND I was the one who sacrificed my personal time to prepare for the audit.

Sharing in the success is not sharing in the burden.

Sharing in the burden...is working together to accomplish things.

And an FYI...I dont hate the guy. I disagree with his vision and his policies. And I take offense to what he said...as most business owners will.

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