"You have humiliated us"

BUT not all wrong A full dose of what you believe in might be wrong too We need a bit of each and non partisanship to make America work The way it's going now with this divider in the WH ,,our ship be sinking

I'm don't see how we can work together when your side is constantly smearing us as Nazis and WHite Supremacists.

That is not a prelude to cooperation, that is a prelude to oppression and/or war.
again I must agree BUT there must be some reason those types you speak of gravitate to Republicans side
The Deplorables are welcome in the Republican Party

You are a lying piece of shit.

Did you have some sort of evidence to the contrary?
Nazis, Klansmen, White Nationalists, Militia Groups, Conspiracy Kooks, Birthers, Baggers, Blowhards and other angry malcontents ALL voted Drumpf.



"Conspiracy Kooks . . . Blowhards and other angry malcontents ALL voted Drumpf."

I disagree. After all, the fascists, black racists, Antifa terrorists, gun grabbers, and Truthers all voted for Clinton, and they've been spewing enough hot air with THEIR crazed conspiracy theories since then to threaten the ozone layer.
He's retired, he doesn't need clearance, revoke it

Using this as an intimidation tactic to silence critics is disturbing.
Quit or get fired from your job tomorrow and see if you get to keep the keys to the building,
When I had a security clearance, and left that job, the clearance stayed with me until it expired and would have been renewed.

People seem to be confused about what a security clearance means. It is not the keys to the building. Have a clearance does not give you the ability to demand access to anything.

That's nice. Do you recall ever having it explained to you that they could and would revoke your clearance if they chose to, and that it was a courtesy and privilege they were extending, not something you had a right to?
You have a right to a clearance if you have met all the standards and requirements for having one

Trump does not have a right to use clearances as a weapon against his political enemies

Ah... but is it true Brennen used it as a weapon against his own men as more than one soldier is now claiming? Removing their clearance without explanation as a reward for their service in Benghazi?
You guys are a hoot. The biggest story in rhe news with major national security implications and agreeing with wirh rhe national intel and military communities about Trump's disgraceful and dangerous position on rhe topic is a sign of derangement in rhe Trump cult world. Your excuse and defense for the traitor Trump are to call his critics deranged.

Actually, it's the insistence on seeing "the biggest story in the news with national security implications" as "Trump's just trying to silence his critics" that is a sign of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Btw, if you can see any way in which "you can't have access to secure information" somehow translates into "silencing" - or any way in which Brennan HAS been silenced, since he's running his mouth everywhere, as far as I can see - then I'd really appreciate it if you'd explain it to me.
Is it approprisye use presidential powers on private Ameican citizens to settle personal scores?

Obama and the IRS targeting the Tea Party....was it appropriate? Hell no it was illegal
It was investigated. Any more squirrels to toss on the road? Obama is not in office.

Is what Trump is doing appropriate?

Millions paid out. You want to talk about Trump being inappropriate but not Obama? Lmao of course you dont

I think Trunp revoking Brennan's is entirely appropriate given the slackjaw can't keep his pie hole shut
Speaking your mind on political issues or the performance of the president is not treason

Trump has opened the door to using security clearances for political patronage.

Using this as an intimidation tactic to silence critics is disturbing.
Quit or get fired from your job tomorrow and see if you get to keep the keys to the building,
When I had a security clearance, and left that job, the clearance stayed with me until it expired and would have been renewed.

People seem to be confused about what a security clearance means. It is not the keys to the building. Have a clearance does not give you the ability to demand access to anything.

That's nice. Do you recall ever having it explained to you that they could and would revoke your clearance if they chose to, and that it was a courtesy and privilege they were extending, not something you had a right to?
You have a right to a clearance if you have met all the standards and requirements for having one

Trump does not have a right to use clearances as a weapon against his political enemies

Ah... but is it true Brennen used it as a weapon against his own men as more than one soldier is now claiming? Removing their clearance without explanation as a reward for their service in Benghazi?
Total nonsense

Brennan voicing political opinions is not treason and is not a security violation
He's retired, he doesn't need clearance, revoke it

Using this as an intimidation tactic to silence critics is disturbing.
Quit or get fired from your job tomorrow and see if you get to keep the keys to the building,
When I had a security clearance, and left that job, the clearance stayed with me until it expired and would have been renewed.

