You Know The Difference Between The American Flag and Pride Flag?

I’m far from woke. I think woke think is generally horse shit. On the other hand, I may not be the standard bearer for conservatism either because I’m an independent cuss. I don’t know if I’m in a real minority if conservatives or if my views are maybe more mainstream. But for the life of me I can’t wrap my head around why I should give a damn if some guy prefers other males over females. Similarly, I don’t give a damn if lesbians prefer women to men.

My notion of conservatism is a lot more laissez faire. If what two consenting adult guys do with each other doesn’t impact my life, or if what two consenting adult women do with each other doesn’t impact my life, why should I be bothered concerning myself with their behaviors? And if I have no need of valid concerns about their private, harmless, consensual behaviors, then why should my government care?

I honestly don’t understand why people worry about it.

I honestly don’t understand why people worry about it.

the antagonist claim their family values give them license to worry about it ... with predictable, ordained from above, predetermined inerrant results.
How is that proof?

I was at the grocery store today. Over the loudspeakers came an idiot talking about how the corporation supports Pride Month and celebrate this and that.

Thus, my grocery shopping, which was about dinner for my family, now is about fags.
Umm,.. did you read the title and OP he's nearly demanding that all of USMB celebrates Pride month. No thanks, I have much better things to celebrate.
Umh…one person, who isn’t even gay, posts a thread about gay pride and that means gays think the world revolves around them? Come on! You don’t have to celebrate it…just like you don’t have to celebrate Polish Heritage month or Christian Heritage month or anything else.
Umh…one person, who isn’t even gay, posts a thread about gay pride and that means gays think the world revolves around them? Come on! You don’t have to celebrate it…just like you don’t have to celebrate Polish Heritage month or Christian Heritage month or anything else.

Show me a thread of Poles or even Christians demanding everyone on the forum celebrate them and their heritage.
Show me a thread of Poles or even Christians demanding everyone on the forum celebrate them and their heritage.
Show me a thread of gays demanding everyone on the forum celebrate them and their heritage.
Umh…one person, who isn’t even gay, posts a thread about gay pride and that means gays think the world revolves around them?

Am I trying to convince anybody that they should be straight or abandon being gay? Also, I do remember saying that I don't believe that all gays push their agenda either just an awful lot of them do. Look, I really don't want to get into an argument with you tonight when I'm supposed to be having fun at a virtual campout,.. it just bums me out to argue and debate right now.
Am I trying to convince anybody that they should be straight or abandon being gay? Also, I do remember saying that I don't believe that all gays push their agenda either just an awful lot of them do. Look, I really don't want to get into an argument with you tonight when I'm supposed to be having fun at a virtual campout,.. it just bums me out to argue and debate right now.
Look…it’s one (straight) person posting a troll thread.
Look…it’s one (straight) person posting a troll thread.

Umm,.. no it's not meant to be a troll thread. I'm sorry if you think honesty is trolling. Maybe it's trolling to gay people, but if they keep their mouths shut then I don't have any problem with them being gay. I just don't want it all in my face. I love the sinner and hate the sin and we both go our separate ways. If you can't handle the flames then maybe you should stay out of the kitchen.
The OP of that thread is not gay. That kinda wrecks your claim about gays demanding anything

If you want to be pedantic, then it is GAY ACTIVISTS and GAY ADVOCATS who are constantly demanding this shit.

That they are often not actually gay themselves and are just pushing the agenda, is in keeping with the hollow hypocrisy of the Modern Left.

The point after all, has NOTHING to do with actual gay people or their interests but with using the idea of them as a political weapon to gain and use POWER.
Umm,.. no it's not meant to be a troll thread. I'm sorry if you think honesty is trolling. Maybe it's trolling to gay people, but if they keep their mouths shut then I don't have any problem with them being gay. I just don't want it all in my face. I love the sinner and hate the sin and we both go our separate ways. If you can't handle the flames then maybe you should stay out of the kitchen.
Are we talking about this thread?

Yes. Also, last time I checked you enjoyed my fun threads and if you're going to be nice you're more than welcome to come to it as it's in the general section of the forum. I don't want you there if you're going to be hostile there because I don't want to ruin everyone's fun and you just seem a bit hot tempered tonight that's the only reason why I say that.
Umm,.. no it's not meant to be a troll thread. I'm sorry if you think honesty is trolling. Maybe it's trolling to gay people, but if they keep their mouths shut then I don't have any problem with them being gay. I just don't want it all in my face. I love the sinner and hate the sin and we both go our separate ways. If you can't handle the flames then maybe you should stay out of the kitchen.
The majority of true Americans are liberal and accepting of all lifestyles but you pander to a clique of incel wierdos who are old and not particularly relevant.

well, maybe you took the bait - hook, line and sinker ... also * its in the rubber room.
I was at the grocery store today. Over the loudspeakers came an idiot talking about how the corporation supports Pride Month and celebrate this and that.

Thus, my grocery shopping, which was about dinner for my family, now is about fags.

You're the idiot.

You are bigoted against LGBTQI+ people.
Sure. I don’t see as any more divisive than any other flag.

I know that no one has any reason to believe me here, but whatever. Our daughter's best friend since childhood is gay. He, like many young gay people, really hates the "gay agenda". He means that he just wants to be who he is not and not GAY LGBT PRIDE GAY RIGHTS 24/7/365.

In other words, and again:

The Left's insistence on Identity over all has sunk them for generations. You have lost the culture. That even includes many whose "identity" was formerly coddled by Leftists. They don't want it.

Oh and btw, another something you would never believe. Daughter bf hangs out with us frequently. We love him, and his family loves our daughter. We are evangelical Christians. Why would we not genuinely love him?

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