You heard it here.... Trump by 15% or more...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
In a detailed analysis of phone versus online polling in Republican primaries, Kyle A. Dropp, the executive director of polling and data science at Morning Consult, writes:
Trump’s advantage in online polls compared with live telephone polling is eight or nine percentage points among likely voters.
This difference, Dropp notes, is driven largely by more educated voters — those who would be most concerned with “social desirability.”
These findings suggest that Trump will head into the general election with support from voters who are reluctant to admit their preferences to a live person in a phone survey, but who may well be inclined to cast a ballot for Trump on Election Day.

I am one of those educated voters that is truly afraid of declaring to the ignorant group of people that I am voting for Trump.
There are millions like me as the above article described...hesitant in live telephone polling. Hesitant to provide facts supporting Trump because anti-Trump people don't deal with facts.
For example. Anti-Trump people constantly refer to Trump as "anti-immigrant".
Proof this is a common misperception?

Google search shows About 42,500 results for "Trump is anti-immigrant".

Proof from a former CBS reporter, Sheryl Attkisson........
The news media often conflates illegal immigration and legal immigration, as if they are one in the same. But for the sake of accuracy, the distinction must be noted. The nation is split on many immigration questions yet decisive on the general issue of illegal immigration: in a CBS News poll, 84% of Americans viewed illegal immigration as a “very serious” or “somewhat serious” problem. In other words: most Americans support legal immigration and oppose illegal immigration. That’s the same view Trump has expressed. Is it fair for the press to call Trump (and, by implication, 84% of Americans) “anti-immigrant” for opposing illegal immigration, while supporting legal immigration?
Fact Check: Media claims that Trump is anti-immigrant | Sharyl Attkisson

So based on this built in ignorance and bias by the MSM, THE MSM is overlooking the simple fact that 84% of Americans are "ANTI-ILLEGAL Immigration"!
So with that basis the MSM is not only ignoring the truth, i.e. Trump MARRIED a LEGAL immigrant, but that HE wants LEGAL immigration! He like 84% of Americans want people who come to the USA legally.
With that then it is totally feasible that the current polling is ignoring the FACT that millions of people like me, I call them "Cowards for Trump" will be pulling the lever behind the privacy of the voting booth for Trump!
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Seems lower than what I am thinking....

It will be an epic landslide for Trump....

I don't want people accusing me of hyperbole... secretly I think it will be Reaganesque as it was against Mondale.
Hillary in the debates will not be able to act "presidential"... i.e. check this it...

Seems lower than what I am thinking....

It will be an epic landslide for Trump....

I don't want people accusing me of hyperbole... secretly I think it will be Reaganesque as it was against Mondale.
Hillary in the debates will not be able to act "presidential"... i.e. check this it...

You are afraid to honestly tell people who you are voting for and you are afraid that someone will accuse you of hyperbole.

You are really a fucking wuss, aren't you?
Seems lower than what I am thinking....

It will be an epic landslide for Trump....

I don't want people accusing me of hyperbole... secretly I think it will be Reaganesque as it was against Mondale.
Hillary in the debates will not be able to act "presidential"... i.e. check this it...

You are afraid to honestly tell people who you are voting for and you are afraid that someone will accuse you of hyperbole.

You are really a fucking wuss, aren't you?

You don't understand or care about the way liberals use their least bit of power or opportunity to be dicks to those they consider enemies.
Seems lower than what I am thinking....

It will be an epic landslide for Trump....

I don't want people accusing me of hyperbole... secretly I think it will be Reaganesque as it was against Mondale.
Hillary in the debates will not be able to act "presidential"... i.e. check this it...

You are afraid to honestly tell people who you are voting for and you are afraid that someone will accuse you of hyperbole.

You are really a fucking wuss, aren't you?

As are millions like me. I just bought a new car and don't DARE to put a Trump sticker for fear it will get damaged by idiot anti-trump people that are very prone to
to acting like juveniles. So yes I am a "f..king wuss" as millions like me are. With violent people like you it is better to be smart then show your intelligence as you have done!
Seems lower than what I am thinking....

It will be an epic landslide for Trump....

I don't want people accusing me of hyperbole... secretly I think it will be Reaganesque as it was against Mondale.
Hillary in the debates will not be able to act "presidential"... i.e. check this it...

You are afraid to honestly tell people who you are voting for and you are afraid that someone will accuse you of hyperbole.

You are really a fucking wuss, aren't you?

You don't understand or care about the way liberals use their least bit of power or opportunity to be dicks to those they consider enemies.
Just like Correll does, and he cries.
Seems lower than what I am thinking....

It will be an epic landslide for Trump....

I don't want people accusing me of hyperbole... secretly I think it will be Reaganesque as it was against Mondale.
Hillary in the debates will not be able to act "presidential"... i.e. check this it...

You are afraid to honestly tell people who you are voting for and you are afraid that someone will accuse you of hyperbole.