People seem to be confused about what a security clearance means. It is not the keys to the building. Have a clearance does not give you the ability to demand access to anything.

That's nice. Do you recall ever having it explained to you that they could and would revoke your clearance if they chose to, and that it was a courtesy and privilege they were extending, not something you had a right to?
You have a right to a clearance if you have met all the standards and requirements for having one

Trump does not have a right to use clearances as a weapon against his political enemies

Nobody has a "right" to a security clearance.
Special ops shoot down Brennan and his defenders:
'You put your politics before us'

"John Brennan rallied numerous high-powered defenders to his corner over his security clearance clash with President Trump, but some well-known special ops heroes are firing back suggesting the former CIA director got what he deserves.

Kris “Tanto” Paronto, a former Army Ranger and private security contractor who was part of the CIA team that fought back during the 2012 Benghazi terror attack, accused Brennan of putting his “politics” before those in the field.

He is lucky the security clearance is all he is getting away with,” Paronto told Fox News in an interview on Friday.

Responding a day earlier to Brennan’s tweet that his “principles are worth far more than clearances,” Paronto also tweeted:

“My principles are greater than clearances too John, especially when you and the @CIA kool-aid drinkers punishes us for not going along with the Benghazi cover-up story in order to protect you, @HillaryClinton’s & @BarackObama’s failures. You put your politics before us.”

Brennan has a lot of F*ING NERVE whining about having his security clearance pulled as 'punishment'!

Paronto helped write the book "13 Hours," later turned into a feature film, about the Benghazi attack. He has said he and his team lost their security clearances for speaking out.


Normally when you have a clearance suspended, you’re supposed to know why ... I was never given that,” he said, blaming Brennan. “It was his determination whether we kept our clearances or not.”

"We come back from being on the ground to be treated as a second class citizen. You come back and you’re called a liar,” Paronto told Fox News. “Brennan came in and there was no talk of ‘hey, good job guys,’ not that you look for it, but instead, it was ‘don’t say anything guys, we don’t want the truth to get out.’”

Does that sound like this criminal, America-Abandoning Traitor was trying to 'SAVE AMERICA'?! He's a f*ing LIAR, a criminal, and a TRAITOR!


"Robert O’Neill, the SEAL Team 6 member who killed bin Laden, respectfully disagreed with McRaven.

“I have nothing but respect and love for ADM McRaven. Yes I’ve seen this. We simply disagree."



"John Brennan was the point person for the Obama White House on the operation that killed Osama bin Laden. He knows a lot more about defending our nation than someone who uses security clearances to punish his political adversaries."
Ben Rhodes (@brhodes)
August 15, 2018


“Actually, @brhodes, 23 conservatives went after UBL. No offense, in case you were wondering.”

Actually, @brhodes , 23 conservatives went after UBL. No offense, in case you were wondering. https://t.co/yujmBYuTFd
— Robert J. O'Neill (@mchooyah) August 15, 2018


Special ops shoot down Brennan and his defenders: 'You put your politics before us'


Using this as an intimidation tactic to silence critics is disturbing.
Quit or get fired from your job tomorrow and see if you get to keep the keys to the building,
When I had a security clearance, and left that job, the clearance stayed with me until it expired and would have been renewed.

People seem to be confused about what a security clearance means. It is not the keys to the building. Have a clearance does not give you the ability to demand access to anything.

That's nice. Do you recall ever having it explained to you that they could and would revoke your clearance if they chose to, and that it was a courtesy and privilege they were extending, not something you had a right to?
You have a right to a clearance if you have met all the standards and requirements for having one

Trump does not have a right to use clearances as a weapon against his political enemies

Ah... but is it true Brennen used it as a weapon against his own men as more than one soldier is now claiming? Removing their clearance without explanation as a reward for their service in Benghazi?

