You Know That Group That obama Single-Handedly Destroyed...?


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Somebody needs to tell them that obama destroyed them. They didn't get the memo....

In fact, didn't we have a thread started in here yesterday about how al Qaeda no longer exists because rambama crushed them all by his own self?


dimocraps, I know you don't care so just pass this thread on by and continue to weep all over your latest "Gays Are Just So Victimized" thread.

Al Qaeda Fighters Capture Major Airport In Southern Yemen…

Just last week the White House continued to stand by Obama’s claim Yemen was one if his “success stories.”

SANAA, Yemen (AP) – Military officials and residents say Al Qaeda has taken control of a major airport in southern Yemen after briefly clashing with troops.

The officials say Al Qaeda fighters clashed Thursday with members of the infantry brigade in charge of protecting the Riyan airport in the city of Mukalla, a major port city and the provincial capital of Yemen’s largest province, Hadramawt.

Al Qaeda overran the city itself earlier this month and freed inmates, including a militant commander, from its prison.

Nasser Baqazouz, an activist in the city, said the troops guarding the airport put up little resistance.

Al Qaeda’s powerful local branch has exploited the chaos in Yemen, where Shiite rebels and military units loyal to a former president captured the capital in September and have been advancing despite a three-week Saudi-led air campaign.
Bbbut Obama said his policies in Yemen were a success. This simply cannot be happening, Obama would never mislead us, never. < Insert sarcasm
I don't recall Obama saying AQ no longer exists and taking credit for it.

Refresh my memory.
Just like he called ISIS the JV team.

When is he scheduled to send them more reinforcements?
I don't recall Obama saying AQ no longer exists and taking credit for it.

Refresh my memory.

Learn how to read, fuckface.

I didn't say anything about obama claiming AQ was destroyed.

I said that his knob-slurping sycophants did -- For instance, people like you
Did you get that from the echos in you head from the chamber?

In reality he said this:

The death of bin Laden marks the most significant achievement to date in our nation’s effort to defeat al Qaeda.

Yet his death does not mark the end of our effort. There’s no doubt that al Qaeda will continue to pursue attacks against us. We must –- and we will -- remain vigilant at home and abroad.

Osama Bin Laden Dead The White House

Now post a link where he said what you claim or have a nice warm cup of shut the fuck up.
I recall Obungles claiming AQ had been decimated...thank goodness for that or they might take an airport in Yemen. Oh wait....
Did you get that from the echos in you head from the chamber?

In reality he said this:

The death of bin Laden marks the most significant achievement to date in our nation’s effort to defeat al Qaeda.

Yet his death does not mark the end of our effort. There’s no doubt that al Qaeda will continue to pursue attacks against us. We must –- and we will -- remain vigilant at home and abroad.

Osama Bin Laden Dead The White House

Now post a link where he said what you claim or have a nice warm cup of shut the fuck up.

It's got to be genetic.

There's got to be something wrong in the water or some unknown food additive that makes dimocrap SO FUCKING STUPID.

Read the post again, dickbreath.

I didn't say obama said AQ was destroyed and you know it.

You're deflecting, you're setting up a false narrative, a strawman.

IOW, you're a lying dimocrap scumbag.

Didn't I tell you people to stick to your fag threads?
Did you get that from the echos in you head from the chamber?

In reality he said this:

The death of bin Laden marks the most significant achievement to date in our nation’s effort to defeat al Qaeda.

Yet his death does not mark the end of our effort. There’s no doubt that al Qaeda will continue to pursue attacks against us. We must –- and we will -- remain vigilant at home and abroad.

Osama Bin Laden Dead The White House

Now post a link where he said what you claim or have a nice warm cup of shut the fuck up.

It's got to be genetic.

There's got to be something wrong in the water or some unknown food additive that makes dimocrap SO FUCKING STUPID.

Read the post again, dickbreath.

I didn't say obama said AQ was destroyed and you know it.

You're deflecting, you're setting up a false narrative, a strawman.

IOW, you're a lying dimocrap scumbag.

Didn't I tell you people to stick to your fag threads?

Liar. Nasty liar at that. You're the one that posted:

"You Know That Group That obama Single-Handedly Destroyed"

Furthermore the thread that you site never claimed that at all either. Just the voices in your head.


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