You are really a fucking wuss, aren't you?

As are millions like me. I just bought a new car and don't DARE to put a Trump sticker for fear it will get damaged by idiot anti-trump people that are very prone to
to acting like juveniles. So yes I am a "f..king wuss" as millions like me are. With violent people like you it is better to be smart then show your intelligence as you have done!
No, the millions are trying to not be like you.

Their bumper stickers say "don't be like the wuss, hm."

I encourage everyone to stand up vocally for whom they support, and defend all the right to do so.
Seems lower than what I am thinking....

It will be an epic landslide for Trump....

I don't want people accusing me of hyperbole... secretly I think it will be Reaganesque as it was against Mondale.
Hillary in the debates will not be able to act "presidential"... i.e. check this it...

You are afraid to honestly tell people who you are voting for and you are afraid that someone will accuse you of hyperbole.

You are really a fucking wuss, aren't you?

You don't understand or care about the way liberals use their least bit of power or opportunity to be dicks to those they consider enemies.

Awwwwww. Poor guy. Are you afraid to tell people that you support Trump too? How awful it must be for you.
Seems lower than what I am thinking....

It will be an epic landslide for Trump....

I don't want people accusing me of hyperbole... secretly I think it will be Reaganesque as it was against Mondale.
Hillary in the debates will not be able to act "presidential"... i.e. check this it...

You are afraid to honestly tell people who you are voting for and you are afraid that someone will accuse you of hyperbole.

You are really a fucking wuss, aren't you?

As are millions like me. I just bought a new car and don't DARE to put a Trump sticker for fear it will get damaged by idiot anti-trump people that are very prone to
to acting like juveniles. So yes I am a "f..king wuss" as millions like me are. With violent people like you it is better to be smart then show your intelligence as you have done!
No, the millions are trying to not be like you.

Their bumper stickers say "don't be like the wuss, hm."

Yup she called for Trump's death by the way so the government could seize via estate taxes 45% of his billions so her Clinton Foundation could get billions in government grants. You haven't heard that have you?

Clinton: Trump's Death Would Be Good For Economy
Seems lower than what I am thinking....

It will be an epic landslide for Trump....

I don't want people accusing me of hyperbole... secretly I think it will be Reaganesque as it was against Mondale.
Hillary in the debates will not be able to act "presidential"... i.e. check this it...

You are afraid to honestly tell people who you are voting for and you are afraid that someone will accuse you of hyperbole.

You are really a fucking wuss, aren't you?

As are millions like me. I just bought a new car and don't DARE to put a Trump sticker for fear it will get damaged by idiot anti-trump people that are very prone to
to acting like juveniles. So yes I am a "f..king wuss" as millions like me are. With violent people like you it is better to be smart then show your intelligence as you have done!
No, the millions are trying to not be like you.

Their bumper stickers say "don't be like the wuss, hm."

Yup she called for Trump's death by the way so the government could seize via estate taxes 45% of his billions so her Clinton Foundation could get billions in government grants. You haven't heard that have you?

Clinton: Trump's Death Would Be Good For Economy

You simply lie. Do you know what is truth?
Seems lower than what I am thinking....

It will be an epic landslide for Trump....

I don't want people accusing me of hyperbole... secretly I think it will be Reaganesque as it was against Mondale.
Hillary in the debates will not be able to act "presidential"... i.e. check this it...

You are afraid to honestly tell people who you are voting for and you are afraid that someone will accuse you of hyperbole.

You are really a fucking wuss, aren't you?

As are millions like me. I just bought a new car and don't DARE to put a Trump sticker for fear it will get damaged by idiot anti-trump people that are very prone to
to acting like juveniles. So yes I am a "f..king wuss" as millions like me are. With violent people like you it is better to be smart then show your intelligence as you have done!

That's funny.

You must have tons of examples of Trump supporters having their cars damaged by violent liberals.
Seems lower than what I am thinking....

It will be an epic landslide for Trump....

I don't want people accusing me of hyperbole... secretly I think it will be Reaganesque as it was against Mondale.
Hillary in the debates will not be able to act "presidential"... i.e. check this it...

You are afraid to honestly tell people who you are voting for and you are afraid that someone will accuse you of hyperbole.

You are really a fucking wuss, aren't you?

You don't understand or care about the way liberals use their least bit of power or opportunity to be dicks to those they consider enemies.

Awwwwww. Poor guy. Are you afraid to tell people that you support Trump too? How awful it must be for you.

It is not awful. It is sad that we have idiots like you that don't show respect for other people's property and like the Hitler brown shirts beat up people that
don't think like you do!
Thank goodness we still have the privacy of the voting booth to get rid of gangsters and mobsters like you and your hillary types... who think the rest of us
are to support your lavish life styles with our tax dollars.
Millions like me will be kicking people like you out of your government cushy jobs. Get ready!
I don't want people accusing me of hyperbole... secretly I think it will be Reaganesque as it was against Mondale.
Hillary in the debates will not be able to act "presidential"... i.e. check this it...

