"You have humiliated us"


Obviously McRaven is a commie, liberal, un-American, un-patriotic lying scumbag. Since he does not toe the line to the greatest President ever, like an obsequious toady, he deserves to be attacked, without mercy, as an enemy of the people.
It pains me to know these repub dotards are countrymen of mine

I don't run into many Trumptards in real life as long as I stay in Boise.
Wander over into Nampa and Caldwell - they're crawling like cockroaches.
I try to stay out of Nampa and Caldwell ... There are enough of them to slap around here in USMB ;-)

Like that day you thought that there were 4 million klansmen in the country.

And your own link said 5 to 8 k, just like I said.

ANd instead of being happy that the nation was far less racist than you thought, you were angry?

Dude. YOu are the one who gets slapped around here.

Because liberalism is WRONG.
BUT not all wrong A full dose of what you believe in might be wrong too We need a bit of each and non partisanship to make America work The way it's going now with this divider in the WH ,,our ship be sinking

I'm don't see how we can work together when your side is constantly smearing us as Nazis and WHite Supremacists.

That is not a prelude to cooperation, that is a prelude to oppression and/or war.
And what are you constantly smearing the left with...? Antifa? Commies?
Purging your military and or intelligence services of the best sources of empirical experience, advisors, and consultants for politicals is just stupid.
He was not purged his appointment ended and he was replaced by Mike Pompeo and he has now moved on to a TV gig which he does not need a security clearance to do. If people who serve in military and or intelligence services can not put their personal feelings towards the President they serve aside they don't need to be there doesn't matter who the President is.
He has been purged from rhe list of consultants and advisors list available for currently serving officials.
Which any President has the right to do and given he can't put his personal feelings about Trump aside any advice he would give is likely to be biased so he doesn't need the clearance.
Don't any of you dumb f-ers get it ?? He's getting rid of all that can hurt him or testify against him Look at the list ,,,He learned nothing from Nixon and his enemies list
He's getting rid of the criminals.
Everything you people whine about consists of Trump applying the law.
what criminals? What indictments? What judge and jury?
He was not purged his appointment ended and he was replaced by Mike Pompeo and he has now moved on to a TV gig which he does not need a security clearance to do. If people who serve in military and or intelligence services can not put their personal feelings towards the President they serve aside they don't need to be there doesn't matter who the President is.
He has been purged from rhe list of consultants and advisors list available for currently serving officials.
Which any President has the right to do and given he can't put his personal feelings about Trump aside any advice he would give is likely to be biased so he doesn't need the clearance.
Don't any of you dumb f-ers get it ?? He's getting rid of all that can hurt him or testify against him Look at the list ,,,He learned nothing from Nixon and his enemies list
He's getting rid of the criminals.
Everything you people whine about consists of Trump applying the law.
what criminals? What indictments? What judge and jury?

Playing stupid again?
BTW..criminals are criminal regardless of whether or not they are prosecuted or caught.

He's catching the criminals and tossing them out on their ears.

The left is learning what the consequences are for being unethical pieces of shit.

The West Virginia House impeached the entire state Supreme Court - CNNPolitics

Judge blasts Sun Sentinel for publishing confidential information in Parkland school shooting case
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There is no reason for the retired admiral to have a security clearance

wrong again, punk. :itsok:

At the Cabinet level, it’s very common for former secretaries and CIA, NSA directors to maintain their clearances because they’re brought in as advisers, for use in their experience and knowledge.

There’s 13 adjudicative guidelines, A through M, that set forth the disqualifying conditions that would justify denial or revocation. None of them involve political views.

President Donald Trump is considering revoking the security clearances of former top intelligence and law enforcement officials, all of whom just happen to be critics of the administration.

An expert on Trump’s threat to revoke clearances: it’ll "set back the entire security establishment"

CIA Director John Brennan was entrusted with a security clearance and access to classified information to work on behalf of the United States.

Brennan was caught TWICE committing the FELONY count of PERJURY:

-- He testified under oath he and his CIA were not illegally spying on the US Senate. Not long after that statement was made the evidence came out showing they were. Brennan apologized to all of Congress, standing in front of them - this was part of a deal Democrats worked out with the GOP to prevent Brennan from being Indicted for his crime, which is what the GOP was pushing for.

-- Not long ago Brennan lied again under oath by declaring he did not know and had noting to do with the Trump Dossier. Unfortunately for Brennan, the official record showing he briefed members of Congress on the Dossier was presented for evidence against Brennan.

Through his treasonous and criminal actions Brennan has proven he is not trustworthy, is not loyal, and can not be entrusted with the responsibility of handling classified information or even with a security clearance.

The Obama government indicted and punished an ex-Navy member for taking a picture of his engineering station onboard a nuclear submarine so he could show his children later where he worked.

