"You have humiliated us"

Now you need to PROVE he committed it.
I'll leave that to Mueller and a Dem house coming soon

So you're just talking out of your ass, I get it.
Hey assface YOU prove he's innocent

You made the charge son, you get to prove your assertion. I fully understand that you have the intellect of a child but the way this stuff works is that if you make a claim YOU have to prove. It really is just that simple.
I'm not a gd lawyer and asking to prove some ones guilty is only you banging your head up against the wall I won't play your game

Like I said, you're just talking out of your ass. You make charges you can't prove, one shouldn't throw around such charges WITHOUT being able to prove them, that's just not how it's done....in the best of circles that is.
This gentleman is now the Chancellor of U of Tx.
He also received awards from the fbi and cia while serving under the last administration. Of course, he will defend them.


He seems to be another Deep State piece of scum.
^Noting that you called a Retired Navy SEAL a "piece of scum."
Being a Navy Seal is not like being royalty. They are never above reproach.
seems to me that all the worship of military and officials , vets and other authority figures in unhealthy as all heck . And it is bad in the general adult population but much worse for young Americans still in lower grades of public school .
The slide toward Moscow continues.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- if i understand your meaning , YEAH , i agree but it was happening long before the TRUMP and started after the Trade Towers under 'gwb' Bode .
seems to me that all the worship of military and officials , vets and other authority figures in unhealthy as all heck . And it is bad in the general adult population but much worse for young Americans still in lower grades of public school .
But kissing the butt of a president that kisses our enemies butt is healthy?
seems to me that all the worship of military and officials , vets and other authority figures in unhealthy as all heck . And it is bad in the general adult population but much worse for young Americans still in lower grades of public school .
But kissing the butt of a president that kisses our enemies butt is healthy?
------------------------------ i don't see that as happening . I see TRUMP as wanting to deal with the Russians on a basis of 'trust but verify' like 'rreagan' did Edward .
seems to me that all the worship of military and officials , vets and other authority figures in unhealthy as all heck . And it is bad in the general adult population but much worse for young Americans still in lower grades of public school .
But kissing the butt of a president that kisses our enemies butt is healthy?
------------------------------ i don't see that as happening . I see TRUMP as wanting to deal with the Russians on a basis of 'trust but verify' like 'rreagan' did Edward .
He trusted and verified Putin didn't attack our election?? Didn't help him win??
seems to me that all the worship of military and officials , vets and other authority figures in unhealthy as all heck . And it is bad in the general adult population but much worse for young Americans still in lower grades of public school .
But kissing the butt of a president that kisses our enemies butt is healthy?
------------------------------ i don't see that as happening . I see TRUMP as wanting to deal with the Russians on a basis of 'trust but verify' like 'rreagan' did Edward .
Reagan never laundered money from Russian billionaires and he never borrowed money from them. Plus, he did not need their help to get elected.
seems to me that all the worship of military and officials , vets and other authority figures in unhealthy as all heck . And it is bad in the general adult population but much worse for young Americans still in lower grades of public school .
But kissing the butt of a president that kisses our enemies butt is healthy?
------------------------------ i don't see that as happening . I see TRUMP as wanting to deal with the Russians on a basis of 'trust but verify' like 'rreagan' did Edward .
Trump trusts anything Putin tells him

We saw that in Helsinki
Ret. Navy Admiral to Trump: ‘I Would Consider It an Honor if You Would Revoke My Security Clearance’

a Washington Post op-ed Thursday afternoon. Few Americans have done more to protect this country than John. He is a man of unparalleled integrity, whose honesty and character have never been in question, except by those who don’t know him."

McRaven gave 37 years of his life to the Navy before retiring in 2014 with the honor of being the longest serving Navy SEAL to still be on duty.

"Therefore, I would consider it an honor if you would revoke my security clearance as well, so I can add my name to the list of men and women who have spoken up against your presidency," McRaven continues.

Admiral McRaven also served as the first director of the NATO Special Operations Forces Coordination Centre (NSCC), and ninth commander of the United States Special Operations Command, and just retired as chancellor of the University of Texas System.

