"You have humiliated us"

Clearly the ruling class wants Donnie gone. I for one do not like the ruling class. F**k them.
No patriots want Trump held accountable. Trump is a friggin nut tearing apart this country. Trump is anything but a patriot.
imma patriot cause i said so first so i must be!!! i think better than you do so i'm the good guy here! wah wah and shit PATRIOT I SAID YOU RACIST!!!

you really need some help, dude.
Time will tell, and the Jury will be back with a decision soon. It appears that Donald Trump today attempted Jury Tampering:

Trump: Manafort trial is very sad

It 'appears', eh? I bet all kinds of stuff 'appears' to you, all day long. Why not run a daily diary for us, so we can laugh ... er, I mean... 'benefit' from your profound 'insights' garnered from these 'appearances' you have?
Sixty and counting former CIA officials warned President Donald Trump in a statement on Friday that "the country will be weakened if there is a political litmus test applied before seasoned experts are allowed to share their views."

Ex-CIA officials: 'Country will be weakened' if political litmus test applied to experts - CNNPolitics

I can either believe these men or the compromised man-child crook sitting in the oval office. Someone using his office for political revenge shows just what trash Trump is.

All these officials are anti-American pieces of shit who should never have been in the CIA.
With respect to devotion and service to the Republic and its People...

I'll stack their resumes or CVs against yours, any day of the week, and twice on Sunday.

Thank you for playing.

Next batter, please.
Appeal to authority...an authority that is entirely corrupt and criminal...but you think them smart, because you have become like a trained monkey....Trump...Trump....Trump...
Thank you for your feedback.

Next batter, please.
Sixty and counting former CIA officials warned President Donald Trump in a statement on Friday that "the country will be weakened if there is a political litmus test applied before seasoned experts are allowed to share their views."

Ex-CIA officials: 'Country will be weakened' if political litmus test applied to experts - CNNPolitics

I can either believe these men or the compromised man-child crook sitting in the oval office. Someone using his office for political revenge shows just what trash Trump is.
You do realize “man-child” now a discriminatory word to left wing lunatics like you, right?

Nah Trump is the perfect example of a man-child. A petulant ego obsessed man with a child's emotional self-control. Yeah, man-child describes Trump to a tee.
Clearly the ruling class wants Donnie gone. I for one do not like the ruling class. F**k them.

Huh? They got huge tax cuts from Donnie Douchebag, they love him.
It's federal law enforcement that's had enough of him.
Trump should be careful to demean the very people who are responsible for his safety.
But he's too fucking stupid to realize that.
The ruling class is on the left, moron. The Silicon valley billionaires are all leftwingers.

By "federal law enforcement," you mean the former leadership of the FBI? They are all criminals. It's only a matter of time until Trump does some house cleaning and sends them all to prison where they belong.

Brennan, Comey, Strozk, McCabe, Mr. and Mrs Ohr, and Yates are not responsible for Trump's safety. They were the main threats to his safety while they still had jobs.
Sixty and counting former CIA officials warned President Donald Trump in a statement on Friday that "the country will be weakened if there is a political litmus test applied before seasoned experts are allowed to share their views."

Ex-CIA officials: 'Country will be weakened' if political litmus test applied to experts - CNNPolitics

I can either believe these men or the compromised man-child crook sitting in the oval office. Someone using his office for political revenge shows just what trash Trump is.
These CIA agents have served under Presidents of both parties

Trump is the only one to be deemed a danger to our country
Sixty and counting former CIA officials warned President Donald Trump in a statement on Friday that "the country will be weakened if there is a political litmus test applied before seasoned experts are allowed to share their views."

Ex-CIA officials: 'Country will be weakened' if political litmus test applied to experts - CNNPolitics

I can either believe these men or the compromised man-child crook sitting in the oval office. Someone using his office for political revenge shows just what trash Trump is.
You do realize “man-child” now a discriminatory word to left wing lunatics like you, right?

Nah Trump is the perfect example of a man-child. A petulant ego obsessed man with a child's emotional self-control. Yeah, man-child describes Trump to a tee.

It describes Democrats to a tee.

