"You have humiliated us"

lol sure sure ... a bunch of wannabee 'contractors' hoping to line their pockets like Brennan did, some $40 million bucks worth at last count.

Nobody gives a shit about this fake news, not even the Party hacks at PBS think it's a 'story'. lol

Wanna' be contractors?
CIA agents aren't contractors.
Lie much?
The shit-stain cowards in the GOP Congress are going to lose their asses in November.

60 more ex-CIA officials criticize Trump for yanking John Brennan's clearance
60 more ex-CIA officials criticize Trump for yanking John Brennan's clearance

"""""Sixty former CIA officials are joining a chorus of national security professionals denouncing President Donald Trump's decision to yank the security clearance of former CIA Director John Brennan, one of the president's harshest critics.

Trump says he pulled Brennan's clearance because he had to do "something" about the "rigged" federal probe of Russian election interference. Trump says he expects to soon revoke the security clearance for a Justice Department official whose wife worked for a firm involved in producing a dossier on Trump's ties to Russia."""

They are irrelevant


Oh, and then there's this from GoFundMe since you're obsessed with someone whose shoes you aren't fit to shine:

$433,290 of $500,000 goal

Raised by 11,319 people in 4 days
Created August 13, 2018

Friends Of Special Agent Peter Strzok
Why would I want to shine the shoes of a traitor? And to a lessor degree, a poor performing civil servant?

Sixty and counting former CIA officials warned President Donald Trump in a statement on Friday that "the country will be weakened if there is a political litmus test applied before seasoned experts are allowed to share their views."

Ex-CIA officials: 'Country will be weakened' if political litmus test applied to experts - CNNPolitics

I can either believe these men or the compromised man-child crook sitting in the oval office. Someone using his office for political revenge shows just what trash Trump is.

All these officials are anti-American pieces of shit who should never have been in the CIA.
With respect to devotion and service to the Republic and its People...

I'll stack their resumes or CVs against yours, any day of the week, and twice on Sunday.

Thank you for playing.

Next batter, please.
The shit-stain cowards in the GOP Congress are going to lose their asses in November.

60 more ex-CIA officials criticize Trump for yanking John Brennan's clearance
60 more ex-CIA officials criticize Trump for yanking John Brennan's clearance

"""""Sixty former CIA officials are joining a chorus of national security professionals denouncing President Donald Trump's decision to yank the security clearance of former CIA Director John Brennan, one of the president's harshest critics.

Trump says he pulled Brennan's clearance because he had to do "something" about the "rigged" federal probe of Russian election interference. Trump says he expects to soon revoke the security clearance for a Justice Department official whose wife worked for a firm involved in producing a dossier on Trump's ties to Russia."""

They are irrelevant


Oh, and then there's this from GoFundMe since you're obsessed with someone whose shoes you aren't fit to shine:

$433,290 of $500,000 goal

Raised by 11,319 people in 4 days
Created August 13, 2018

Friends Of Special Agent Peter Strzok
Just goes to prove the old adage "a fool and his money are soon parted"
Revoke them all if you are retired or no longer working for the intelligence community you don't need a security clearance if for some reason your opinion is needed on a classified matter you can be issued a temporary security clearance.
"Trump says he expects to soon revoke the security clearance for a Justice Department official whose wife worked for a firm involved in producing a dossier on Trump's ties to Russia.""""

Yeah, that's those two idiot 'Intelligence experts' who paid that British con artist for fake info on Trump during the election cycle; yes those idiots should keep their clearances, cuz like, we're so much safer with morons like that running around the planet with national security secrets ...
The Admiral who did the raid over 9 1/2 years after they were told where Bin Laden was and where he'd flee to? That's a little slow isn't it?
If he's no longer in the loop maybe they can get him on "Born This Way".
Sixty and counting former CIA officials warned President Donald Trump in a statement on Friday that "the country will be weakened if there is a political litmus test applied before seasoned experts are allowed to share their views."

Ex-CIA officials: 'Country will be weakened' if political litmus test applied to experts - CNNPolitics

I can either believe these men or the compromised man-child crook sitting in the oval office. Someone using his office for political revenge shows just what trash Trump is.

All these officials are anti-American pieces of shit who should never have been in the CIA.
The POS is the one compromising our national security to stay in power and obstruct investigations into his criminal conduct.
Not only have you been gaslighted...you are inside an inferno.
Sixty and counting former CIA officials warned President Donald Trump in a statement on Friday that "the country will be weakened if there is a political litmus test applied before seasoned experts are allowed to share their views."

