You Forgot AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, Michelle. What About THAT Racism ?

Indeed, it was an engine, responsible for a large share of export earnings 175 years ago.
On which US wealth was based and from which blacks in the US were excluded.


Until AA.
Not forever. For a period of 1-3 generations after the abolition of slavery, during which time any accumulated wealth diffused into greater society.

That wealth benefited only the plantation owners' direct descendants (specifically, inheritors) until, if there was any concentration left, it was concentrated in the hands of a small percentage. Beyond three generations, there's no way you get to generalize that as "whites". 95% of fourth-generation whites wouldn't have seen a dime of that wealth, and after eight generations, get real.

The people you want to punish have been dead for eight generations, and the people who benefited more than the average man--black or white--from the practice of slavery have been dead for five generations. If your argument is that AA is equitable because all 230 million modern-day white Americans somehow benefit more from the ancient cotton trade than modern-day black Americans, you're sucking air.
The cons calling Affirmative Action racism, goes along with them calling the poor, leaches and scum. It's no different than the nazi's demonizing the Jews to create hate.
of course. we don't need affirmative action if we can rely on the moral absolutism of the rule of law.
Sorry. We speak ENGLISH in here.
don't worry; Everyone with any clue and any Cause; got it.
In your mind. Sorry, I've seen too many posters respond to your posts in complete bewilderment of what you're talking about. Looks like you're unaware of how detached you are. As for your difficulty in making yourself understood....NOT MY PROBLEM.
The cons calling Affirmative Action racism, goes along with them calling the poor, leaches and scum. It's no different than the nazi's demonizing the Jews to create hate.

But they're are unlike Hitler because Hitler didnt blame the Jews for his hatred.

The cons calling Affirmative Action racism, goes along with them calling the poor, leaches and scum. It's no different than the nazi's demonizing the Jews to create hate.
Few posts are farther off the mark than this looney one. Bad enough he chooses to take the path of anti-White racism, while endorsing the largest amount of racial discrimination against the largest number of people (Whites) for more than half century, but then to throw ridiculous misinformation on top is disgusting, but it's his problem.

And as for cons' policies toward the poor, many of them are the unemployed in America, made that way by insensitive liberals, who keep waving more and more immigrants into the country, to take jobs away from them.
Many others are Whites, discriminated against by affirmative action, with his help.
I liek the way the OP screams dont blame the white people.

Then follows up with complaints blaming white liberals for everything.
I liek the way the OP screams dont blame the white people.

Then follows up with complaints blaming white liberals for everything.
I didn't say don't blame White people. I know of no such thing that White people would/could be balmed for. I never uttered a word about anything that White people might blamed for. The only thing I said about blame, is for the supporters and pushers of AA (whatever race they may be), to be the ones to pay the reparations$$$$ to Whites, for causing them the damages$$$$ they have suffered.
This racial discrimination scourge has probably reduced the livelihoods of hundreds of millions of White people and other non-Blacks, far more than any of the questionable things Michelle was talking about.

I'm sorry you failed in life. Its time to stop blaming the blacks and admit you're just a born loser.
Affirmative action is not racism. It is a remedy for past racism.
No statement in USMB has ever been more stupid that that. So when the racial discrimaintion is against Blacks it's racism. And when the racial discrimination is against Whites it's not, right ? You just confessed to being a balfaced RACIST, plain and simple.

Prove it.
No need to. It's self-evident. If one does not accept racism that is occuring, that is racist. That's exactly what those who strangely try to deny AA, as being racist are. > Racists.

What I will prove is that you are not wrapped too tight. Your avatar is a contradiction. Muslims hate and kill gays.
This racial discrimination scourge has probably reduced the livelihoods of hundreds of millions of White people and other non-Blacks, far more than any of the questionable things Michelle was talking about.

I'm sorry you failed in life. Its time to stop blaming the blacks and admit you're just a born loser.
Where do you get this >? Dreaming out loud ? I've been quite successful in my life, in many ways. :biggrin:
This racial discrimination scourge has probably reduced the livelihoods of hundreds of millions of White people and other non-Blacks, far more than any of the questionable things Michelle was talking about.

I'm sorry you failed in life. Its time to stop blaming the blacks and admit you're just a born loser.
Where do you get this >? Dreaming out loud ? I've been quite successful in my life, in many ways. :biggrin:
That must be why you spend so much time bitching about how the ******* got all the breaks and fucked you.
This racial discrimination scourge has probably reduced the livelihoods of hundreds of millions of White people and other non-Blacks, far more than any of the questionable things Michelle was talking about.

I'm sorry you failed in life. Its time to stop blaming the blacks and admit you're just a born loser.
Where do you get this >? Dreaming out loud ? I've been quite successful in my life, in many ways. :biggrin:
That must be why you spend so much time bitching about how the ******* got all the breaks and fucked you.
Any one's person's experience is irrelevant. No matter which way you try to spin it, AA is racist, evil discrimination, and YOU KNOW it.
This racial discrimination scourge has probably reduced the livelihoods of hundreds of millions of White people and other non-Blacks, far more than any of the questionable things Michelle was talking about.

I'm sorry you failed in life. Its time to stop blaming the blacks and admit you're just a born loser.
Where do you get this >? Dreaming out loud ? I've been quite successful in my life, in many ways. :biggrin:
That must be why you spend so much time bitching about how the ******* got all the breaks and fucked you.
Any one's person's experience is irrelevant. No matter which way you try to spin it, AA is racist, evil discrimination, and YOU KNOW it.
AA is payback, Whitey, for so many generations of fucking the darkies, literally at times.
This racial discrimination scourge has probably reduced the livelihoods of hundreds of millions of White people and other non-Blacks, far more than any of the questionable things Michelle was talking about.

I'm sorry you failed in life. Its time to stop blaming the blacks and admit you're just a born loser.
Where do you get this >? Dreaming out loud ? I've been quite successful in my life, in many ways. :biggrin:


So you're just a bigot.

Got it.

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