"You have humiliated us"

That's nice. Do you recall ever having it explained to you that they could and would revoke your clearance if they chose to, and that it was a courtesy and privilege they were extending, not something you had a right to?
You have a right to a clearance if you have met all the standards and requirements for having one

Trump does not have a right to use clearances as a weapon against his political enemies

Do you know how stupid this shows you to be? You get a clearnce on a need to have basis, you can't just walk in and say "I'd like to take the test and get a clearance". Good lord stop being stupid.
Yes, you need a sponsor
However, once you have been given a final clearance, it is valid for ten years and you don’t have to go through a new investigation

Trump pulling a clearance for no other reason than petty retribution is an abuse of his office

Nobody can just sponsor Joe Blow off the street, where do you get this stupid crap? Brennan is openly promoting sedition, he lied to Congress about the spying program and he spied on the Senate Intelligence Committee. He should have been fired and lost it back then.
Are you frick’n nutz?

Brennan is an American Patriot concerned about the leadership of his country

Nope, sorry. When he accused the Prez of treason that is sedition. He is no hero he is a piece of excrement.
WASHINGTON — Former CIA Director John Brennan said Thursday that President Donald Trump yanked his security clearance because his campaign colluded with the Russians to sway the 2016 election and is now desperate to end the special counsel’s investigation.

In an opinion piece in The New York Times, Brennan cites press reports and Trump’s own goading of Russia during the campaign to find Democrat Hillary Clinton’s missing emails.

Trump himself drew a direct connection between the revocation of Brennan’s clearance and the Russia probe, telling The Wall Street Journal the investigation is a “sham,” and “these people led it!”

"So I think it's something that had to be done," Trump said.

Retired admiral, Navy SEAL compares President Trump’s actions to McCarthy-era witch hunts
Admiral has been outspoken on Trump's actions before, hitting him on media comments and Syria strike.

By: Todd South
It was a swift departure from the official explanation given by the White House on Wednesday, which cited “the risks” posed by what Trump labeled Brennan’s “erratic conduct and behavior.” The president said he was fulfilling his “constitutional responsibility to protect the nation’s classified information.”

Brennan wrote that Trump's claims of no collusion with Russia are "hogwash" and that the only question remaining is whether the collusion amounts to a "constituted criminally liable conspiracy."

"Trump clearly has become more desperate to protect himself and those close to him, which is why he made the politically motivated decision to revoke my security clearance in an attempt to scare into silence others who might dare to challenge him," he wrote.

Brennan's loss of a security clearance was an unprecedented act of retribution against a vocal critic and politicizes the federal government's security clearance process. Former CIA directors and other top national security officials are typically allowed to keep their clearances, at least for some period, so they can be in a position to advise their successors and to hold certain jobs.

Trump said Wednesday he is reviewing the security clearances of several other former top intelligence and law enforcement officials, including former FBI Director James Comey and current senior Justice Department official Bruce Ohr.

All are critics of the president or are people whom Trump appears to believe are against him
All our enemies? Really


These file photos, top row from left are former CIA Director Michael Hayden, former FBI Director James Comey, former acting FBI director Andrew McCabe and former national security adviser Susan Rice. Bottom row from left are former FBI Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok, former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and former National Intelligence Director James Clapper. President Donald Trump acted Aug. 15, 2018, on a threat and revoked the security clearance of former CIA Director John Brennan, citing a constitutional responsibility to protect classified information. Trump says he is reviewing security clearances for nine other individuals, including the eight pictured. (AP Photo/Files)
Democrats called it an "enemies list," a reference to the Nixon White House, which kept a list of President Richard Nixon's political opponents to be targeted with punitive measures.

There was no reference to the Russia probe in a White House statement Wednesday that was read at a press briefing and then sent out to reporters. In the statement, Trump denounced Brennan's criticism and accused Brennan of having "leveraged his status as a former high-ranking official with access to highly sensitive information to make a series of unfounded and outrageous allegations, wild outbursts on the internet and television about this administration."

"Mr. Brennan's lying and recent conduct characterized by increasingly frenzied commentary is wholly inconsistent with access to the nations' most closely held secrets," Trump said.