Ex-CIA officials: 'Country will be weakened' if political litmus test applied to experts - CNNPolitics

I can either believe these men or the compromised man-child crook sitting in the oval office. Someone using his office for political revenge shows just what trash Trump is.
whoah - CNN i better pay attention.
Yeah. you should. Better get educated about what is occurring in this country. Stop with the Breibart crap.
The shit-stain cowards in the GOP Congress are going to lose their asses in November

60 more ex-CIA officials criticize Trump for yanking John Brennan's clearance
60 more ex-CIA officials criticize Trump for yanking John Brennan's clearance

"""""Sixty former CIA officials are joining a chorus of national security professionals denouncing President Donald Trump's decision to yank the security clearance of former CIA Director John Brennan, one of the president's harshest critics.

Trump says he pulled Brennan's clearance because he had to do "something" about the "rigged" federal probe of Russian election interference. Trump says he expects to soon revoke the security clearance for a Justice Department official whose wife worked for a firm involved in producing a dossier on Trump's ties to Russia."""

Now Trump is BLATANTLY obstructing justice!
fake news
The shit-stain cowards in the GOP Congress are going to lose their asses in November.

60 more ex-CIA officials criticize Trump for yanking John Brennan's clearance
60 more ex-CIA officials criticize Trump for yanking John Brennan's clearance

"""""Sixty former CIA officials are joining a chorus of national security professionals denouncing President Donald Trump's decision to yank the security clearance of former CIA Director John Brennan, one of the president's harshest critics.

Trump says he pulled Brennan's clearance because he had to do "something" about the "rigged" federal probe of Russian election interference. Trump says he expects to soon revoke the security clearance for a Justice Department official whose wife worked for a firm involved in producing a dossier on Trump's ties to Russia."""

They are irrelevant


Reality's a bitch for you, isn't it?
Not at all, why do you project such?


The shit-stain cowards in the GOP Congress are going to lose their asses in November.

60 more ex-CIA officials criticize Trump for yanking John Brennan's clearance
60 more ex-CIA officials criticize Trump for yanking John Brennan's clearance

"""""Sixty former CIA officials are joining a chorus of national security professionals denouncing President Donald Trump's decision to yank the security clearance of former CIA Director John Brennan, one of the president's harshest critics.

Trump says he pulled Brennan's clearance because he had to do "something" about the "rigged" federal probe of Russian election interference. Trump says he expects to soon revoke the security clearance for a Justice Department official whose wife worked for a firm involved in producing a dossier on Trump's ties to Russia."""

They are irrelevant


Oh, and then there's this from GoFundMe since you're obsessed with someone whose shoes you aren't fit to shine:

$433,290 of $500,000 goal

Raised by 11,319 people in 4 days
Created August 13, 2018

Friends Of Special Agent Peter Strzok
Just goes to prove the old adage "a fool and his money are soon parted"

Um, that's not what this is about.
Sounds like reality is a bitch for you, too.
So apparently some of the CIA is ok with Obama's failed coup. Why the fuck are they even allowed to work for us?
How did a guy who voted for a communist ever get to be the top guy? Oh, holy shit, I get it he was appointed by a communist.
The shit-stain cowards in the GOP Congress are going to lose their asses in November

60 more ex-CIA officials criticize Trump for yanking John Brennan's clearance
60 more ex-CIA officials criticize Trump for yanking John Brennan's clearance

"""""Sixty former CIA officials are joining a chorus of national security professionals denouncing President Donald Trump's decision to yank the security clearance of former CIA Director John Brennan, one of the president's harshest critics.

Trump says he pulled Brennan's clearance because he had to do "something" about the "rigged" federal probe of Russian election interference. Trump says he expects to soon revoke the security clearance for a Justice Department official whose wife worked for a firm involved in producing a dossier on Trump's ties to Russia."""

Now Trump is BLATANTLY obstructing justice!
fake news

^^^^^ TBS
Trump Brainwashed Syndrome
lol sure sure ... a bunch of wannabee 'contractors' hoping to line their pockets like Brennan did, some $40 million bucks worth at last count.

Nobody gives a shit about this fake news, not even the Party hacks at PBS think it's a 'story'. lol

Wanna' be contractors?
CIA agents aren't contractors.
Lie much?