Hillary Clinton ran an illegal un-authorized un-encrypted unsecured server (all crimes) containing TOP SECRET data (also a crime for her, not legally having the authority to have TS-SCI information in her possession BUT DID) and allowed Russia and 5 other foreign entities to steal that information, information Obama himself called 'so classified that it could NOT be released / exposed to the public in any format without causing GRAVE DAMAGE to our national security'.

The crimes she committed and her criminally facilitating the successful espionage in which such highly classified was stolen is a helluva lot more of a crime than taking a photo of a workstation onboard a submarine....yet he was punished while she was protected.

Brennan violated the trust placed in him by the US government and the American people, he committed Felony Perjury TWICE while engaged in illegal acts against this country and its citizens....and treason-supporting snowflakes are bitching because the worst thing that is happening to Brennan after his being exposed for these crimes is that he is having his security clearance revoked. The SOB should have been PERP-WALKED by now.
Why do people who no longer work in the intelligence community need security clearance? I have seen this question asked by many different people but I have yet to see a good reason given for them to have it. If you work at a company in the private sector and have access to highly sensitive company information it's highly unlikely they will let you continue to have access to it when you leave the company.
Purging your military and or intelligence services of the best sources of empirical experience, advisors, and consultants for politicals is just stupid.

Purge? Overreact much? We're talking about two guys here, neither of whom have exactly covered themselves with respectability or trustworthiness of late.

Contemplate the possibility of not being so obsessed with your TDS.
You guys are a hoot. The biggest story in rhe news with major national security implications and agreeing with wirh rhe national intel and military communities about Trump's disgraceful and dangerous position on rhe topic is a sign of derangement in rhe Trump cult world. Your excuse and defense for the traitor Trump are to call his critics deranged.

Actually, it's the insistence on seeing "the biggest story in the news with national security implications" as "Trump's just trying to silence his critics" that is a sign of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Btw, if you can see any way in which "you can't have access to secure information" somehow translates into "silencing" - or any way in which Brennan HAS been silenced, since he's running his mouth everywhere, as far as I can see - then I'd really appreciate it if you'd explain it to me.
Is it approprisye use presidential powers on private Ameican citizens to settle personal scores?
There is no reason for the retired admiral to have a security clearance

wrong again, punk. :itsok:

At the Cabinet level, it’s very common for former secretaries and CIA, NSA directors to maintain their clearances because they’re brought in as advisers, for use in their experience and knowledge.

There’s 13 adjudicative guidelines, A through M, that set forth the disqualifying conditions that would justify denial or revocation. None of them involve political views.

President Donald Trump is considering revoking the security clearances of former top intelligence and law enforcement officials, all of whom just happen to be critics of the administration.

An expert on Trump’s threat to revoke clearances: it’ll "set back the entire security establishment"


Vox? HAHAHA oh me achin ribs, Ravi...er....whoever you really are

ha ha haaaaaaaa :uhoh3: can't you read my name, dumbo?

yeah vox is one of MANY sources with direct quotes from SEVERAL NATIONAL SECURITY EXPERTS.

and they ALL read your moronic posts and said... SASSYASS of USMB has an opinion?? HAHAHAHAHA oh the aching ribs

You're annoying me.

Your admiral is an embarrassment to himself and the US Navy.

But leftists embarass themselves constantly and then wonder why they're viewed as loons
What's next ? Will the orange douche take away pensions?

Didn’t he do that with the deputy FBI Director?

Fire him days before he could receive a pension?
yes he did ,,it might have been just one day ,,,the payback president a pos

I just wonder how you would respond to the constant attacks Pres. Trump has had to endure from two scoops of ice cream to coveting your own daughter. Quit being a clown.
Breeze he brings it on himself ,,,He shoots from the hip with no aim

I'll believe what the seal of 37 years has to say about brennan rather than you
Of course you do. You always choose to believe anything negative about the President, especially when there is no evidence to back it up. :p
It pains me to know these repub dotards are countrymen of mine

I don't run into many Trumptards in real life as long as I stay in Boise.
Wander over into Nampa and Caldwell - they're crawling like cockroaches.
I try to stay out of Nampa and Caldwell ... There are enough of them to slap around here in USMB ;-)

Like that day you thought that there were 4 million klansmen in the country.

And your own link said 5 to 8 k, just like I said.

ANd instead of being happy that the nation was far less racist than you thought, you were angry?

Dude. YOu are the one who gets slapped around here.

Because liberalism is WRONG.
BUT not all wrong A full dose of what you believe in might be wrong too We need a bit of each and non partisanship to make America work The way it's going now with this divider in the WH ,,our ship be sinking

I'm don't see how we can work together when your side is constantly smearing us as Nazis and WHite Supremacists.