In the Journal interview, Trump said he was prepared to yank Brennan's clearance last week, but that it was too "hectic." The president, who was on an extended working vacation at his New Jersey golf club last week, has been under fire over accusations of racism by former adviser Omarosa Manigault Newman and his bitter reaction to them. Trump's statement, distributed to reporters, was dated July 26, 2018, suggesting it could have been held and then released when needed to change a damaging subject.

Brennan has been deeply critical of Trump's conduct, calling his performance at a press conference last month with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Finland "nothing short of treasonous.

You have a right to a clearance if you have met all the standards and requirements for having one

Trump does not have a right to use clearances as a weapon against his political enemies

Do you know how stupid this shows you to be? You get a clearnce on a need to have basis, you can't just walk in and say "I'd like to take the test and get a clearance". Good lord stop being stupid.
Yes, you need a sponsor
However, once you have been given a final clearance, it is valid for ten years and you don’t have to go through a new investigation

Trump pulling a clearance for no other reason than petty retribution is an abuse of his office

Nobody can just sponsor Joe Blow off the street, where do you get this stupid crap? Brennan is openly promoting sedition, he lied to Congress about the spying program and he spied on the Senate Intelligence Committee. He should have been fired and lost it back then.
Are you frick’n nutz?

Brennan is an American Patriot concerned about the leadership of his country

Nope, sorry. When he accused the Prez of treason that is sedition. He is no hero he is a piece of excrement.
Trump is a traitor doc kissing the butt of the man who attacked our election process What does putin have on him?
All our enemies? Really


These file photos, top row from left are former CIA Director Michael Hayden, former FBI Director James Comey, former acting FBI director Andrew McCabe and former national security adviser Susan Rice. Bottom row from left are former FBI Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok, former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and former National Intelligence Director James Clapper. President Donald Trump acted Aug. 15, 2018, on a threat and revoked the security clearance of former CIA Director John Brennan, citing a constitutional responsibility to protect classified information. Trump says he is reviewing security clearances for nine other individuals, including the eight pictured. (AP Photo/Files)
Democrats called it an "enemies list," a reference to the Nixon White House, which kept a list of President Richard Nixon's political opponents to be targeted with punitive measures.

There was no reference to the Russia probe in a White House statement Wednesday that was read at a press briefing and then sent out to reporters. In the statement, Trump denounced Brennan's criticism and accused Brennan of having "leveraged his status as a former high-ranking official with access to highly sensitive information to make a series of unfounded and outrageous allegations, wild outbursts on the internet and television about this administration."

"Mr. Brennan's lying and recent conduct characterized by increasingly frenzied commentary is wholly inconsistent with access to the nations' most closely held secrets," Trump said.

In the Journal interview, Trump said he was prepared to yank Brennan's clearance last week, but that it was too "hectic." The president, who was on an extended working vacation at his New Jersey golf club last week, has been under fire over accusations of racism by former adviser Omarosa Manigault Newman and his bitter reaction to them. Trump's statement, distributed to reporters, was dated July 26, 2018, suggesting it could have been held and then released when needed to change a damaging subject.

Brennan has been deeply critical of Trump's conduct, calling his performance at a press conference last month with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Finland "nothing short of treasonous.

Do you know how stupid this shows you to be? You get a clearnce on a need to have basis, you can't just walk in and say "I'd like to take the test and get a clearance". Good lord stop being stupid.
Yes, you need a sponsor
However, once you have been given a final clearance, it is valid for ten years and you don’t have to go through a new investigation

Trump pulling a clearance for no other reason than petty retribution is an abuse of his office

Nobody can just sponsor Joe Blow off the street, where do you get this stupid crap? Brennan is openly promoting sedition, he lied to Congress about the spying program and he spied on the Senate Intelligence Committee. He should have been fired and lost it back then.
Are you frick’n nutz?

Brennan is an American Patriot concerned about the leadership of his country

Nope, sorry. When he accused the Prez of treason that is sedition. He is no hero he is a piece of excrement.
Trump is a traitor doc kissing the butt of the man who attacked our election process What does putin have on him?

