"You didn't get there on your own"

First of all, he WAS talking to me....he was talking to business owners and I was a business owner. He was not talking to the few larger companies that game the game...

In fairness to Obama, he was talking to the big businesses. Thing is, when he says "business owners", in his head, there's only big business that screws over every single American during the day and kills puppies and kittens at night. It's not his fault: that's what he was raised to believe.
If he did that, you would be right. He didn't, so you're wrong

Here's what Coulter actually looks like, you sheep fucking moron.


Still has an Adam's apple dipshit...or does he...

your level of maturity is frightening.
First of all, he WAS talking to me....he was talking to business owners and I was a business owner. He was not talking to the few larger companies that game the game...

In fairness to Obama, he was talking to the big businesses. Thing is, when he says "business owners", in his head, there's only big business that screws over every single American during the day and kills puppies and kittens at night. It's not his fault: that's what he was raised to believe.

The President of the United States is not aware that small businesses make up 80% of the bsuinesses in the US?

Biden was right...the WH is not a training ground.
businesses started this country?


Oh no, this country was started by government. Remember when the Mayflower sailed so that department heads would have the freedom to require form 144.3A Section

Remember Patrick Henry bravely declaring "Give me planning committees or give me death."

"No matter what others my choose, as for me and my posterity, I choose bureaucracy." - George Mason/


You really put the fucknut in retard, del.

You should give ctrl and alt a chance at the keyboard..

you might want to lighten up on the butt plugs, elvira, your brain seems to be running down your leg.

You might want to be less of a moron - but we prefer you staying stupid. :clap2::clap2:
having just watched the piece in your link (something I should have done at the outset), I see it ressembles nothing you say in the OP...just partisan hackery on your part...

One day I'm called a "commie" by a right-winger, the next I'm called a "partisan hack" by a left-winger. Back and forth, too funny. This board is a hoot, and it's consistent!

From the video you claim to have watched:
  • "If you've been successful, you didn't get there on your own"
  • "I'm always struck be people who say, 'well, it must have been because I'm so smart'"
  • "'It must be because I worked harder than anybody else'"
  • "If you've got a business, you didn't build that. SOMEBODY ELSE made that happen"

Now, I'm sure you agree with all that, but those are the quotes to which I was referring. As a person who has started and run multiple businesses, I was insulted. Not because I'd claim to have done 100% of everything in my businesses, but because he was so flippant and condescending about it, and because he was clearly playing to people who have not the slightest clue what it takes to conceive, start, build, run and maintain a business. No idea of the risks, sacrifices, endless hours, constant frustrations. And because he's clearly among that group. I'm not asking for a "thanks" or a "well done", I don't give a crap there, but perhaps a bit less ignorant mockery of my efforts by our President would be nice.

I'm sure you're not insulted at all. Hey, perhaps you've never been insulted in your life. After all, Obama has a (D) after his name, and all business owners are rich and evil, and they shouldn't have more money than you. Or, if you're a business owner, the (D) after his name is enough. I get it. But I just wanted to make things nice and clear for you.

Partisan hack? No mirrors in your house, I take it?


Here's the thing.

He wasn't talking to you.

He was speaking in general terms.

Right now there's a gap between executive compensation and employer compensation in this country that is unique amoung most modern industrialized nations.

It's something like 400:1.

That really makes absolutely no sense.

It also makes absolutely no sense that tax breaks resulted in off shoring and not hiring. You'd think these folks would be grateful for the breaks and increase the tax base.

But that's not what happened.

I think the President has been rather mild to the "Captains of Industry" considering what happened.

I may have missed it, but I didn't see him making any distinction between the big guys and the rest of us. 400:1? Yes. Madness. But he may want to make the distinction a little more clear than he has. This wasn't even close.

I was thinking -

With what? :confused::confused:

for some brain dead moron that we all know she is, who claims she doesn't care, she sure spent some time responding to you..

The lady (ahem - i use that term VERY loosely) doth protest to much, methinks...

Thinking isn't your forte', Gump. Leave the thinking to the sheep you fuck, they are better equipped for it.
What obama was clearly saying is that no matter how smart you are, how hard you work or how much you sacrifice, the government GAVE you everything you have an now you OWE the government. After all, didn't the government LET you be smart, work hard and sacrifice?

This country was started by businesses. Gigantic trading companies. The British Government didn't finance the Mayflower. Private companies did.

To finance their journey and settlement the Pilgrims had organized a joint-stock venture. Capital was provided by a group of London businessmen who expected--erroneously--to profit from the colony. During the first winter, more than half of the settlers died, as a result of poor nutrition and inadequate housing, but the colony survived due in part to the able leadership of John Carver, William Bradford, William Brewster, Edward Winslow, and Myles Standish. Squanto, a local Indian, taught the Pilgrims how to plant corn and where to fish and trap beaver. Plymouth became a colony of subsistence farming on small private holdings once the original communal labor system was ended in 1623. In 1627 eight Pilgrim leaders assumed the settlement's obligations to the investors in exchange for a 6-year monopoly of the fur trade and offshore fishing.

