You guys do realize the opioid crisis is a result of...


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
the United States invading Afghanistan?

Sure, you are told the invasion was about getting those evil terrorists or something like that. The government will tell you anything. But actually, once the Taliban was gone, the big banks financed Afghanis to increase opium production. And they traded it to drug lords, to big pharma companies, so you all could get addicted to heroin and fentanyl.

Absolutely true. It's all about increasing opium production so the banks can make trillions of dollars. I'm asking you Americans to really think about things, rather than the knee jerk patriotism you have about everything.
If we allowed the dumbest fuckers in the country to overdose on Bayer Heroin 100 years ago there would be no weapons grade stupid libturds in the US today.

We need to stop thwarting natural selection and let these fucking morons kill themselves with whatever thye can get their hands on.

Heroin, crack, meth, cyanide...

I don't care how democrook parasites die, we need to let them achieve their greatest potential and return their nitrogen back into the soil.
If we allowed the dumbest fuckers in the country to overdose on Bayer Heroin 100 years ago there would be no weapons grade stupid libturds in the US today.

We need to stop thwarting natural selection and let these fucking morons kill themselves with whatever thye can get their hands on.

Heroin, crack, meth, cyanide...

I don't care how democrook parasites die, we need to let them achieve their greatest potential and return their nitrogen back into the soil.

I agree 100%....its time to thin the herd. How they get hooked on this shit is beyond me. I had a hot tooth and was given hydro and oxycodone and neither did a damn thing.....I was prescribed 800mg ibuprofen and bingo no pain. The dope was flushed down the toilet.
If we allowed the dumbest fuckers in the country to overdose on Bayer Heroin 100 years ago there would be no weapons grade stupid libturds in the US today.

We need to stop thwarting natural selection and let these fucking morons kill themselves with whatever thye can get their hands on.

Heroin, crack, meth, cyanide...

I don't care how democrook parasites die, we need to let them achieve their greatest potential and return their nitrogen back into the soil.

I agree 100%....its time to thin the herd. How they get hooked on this shit is beyond me. I had a hot tooth and was given hydro and oxycodone and neither did a damn thing.....I was prescribed 800mg ibuprofen and bingo no pain. The dope was flushed down the toilet.
---------------------------------- i did the same after a knee operation , I got rid of the Dope and just used IBUPROPEN .
I remember being a young child and hearing that suicide was illegal and realizing that we were not really free. If a person does not have the right and freedom to do what they want with their own body...they are a prisoner. Give the drugs to those who want them. However, give them with the full understanding that their poor choices cannot have any negative effect on society. Rehab is yours to pay for, crimes against others will result in punishment.
If we allowed the dumbest fuckers in the country to overdose on Bayer Heroin 100 years ago there would be no weapons grade stupid libturds in the US today.

We need to stop thwarting natural selection and let these fucking morons kill themselves with whatever thye can get their hands on.

Heroin, crack, meth, cyanide...

I don't care how democrook parasites die, we need to let them achieve their greatest potential and return their nitrogen back into the soil.

I agree 100%....its time to thin the herd. How they get hooked on this shit is beyond me. I had a hot tooth and was given hydro and oxycodone and neither did a damn thing.....I was prescribed 800mg ibuprofen and bingo no pain. The dope was flushed down the toilet.

I'm not going to lie.
The NORCO they gave me for my back surgery was the shit for pain.
I dont miss it though.
If we allowed the dumbest fuckers in the country to overdose on Bayer Heroin 100 years ago there would be no weapons grade stupid libturds in the US today.

We need to stop thwarting natural selection and let these fucking morons kill themselves with whatever thye can get their hands on.

Heroin, crack, meth, cyanide...

I don't care how democrook parasites die, we need to let them achieve their greatest potential and return their nitrogen back into the soil.

I agree 100%....its time to thin the herd. How they get hooked on this shit is beyond me. I had a hot tooth and was given hydro and oxycodone and neither did a damn thing.....I was prescribed 800mg ibuprofen and bingo no pain. The dope was flushed down the toilet.

I'm not going to lie.
The NORCO they gave me for my back surgery was the shit for pain.
I dont miss it though.

But God please dont let Dilaudid become easily accessible!!
The feeling of euphoria was intense when they gave it to me after cancer surgery and when my kidneys were bleeding. Of course I went to sleep about five minutes after I was dosed but holy hell did it feel good!!!
I remember being a young child and hearing that suicide was illegal and realizing that we were not really free. If a person does not have the right and freedom to do what they want with their own body...they are a prisoner. Give the drugs to those who want them. However, give them with the full understanding that their poor choices cannot have any negative effect on society. Rehab is yours to pay for, crimes against others will result in punishment.

