You know who else has NOT read Mueller's report???.....Yep, Bill Barr


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
A seldom mentioned exchange between Barr's testimony before the senate committee, occurred when Booker asked Barr about Manafort's exchanging poll data with a Russian spy during the lead-in to the Republican convention.......

Booker asked Barr about the legality of such collusion with the Russians and Barr responded that he didn't know anything about it.....even though it is clearly written in Mueller's report. Booker mentioned that current law prevents such polling data to be shared with U.S, PACS, the fact that Manafort shared these same data with a hostile, foreign entity seems to be now fully acceptable.

There's only two ways to interpret Barr's "lack of knowledge" of such an event....First, he may be a fucking idiot who has NOT read the Mueller report although he was more than willing to state that the report "fully exonerated Trump"....or........... second, he is a lying stooge..........You choose.
Ahahahaha another nat4900 Mueller butthurt thread. Barr paid Mueller to write and read the report OP, come here :itsok:
You should get a job advising fat Jerry Nadler.

I'm sure your oh-so poignant brain droppings would be of immense interest to him. :rolleyes:
Its Barr's report he can read it or wipe with it. He can make paper airplanes with it. He can shred it. He can paper his walls with it. Whatever the fuck he wants to do with it. Barr does not have to memorize it. All Barr needed to do is interpret it, and his interpretation is NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION. End of the Mueller report, all done.
Its Barr's report he can read it or wipe with it. He can make paper airplanes with it. He can shred it. He can paper his walls with it. Whatever the fuck he wants to do with it. Barr does not have to memorize it. All Barr needed to do is interpret it, and his interpretation is NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION. End of the Mueller report, all done.

Dem's have category 10 butthurt over the Mueller report clearing Trump of collusion. Their hopes of obstruction fizzled. They are huddled in a 'now what' circle flailing in all directions.
Ahahahaha another nat4900 Mueller butthurt thread. Barr paid Mueller to write and read the report OP, come here :itsok:
Lucky Barr can read as quickly as he can, otherwise like Nancy Pelosi, you would have to pass what Mueller reported before you could see what was in it.

That's how dumb a liberal is.
Barr has been a republican asskisser from way back Can't expect any changes He's become the moron trump's lawyer rather than the AG of all America
You know who has never talked to Mueller? Yep, just about everyone except Bill Barr. Why do lefties think they know it all? Let it go or the sake of your mental health.
There is no surprise that some fat assed lazy looking piece of turd such as Barr never read the Mueller report, and really; who expected the fucking lap dog AG for Orange Trump to actually function as AG?

That is not what Barr is in place to function as; Barr is in place to seek retribution for his master, Orange Trump.

ALSO: 99.99% of the members here @ USMB that comment on the issue have NEVER read a fucking single sentence of the report.

In Mueller's report, on page 182 of Volume II, page 394 of the PDF, is the following.


Because we determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment, we did not draw ultimate conclusions about the President' s conduct. The evidence we obtained about the President's actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment. At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.
Ahahahaha another nat4900 Mueller butthurt thread. Barr paid Mueller to write and read the report OP, come here :itsok:
Lucky Barr can read as quickly as he can, otherwise like Nancy Pelosi, you would have to pass what Mueller reported before you could see what was in it.

That's how dumb a liberal is.

No, liberals are way dumber trust me on this.
You know who has never talked to Mueller? Yep, just about everyone except Bill Barr. Why do lefties think they know it all? Let it go or the sake of your mental health.

The left are 2 years old, treat them as such. Logic does not apply to their behavior.
You know who has never talked to Mueller? Yep, just about everyone except Bill Barr. Why do lefties think they know it all? Let it go or the sake of your mental health.
Sorry Whitey We know what we know Barr ,as he is now he' has ALWAYS been a republican toady and now he defiles himself even more by acting like Trumps attorney rather than a real AG
A seldom mentioned exchange between Barr's testimony before the senate committee, occurred when Booker asked Barr about Manafort's exchanging poll data with a Russian spy during the lead-in to the Republican convention.......

Booker asked Barr about the legality of such collusion with the Russians and Barr responded that he didn't know anything about it.....even though it is clearly written in Mueller's report. Booker mentioned that current law prevents such polling data to be shared with U.S, PACS, the fact that Manafort shared these same data with a hostile, foreign entity seems to be now fully acceptable.

There's only two ways to interpret Barr's "lack of knowledge" of such an event....First, he may be a fucking idiot who has NOT read the Mueller report although he was more than willing to state that the report "fully exonerated Trump"....or........... second, he is a lying stooge..........You choose.

Booker mentioned that current law prevents such polling data to be shared with U.S, PACS, the fact that Manafort shared these same data with a hostile, foreign entity seems to be now fully acceptable.

Polling data can't be shared with PACS or hostile foreigners?

If I see a poll in the newspaper, can I share it without getting in trouble?
If a PAC or hostile foreigner reads that paper, is the paper in trouble?
I'll bet Barr has also not read any other moonbat fairy tales....

A seldom mentioned exchange between Barr's testimony before the senate committee, occurred when Booker asked Barr about Manafort's exchanging poll data with a Russian spy during the lead-in to the Republican convention.......

Booker asked Barr about the legality of such collusion with the Russians and Barr responded that he didn't know anything about it.....even though it is clearly written in Mueller's report. Booker mentioned that current law prevents such polling data to be shared with U.S, PACS, the fact that Manafort shared these same data with a hostile, foreign entity seems to be now fully acceptable.

There's only two ways to interpret Barr's "lack of knowledge" of such an event....First, he may be a fucking idiot who has NOT read the Mueller report although he was more than willing to state that the report "fully exonerated Trump"....or........... second, he is a lying stooge..........You choose.
Mueller is The one that saw no crime not Barr.. it was muellers job to find lawbreaking ..
A seldom mentioned exchange between Barr's testimony before the senate committee, occurred when Booker asked Barr about Manafort's exchanging poll data with a Russian spy during the lead-in to the Republican convention.......

Booker asked Barr about the legality of such collusion with the Russians and Barr responded that he didn't know anything about it.....even though it is clearly written in Mueller's report. Booker mentioned that current law prevents such polling data to be shared with U.S, PACS, the fact that Manafort shared these same data with a hostile, foreign entity seems to be now fully acceptable.

There's only two ways to interpret Barr's "lack of knowledge" of such an event....First, he may be a fucking idiot who has NOT read the Mueller report although he was more than willing to state that the report "fully exonerated Trump"....or........... second, he is a lying stooge..........You choose.

Its Barr's report he can read it or wipe with it. He can make paper airplanes with it. He can shred it. He can paper his walls with it. Whatever the fuck he wants to do with it. Barr does not have to memorize it. All Barr needed to do is interpret it, and his interpretation is NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION. End of the Mueller report, all done.

Do you want Barr ro also wear a brown shirt and jack boots while he makes paper airplanes out of the report???...................You morons are on VERY dangerous grounds.
Lucky Barr can read as quickly as he can, otherwise like Nancy Pelosi, you would have to pass what Mueller reported before you could see what was in it.

Why doesn't an you......simply address the O/P where it ASKS the why Barr did not know about Manafort's treasonous act......nd that it is CLEARLY written in the Mueller report???

Instead of responding like an ASSHOLE.....Address the question or go back to bed.
You know who has never talked to Mueller? Yep, just about everyone except Bill Barr. Why do lefties think they know it all? Let it go or the sake of your mental health.

Moron....we WILL be talking to Mueller.........and direct questions will be asked about what he WROTE and you nitwits will have to deal with Barr's "interpretation" of a report that he did NOT read and his Trump ass kissing.

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