You don't even know what the word means son.
John O. Brennan
Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors.” It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???

10:52 AM - Jul 16, 2018

Former CIA director: Trump-Putin press conference "nothing short of treasonous"

What do you suppose he wants the "patriots" to do?

incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority

Definition of SEDITION

Tesxtbook case.

All our enemies? Really


These file photos, top row from left are former CIA Director Michael Hayden, former FBI Director James Comey, former acting FBI director Andrew McCabe and former national security adviser Susan Rice. Bottom row from left are former FBI Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok, former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and former National Intelligence Director James Clapper. President Donald Trump acted Aug. 15, 2018, on a threat and revoked the security clearance of former CIA Director John Brennan, citing a constitutional responsibility to protect classified information. Trump says he is reviewing security clearances for nine other individuals, including the eight pictured. (AP Photo/Files)
Democrats called it an "enemies list," a reference to the Nixon White House, which kept a list of President Richard Nixon's political opponents to be targeted with punitive measures.

There was no reference to the Russia probe in a White House statement Wednesday that was read at a press briefing and then sent out to reporters. In the statement, Trump denounced Brennan's criticism and accused Brennan of having "leveraged his status as a former high-ranking official with access to highly sensitive information to make a series of unfounded and outrageous allegations, wild outbursts on the internet and television about this administration."

"Mr. Brennan's lying and recent conduct characterized by increasingly frenzied commentary is wholly inconsistent with access to the nations' most closely held secrets," Trump said.

In the Journal interview, Trump said he was prepared to yank Brennan's clearance last week, but that it was too "hectic." The president, who was on an extended working vacation at his New Jersey golf club last week, has been under fire over accusations of racism by former adviser Omarosa Manigault Newman and his bitter reaction to them. Trump's statement, distributed to reporters, was dated July 26, 2018, suggesting it could have been held and then released when needed to change a damaging subject.

Brennan has been deeply critical of Trump's conduct, calling his performance at a press conference last month with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Finland "nothing short of treasonous.

Yes, you need a sponsor
However, once you have been given a final clearance, it is valid for ten years and you don’t have to go through a new investigation

Trump pulling a clearance for no other reason than petty retribution is an abuse of his office

Nobody can just sponsor Joe Blow off the street, where do you get this stupid crap? Brennan is openly promoting sedition, he lied to Congress about the spying program and he spied on the Senate Intelligence Committee. He should have been fired and lost it back then.
Are you frick’n nutz?

Brennan is an American Patriot concerned about the leadership of his country

Nope, sorry. When he accused the Prez of treason that is sedition. He is no hero he is a piece of excrement.
Trump is a traitor doc kissing the butt of the man who attacked our election process What does putin have on him?

You don't even know what the word means son.
Young man Trump and I have the best words ,,,,,and don't you forget it
You have a right to a clearance if you have met all the standards and requirements for having one

Trump does not have a right to use clearances as a weapon against his political enemies

Do you know how stupid this shows you to be? You get a clearnce on a need to have basis, you can't just walk in and say "I'd like to take the test and get a clearance". Good lord stop being stupid.
Yes, you need a sponsor
However, once you have been given a final clearance, it is valid for ten years and you don’t have to go through a new investigation

Trump pulling a clearance for no other reason than petty retribution is an abuse of his office

Nobody can just sponsor Joe Blow off the street, where do you get this stupid crap? Brennan is openly promoting sedition, he lied to Congress about the spying program and he spied on the Senate Intelligence Committee. He should have been fired and lost it back then.
Are you frick’n nutz?

Brennan is an American Patriot concerned about the leadership of his country

Nope, sorry. When he accused the Prez of treason that is sedition. He is no hero he is a piece of excrement.
Bull crap

Any citizen can state an opinion that the President has committed treason

Myself included
John O. Brennan
Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors.” It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???