"Through your actions, you have embarrassed us in the eyes of our children, humiliated us on the world stage and, worst of all, divided us as a nation," the Admiral continues. "If you think for a moment that your McCarthy-era tactics will suppress the voices of criticism, you are sadly mistaken."

The Post includes this short clip of McRaven calling Trump's attack on the free press as "the enemy of the American people," possibly "the greatest threat to democracy" in his lifetime.
He just said what everyone is thinking.
Why is it that the trumpanzees want to destroy the brain trust that defends us and constitutes our "firewall"? People like Brennan and McRaven have served honorably as our front line.
as i said , TRUMP wants to deal with the Russians on a Trust but Verify Basis same as 'r reagan' did Gents and as time goes by i think that thats what yer going to get .
Why is it that the trumpanzees want to destroy the brain trust that defends us and constitutes our "firewall"? People like Brennan and McRaven have served honorably as our front line.
And like the 13 other intelligence people who called out the orange anus that he wants to destroy
Why is it that the trumpanzees want to destroy the brain trust that defends us and constitutes our "firewall"? People like Brennan and McRaven have served honorably as our front line.
------------------------------------------------- MORE Swamp People like 'brennan' and 'mcraven' may soon be ready for the removal of their 'sec clearance' pretty soon Lysis .
as i said , TRUMP wants to deal with the Russians on a Trust but Verify Basis same as 'r reagan' did Gents and as time goes by i think that thats what yer going to get .
Don't you get it ? Russia is our enemy they'll shake our hand and stab you in the back Trump is doing just what russia wants him to do ,,
Why is it that the trumpanzees want to destroy the brain trust that defends us and constitutes our "firewall"? People like Brennan and McRaven have served honorably as our front line.
And like the 13 other intelligence people who called out the orange anus that he wants to destroy
-------------------------------- yeah , the TRUMP may be getting ready to remove MORE Swamp Dwellers Edward .
Why is it that the trumpanzees want to destroy the brain trust that defends us and constitutes our "firewall"? People like Brennan and McRaven have served honorably as our front line.
And like the 13 other intelligence people who called out the orange anus that he wants to destroy
-------------------------------- yeah , the TRUMP may be getting ready to remove MORE Swamp Dwellers Edward .
pis First it was our media who all lied about him ,,,now it's our intelligence agencies Don't you see what the scumbag is doing??,,,,,,,,,and manafort the crook is a good man???
This gentleman is now the Chancellor of U of Tx.
He also received awards from the fbi and cia while serving under the last administration. Of course, he will defend them.


He seems to be another Deep State piece of scum.
^Noting that you called a Retired Navy SEAL a "piece of scum."
Being a Navy Seal is not like being royalty. They are never above reproach.
In the real world, "piece of scum" is a long long long way beyond "never above reproach". Especially when the only thing they've done is have a different political take on things.
as i said , TRUMP wants to deal with the Russians on a Trust but Verify Basis same as 'r reagan' did Gents and as time goes by i think that thats what yer going to get .
Don't you get it ? Russia is our enemy they'll shake our hand and stab you in the back Trump is doing just what russia wants him to do ,,
---------------------------------- without going back to ww2 i can show you where 'hilary' wanted a reset of relations with Russia and where 'mrobama' wanted to get More Flexible with Russia and Putin . Also , before 'mrobama' we had 'gwb' that could see Putins soul through Putins eyes Edward . TRUMP , Trump just wants to deal with Putin on a 'trust but verify' basis same as ' r reagan' did Edward .
Why is it that the trumpanzees want to destroy the brain trust that defends us and constitutes our "firewall"? People like Brennan and McRaven have served honorably as our front line.
And like the 13 other intelligence people who called out the orange anus that he wants to destroy
-------------------------------- yeah , the TRUMP may be getting ready to remove MORE Swamp Dwellers Edward .
pis First it was our media who all lied about him ,,,now it's our intelligence agencies Don't you see what the scumbag is doing??,,,,,,,,,and manafort the crook is a good man???
The tipping point has been reached with these people a long long time ago.

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