"You have humiliated us"

Purge? Overreact much? We're talking about two guys here, neither of whom have exactly covered themselves with respectability or trustworthiness of late.

Contemplate the possibility of not being so obsessed with your TDS.
You guys are a hoot. The biggest story in rhe news with major national security implications and agreeing with wirh rhe national intel and military communities about Trump's disgraceful and dangerous position on rhe topic is a sign of derangement in rhe Trump cult world. Your excuse and defense for the traitor Trump are to call his critics deranged.

Actually, it's the insistence on seeing "the biggest story in the news with national security implications" as "Trump's just trying to silence his critics" that is a sign of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Btw, if you can see any way in which "you can't have access to secure information" somehow translates into "silencing" - or any way in which Brennan HAS been silenced, since he's running his mouth everywhere, as far as I can see - then I'd really appreciate it if you'd explain it to me.
Is it approprisye use presidential powers on private Ameican citizens to settle personal scores?

Obama and the IRS targeting the Tea Party....was it appropriate? Hell no it was illegal
It was investigated. Any more squirrels to toss on the road? Obama is not in office.

Is what Trump is doing appropriate?

That's hilarious. Would that you had applied this standard of "Not in office! You can't EVER refer to previous Presidents!" when Obama was in office and every second post out of you and your comrades was "Buuuuuush!!!"

The answer to your question is, "Yes, it's appropriate, because he can revoke any security clearance he wants whenever he wants, because no one has a right to have one".

Just because you don't like it or agree with it, or because Brennan is pissy about it because it undercuts his speaking fees, doesn't make it inappropriate.

If you ever come up with something that isn't fully within his purview as President, you WILL let us know, won't you?
You guys are a hoot. The biggest story in rhe news with major national security implications and agreeing with wirh rhe national intel and military communities about Trump's disgraceful and dangerous position on rhe topic is a sign of derangement in rhe Trump cult world. Your excuse and defense for the traitor Trump are to call his critics deranged.

Actually, it's the insistence on seeing "the biggest story in the news with national security implications" as "Trump's just trying to silence his critics" that is a sign of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Btw, if you can see any way in which "you can't have access to secure information" somehow translates into "silencing" - or any way in which Brennan HAS been silenced, since he's running his mouth everywhere, as far as I can see - then I'd really appreciate it if you'd explain it to me.
Is it approprisye use presidential powers on private Ameican citizens to settle personal scores?

Obama and the IRS targeting the Tea Party....was it appropriate? Hell no it was illegal
It was investigated. Any more squirrels to toss on the road? Obama is not in office.

Is what Trump is doing appropriate?

Millions paid out. You want to talk about Trump being inappropriate but not Obama? Lmao of course you dont

I think Trunp revoking Brennan's is entirely appropriate given the slackjaw can't keep his pie hole shut

Based on his public behavior thus far, I think I would feel uneasy about trusting him to keep secrets.
Ret. Navy Admiral to Trump: ‘I Would Consider It an Honor if You Would Revoke My Security Clearance’

a Washington Post op-ed Thursday afternoon. Few Americans have done more to protect this country than John. He is a man of unparalleled integrity, whose honesty and character have never been in question, except by those who don’t know him."

McRaven gave 37 years of his life to the Navy before retiring in 2014 with the honor of being the longest serving Navy SEAL to still be on duty.

"Therefore, I would consider it an honor if you would revoke my security clearance as well, so I can add my name to the list of men and women who have spoken up against your presidency," McRaven continues.

Admiral McRaven also served as the first director of the NATO Special Operations Forces Coordination Centre (NSCC), and ninth commander of the United States Special Operations Command, and just retired as chancellor of the University of Texas System.

"Through your actions, you have embarrassed us in the eyes of our children, humiliated us on the world stage and, worst of all, divided us as a nation," the Admiral continues. "If you think for a moment that your McCarthy-era tactics will suppress the voices of criticism, you are sadly mistaken."

The Post includes this short clip of McRaven calling Trump's attack on the free press as "the enemy of the American people," possibly "the greatest threat to democracy" in his lifetime.
I keep wondering how the left keeps digging up these people with unparalleled integrity...(James Comey) ...only to discover later the guy is a closeted butt-pirate, or has a skeleton in his closet.

It is clear from what this fucker said that he's a liar.
He's a little storeroom weasel.
He's a former Navy SEAL......but he owes his stars to Obama.

I think he's about to find out that the UCMJ still applies to retired officers because they are collecting a pension.
Is it approprisye use presidential powers on private Ameican citizens to settle personal scores?
Too bad that is not what happened. So you want someone who has been caught twice committing Perjury, lying to Congress, hiding the fact that he and his agency illegally spied on not only citizens but also on US Senators & USSC Justices to retain his security clearance...?

:wtf:is wrong with you people?

Oh yeah.....

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I also think the people who have complained about Brennan and others monetizing their security clearances have a definite point. Making money off of the fact that you have a security clearance seems to me antithetical to the whole concept and purpose behind security clearances.
Brennan and McRaven are trying to save our nation.
Brennan is going to have a hard time trying to do that after being fired and stripped of his security clearance. He would have an even harder time doing it if he had been indicted, convicted, and sent to prison like he should have been.
Brennan and McRaven are trying to save our nation.

Yeah, Brennan sure didn't seem to be trying to save our nation when the Obama Administration found out about Russian involvement in our elections...dumbass.

I wonder what the two of them are trying to save our nation from??

McRaven is retired and Brennan is now unemployed.

Wonder if the Avengers could help?? LOL
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When officials with high-security clearances retire they seek work in private companies who do highly sensitive classified work for rhe US Government and government agencies. Those jobs require and are dependent on those former officials being able to be consultants on those sensitive and classified topics. At the same time, private industries and business need consultants that are not employed by rhe USG.

Trump's ploy is nothing more than a con-mans and crooks shakedown to threaten his critics with financial hindrances if they criticise him. He has attempted to play a tough guy with real tough guys and it has backfired on him.
Brennan and McRaven are trying to save our nation.

From what, precisely? The horrifying scourge of not having access to classified information? Oh, the humanity! It's just like the gulags!
Well, his freedom of speech has just been totally stripped from him.

:lmao: Bwuhahahaha.....

Yes, and if you don't believe it, just check his many interviews and his Twitter feed, and he'll tell you in great detail how his freedom of speech has been stripped. :rolleyes:
Brennan and McRaven are trying to save our nation.

From what, precisely? The horrifying scourge of not having access to classified information? Oh, the humanity! It's just like the gulags!

For some reason Brennan's clearance being revoked has sent the left into a tizzy

Trump could have a Hostess Twinkie and they'd freak out.

Well, the fact that it was a Twinkie and not a Cupcake proves that he's racist, dontcha know.
Brennan and McRaven are trying to save our nation.

Yeah, Brennan sure didn't seem to be trying to save our nation when the Obama Administration found out about Russian involvement in our elections...dumbass.

I wonder what the two of them are trying to save out nation from??

McRaven is retired and Brennan is now unemployed.

Wonder if the Avengers could help?? LOL

I'm sure Brennan feels he is one of the Avengers.

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