"You didn't get there on your own"

What does Mexico have to do with anything? Other then to prove my point?

Mexico is an example of harmful income inequality. It is so bad it harms the economy. Incime inequality in this country works because the rich provide jobs. In Mexico there aren't any jobs. You cannot sell this shit here in America because expecting total income equality is a pipe-dream designed to create division. It's not realistic. It is simply a way to rationalize tax increases. It is government sponsored theft, and I'm not gonna go along with it as long as government refuses to stop wasting our tax dollars on superfluous bullshit.

We are fast moving into a space where the income inequality isn't good..like Mexico.

Only a damned fool thinks our nation and its economy is ANYTHING like Mexico . . . oh, wait. Forgot who I was talking to.

Never mind. :eusa_whistle:
Does President Obama Think You Didn’t Build Your Business? No.

By Benjy Sarlin

Here’s the full passage:
“If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together. There are some things, just like fighting fires, we don’t do on our own. I mean, imagine if everybody had their own fire service. That would be a hard way to organize fighting fires.

So we say to ourselves, ever since the founding of this country, you know what, there are some things we do better together. That’s how we funded the GI Bill. That’s how we created the middle class. That’s how we built the Golden Gate Bridge or the Hoover Dam. That’s how we invented the Internet. That’s how we sent a man to the moon. We rise or fall together as one nation and as one people, and that’s the reason I’m running for president — because I still believe in that idea. You’re not on your own, we’re in this together.”

More: Does President Obama Think You Didn’t Build Your Business? No. | TPM2012

Oh, here comes the usual libs to tell us, Obama didn't say, what Obama said!

Liberals believe that Jose, selling his tamales, WANTS to make people sick and only the government prevents him from making people sick. The point of business is not to provide goods and services that people need, the point of business is to provide poor service, poor quality goods, and steal. Only the government keeps them from doing that.

The government helps two ways. They prevent Jose from selling cheap but unsafe tamales. They also ensure that the meat that he buys is safe for the public to consume. The Government will also make sure that Jose's carts meet cleanliness standards.
The government will protect Jose from unfair business practices of competitors as well as from theives who want to steal his days profits

Makes me wonder, should this be a state issue or a federal issue? Is this an overreach by the Fed, monitoring tacos?? How many people do you think the feds will put on this to make sure Jose's tacos are clean?? I'm thinking at least 5, one to do the inspection, one to type up the inspection, one to interpret what the inspection report actually says, one to find which laws he might actually be breaking and one to make sure he pays his taxes. :lol:

Technically, it's not even a state issue. It's a city/county issue (depending on whether Jose and his customers live within the city limits).
So you acknowledge that business pass the cost on to the consumer, yet you suppport a Communist government punishing businesses and success with higher and higher taxes? Then you people wonder why the economy tanks under your policies?

God almighty are you stupid! You realize that business is not going to eat the loss, that they will pass it on to you, and still you sit here supporting that stupidity.

Commies don't pay taxes.

Dog almighty you are stupid.

And either a commie or an anarchist.

Your choice.

Commies don't pay taxes???????????


If FDR had his way, he would have packed the court.

And what are you talking about reviving the industry? The US was in woeful STRAIGHTS when they entered the war, because they were unprepared!

They were terribly unprepared for WWII!

That's why Pearl Harbor happened you moron!

My grandfather was over the production of the B-25 for North American in Columbus, Ohio.

If he were still alive he could tell you. FDR didn't do jack! Not until the war broke out.


Good grief what history books did you read?

Some leftist revisionism, obviously!


When posters indicate it took the spending of WWII to cure the depression they in effect are saying it took war-time spending to stop the depression, so FDR simply didn't spend enough. As for prepardness the Republicans fought FDR on rearming America. Check out the "America Firsters." Still FDR's peacetime draft had been in operation for a year before Pearl Harbor. One month before Pearl it was repassed by one vote in the House. FDR made decisions without Congressional approval for rearming America and helping Britain survive. Check out the fifty destroyer deal, Lend Lease. Good for your grandfather, I lived through that period, and still remember the first draft number, 158, and even the songs, "Goodbye Dear, I'll be back in a year cause im in the army now." That first draft peacetime draft of America's was for a year, until the extension added in 1941. In 1936 economic indications pointed to a recovery and FDR stopped the New Deal. A mistake because we slid back into another smaller recession. As for the Court packing, it was a political failure but the Court saw the light and as pundits said, "a stich in time saved nine."
Ever wonder how America got into the Great Depression? What kind of history books do you read?