Sixty and counting former CIA officials warned President Donald Trump in a statement on Friday that "the country will be weakened if there is a political litmus test applied before seasoned experts are allowed to share their views."

Ex-CIA officials: 'Country will be weakened' if political litmus test applied to experts - CNNPolitics

I can either believe these men or the compromised man-child crook sitting in the oval office. Someone using his office for political revenge shows just what trash Trump is.

My how the worm has turned, back in the 60's through the 90's the CIA was the evil empire according to you progressives, but now that you have infiltrated them, and taken them over, they are now the best thing since swiss bread. Funny how that works.,
Sixty and counting former CIA officials warned President Donald Trump in a statement on Friday that "the country will be weakened if there is a political litmus test applied before seasoned experts are allowed to share their views."

Ex-CIA officials: 'Country will be weakened' if political litmus test applied to experts - CNNPolitics

I can either believe these men or the compromised man-child crook sitting in the oval office. Someone using his office for political revenge shows just what trash Trump is.
These CIA agents have served under Presidents of both parties

Trump is the only one to be deemed a danger to our country

By idiot operatives who ALLOWED IRAN and KOREA to get nukes. I hate to break it to you but they have the credibility of a snake.
These CIA agents have served under Presidents of both parties

Trump is the only one to be deemed a danger to our country

lol yeah sure, by nobody with any credibility at all, i.e. Democrats and parasites of various sorts.

Ah well, yet another fake news troll thread goes under, due to OPerator error ...
Sixty and counting former CIA officials warned President Donald Trump in a statement on Friday that "the country will be weakened if there is a political litmus test applied before seasoned experts are allowed to share their views."

Ex-CIA officials: 'Country will be weakened' if political litmus test applied to experts - CNNPolitics

I can either believe these men or the compromised man-child crook sitting in the oval office. Someone using his office for political revenge shows just what trash Trump is.

My how the worm has turned, back in the 60's through the 90's the CIA was the evil empire according to you progressives, but now that you have infiltrated them, and taken them over, they are now the best thing since swiss bread. Funny how that works.,
You can't see the forest for the trees. Read my post. If left with a choice who to believe these CIA officials or a corrupt lying piece of trash sitting at 1600 Penn, I'll take those individuals any day of the week.
still trying to figure out how revoking his security clearance hinders his freedom of speech. was he, after leaving office and going to the media, using americas intelligence to find things to talk about?

yes this was a petty move, but how does it stop freedom of speech?
It doesn't. It's just that he can no longer try to justify his lies based on classified information

then i simply don't believe their intent when the true nature of freedom of speech is 100% untouched yet a problem for them.

thats a lie.
A freaking retired Admiral who would use a Navy Seals mission to make a political point to disrespect the President should have had his security clearance lifted years ago.
Like I said..he fights back. Which is why he is sitting where he is.
No, he is where he is because he brings out the worst in people, which is a powerful thing.

Look I hated liberals long before Trump ran for president. I wasn't born hating liberals, I learned to hate them because they are filthy scumbags.
That doesn't explain why Trump won the gop nomination. Damn man , try to think a little before you have an outburst.
Ret. Navy Admiral to Trump: ‘I Would Consider It an Honor if You Would Revoke My Security Clearance’

a Washington Post op-ed Thursday afternoon. Few Americans have done more to protect this country than John. He is a man of unparalleled integrity, whose honesty and character have never been in question, except by those who don’t know him."

McRaven gave 37 years of his life to the Navy before retiring in 2014 with the honor of being the longest serving Navy SEAL to still be on duty.

"Therefore, I would consider it an honor if you would revoke my security clearance as well, so I can add my name to the list of men and women who have spoken up against your presidency," McRaven continues.

Admiral McRaven also served as the first director of the NATO Special Operations Forces Coordination Centre (NSCC), and ninth commander of the United States Special Operations Command, and just retired as chancellor of the University of Texas System.

"Through your actions, you have embarrassed us in the eyes of our children, humiliated us on the world stage and, worst of all, divided us as a nation," the Admiral continues. "If you think for a moment that your McCarthy-era tactics will suppress the voices of criticism, you are sadly mistaken."