10:52 AM - Jul 16, 2018

Former CIA director: Trump-Putin press conference "nothing short of treasonous"

What do you suppose he wants the "patriots" to do?

incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority

Definition of SEDITION

Tesxtbook case.
I think that word does not mean what you think it does
Do you know how stupid this shows you to be? You get a clearnce on a need to have basis, you can't just walk in and say "I'd like to take the test and get a clearance". Good lord stop being stupid.
Yes, you need a sponsor
However, once you have been given a final clearance, it is valid for ten years and you don’t have to go through a new investigation

Trump pulling a clearance for no other reason than petty retribution is an abuse of his office

Nobody can just sponsor Joe Blow off the street, where do you get this stupid crap? Brennan is openly promoting sedition, he lied to Congress about the spying program and he spied on the Senate Intelligence Committee. He should have been fired and lost it back then.
Are you frick’n nutz?

Brennan is an American Patriot concerned about the leadership of his country

Nope, sorry. When he accused the Prez of treason that is sedition. He is no hero he is a piece of excrement.
Bull crap

Any citizen can state an opinion that the President has committed treason

Myself included

What he did (as I have shown) was textbook Sedition.
John O. Brennan
Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors.” It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???

10:52 AM - Jul 16, 2018

Former CIA director: Trump-Putin press conference "nothing short of treasonous"

What do you suppose he wants the "patriots" to do?

incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority

Definition of SEDITION

Tesxtbook case.
I think that word does not mean what you think it does

LOL, I POSTED the definition, you truly are not an intelligent person.
Do you know how stupid this shows you to be? You get a clearnce on a need to have basis, you can't just walk in and say "I'd like to take the test and get a clearance". Good lord stop being stupid.
Yes, you need a sponsor
However, once you have been given a final clearance, it is valid for ten years and you don’t have to go through a new investigation

Trump pulling a clearance for no other reason than petty retribution is an abuse of his office

Nobody can just sponsor Joe Blow off the street, where do you get this stupid crap? Brennan is openly promoting sedition, he lied to Congress about the spying program and he spied on the Senate Intelligence Committee. He should have been fired and lost it back then.
Are you frick’n nutz?

Brennan is an American Patriot concerned about the leadership of his country

Nope, sorry. When he accused the Prez of treason that is sedition. He is no hero he is a piece of excrement.
Bull crap

Any citizen can state an opinion that the President has committed treason

Myself included
Yes and some may call it treason to look our enemy in the eye and rather than tell him like it is he kisses putins butt.....he should burn
Yes, you need a sponsor
However, once you have been given a final clearance, it is valid for ten years and you don’t have to go through a new investigation

Trump pulling a clearance for no other reason than petty retribution is an abuse of his office

Nobody can just sponsor Joe Blow off the street, where do you get this stupid crap? Brennan is openly promoting sedition, he lied to Congress about the spying program and he spied on the Senate Intelligence Committee. He should have been fired and lost it back then.
Are you frick’n nutz?

Brennan is an American Patriot concerned about the leadership of his country

Nope, sorry. When he accused the Prez of treason that is sedition. He is no hero he is a piece of excrement.
Bull crap

Any citizen can state an opinion that the President has committed treason

Myself included
Yes and some may call it treason to look our enemy in the eye and rather than tell him like it is he kisses putins butt.....he should burn

Why don't you show us what treason he committed?
Nobody can just sponsor Joe Blow off the street, where do you get this stupid crap? Brennan is openly promoting sedition, he lied to Congress about the spying program and he spied on the Senate Intelligence Committee. He should have been fired and lost it back then.
Are you frick’n nutz?

Brennan is an American Patriot concerned about the leadership of his country

Nope, sorry. When he accused the Prez of treason that is sedition. He is no hero he is a piece of excrement.
Bull crap

Any citizen can state an opinion that the President has committed treason

Myself included
Yes and some may call it treason to look our enemy in the eye and rather than tell him like it is he kisses putins butt.....he should burn

Why don't you show us what treason he committed?
John O. Brennan
Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors.” It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???