We got into the Depression because the Federal Reserve bled 1/3 of the money out of the economy and then rather than stepping up and acting as lender of last resort like they were supposed to, they allowed banks to fail

Personally, I think it was intentional financial sabotage.

I Like this Answer^^

And they're still manipulating...Look for QE III
Mexico is an example of harmful income inequality. It is so bad it harms the economy. Incime inequality in this country works because the rich provide jobs. In Mexico there aren't any jobs. You cannot sell this shit here in America because expecting total income equality is a pipe-dream designed to create division. It's not realistic. It is simply a way to rationalize tax increases. It is government sponsored theft, and I'm not gonna go along with it as long as government refuses to stop wasting our tax dollars on superfluous bullshit.

We are fast moving into a space where the income inequality isn't good..like Mexico.

Only a damned fool thinks our nation and its economy is ANYTHING like Mexico . . . oh, wait. Forgot who I was talking to.

Never mind. :eusa_whistle:

Only a damn fool doesn't see why the "Citizen's United" ruling makes us MORE like Mexico. Oh wait. Forgot who I was talking to .

Never mind. :eusa_whistle:
Liberals believe that Jose, selling his tamales, WANTS to make people sick and only the government prevents him from making people sick. The point of business is not to provide goods and services that people need, the point of business is to provide poor service, poor quality goods, and steal. Only the government keeps them from doing that.

The government helps two ways. They prevent Jose from selling cheap but unsafe tamales. They also ensure that the meat that he buys is safe for the public to consume. The Government will also make sure that Jose's carts meet cleanliness standards.
The government will protect Jose from unfair business practices of competitors as well as from theives who want to steal his days profits

Did the government give him the recipe for his wonderful tamales? Did they give him the idea to start a tamale business? Did they give him the drive and initiative to start a tamale business? Did they pick just the right location for him? Did they tell him where to buy his supplies and ingredients? Did they pay for his advertising? Did the government give him his marketing strategy?

Apparently, now when football teams win a game, they're supposed to give the credit to the guy who mowed the grass on the playing field so nice and evenly.

(For the thinking-impaired among us, that was what we call "an analogy".)
The government helps two ways. They prevent Jose from selling cheap but unsafe tamales. They also ensure that the meat that he buys is safe for the public to consume. The Government will also make sure that Jose's carts meet cleanliness standards.
The government will protect Jose from unfair business practices of competitors as well as from theives who want to steal his days profits

Did the government give him the recipe for his wonderful tamales? Did they give him the idea to start a tamale business? Did they give him the drive and initiative to start a tamale business? Did they pick just the right location for him? Did they tell him where to buy his supplies and ingredients? Did they pay for his advertising? Did the government give him his marketing strategy?

Apparently, now when football teams win a game, they're supposed to give the credit to the guy who mowed the grass on the playing field so nice and evenly.

(For the thinking-impaired among us, that was what we call "an analogy".)

Not to mention, thank thier teachers! And Be grateeful for the roads to get them to the stadium! No to mention the Concession Stands, By Golly! No effort on their part!
"You built a factory out there? Good for you. But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police-forces and fire-forces that the rest of us paid for. You didn’t have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything at your factory — and hire someone to protect against this — because of the work the rest of us did."

I paid the taxes for the roads and cops. I built the factory and employed people. Who in turn paid more taxes so not only did I get here on my own I provided work for so many other people. So fuck you Obama

Trickle down.
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Steven King..

upward mobility, something which Obama can speak on with AUTHORITY of EXPERINCE



He should stick to writing horror novels
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Liberals believe that Jose, selling his tamales, WANTS to make people sick and only the government prevents him from making people sick. The point of business is not to provide goods and services that people need, the point of business is to provide poor service, poor quality goods, and steal. Only the government keeps them from doing that.

The government helps two ways. They prevent Jose from selling cheap but unsafe tamales. They also ensure that the meat that he buys is safe for the public to consume. The Government will also make sure that Jose's carts meet cleanliness standards.
The government will protect Jose from unfair business practices of competitors as well as from theives who want to steal his days profits

Makes me wonder, should this be a state issue or a federal issue? Is this an overreach by the Fed, monitoring tacos?? How many people do you think the feds will put on this to make sure Jose's tacos are clean?? I'm thinking at least 5, one to do the inspection, one to type up the inspection, one to interpret what the inspection report actually says, one to find which laws he might actually be breaking and one to make sure he pays his taxes. :lol:

Why do you guys always jump on the state, federal or local issue? It is still government
"You built a factory out there? Good for you. But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police-forces and fire-forces that the rest of us paid for. You didn’t have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything at your factory — and hire someone to protect against this — because of the work the rest of us did."