You're an idiot; no need to keep proving it, shitbird; they're all waiting for the day they can rake in the big bucks like your POS whiner Brennan has.
The shit-stain cowards in the GOP Congress are going to lose their asses in November.

60 more ex-CIA officials criticize Trump for yanking John Brennan's clearance
60 more ex-CIA officials criticize Trump for yanking John Brennan's clearance

"""""Sixty former CIA officials are joining a chorus of national security professionals denouncing President Donald Trump's decision to yank the security clearance of former CIA Director John Brennan, one of the president's harshest critics.

Trump says he pulled Brennan's clearance because he had to do "something" about the "rigged" federal probe of Russian election interference. Trump says he expects to soon revoke the security clearance for a Justice Department official whose wife worked for a firm involved in producing a dossier on Trump's ties to Russia."""

They are irrelevant


Reality's a bitch for you, isn't it?
Not at all, why do you project such?


I'll mark this post and let it slap you in your
The shit-stain cowards in the GOP Congress are going to lose their asses in November.

60 more ex-CIA officials criticize Trump for yanking John Brennan's clearance
60 more ex-CIA officials criticize Trump for yanking John Brennan's clearance

"""""Sixty former CIA officials are joining a chorus of national security professionals denouncing President Donald Trump's decision to yank the security clearance of former CIA Director John Brennan, one of the president's harshest critics.

Trump says he pulled Brennan's clearance because he had to do "something" about the "rigged" federal probe of Russian election interference. Trump says he expects to soon revoke the security clearance for a Justice Department official whose wife worked for a firm involved in producing a dossier on Trump's ties to Russia."""

They are irrelevant


Oh, and then there's this from GoFundMe since you're obsessed with someone whose shoes you aren't fit to shine:

$433,290 of $500,000 goal

Raised by 11,319 people in 4 days
Created August 13, 2018

Friends Of Special Agent Peter Strzok
Just goes to prove the old adage "a fool and his money are soon parted"

Um, that's not what this is about.
Sounds like reality is a bitch for you, too.
You are the fool who brought up the money on go fund me. Try and keep up with your own posts. Sounds like you never even had a close understanding of reality.
Sixty and counting former CIA officials warned President Donald Trump in a statement on Friday that "the country will be weakened if there is a political litmus test applied before seasoned experts are allowed to share their views."

Ex-CIA officials: 'Country will be weakened' if political litmus test applied to experts - CNNPolitics

I can either believe these men or the compromised man-child crook sitting in the oval office. Someone using his office for political revenge shows just what trash Trump is.

Trash has a better moral compass than Trump.
Trash has a higher IQ than Trump, too.
Trump is freaking out with Omarosa and her 200 audios, Mueller breathing down his neck, Don Jr. in deep shit because he lied about meeting the Russians, and Manafort's jury out for deliberations on 32 counts of bank fraud and money-laundering.
The shit-stain cowards in the GOP Congress are going to lose their asses in November

60 more ex-CIA officials criticize Trump for yanking John Brennan's clearance
60 more ex-CIA officials criticize Trump for yanking John Brennan's clearance

"""""Sixty former CIA officials are joining a chorus of national security professionals denouncing President Donald Trump's decision to yank the security clearance of former CIA Director John Brennan, one of the president's harshest critics.

Trump says he pulled Brennan's clearance because he had to do "something" about the "rigged" federal probe of Russian election interference. Trump says he expects to soon revoke the security clearance for a Justice Department official whose wife worked for a firm involved in producing a dossier on Trump's ties to Russia."""

Now Trump is BLATANTLY obstructing justice!

------------------------------------------------------ only thing that matters is seeing if TRUMP is Cowed and then backs off on his draining of the Swamp '2020' .
Last edited:
Sixty and counting former CIA officials warned President Donald Trump in a statement on Friday that "the country will be weakened if there is a political litmus test applied before seasoned experts are allowed to share their views."

Ex-CIA officials: 'Country will be weakened' if political litmus test applied to experts - CNNPolitics

I can either believe these men or the compromised man-child crook sitting in the oval office. Someone using his office for political revenge shows just what trash Trump is.

All these officials are anti-American pieces of shit who should never have been in the CIA.
With respect to devotion and service to the Republic and its People...

I'll stack their resumes or CVs against yours, any day of the week, and twice on Sunday.

Thank you for playing.

Next batter, please.
Appeal to authority...an authority that is entirely corrupt and criminal...but you think them smart, because you have become like a trained monkey....Trump...Trump....Trump...

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