You Know The Difference Between The American Flag and Pride Flag?

I don't give a damn if someone is gay. I care when they they ARE LOUD ABOUT IT.

They go ...........WE ARE GAY AND PROUD...........Well good for you now STFU I don't care.

They are pushing this to normal on all fronts......They are confusing kids with this BS and pushing it as normal. It is not normal Drag days in schools.........Give me a fucking break. That is like me PREACHING About Religion in school. It DOESN'T BELONG THERE.

It also DOESN'T BELONG IN THE MILITARY. The military is not a democracy. You can't quit..........and no one really wants to serve with them. Flying Rainbow fag flags in the Marine is an INSULT to the Corps. It causes people to not want to serve. NOT BECAUSE THEY ARE HOMOPHOBIC........but because they DON'T LIKE THIS POLITICAL BS........

If your gay..........I don't care........Stop pushing it on our kids and in everything and we will get along just fine. Keep SHOUTING ABOUT IT..........We WILL PUSH BACK..........So do everyone a favor and STFU.
You're the idiot.

You are bigoted against LGBTQI+ people.

And thanks for demonstrating my point. I just wanted to buy some fucking food for my family and since I didn't want to celebrate YOUR life and world view, now you are attacking me.

SEE THIS COYOTE? Like I said, they left "you do your thing, I'll do mine" behind YEARS ago.

And thanks for demonstrating my point. I just wanted to buy some fucking food for my family and since I didn't want to celebrate YOUR life and world view, now you are attacking me.

SEE THIS COYOTE? Like I said, they left "you do your thing, I'll do mine" behind YEARS ago.

They are not a majority but want to believe they are and force the people to accept them. They are fringe but VERY LOUD........and they understand that being loud and YELLING VICTIM or FIRE........will get them what they want............TO BE ACCEPTED.......

We don't HAVE TO ACCEPT IT..........And it's time to push back against this insanity. They are fucking up the kids in this nation with their BS.
Umh…one person, who isn’t even gay, posts a thread about gay pride and that means gays think the world revolves around them?
I remember back in the day when ordinary people were simply advocating recognition of gay unions so that partners could visit each other when hospitalized; could be recognized as family when it came to wills and other legal matters. It was all common sense. Then gay lobbies took over.

Instead of legal unions it became marriage, pride, etc. It became loud. Why? Because lobbies could make money. It is always the bottom line, and for many of us, it broke our hearts. It wasn't ever supposed to be a money-maker for a few, but that is what it turned into. The money.

So, they got gay marriage. Uh-oh. Now what to do for money? Easy. Start advocating for transgender, pronouns, etc. and continue to watch the money flow in. Pharmaceuticals and some in the medical community immediately jumped onto this money maker. Drugs to chemically castrate youngsters. Uh-oh, wrong words! Let's call them puberty blockers! More acceptable to people which means more people likely to spend money to give it a try.

Back in the day, a quiet movement began--and then some entrepreneur(s) saw a way to make money off gay people. Lobbyists. Now it is transgender. Is it the gay people or the transgenders who are advocating the world revolve around them? Probably not the majority. It is the lobbyists who want the world revolve around any issue where money is to be had. And they are making a bundle with their yelling and spotlighting. When the money dries up, the noise will go away. My prediction.
Victimhood and Virtue Signaling month.

Anyone who disagrees is cussed at spit at and called horrible names.


It's only the 4th, but so far, I'm not seeing and hearing all the hoopla about this as I did in previous years. My sense is that in an election year, the Powers That Be sent out the warning--back off. Too toxic.
It's only the 4th, but so far, I'm not seeing and hearing all the hoopla about this as I did in previous years. My sense is that in an election year, the Powers That Be sent out the warning--back off. Too toxic.
It is another issue that people will vote against them on..........They know it.
It is another issue that people will vote against them on..........They know it.

sure -


that's the makeup of the desert religions why they even exist. it's in their diabolical bibles. just not everyone agrees with them and their phony religions - either.
sure -

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that's the makeup of the desert religions why they even exist. it's in their diabolical bibles. just not everyone agrees with them and their phony religions - either.
Yawn. They were SOCIALIST FIRST.........Fascist Second.

That is todays left..............and their use of gov't to force views on others. I don't give a shit if your gay...........Stop YELLING about it and trying to groom kids.

Then we can go back to each side not giving a damn about the other again.
Judging everything by "the left" and "the right" is what is hurting the nation....all the while the Uber wealthy walk away with the bank. Lower and middle class people will actually vote to ensure the wealthy call all the shots.
Yawn. They were SOCIALIST FIRST.........Fascist Second.

That is todays left..............and their use of gov't to force views on others. I don't give a shit if your gay...........Stop YELLING about it and trying to groom kids.

Then we can go back to each side not giving a damn about the other again.

no, like you ...


they are christians first and everyone knows it.
And here we go again with as Christians we try telling the truth that sleeping with somebody of the same sex is unholy and an abomination according to God and they don't want to hear it. The way I see it is that doesn't make us much different from when Jesus preached the truth and people kept covering their ears and was like "la, la, la not listening!!!" as well.
And here we go again with as Christians we try telling the truth that sleeping with somebody of the same sex is unholy and an abomination according to God and they don't want to hear it. The way I see it is that doesn't make us much different from when Jesus preached the truth and people kept covering their ears and was like "la, la, la not listening!!!" as well.

your 4th century c bible is a joke - what you claim is why they crucified him - those that wrote that book. fjb.
That 4th century bible is the basis of your entire culture and the modern world.

no, the secular u s constitution, void of any desert religion was the initial ray of lite since the 1st century crime the crucifiers to this day try and subvert. correll.

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