The Post includes this short clip of McRaven calling Trump's attack on the free press as "the enemy of the American people," possibly "the greatest threat to democracy" in his lifetime.

Why would this nut even have a security clearance in the first place?
Ret. Navy Admiral to Trump: ‘I Would Consider It an Honor if You Would Revoke My Security Clearance’

a Washington Post op-ed Thursday afternoon. Few Americans have done more to protect this country than John. He is a man of unparalleled integrity, whose honesty and character have never been in question, except by those who don’t know him."

McRaven gave 37 years of his life to the Navy before retiring in 2014 with the honor of being the longest serving Navy SEAL to still be on duty.

"Therefore, I would consider it an honor if you would revoke my security clearance as well, so I can add my name to the list of men and women who have spoken up against your presidency," McRaven continues.

Admiral McRaven also served as the first director of the NATO Special Operations Forces Coordination Centre (NSCC), and ninth commander of the United States Special Operations Command, and just retired as chancellor of the University of Texas System.

"Through your actions, you have embarrassed us in the eyes of our children, humiliated us on the world stage and, worst of all, divided us as a nation," the Admiral continues. "If you think for a moment that your McCarthy-era tactics will suppress the voices of criticism, you are sadly mistaken."

The Post includes this short clip of McRaven calling Trump's attack on the free press as "the enemy of the American people," possibly "the greatest threat to democracy" in his lifetime.

Why would this nut even have a security clearance in the first place?
Have you...oh, I don't know...attempted to look up the answer to this all by your big boy self?
Clearly the ruling class wants Donnie gone. I for one do not like the ruling class. F**k them.
No patriots want Trump held accountable. Trump is a friggin nut tearing apart this country. Trump is anything but a patriot.
imma patriot cause i said so first so i must be!!! i think better than you do so i'm the good guy here! wah wah and shit PATRIOT I SAID YOU RACIST!!!

you really need some help, dude.
Your post makes no sense. You are obviously distraught. Get a glass of wine and settle down.
Sixty and counting former CIA officials warned President Donald Trump in a statement on Friday that "the country will be weakened if there is a political litmus test applied before seasoned experts are allowed to share their views."

Ex-CIA officials: 'Country will be weakened' if political litmus test applied to experts - CNNPolitics

I can either believe these men or the compromised man-child crook sitting in the oval office. Someone using his office for political revenge shows just what trash Trump is.

My how the worm has turned, back in the 60's through the 90's the CIA was the evil empire according to you progressives, but now that you have infiltrated them, and taken them over, they are now the best thing since swiss bread. Funny how that works.,
the worm goes in
the worm goes out
the worm plays bullshit
bullshit liberal games on your snout
Last edited:
Ret. Navy Admiral to Trump: ‘I Would Consider It an Honor if You Would Revoke My Security Clearance’

a Washington Post op-ed Thursday afternoon. Few Americans have done more to protect this country than John. He is a man of unparalleled integrity, whose honesty and character have never been in question, except by those who don’t know him."

McRaven gave 37 years of his life to the Navy before retiring in 2014 with the honor of being the longest serving Navy SEAL to still be on duty.

"Therefore, I would consider it an honor if you would revoke my security clearance as well, so I can add my name to the list of men and women who have spoken up against your presidency," McRaven continues.

Admiral McRaven also served as the first director of the NATO Special Operations Forces Coordination Centre (NSCC), and ninth commander of the United States Special Operations Command, and just retired as chancellor of the University of Texas System.

"Through your actions, you have embarrassed us in the eyes of our children, humiliated us on the world stage and, worst of all, divided us as a nation," the Admiral continues. "If you think for a moment that your McCarthy-era tactics will suppress the voices of criticism, you are sadly mistaken."

The Post includes this short clip of McRaven calling Trump's attack on the free press as "the enemy of the American people," possibly "the greatest threat to democracy" in his lifetime.

Brennan is a traitor who spied on the US Senate, an act of treason. If this man is supporting Brennan, he deserves to have his clearance yanked.

BTW, when a bank president departs, does he keep the combination to the vault and keys to the bank?

What the fuck do all these Obama era scum have clearances for in the first place? :dunno:

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