No idea, but I can tell you that his whining about how he "needs" that clearance leaves me cold. They aren't given out for the individual's benefit; they're given out for the nation's benefit.

If he can't get the jobs he wants without a security clearance, then he's just going to have to live with being in the same employment boat as the vast majority of Americans, who ALSO don't have security clearances and manage to work anyway.

Perhaps he should have thought of that before cutting off his nose to spite his face.

Using this as an intimidation tactic to silence critics is disturbing.
Quit or get fired from your job tomorrow and see if you get to keep the keys to the building,
When I had a security clearance, and left that job, the clearance stayed with me until it expired and would have been renewed.

People seem to be confused about what a security clearance means. It is not the keys to the building. Have a clearance does not give you the ability to demand access to anything.

That's nice. Do you recall ever having it explained to you that they could and would revoke your clearance if they chose to, and that it was a courtesy and privilege they were extending, not something you had a right to?
You have a right to a clearance if you have met all the standards and requirements for having one

Trump does not have a right to use clearances as a weapon against his political enemies

Nobody has a "right" to a security clearance.
If you have passed all the interview s and inspections you do

Trump is playing Joe McCarthy
Quit or get fired from your job tomorrow and see if you get to keep the keys to the building,
When I had a security clearance, and left that job, the clearance stayed with me until it expired and would have been renewed.

People seem to be confused about what a security clearance means. It is not the keys to the building. Have a clearance does not give you the ability to demand access to anything.

That's nice. Do you recall ever having it explained to you that they could and would revoke your clearance if they chose to, and that it was a courtesy and privilege they were extending, not something you had a right to?
You have a right to a clearance if you have met all the standards and requirements for having one

Trump does not have a right to use clearances as a weapon against his political enemies

Ah... but is it true Brennen used it as a weapon against his own men as more than one soldier is now claiming? Removing their clearance without explanation as a reward for their service in Benghazi?
Total nonsense

Brennan voicing political opinions is not treason and is not a security violation

I'm talking about the soldiers on the ground who fought at the Benghazi debacle - all got their clearances pulled and were made to sign gag orders.
What about them? Why did they get their clearances revoked without cause or explanation?
Why not upset about those guys?
Quit or get fired from your job tomorrow and see if you get to keep the keys to the building,
When I had a security clearance, and left that job, the clearance stayed with me until it expired and would have been renewed.

People seem to be confused about what a security clearance means. It is not the keys to the building. Have a clearance does not give you the ability to demand access to anything.

That's nice. Do you recall ever having it explained to you that they could and would revoke your clearance if they chose to, and that it was a courtesy and privilege they were extending, not something you had a right to?
You have a right to a clearance if you have met all the standards and requirements for having one

Trump does not have a right to use clearances as a weapon against his political enemies

Nobody has a "right" to a security clearance.
If you have passed all the interview s and inspections you do

Trump is playing Joe McCarthy

No you don't... that's ridiculous.
When I had a security clearance, and left that job, the clearance stayed with me until it expired and would have been renewed.

People seem to be confused about what a security clearance means. It is not the keys to the building. Have a clearance does not give you the ability to demand access to anything.

That's nice. Do you recall ever having it explained to you that they could and would revoke your clearance if they chose to, and that it was a courtesy and privilege they were extending, not something you had a right to?
You have a right to a clearance if you have met all the standards and requirements for having one

Trump does not have a right to use clearances as a weapon against his political enemies

Nobody has a "right" to a security clearance.
If you have passed all the interview s and inspections you do

Trump is playing Joe McCarthy

No you don't... that's ridiculous.

