You Forgot AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, Michelle. What About THAT Racism ?

I liek the way the OP screams dont blame the white people.

Then follows up with complaints blaming white liberals for everything.
I didn't say don't blame White people. I know of no such thing that White people would/could be balmed for. I never uttered a word about anything that White people might blamed for. The only thing I said about blame, is for the supporters and pushers of AA (whatever race they may be), to be the ones to pay the reparations$$$$ to Whites, for causing them the damages$$$$ they have suffered.

Oh you must be blaming black liberals then.

And as for cons' policies toward the poor, many of them are the unemployed in America, made that way by insensitive liberals,
This racial discrimination scourge has probably reduced the livelihoods of hundreds of millions of White people and other non-Blacks, far more than any of the questionable things Michelle was talking about.

I'm sorry you failed in life. Its time to stop blaming the blacks and admit you're just a born loser.
Where do you get this >? Dreaming out loud ? I've been quite successful in my life, in many ways. :biggrin:


So you're just a bigot.

Got it.
FALSE! Bigot ? That's what YOU are. You support Affirmative Action discrimination, right ?

Don't you admit that ?
This racial discrimination scourge has probably reduced the livelihoods of hundreds of millions of White people and other non-Blacks, far more than any of the questionable things Michelle was talking about.

I'm sorry you failed in life. Its time to stop blaming the blacks and admit you're just a born loser.
Where do you get this >? Dreaming out loud ? I've been quite successful in my life, in many ways. :biggrin:
That must be why you spend so much time bitching about how the ******* got all the breaks and fucked you.
Any one's person's experience is irrelevant. No matter which way you try to spin it, AA is racist, evil discrimination, and YOU KNOW it.
AA is payback, Whitey, for so many generations of fucking the darkies, literally at times.
No it isn't. You can't pay back at people who had nothing to do with what you're paying back for. Are you an IDIOT ?

And your use of the word "Whitey", further shows your racism (you might also note that I'm not entirely "White" I'm 50% Hispanic, and I speak fluent Spanish) I don't pretend to be 100% White, like you do. That is just what you WANT to be, not what you are.
I liek the way the OP screams dont blame the white people.

Then follows up with complaints blaming white liberals for everything.
I didn't say don't blame White people. I know of no such thing that White people would/could be balmed for. I never uttered a word about anything that White people might blamed for. The only thing I said about blame, is for the supporters and pushers of AA (whatever race they may be), to be the ones to pay the reparations$$$$ to Whites, for causing them the damages$$$$ they have suffered.

Oh you must be blaming black liberals then.

And as for cons' policies toward the poor, many of them are the unemployed in America, made that way by insensitive liberals,
I said I blame > "whatever race they may be", I think you heard me right.
When Whites then became excluded.
I am enjoying the way you're nailing yourself to the cross as a member of the victimised majority. Would you like a hand with that last tricky nail?
I notice how you pretend to not being the racist pig that you are, and pretend to be not be supporting racial discrimination. You can pretend until you turn blue, you're a filthy AA racist, all the way.
I'm sorry you failed in life. Its time to stop blaming the blacks and admit you're just a born loser.
Where do you get this >? Dreaming out loud ? I've been quite successful in my life, in many ways. :biggrin:
That must be why you spend so much time bitching about how the ******* got all the breaks and fucked you.
Any one's person's experience is irrelevant. No matter which way you try to spin it, AA is racist, evil discrimination, and YOU KNOW it.
AA is payback, Whitey, for so many generations of fucking the darkies, literally at times.
No it isn't. You can't pay back at people who had nothing to do with what you're paying back for. Are you an IDIOT ?

And your use of the word "Whitey", further shows your racism (you might also note that I'm not entirely "White" I'm 50% Hispanic, and I speak fluent Spanish) I don't pretend to be 100% White, like you do. That is just what you WANT to be, not what you are.
The words bitter old loon don't even come close when describing you and if I was any more white I'd be classified as albino.

And it doesn't matter whether it was your boot on their necks or not, the playing field needed to be leveled and AA helped with that. The sins of the father matter, see the Ten Commandments.
Guys, maybe you can tell me, why seeing racism in everything(by black people) is normal, but seeing racism in everything, or at least calling black people racists too(by white people) is always "awful?"
I liek the way the OP screams dont blame the white people.

Then follows up with complaints blaming white liberals for everything.
I didn't say don't blame White people. I know of no such thing that White people would/could be balmed for. I never uttered a word about anything that White people might blamed for. The only thing I said about blame, is for the supporters and pushers of AA (whatever race they may be), to be the ones to pay the reparations$$$$ to Whites, for causing them the damages$$$$ they have suffered.

Oh you must be blaming black liberals then.

And as for cons' policies toward the poor, many of them are the unemployed in America, made that way by insensitive liberals,
I said I blame > "whatever race they may be", I think you heard me right.

So, that doesnt include whites or what?
of course. we don't need affirmative action if we can rely on the moral absolutism of the rule of law.
Sorry. We speak ENGLISH in here.
don't worry; Everyone with any clue and any Cause; got it.
In your mind. Sorry, I've seen too many posters respond to your posts in complete bewilderment of what you're talking about. Looks like you're unaware of how detached you are. As for your difficulty in making yourself understood....NOT MY PROBLEM.
It is not my problem those of the opposing view have nothing but fallacy for their Cause; i already know appeals to the masses is just another fallacy.
Guys, maybe you can tell me, why seeing racism in everything(by black people) is normal, but seeing racism in everything, or at least calling black people racists too(by white people) is always "awful?"