10:52 AM - Jul 16, 2018

Former CIA director: Trump-Putin press conference "nothing short of treasonous"

What do you suppose he wants the "patriots" to do?

incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority

Definition of SEDITION

Tesxtbook case.
I think that word does not mean what you think it does

LOL, I POSTED the definition, you truly are not an intelligent person.
Definition of sedition
: incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority
All our enemies? Really


These file photos, top row from left are former CIA Director Michael Hayden, former FBI Director James Comey, former acting FBI director Andrew McCabe and former national security adviser Susan Rice. Bottom row from left are former FBI Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok, former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and former National Intelligence Director James Clapper. President Donald Trump acted Aug. 15, 2018, on a threat and revoked the security clearance of former CIA Director John Brennan, citing a constitutional responsibility to protect classified information. Trump says he is reviewing security clearances for nine other individuals, including the eight pictured. (AP Photo/Files)
Democrats called it an "enemies list," a reference to the Nixon White House, which kept a list of President Richard Nixon's political opponents to be targeted with punitive measures.

There was no reference to the Russia probe in a White House statement Wednesday that was read at a press briefing and then sent out to reporters. In the statement, Trump denounced Brennan's criticism and accused Brennan of having "leveraged his status as a former high-ranking official with access to highly sensitive information to make a series of unfounded and outrageous allegations, wild outbursts on the internet and television about this administration."

"Mr. Brennan's lying and recent conduct characterized by increasingly frenzied commentary is wholly inconsistent with access to the nations' most closely held secrets," Trump said.

In the Journal interview, Trump said he was prepared to yank Brennan's clearance last week, but that it was too "hectic." The president, who was on an extended working vacation at his New Jersey golf club last week, has been under fire over accusations of racism by former adviser Omarosa Manigault Newman and his bitter reaction to them. Trump's statement, distributed to reporters, was dated July 26, 2018, suggesting it could have been held and then released when needed to change a damaging subject.

Brennan has been deeply critical of Trump's conduct, calling his performance at a press conference last month with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Finland "nothing short of treasonous.

Yes, you need a sponsor
However, once you have been given a final clearance, it is valid for ten years and you don’t have to go through a new investigation

Trump pulling a clearance for no other reason than petty retribution is an abuse of his office

Nobody can just sponsor Joe Blow off the street, where do you get this stupid crap? Brennan is openly promoting sedition, he lied to Congress about the spying program and he spied on the Senate Intelligence Committee. He should have been fired and lost it back then.
Are you frick’n nutz?

Brennan is an American Patriot concerned about the leadership of his country

Nope, sorry. When he accused the Prez of treason that is sedition. He is no hero he is a piece of excrement.
Trump is a traitor doc kissing the butt of the man who attacked our election process What does putin have on him?

You don't even know what the word means son.
Aid and comfort to our enemies Trump is guilty

Web results
Treason | Definition of Treason by Merriam-Webster
Definition of TREASON
legal Definition of treason. : the offense of attempting to overthrow the government of one's country or of assisting its enemies in war; specifically : the act of levying war against the United States or adhering to or giving aid and comfort to its enemies by one who owes it allegiance.

treason Definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
treason Definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
treason meaning: 1. (the crime of) showing no loyalty to your country, especially by helping its enemies or trying to defeat its government: 2. the crime of helping ...
Are you frick’n nutz?

Brennan is an American Patriot concerned about the leadership of his country

Nope, sorry. When he accused the Prez of treason that is sedition. He is no hero he is a piece of excrement.
Bull crap

Any citizen can state an opinion that the President has committed treason

Myself included
Yes and some may call it treason to look our enemy in the eye and rather than tell him like it is he kisses putins butt.....he should burn

Why don't you show us what treason he committed?
John O. Brennan
Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors.” It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???

10:52 AM - Jul 16, 2018

Former CIA director: Trump-Putin press conference "nothing short of treasonous"

What do you suppose he wants the "patriots" to do?

incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority

Definition of SEDITION

Tesxtbook case.
I think that word does not mean what you think it does

LOL, I POSTED the definition, you truly are not an intelligent person.
Definition of sedition
: incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority

I already used Webster kid. Try again.
Nope, sorry. When he accused the Prez of treason that is sedition. He is no hero he is a piece of excrement.
Bull crap

Any citizen can state an opinion that the President has committed treason

Myself included
Yes and some may call it treason to look our enemy in the eye and rather than tell him like it is he kisses putins butt.....he should burn

Why don't you show us what treason he committed?
John O. Brennan
Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors.” It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???