I paid the taxes for the roads and cops. I built the factory and employed people. Who in turn paid more taxes so not only did I get here on my own I provided work for so many other people. So fuck you Obama

Trickle down.

Rant continues; not only did i start my company on my own the government made me jump through hoops and put barrier after barrier in my way to make it 10 times harder to start my business.
The government helps two ways. They prevent Jose from selling cheap but unsafe tamales. They also ensure that the meat that he buys is safe for the public to consume. The Government will also make sure that Jose's carts meet cleanliness standards.
The government will protect Jose from unfair business practices of competitors as well as from theives who want to steal his days profits

Makes me wonder, should this be a state issue or a federal issue? Is this an overreach by the Fed, monitoring tacos?? How many people do you think the feds will put on this to make sure Jose's tacos are clean?? I'm thinking at least 5, one to do the inspection, one to type up the inspection, one to interpret what the inspection report actually says, one to find which laws he might actually be breaking and one to make sure he pays his taxes. :lol:

Why do you guys always jump on the state, federal or local issue? It is still government

only you wouldn't see the difference
Liberals believe that Jose, selling his tamales, WANTS to make people sick and only the government prevents him from making people sick. The point of business is not to provide goods and services that people need, the point of business is to provide poor service, poor quality goods, and steal. Only the government keeps them from doing that.

The government helps two ways. They prevent Jose from selling cheap but unsafe tamales. They also ensure that the meat that he buys is safe for the public to consume. The Government will also make sure that Jose's carts meet cleanliness standards.
The government will protect Jose from unfair business practices of competitors as well as from theives who want to steal his days profits

None of that happens because Jose can't raise the start-up costs and he can't get a loan since he has no collateral. Instead, Jose needs government assistance to take care of his family.

You know, liberals have NO PROBLEM understanding that preemptive war is a bad thing. But they can't seem to wrap their minds around the fact that preemptive regulatory law is keeping people poor by limiting their access to the sales end of the marketplace. There's no profit in Jose poisoning his customers. His business can't grow unless he offers a quality product that people are willing to buy. And... on the off-chance that he does make someone sick, there are legal consequences for his crime.

Don't be such sissies. Nobody's going to MAKE you buy a tamale from a guy you don't know. Oh.... wait. Maybe they will, with Congresses new power to tax if you don't do as you're told. :eusa_whistle:

You see how unlimited government can hurt both you and Jose yet?

Actually, Jose can't get started because huge conglomerate Taco Bell down the street sends the police after him because he is undercutting their profit
One of the few responsibilities of government is to protect property rights. Stopping tainted food, or unfair business practices does NOT build business. It might create an environment allowing business to grow, but it doesn't create the business. It doesn't grow the business. It certainly won't keep business open.

Stephen King is a moron, politically speaking. He ignores the fact that the top 20% of earners pay 94% of income taxes. So... they're already paying MORE than their "fair share". He also ignores the fact that it's GOVERNMENT which is clogging "the channels which make upward mobility possible". It's GOVERNMENT which prevents the poor but industrious having meaningful access to the marketplace.

The guy needs to go back to writing cheesy horror novels since he's clearly not willing to apply actual critical thinking to politics.
"You built a factory out there? Good for you. But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police-forces and fire-forces that the rest of us paid for. You didn’t have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything at your factory — and hire someone to protect against this — because of the work the rest of us did."

I paid the taxes for the roads and cops. I built the factory and employed people. Who in turn paid more taxes so not only did I get here on my own I provided work for so many other people. So fuck you Obama

Trickle down.

Rant continues; not only did i start my company on my own the government made me jump through hoops and put barrier after barrier in my way to make it 10 times harder to start my business.

Precisely what they Shouldn't be doing. Instead of creating more taxpayers? Put more on unemployment...make is impossible for business to start up, and harder for business to stay in business.

The Agenda is clear. And then TAX the Hell out of them.

Obama has ZERO clue. Remember/ he said it was 'like being behind enemy lines'...
"You built a factory out there? Good for you. But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police-forces and fire-forces that the rest of us paid for. You didn’t have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything at your factory — and hire someone to protect against this — because of the work the rest of us did."

I paid the taxes for the roads and cops. I built the factory and employed people. Who in turn paid more taxes so not only did I get here on my own I provided work for so many other people. So fuck you Obama

Trickle down.

Rant continues; not only did i start my company on my own the government made me jump through hoops and put barrier after barrier in my way to make it 10 times harder to start my business.

YOU hang in there!

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