You are afraid to honestly tell people who you are voting for and you are afraid that someone will accuse you of hyperbole.

You are really a fucking wuss, aren't you?

As are millions like me. I just bought a new car and don't DARE to put a Trump sticker for fear it will get damaged by idiot anti-trump people that are very prone to
to acting like juveniles. So yes I am a "f..king wuss" as millions like me are. With violent people like you it is better to be smart then show your intelligence as you have done!
No, the millions are trying to not be like you.

Their bumper stickers say "don't be like the wuss, hm."

Yup she called for Trump's death by the way so the government could seize via estate taxes 45% of his billions so her Clinton Foundation could get billions in government grants. You haven't heard that have you?

Clinton: Trump's Death Would Be Good For Economy

You simply lie. Do you know what is truth?

Where is the lie? Did you click on this Clinton: Trump's Death Would Be Good For Economy ???
Seems lower than what I am thinking....

It will be an epic landslide for Trump....

I don't want people accusing me of hyperbole... secretly I think it will be Reaganesque as it was against Mondale.
Hillary in the debates will not be able to act "presidential"... i.e. check this it...

You are afraid to honestly tell people who you are voting for and you are afraid that someone will accuse you of hyperbole.

You are really a fucking wuss, aren't you?

You don't understand or care about the way liberals use their least bit of power or opportunity to be dicks to those they consider enemies.

Awwwwww. Poor guy. Are you afraid to tell people that you support Trump too? How awful it must be for you.

NO, I learned about it a long time ago.

See, conservatives understand that other people can reasonable disagree with them, and don't consider such disagreements in their work or personal interactions.

LIberals believe that anyone who disagrees with them must be stupid and evul, and DO make decisions and take actions based on such moronic beliefs.

Living along side and/or working with you guys is difficult because your entire world view is set up to justify in your own mind, you being complete fucking assholes.
Seems lower than what I am thinking....

It will be an epic landslide for Trump....

I don't want people accusing me of hyperbole... secretly I think it will be Reaganesque as it was against Mondale.
Hillary in the debates will not be able to act "presidential"... i.e. check this it...

You are afraid to honestly tell people who you are voting for and you are afraid that someone will accuse you of hyperbole.

You are really a fucking wuss, aren't you?

As are millions like me. I just bought a new car and don't DARE to put a Trump sticker for fear it will get damaged by idiot anti-trump people that are very prone to
to acting like juveniles. So yes I am a "f..king wuss" as millions like me are. With violent people like you it is better to be smart then show your intelligence as you have done!
Why talk to LL? He's a troll.

But I agree, only guy with a Trump sticker I know has a crummy rig and doesn't care. I get a laugh at some contractor's Trump sign. It's huge on a monster shovel bucket way up in the air. No vandalizing that!
Seems lower than what I am thinking....

It will be an epic landslide for Trump....

I don't want people accusing me of hyperbole... secretly I think it will be Reaganesque as it was against Mondale.
Hillary in the debates will not be able to act "presidential"... i.e. check this it...

You are afraid to honestly tell people who you are voting for and you are afraid that someone will accuse you of hyperbole.

You are really a fucking wuss, aren't you?

You don't understand or care about the way liberals use their least bit of power or opportunity to be dicks to those they consider enemies.

Awwwwww. Poor guy. Are you afraid to tell people that you support Trump too? How awful it must be for you.

NO, I learned about it a long time ago.

See, conservatives understand that other people can reasonable disagree with them, and don't consider such disagreements in their work or personal interactions.

LIberals believe that anyone who disagrees with them must be stupid and evul, and DO make decisions and take actions based on such moronic beliefs.

Living along side and/or working with you guys is difficult because your entire world view is set up to justify in your own mind, you being complete fucking assholes.

You have some awesome life experience. You seem to have completely avoided all the batshit crazy conservatives who have the very characteristics that you just used to describe liberals. How were you able to do that?
Seems lower than what I am thinking....

It will be an epic landslide for Trump....

I don't want people accusing me of hyperbole... secretly I think it will be Reaganesque as it was against Mondale.
Hillary in the debates will not be able to act "presidential"... i.e. check this it...

You are afraid to honestly tell people who you are voting for and you are afraid that someone will accuse you of hyperbole.

You are really a fucking wuss, aren't you?

As are millions like me. I just bought a new car and don't DARE to put a Trump sticker for fear it will get damaged by idiot anti-trump people that are very prone to
to acting like juveniles. So yes I am a "f..king wuss" as millions like me are. With violent people like you it is better to be smart then show your intelligence as you have done!
Why talk to LL? He's a troll.

But I agree, only guy with a Trump sticker I know has a crummy rig and doesn't care. I get a laugh at some contractor's Trump sign. It's huge on a monster shovel bucket way up in the air. No vandalizing that!

Are you afraid to tell people who you are voting for also?

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