That is not a prelude to cooperation, that is a prelude to oppression and/or war.
And what are you constantly smearing the left with...? Antifa? Commies?

Only when they support or work with ANtifa.

Which is pretty often.
Why do people who no longer work in the intelligence community need security clearance? I have seen this question asked by many different people but I have yet to see a good reason given for them to have it. If you work at a company in the private sector and have access to highly sensitive company information it's highly unlikely they will let you continue to have access to it when you leave the company.
Purging your military and or intelligence services of the best sources of empirical experience, advisors, and consultants for politicals is just stupid.

Purge? Overreact much? We're talking about two guys here, neither of whom have exactly covered themselves with respectability or trustworthiness of late.

Contemplate the possibility of not being so obsessed with your TDS.
You guys are a hoot. The biggest story in rhe news with major national security implications and agreeing with wirh rhe national intel and military communities about Trump's disgraceful and dangerous position on rhe topic is a sign of derangement in rhe Trump cult world. Your excuse and defense for the traitor Trump are to call his critics deranged.

Actually, it's the insistence on seeing "the biggest story in the news with national security implications" as "Trump's just trying to silence his critics" that is a sign of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Btw, if you can see any way in which "you can't have access to secure information" somehow translates into "silencing" - or any way in which Brennan HAS been silenced, since he's running his mouth everywhere, as far as I can see - then I'd really appreciate it if you'd explain it to me.
Is it approprisye use presidential powers on private Ameican citizens to settle personal scores?

Obama and the IRS targeting the Tea Party....was it appropriate? Hell no it was illegal
Ret. Navy Admiral to Trump: ‘I Would Consider It an Honor if You Would Revoke My Security Clearance’

a Washington Post op-ed Thursday afternoon. Few Americans have done more to protect this country than John. He is a man of unparalleled integrity, whose honesty and character have never been in question, except by those who don’t know him."

McRaven gave 37 years of his life to the Navy before retiring in 2014 with the honor of being the longest serving Navy SEAL to still be on duty.

"Therefore, I would consider it an honor if you would revoke my security clearance as well, so I can add my name to the list of men and women who have spoken up against your presidency," McRaven continues.

Admiral McRaven also served as the first director of the NATO Special Operations Forces Coordination Centre (NSCC), and ninth commander of the United States Special Operations Command, and just retired as chancellor of the University of Texas System.

"Through your actions, you have embarrassed us in the eyes of our children, humiliated us on the world stage and, worst of all, divided us as a nation," the Admiral continues. "If you think for a moment that your McCarthy-era tactics will suppress the voices of criticism, you are sadly mistaken."

The Post includes this short clip of McRaven calling Trump's attack on the free press as "the enemy of the American people," possibly "the greatest threat to democracy" in his lifetime.

THANK YOU, ADMIRAL McRAVEN! He and John Brennan are STANDING UP FOR THE U.S.A.! If I cannot be literally at your side, I, as an American, will be standing at your side in thought and spirit. I am so proud of you both. It is so wonderful to see true Patriots standing up for all of us.
One person's patriot is another's co-conspirator.
The next off topic flame post will cause the poster to be ejected from the thread. Take it to the FZ.
Purging your military and or intelligence services of the best sources of empirical experience, advisors, and consultants for politicals is just stupid.

Purge? Overreact much? We're talking about two guys here, neither of whom have exactly covered themselves with respectability or trustworthiness of late.

Contemplate the possibility of not being so obsessed with your TDS.
You guys are a hoot. The biggest story in rhe news with major national security implications and agreeing with wirh rhe national intel and military communities about Trump's disgraceful and dangerous position on rhe topic is a sign of derangement in rhe Trump cult world. Your excuse and defense for the traitor Trump are to call his critics deranged.

Actually, it's the insistence on seeing "the biggest story in the news with national security implications" as "Trump's just trying to silence his critics" that is a sign of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Btw, if you can see any way in which "you can't have access to secure information" somehow translates into "silencing" - or any way in which Brennan HAS been silenced, since he's running his mouth everywhere, as far as I can see - then I'd really appreciate it if you'd explain it to me.
Is it approprisye use presidential powers on private Ameican citizens to settle personal scores?

Obama and the IRS targeting the Tea Party....was it appropriate? Hell no it was illegal
It was investigated. Any more squirrels to toss on the road? Obama is not in office.