That's all well and good until you figure out people are hooked on "legal" drugs, then commit crimes (like mass shootings) and expect the rest of us to suffer via a loss of Liberties on account of their abject stupidity.
I remember being a young child and hearing that suicide was illegal and realizing that we were not really free. If a person does not have the right and freedom to do what they want with their own body...they are a prisoner. Give the drugs to those who want them. However, give them with the full understanding that their poor choices cannot have any negative effect on society. Rehab is yours to pay for, crimes against others will result in punishment.

That's all well and good until you figure out people are hooked on "legal" drugs, then commit crimes (like mass shootings) and expect the rest of us to suffer via a loss of Liberties on account of their abject stupidity.
Then send them to prison as well, if they commit crimes. Ever been prescribed an opioid? I have...I have yet to rob a house. I used my prescription and moved on.
"legal" drugs", is not grounds for crime. control your habits, control your tastes or end up in a cage or dead. Individual responsibility...what a NOVEL fucking idea!
I remember being a young child and hearing that suicide was illegal and realizing that we were not really free. If a person does not have the right and freedom to do what they want with their own body...they are a prisoner. Give the drugs to those who want them. However, give them with the full understanding that their poor choices cannot have any negative effect on society. Rehab is yours to pay for, crimes against others will result in punishment.

That's all well and good until you figure out people are hooked on "legal" drugs, then commit crimes (like mass shootings) and expect the rest of us to suffer via a loss of Liberties on account of their abject stupidity.
Then send them to prison as well, if they commit crimes. Ever been prescribed an opioid? I have...I have yet to rob a house. I used my prescription and moved on.
"legal" drugs", is not grounds for crime. control your habits, control your tastes or end up in a cage or dead. Individual responsibility...what a NOVEL fucking idea!

That made exactly zero sense.

At an early age, the American government forces children on drugs for totally imaginary conditions like ADD and ADHD. Instead of diet, exercise, sleep, a little love, and mentally stimulating exercises, we feed kids video games and tv shows.

They then graduate to thinking they have a multitude of conditions like depression and anxiety. The government is programming them that way. Kid down the road has autism. Socialist Security didn't want to help him after he became an adult. They told him to go on SSRIs. You know, I gave him a part time job and a little encouragement and two weeks ago, he got his first full time job.

What you posted is out of touch with reality. When we have a government telling people they "need" drugs and then when people try to become self sufficient, the government pulls back on these drug addicted people - who then turn to illegal drugs because they're addicts and you have a neat little bumper sticker slogan for a solution... Personal Responsibility.

What a joke! It just wasn't funny.
At an early age, the American government forces children on drugs for totally imaginary conditions like ADD and ADHD. Instead of diet, exercise, sleep, a little love, and mentally stimulating exercises, we feed kids video games and tv shows.

hey then graduate to thinking they have a multitude of conditions like depression and anxiety.
How do you know they don't?

Kid down the road has autism. Socialist Security didn't want to help him after he became an adult. They told him to go on SSRIs. You know, I gave him a part time job and a little encouragement and two weeks ago, he got his first full time job.

Great! Is he addicted to opiates?

What you posted is out of touch with reality.
Personal responsibility with regard to the consumption of highly addictive substances? How so? Seems fairly common sense to me.

When we have a government telling people they "need" drugs and then when people try to become self sufficient, the government pulls back on these drug addicted people - who then turn to illegal drugs because they're addicts and you have a neat little bumper sticker slogan for a solution... Personal Responsibility.

Opiates? When has the government stated that we 'need' to consume opiates?
At an early age, the American government forces children on drugs for totally imaginary conditions like ADD and ADHD. Instead of diet, exercise, sleep, a little love, and mentally stimulating exercises, we feed kids video games and tv shows.

hey then graduate to thinking they have a multitude of conditions like depression and anxiety.
How do you know they don't?

Kid down the road has autism. Socialist Security didn't want to help him after he became an adult. They told him to go on SSRIs. You know, I gave him a part time job and a little encouragement and two weeks ago, he got his first full time job.

Great! Is he addicted to opiates?

What you posted is out of touch with reality.
Personal responsibility with regard to the consumption of highly addictive substances? How so? Seems fairly common sense to me.