Have you read this thread?

Blacks see racism and have evidence and its pushed away as whining. Whites see racism and have no evidence for it and have a 400 year headstart (because you know, they like an equal playing field...) and they cry to the high heavens about it...but its not whining lol
Guys, maybe you can tell me, why seeing racism in everything(by black people) is normal, but seeing racism in everything, or at least calling black people racists too(by white people) is always "awful?"

Have you read this thread?

Blacks see racism and have evidence and its pushed away as whining. Whites see racism and have no evidence for it and have a 400 year headstart (because you know, they like an equal playing field...) and they cry to the high heavens about it...but its not whining lol
Affirmative action should not be based on race but upon a lack of wealth.
Guys, maybe you can tell me, why seeing racism in everything(by black people) is normal, but seeing racism in everything, or at least calling black people racists too(by white people) is always "awful?"

Have you read this thread?

Blacks see racism and have evidence and its pushed away as whining. Whites see racism and have no evidence for it and have a 400 year headstart (because you know, they like an equal playing field...) and they cry to the high heavens about it...but its not whining lol
Affirmative action should not be based on race but upon a lack of wealth.

Was that what slavery, Jim Crow, etc was based on?
Guys, maybe you can tell me, why seeing racism in everything(by black people) is normal, but seeing racism in everything, or at least calling black people racists too(by white people) is always "awful?"

Have you read this thread?

Blacks see racism and have evidence and its pushed away as whining. Whites see racism and have no evidence for it and have a 400 year headstart (because you know, they like an equal playing field...) and they cry to the high heavens about it...but its not whining lol
Affirmative action should not be based on race but upon a lack of wealth.

Was that what slavery, Jim Crow, etc was based on?
It was about economics and that form of affirmative action for the majority of that faction in the South.
Guys, maybe you can tell me, why seeing racism in everything(by black people) is normal, but seeing racism in everything, or at least calling black people racists too(by white people) is always "awful?"

Have you read this thread?

Blacks see racism and have evidence and its pushed away as whining. Whites see racism and have no evidence for it and have a 400 year headstart (because you know, they like an equal playing field...) and they cry to the high heavens about it...but its not whining lol
Affirmative action should not be based on race but upon a lack of wealth.

Was that what slavery, Jim Crow, etc was based on?
It was about economics and that form of affirmative action for the majority of that faction in the South.

So thats a no, then. I mean to describe slavery as being about economics is a great slight of hand. Yeah, it was about econ and farming and workers and preservation

But I asked was slavery and Jim Crow based on wealth?

Your dodge says no
Guys, maybe you can tell me, why seeing racism in everything(by black people) is normal, but seeing racism in everything, or at least calling black people racists too(by white people) is always "awful?"

Have you read this thread?

Blacks see racism and have evidence and its pushed away as whining. Whites see racism and have no evidence for it and have a 400 year headstart (because you know, they like an equal playing field...) and they cry to the high heavens about it...but its not whining lol
Affirmative action should not be based on race but upon a lack of wealth.

Was that what slavery, Jim Crow, etc was based on?
It was about economics and that form of affirmative action for the majority of that faction in the South.

So thats a no, then. I mean to describe slavery as being about economics is a great slight of hand. Yeah, it was about econ and farming and workers and preservation

But I asked was slavery and Jim Crow based on wealth?

Your dodge says no
economics is about metrics, including wealth. an analogy can be made with that argument of the South regarding illegal immigration today. some on the left believe, only infidels, protestants, and renegades to Capitalism feel that way.
^ With that, you're dismissed
Thank you for your acknowledgement of your cognizance.

The United States is the world's largest national economy, representing 22% of nominal global GDP and 17% of global GDP (PPP).[27][28][29][30][31][32] The United States' GDP was estimated to be $17.710 trillion as of Q1 2015.[2][33] The U.S. dollar is the currency most used in international transactions and is the world's foremost reserve currency.[34] Several countries use it as their official currency, and in many others it is the de facto currency.[35] The United States has a mixed economy[36][37] and has maintained a stable overall GDP growth rate, a moderate unemployment rate, and high levels of research and capital investment.[38] Its six largest trading partners are Canada, China, Mexico, Japan, Germany, and South Korea.[39] --Source: Economy of the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Those are 2 of the DUMBEST videos I've ever seen.

1. Dinner Scene - so all the 100% correct things the cop said about unqualified Blacks getting hired ahead of qualified Whites, and putting his life possibly in danger, is supposed to be wiped out, because he used the N word, right ? WRONG. With or without the N word, what he said about AA was right.

2. Curb Kill Scene - There you go. Portray white people as some hateful, Nazi, criminal killers who look like the image of the devil. You slipped up though. The cops who busted him were also White. Shouldn't they have been replaced by Black guys ? - using AA (in your racist mindset that is)

I have no doubt that you missed the point. It's why you think the way you do in 2015. You actually made my point.

The movie American History X shows us how we are taught racism, sometimes from a very young age. The kicker and not so happy ending shows us the results of acting this way since we learned our mistakes too late.

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