Is what Trump is doing appropriate?
He was not purged his appointment ended and he was replaced by Mike Pompeo and he has now moved on to a TV gig which he does not need a security clearance to do. If people who serve in military and or intelligence services can not put their personal feelings towards the President they serve aside they don't need to be there doesn't matter who the President is.
He has been purged from rhe list of consultants and advisors list available for currently serving officials.
Which any President has the right to do and given he can't put his personal feelings about Trump aside any advice he would give is likely to be biased so he doesn't need the clearance.
Don't any of you dumb f-ers get it ?? He's getting rid of all that can hurt him or testify against him Look at the list ,,,He learned nothing from Nixon and his enemies list
He's getting rid of the criminals.
Everything you people whine about consists of Trump applying the law.
No, he is trying to demonize American proven patriots who are calling him out for being a selfish immature weak jerk.

Riiiiiiight. There is absolutely no possible valid reason why Brennan should have his security clearance revoked . . . if you have your fingers in your ears and determinedly avoid knowing anything about him.
Purge? Overreact much? We're talking about two guys here, neither of whom have exactly covered themselves with respectability or trustworthiness of late.

Contemplate the possibility of not being so obsessed with your TDS.
You guys are a hoot. The biggest story in rhe news with major national security implications and agreeing with wirh rhe national intel and military communities about Trump's disgraceful and dangerous position on rhe topic is a sign of derangement in rhe Trump cult world. Your excuse and defense for the traitor Trump are to call his critics deranged.

Actually, it's the insistence on seeing "the biggest story in the news with national security implications" as "Trump's just trying to silence his critics" that is a sign of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Btw, if you can see any way in which "you can't have access to secure information" somehow translates into "silencing" - or any way in which Brennan HAS been silenced, since he's running his mouth everywhere, as far as I can see - then I'd really appreciate it if you'd explain it to me.
Is it approprisye use presidential powers on private Ameican citizens to settle personal scores?

Obama and the IRS targeting the Tea Party....was it appropriate? Hell no it was illegal
It was investigated. Any more squirrels to toss on the road? Obama is not in office.

Is what Trump is doing appropriate?

Millions paid out. You want to talk about Trump being inappropriate but not Obama? Lmao of course you dont

I think Trunp revoking Brennan's is entirely appropriate given the slackjaw can't keep his pie hole shut
Me, personally as a retired military member of 30 years, I am ashamed of this man for daring to come out and attack the President of the United States while in full uniform.

He knows damn-well he was never allowed to do such a thing while still serving. We were / are not allowed to because when we wear that uniform we represent the United States and the United States Armed Forces. When wearing that uniform one speaks for the entire military and speaks on behalf of the United States. He knows damn-well that he would not be able to join some Gay Pride Parade, Pro-Abortion March, or other political event wearing that uniform....

So I don't know why he thinks he can put on that uniform now and attack the Commander and Chief.

HE is the embarrassment for attempting to speak on behalf of ne and anyone else currently wearing that uniform or who has ever worn it...which he is doing by wearing that uniform while saying what he is saying. THIS is why when you wear the uniform you are not allowed to engage in political events and doing things like this.

HE KNOWS THIS! Shame on him,
Why do people who no longer work in the intelligence community need security clearance? I have seen this question asked by many different people but I have yet to see a good reason given for them to have it. If you work at a company in the private sector and have access to highly sensitive company information it's highly unlikely they will let you continue to have access to it when you leave the company.
Purging your military and or intelligence services of the best sources of empirical experience, advisors, and consultants for politicals is just stupid.

Purge? Overreact much? We're talking about two guys here, neither of whom have exactly covered themselves with respectability or trustworthiness of late.

Contemplate the possibility of not being so obsessed with your TDS.
You guys are a hoot. The biggest story in rhe news with major national security implications and agreeing with wirh rhe national intel and military communities about Trump's disgraceful and dangerous position on rhe topic is a sign of derangement in rhe Trump cult world. Your excuse and defense for the traitor Trump are to call his critics deranged.

Actually, it's the insistence on seeing "the biggest story in the news with national security implications" as "Trump's just trying to silence his critics" that is a sign of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Btw, if you can see any way in which "you can't have access to secure information" somehow translates into "silencing" - or any way in which Brennan HAS been silenced, since he's running his mouth everywhere, as far as I can see - then I'd really appreciate it if you'd explain it to me.
Is it approprisye use presidential powers on private Ameican citizens to settle personal scores?

In other words, you can't answer, so you have to change the subject. AND demand that I assume that your view of the world is 100% valid and correct.

I am, in fact, now assuming based on your dodge that MY view is correct, and you know it. Thank you. Run along.
Is it approprisye use presidential powers on private Ameican citizens to settle personal scores?
Too bad that is not what happened. So you want someone who has been caught twice committing Perjury, lying to Congress, hiding the fact that he and his agency illegally spied on not only citizens but also on US Senators & USSC Justices to retain his security clearance...?

:wtf:is wrong with you people?

Oh yeah.....


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