10:52 AM - Jul 16, 2018

Former CIA director: Trump-Putin press conference "nothing short of treasonous"

What do you suppose he wants the "patriots" to do?

incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority

Definition of SEDITION

Tesxtbook case.
I think that word does not mean what you think it does

LOL, I POSTED the definition, you truly are not an intelligent person.
Definition of sedition
: incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority

I already used Webster kid. Try again.
Trump has given aid to our enemy You deny that?
All our enemies? Really


These file photos, top row from left are former CIA Director Michael Hayden, former FBI Director James Comey, former acting FBI director Andrew McCabe and former national security adviser Susan Rice. Bottom row from left are former FBI Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok, former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and former National Intelligence Director James Clapper. President Donald Trump acted Aug. 15, 2018, on a threat and revoked the security clearance of former CIA Director John Brennan, citing a constitutional responsibility to protect classified information. Trump says he is reviewing security clearances for nine other individuals, including the eight pictured. (AP Photo/Files)
Democrats called it an "enemies list," a reference to the Nixon White House, which kept a list of President Richard Nixon's political opponents to be targeted with punitive measures.

There was no reference to the Russia probe in a White House statement Wednesday that was read at a press briefing and then sent out to reporters. In the statement, Trump denounced Brennan's criticism and accused Brennan of having "leveraged his status as a former high-ranking official with access to highly sensitive information to make a series of unfounded and outrageous allegations, wild outbursts on the internet and television about this administration."

"Mr. Brennan's lying and recent conduct characterized by increasingly frenzied commentary is wholly inconsistent with access to the nations' most closely held secrets," Trump said.

In the Journal interview, Trump said he was prepared to yank Brennan's clearance last week, but that it was too "hectic." The president, who was on an extended working vacation at his New Jersey golf club last week, has been under fire over accusations of racism by former adviser Omarosa Manigault Newman and his bitter reaction to them. Trump's statement, distributed to reporters, was dated July 26, 2018, suggesting it could have been held and then released when needed to change a damaging subject.

Brennan has been deeply critical of Trump's conduct, calling his performance at a press conference last month with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Finland "nothing short of treasonous.

Nobody can just sponsor Joe Blow off the street, where do you get this stupid crap? Brennan is openly promoting sedition, he lied to Congress about the spying program and he spied on the Senate Intelligence Committee. He should have been fired and lost it back then.
Are you frick’n nutz?

Brennan is an American Patriot concerned about the leadership of his country

Nope, sorry. When he accused the Prez of treason that is sedition. He is no hero he is a piece of excrement.
Trump is a traitor doc kissing the butt of the man who attacked our election process What does putin have on him?

You don't even know what the word means son.
Aid and comfort to our enemies Trump is guilty

Web results
Treason | Definition of Treason by Merriam-Webster
Definition of TREASON
legal Definition of treason. : the offense of attempting to overthrow the government of one's country or of assisting its enemies in war; specifically : the act of levying war against the United States or adhering to or giving aid and comfort to its enemies by one who owes it allegiance.

treason Definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
treason Definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
treason meaning: 1. (the crime of) showing no loyalty to your country, especially by helping its enemies or trying to defeat its government: 2. the crime of helping ...

;) Go ahead, prove it.
Bull crap

Any citizen can state an opinion that the President has committed treason

Myself included
Yes and some may call it treason to look our enemy in the eye and rather than tell him like it is he kisses putins butt.....he should burn

Why don't you show us what treason he committed?
John O. Brennan
Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors.” It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???

10:52 AM - Jul 16, 2018

Former CIA director: Trump-Putin press conference "nothing short of treasonous"

What do you suppose he wants the "patriots" to do?

incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority

Definition of SEDITION

Tesxtbook case.
I think that word does not mean what you think it does

LOL, I POSTED the definition, you truly are not an intelligent person.
Definition of sedition
: incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority

I already used Webster kid. Try again.
Trump has given aid to our enemy You deny that?

Yup. Tell me, how did he do that?

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