The left has only shown on this thread that everything should be done because THEY THINK it should be their way instead of observing the law and regulations. THEY THINK it's unfair to punish someone because THEY THINK everything they say or do is protected by the 1st Amendment. That thought is what got the bastards in trouble to begin with. Myself, I will go to my grave without divulging Top Secret information I've had for over 50-60 years. I don't want to die in Leavenworth.
Funny how lying, fake news, violent, intolerant liberals ... who illegally spied on Americans, US Senators, USSC Justices...who stripped Benghazi defenders of their security clearances for speaking the truth...who have literally PI$$ED on the rights of others....are suddenly giving a damn about THEIR OWN 'Constitutional Rights'.

Even then Brennan demonstrates he doesn't know the 1st thing about Constitutional Rights (which explains a lot) by declaring that having a security clearance is his Constitutional Right and has anything to do with Freedom of Speech!

:p Bwuhahahahaha.......

Using this as an intimidation tactic to silence critics is disturbing.
Quit or get fired from your job tomorrow and see if you get to keep the keys to the building,
When I had a security clearance, and left that job, the clearance stayed with me until it expired and would have been renewed.

People seem to be confused about what a security clearance means. It is not the keys to the building. Have a clearance does not give you the ability to demand access to anything.

That's nice. Do you recall ever having it explained to you that they could and would revoke your clearance if they chose to, and that it was a courtesy and privilege they were extending, not something you had a right to?
You have a right to a clearance if you have met all the standards and requirements for having one

Trump does not have a right to use clearances as a weapon against his political enemies

Nobody has a "right" to a security clearance.
But only a slimebag a pos like trump would take them away for political purpose
Quit or get fired from your job tomorrow and see if you get to keep the keys to the building,
When I had a security clearance, and left that job, the clearance stayed with me until it expired and would have been renewed.

People seem to be confused about what a security clearance means. It is not the keys to the building. Have a clearance does not give you the ability to demand access to anything.

That's nice. Do you recall ever having it explained to you that they could and would revoke your clearance if they chose to, and that it was a courtesy and privilege they were extending, not something you had a right to?
You have a right to a clearance if you have met all the standards and requirements for having one

Trump does not have a right to use clearances as a weapon against his political enemies

Nobody has a "right" to a security clearance.
But only a slimebag a pos like trump would take them away for political purpose

Do you know the difference between Political and Security? And do you think it's unfair? Tell us all about the laws, rules and regulations concerning clearances. Betcha can't.

"Robert O’Neill, the SEAL Team 6 member who killed bin Laden, respectfully disagreed with McRaven.

“I have nothing but respect and love for ADM McRaven. Yes I’ve seen this. We simply disagree."

Where does this quote come from? Is O'Neil referring to McRaven's letter defending Brennan and scolding Trump? If so, where and when was this comment made?
He's retired, he doesn't need clearance, revoke it

Using this as an intimidation tactic to silence critics is disturbing.
Quit or get fired from your job tomorrow and see if you get to keep the keys to the building,
When I had a security clearance, and left that job, the clearance stayed with me until it expired and would have been renewed.

People seem to be confused about what a security clearance means. It is not the keys to the building. Have a clearance does not give you the ability to demand access to anything.

That's nice. Do you recall ever having it explained to you that they could and would revoke your clearance if they chose to, and that it was a courtesy and privilege they were extending, not something you had a right to?
You have a right to a clearance if you have met all the standards and requirements for having one

Trump does not have a right to use clearances as a weapon against his political enemies

Do you know how stupid this shows you to be? You get a clearnce on a need to have basis, you can't just walk in and say "I'd like to take the test and get a clearance". Good lord stop being stupid.
When I had a security clearance, and left that job, the clearance stayed with me until it expired and would have been renewed.

People seem to be confused about what a security clearance means. It is not the keys to the building. Have a clearance does not give you the ability to demand access to anything.