When we have a government telling people they "need" drugs and then when people try to become self sufficient, the government pulls back on these drug addicted people - who then turn to illegal drugs because they're addicts and you have a neat little bumper sticker slogan for a solution... Personal Responsibility.

Opiates? When has the government stated that we 'need' to consume opiates?

Are you trying to be funny or do you do drugs yourself? What part of my post did you not understand?

1) Parents begin giving their kids ritalin for imaginary conditions like ADD / ADHD at the advice of doctors

2) If someone doesn't go on drugs, how in the Hell are they going to get addicted to them?

3) The government doesn't say we need to consume opiates. The government gets people addicted to "legal" drugs, then take them away from you the moment you want to get off them and become self sufficient. What's so hard to understand about that?

Now, people being drug addicts, compliments of Uncle Scam begin to self medicate with illegal drugs. Oipoids, though intended to be used as pain killers are used by people who had been on SSRIs for anxiety and depression.

Are You Self-Medicating & Masking Symptoms of Mental Illness?

The government is making addicts out of people and then taking those drugs back when a person wants to become self sufficient. So, the legal drugs are gateway drugs to opioids.

Further, the government will not help you unless you get on their drugs. In the case I told you about, if that kind was to get a disability check, he had to agree to go on SSRIs. Unlike most people, he passed on the requirement and struck out on his own.

The government is fucking up a lot of people. Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioids.
Are you trying to be funny or do you do drugs yourself?
Not at all, are you intentionally trying to draw a conclusions between ADHD medication and opiate addiction? Do you have a study that you would like to present showing a correlation?
Are you trying to be funny or do you do drugs yourself?
Not at all, are you intentionally trying to draw a conclusions between ADHD medication and opiate addiction? Do you have a study that you would like to present showing a correlation?

I don't need studies when I've worked for a number of years within the system, watching the same stories play out over and over and over again.

Before they had the Internet, we had the wisdom of experience. What do you think happens to children that are drugged for even imaginary conditions once they get older?
Are you trying to be funny or do you do drugs yourself?
Not at all, are you intentionally trying to draw a conclusions between ADHD medication and opiate addiction? Do you have a study that you would like to present showing a correlation?

I don't need studies when I've worked for a number of years within the system, watching the same stories play out over and over and over again.

Before they had the Internet, we had the wisdom of experience. What do you think happens to children that are drugged for even imaginary conditions once they get older?

Your personal experiences are yours and though I don't discount them, they are just that, personal experience. The literature points in a different direction.

The review, which was published in JAMA Psychiatry, included over 2,500 participants in 15 different studies. Whether the drug in question was alcohol, cocaine, marijuana or nicotine and whether the study looked at experimentation or addiction, researchers found no overall difference in risk related to ADHD medication. The most commonly used ADHD medications are stimulants, typically Ritalin (methylphenidate) or Adderall (a mixture of amphetamines).

“The best evidence to date seems to suggest that treatment with stimulant medication has no substantial role in increasing or decreasing risk for the development of alcohol and drug problems,” says Steve Lee, a co-author of the study and associate professor of psychology at the University of California in Los Angeles.

“Stimulants did not contribute to substance abuse, which is one of the major concerns of parents whenever you are starting a child on medication,” says Dr. Joe Austerman, a psychiatrist at the Cleveland Clinic’s Children’s Hospital, who was not connected with the study.

ADHD Medication in Childhood Does Not Increase Addiction Risk |

Some studies have actually found that the use of stimulants to treat ADHD has reduced future risk of future substance abuse that may be associated with the condition. However I can find no study that suggests the contrary.

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Substance Abuse

the United States invading Afghanistan?

Sure, you are told the invasion was about getting those evil terrorists or something like that. The government will tell you anything. But actually, once the Taliban was gone, the big banks financed Afghanis to increase opium production. And they traded it to drug lords, to big pharma companies, so you all could get addicted to heroin and fentanyl.

Absolutely true. It's all about increasing opium production so the banks can make trillions of dollars. I'm asking you Americans to really think about things, rather than the knee jerk patriotism you have about everything.

You are conflating opiates and opiods.

Very few, if any, prescription drugs are actually made from opium. Most are made in a lab.
Are you trying to be funny or do you do drugs yourself?
Not at all, are you intentionally trying to draw a conclusions between ADHD medication and opiate addiction? Do you have a study that you would like to present showing a correlation?

I don't need studies when I've worked for a number of years within the system, watching the same stories play out over and over and over again.