If you get down to it. The country was founded by men like Mitt Romney more than obama.
I was thinking -

With what? :confused::confused:

for some brain dead moron that we all know she is, who claims she doesn't care, she sure spent some time responding to you..

The lady (ahem - i use that term VERY loosely) doth protest to much, methinks...

Thinking isn't your forte', Gump. Leave the thinking to the sheep you fuck, they are better equipped for it.

I wouldn't get on the 'thinking' thang if I was you. You and intelligence go together like George Bush Jr and intelligence....nice concept, but not reality...
Still has an Adam's apple dipshit...or does he...

Hur hur, lefty come dun say sheezzz gotz du atoms appel -- hur hur, lefty shore is clevor..


Her stupidfuck, is she a man too?

Man, how long did it take you and your circle jerk to come up with that one?

Going into Nosense mode:
"Jeez, you shore ez funni Nosense....hur, hur, hur" ....:eusa_silenced:
I wouldn't get on the 'thinking' thang if I was you.

Gump, you're not going to get on the "thinking thing" no matter who you are. The brain damage resulting in your severe retardation may not be your fault, but the way you parade it around is.

You and intelligence go together like George Bush Jr and intelligence....

Hey, what a clever riposte, Gump.

Now see if it were me, I would have written something like "You and intelligence go together like Tupac and baby lane" or "You and intelligence go together like Bill Clinton and integrity." or even "You and intelligence go together like Justin Bieber and musical talent."

But then, I'm smart, and well you, aren't.

nice concept, but not reality...

Stick to fucking sheep, you know, your core competence.
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What obama was clearly saying is that no matter how smart you are, how hard you work or how much you sacrifice, the government GAVE you everything you have an now you OWE the government. After all, didn't the government LET you be smart, work hard and sacrifice?

Obama was NOT clearly saying this. You are reading a whole lot into this that is not there to feed your own perceptions of Obama.

Success in life is a combination of opportunity and hard work.
I wouldn't get on the 'thinking' thang if I was you.

Gump, you're not going to get on the "thinking thing" no matter who you are. The brain damage resulting in your severe retardation may not be your fault, but the way you parade it around it.

You and intelligence go together like George Bush Jr and intelligence....

Hey, what a clever riposte, Gump.

Now see if it were me, I would have written something like "You and intelligence go together like Tupac and baby lane" or "You and intelligence go together like Bill Clinton and integrity." or even "You and intelligence go together like Justin Bieber and musical talent."

But then, I'm smart, and well you, aren't.

nice concept, but not reality...

Stick to fucking sheep, you know, your core competence.

You really should have just gone "I was pwned" and retired gracefully.

Your replies reek of "try hard"....

S'ok..thank me later by PM if you feel inclined...

If not, no harm, no foul...now go back to sucking on your brisket....
Man, how long did it take you and your circle jerk to come up with that one?

You know Gump, leftism is a symptom of stupidity. You are a leftist because you're stupid - seriously.

The left is bereft of ideas, so you toss shit like a troop of feral baboons. The left cannot debate Coulter, she tears you to shreds. She has a razor sharp wit and a tongue to match.

Now Gump, you couldn't stand toe to toe intellectually with a developmentally disabled 5 year old, so someone like Coulter leaves you no choice but to spew "tranny" or some other childish rant.

I mean, come on, you're a fucking retard and she practically defines "clever." It's not like you could refute what she writes.

Going into Nosense mode:
"Jeez, you shore ez funni Nosense....hur, hur, hur" ....:eusa_silenced:

So Gump, is Sandra Bullock a "tranny?"
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You really should have just gone "I was pwned" and retired gracefully.


Because humiliating you the way I did is mean?

Your replies reek of "try hard"....

Your replies reek of "retard."

S'ok..thank me later by PM if you feel inclined...

Thank you for the entertainment value you offer with your retard antics?

If not, no harm, no foul...now go back to sucking on your brisket....

I've always assumed you were born with a birth defect, but was it actually drug abuse that left you like this?

Mexico has almost no Middle-class. There are the land-owners and the unwashed masses. Why do you think so many are flooding across the border?

It's not because of income inequality in America.

What does Mexico have to do with anything? Other then to prove my point?

Mexico is an example of harmful income inequality. It is so bad it harms the economy. Incime inequality in this country works because the rich provide jobs. In Mexico there aren't any jobs. You cannot sell this shit here in America because expecting total income equality is a pipe-dream designed to create division. It's not realistic. It is simply a way to rationalize tax increases. It is government sponsored theft, and I'm not gonna go along with it as long as government refuses to stop wasting our tax dollars on superfluous bullshit.

We are fast moving into a space where the income inequality isn't good..like Mexico.

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