That's nice. Do you recall ever having it explained to you that they could and would revoke your clearance if they chose to, and that it was a courtesy and privilege they were extending, not something you had a right to?
You have a right to a clearance if you have met all the standards and requirements for having one

Trump does not have a right to use clearances as a weapon against his political enemies

Ah... but is it true Brennen used it as a weapon against his own men as more than one soldier is now claiming? Removing their clearance without explanation as a reward for their service in Benghazi?
Total nonsense

Brennan voicing political opinions is not treason and is not a security violation

I'm talking about the soldiers on the ground who fought at the Benghazi debacle - all got their clearances pulled and were made to sign gag orders.
What about them? Why did they get their clearances revoked without cause or explanation?
Why not upset about those guys?
Not familiar with the case
I suspect it is misrepresented

Using this as an intimidation tactic to silence critics is disturbing.
Quit or get fired from your job tomorrow and see if you get to keep the keys to the building,
When I had a security clearance, and left that job, the clearance stayed with me until it expired and would have been renewed.

People seem to be confused about what a security clearance means. It is not the keys to the building. Have a clearance does not give you the ability to demand access to anything.

That's nice. Do you recall ever having it explained to you that they could and would revoke your clearance if they chose to, and that it was a courtesy and privilege they were extending, not something you had a right to?
You have a right to a clearance if you have met all the standards and requirements for having one

Trump does not have a right to use clearances as a weapon against his political enemies

Do you know how stupid this shows you to be? You get a clearnce on a need to have basis, you can't just walk in and say "I'd like to take the test and get a clearance". Good lord stop being stupid.
Yes, you need a sponsor
However, once you have been given a final clearance, it is valid for ten years and you don’t have to go through a new investigation

Trump pulling a clearance for no other reason than petty retribution is an abuse of his office
Quit or get fired from your job tomorrow and see if you get to keep the keys to the building,
When I had a security clearance, and left that job, the clearance stayed with me until it expired and would have been renewed.

People seem to be confused about what a security clearance means. It is not the keys to the building. Have a clearance does not give you the ability to demand access to anything.

That's nice. Do you recall ever having it explained to you that they could and would revoke your clearance if they chose to, and that it was a courtesy and privilege they were extending, not something you had a right to?
You have a right to a clearance if you have met all the standards and requirements for having one

Trump does not have a right to use clearances as a weapon against his political enemies

Do you know how stupid this shows you to be? You get a clearnce on a need to have basis, you can't just walk in and say "I'd like to take the test and get a clearance". Good lord stop being stupid.
Yes, you need a sponsor
However, once you have been given a final clearance, it is valid for ten years and you don’t have to go through a new investigation

Trump pulling a clearance for no other reason than petty retribution is an abuse of his office

Nobody can just sponsor Joe Blow off the street, where do you get this stupid crap? Brennan is openly promoting sedition, he lied to Congress about the spying program and he spied on the Senate Intelligence Committee. He should have been fired and lost it back then.
When I had a security clearance, and left that job, the clearance stayed with me until it expired and would have been renewed.

People seem to be confused about what a security clearance means. It is not the keys to the building. Have a clearance does not give you the ability to demand access to anything.

That's nice. Do you recall ever having it explained to you that they could and would revoke your clearance if they chose to, and that it was a courtesy and privilege they were extending, not something you had a right to?
You have a right to a clearance if you have met all the standards and requirements for having one

Trump does not have a right to use clearances as a weapon against his political enemies

Do you know how stupid this shows you to be? You get a clearnce on a need to have basis, you can't just walk in and say "I'd like to take the test and get a clearance". Good lord stop being stupid.
Yes, you need a sponsor
However, once you have been given a final clearance, it is valid for ten years and you don’t have to go through a new investigation

Trump pulling a clearance for no other reason than petty retribution is an abuse of his office

Nobody can just sponsor Joe Blow off the street, where do you get this stupid crap? Brennan is openly promoting sedition, he lied to Congress about the spying program and he spied on the Senate Intelligence Committee. He should have been fired and lost it back then.
Are you frick’n nutz?

Brennan is an American Patriot concerned about the leadership of his country

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