Before they had the Internet, we had the wisdom of experience. What do you think happens to children that are drugged for even imaginary conditions once they get older?

Your personal experiences are yours and though I don't discount them, they are just that, personal experience. The literature points in a different direction.

The review, which was published in JAMA Psychiatry, included over 2,500 participants in 15 different studies. Whether the drug in question was alcohol, cocaine, marijuana or nicotine and whether the study looked at experimentation or addiction, researchers found no overall difference in risk related to ADHD medication. The most commonly used ADHD medications are stimulants, typically Ritalin (methylphenidate) or Adderall (a mixture of amphetamines).

“The best evidence to date seems to suggest that treatment with stimulant medication has no substantial role in increasing or decreasing risk for the development of alcohol and drug problems,” says Steve Lee, a co-author of the study and associate professor of psychology at the University of California in Los Angeles.

“Stimulants did not contribute to substance abuse, which is one of the major concerns of parents whenever you are starting a child on medication,” says Dr. Joe Austerman, a psychiatrist at the Cleveland Clinic’s Children’s Hospital, who was not connected with the study.

ADHD Medication in Childhood Does Not Increase Addiction Risk |

Some studies have actually found that the use of stimulants to treat ADHD has reduced future risk of future substance abuse that may be associated with the condition. However I can find no study that suggests the contrary.

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Substance Abuse

The problem with such studies is that they are produced by people who have a vested interest in distributing drugs. I don't make money off it either way.

When I worked as a DFACS asset, they would send me a child with, allegedly ADD / ADHD. I shitcanned the drugs and gave the child what they needed and they never missed those drugs - and all of them turned out well adjusted.

My wife had two kids by a previous marriage. Both of them have friends whose parents did as my wife did and drugged their children. ALL of them are total failures. Most of them don't have a driver's license, high school diploma, and a few of them never held a full time job. My experience versus people who profit off a stupid "study." Who does the study and for what reasons should give you a clue as to its value.

The Internet and its studies, funded by people who profit one way or another are a bad substitute for hands on experience. There is simply too much bias; people cannot evaluate who puts out the study or WHY; too much fake news; most people are not sufficiently educated in a particular field to evaluate all these studies nor their particular nuances.

Just for chits and giggles I just looked this up:

"ADHD may last into adulthood about a third to half the time, and some studies have shown that children with ADHD may be more likely than the general population to develop alcohol and substance abuse problems when they get older."

ADHD and Substance Abuse

I'm telling you: ADD and ADHD are purely phony conditions:

3 Facts About ADHD & Why It's a "Fictitious" Disorder - Healthy Concepts with a Nutrition Bias
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the United States invading Afghanistan?

Sure, you are told the invasion was about getting those evil terrorists or something like that. The government will tell you anything. But actually, once the Taliban was gone, the big banks financed Afghanis to increase opium production. And they traded it to drug lords, to big pharma companies, so you all could get addicted to heroin and fentanyl.

Absolutely true. It's all about increasing opium production so the banks can make trillions of dollars. I'm asking you Americans to really think about things, rather than the knee jerk patriotism you have about everything.
More propaganda from the Left, fact is a large amount of Poppy product is bought by the Big Pharma to make Oxy and pain killers. Also the sale of Herion is to the older people and those who have intense pain. The cost of Pharma drugs are so high that the Heroin is cheaper so people just buy the cheaper product. The Chemo difference between the Pharma product and the street product is slight, just enough to keep a patent in place
At an early age, the American government forces children on drugs for totally imaginary conditions like ADD and ADHD. Instead of diet, exercise, sleep, a little love, and mentally stimulating exercises, we feed kids video games and tv shows.

hey then graduate to thinking they have a multitude of conditions like depression and anxiety.
How do you know they don't?

Kid down the road has autism. Socialist Security didn't want to help him after he became an adult. They told him to go on SSRIs. You know, I gave him a part time job and a little encouragement and two weeks ago, he got his first full time job.

Great! Is he addicted to opiates?

What you posted is out of touch with reality.
Personal responsibility with regard to the consumption of highly addictive substances? How so? Seems fairly common sense to me.

When we have a government telling people they "need" drugs and then when people try to become self sufficient, the government pulls back on these drug addicted people - who then turn to illegal drugs because they're addicts and you have a neat little bumper sticker slogan for a solution... Personal Responsibility.

Opiates? When has the government stated that we 'need' to consume opiates?
Conspiracy theorist....... :eusa_whistle:

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