You might be a Progressive liberal if......

If this is actually what you believe is the truth about Liberals, I reject your premise as trolling. But if you're willing to voice your real thoughts, I'd be happy to discuss them with you.
Do you have any links to counter what he said?
My own experience as a Liberal, common sense, the proliferation of partisan trolling, real life. If you believe everything he had to say, you really need to actually meet some Liberals and talk things over.

Ok, let's talk

Is America a democracy?
We have the right to vote for our representatives. Technically, A,Erica is,a democratic republic. There are pockets of pure democracy in some small towns,where each vote counts on local referendums but, by in large, we are not a pure democracy.

But you think that the electoral college should be done away with, right?

Hillary does, she adopted this position AFTER she lost the election.
Do you have any links to counter what he said?
My own experience as a Liberal, common sense, the proliferation of partisan trolling, real life. If you believe everything he had to say, you really need to actually meet some Liberals and talk things over.

Ok, let's talk

Is America a democracy?
We have the right to vote for our representatives. Technically, A,Erica is,a democratic republic. There are pockets of pure democracy in some small towns,where each vote counts on local referendums but, by in large, we are not a pure democracy.

But you think that the electoral college should be done away with, right?
The electoral college was built into the constitution to empower small states in the election of a president. I have no beef with the electoral college.

You are the first "liberal" I've talked to that passed this first test, and I've talked to a whole slew of them. Congrats.

Did you also know that those in the Senate were not originally elected directly by the people? Progressives amended the Constitution to let this happen. I assume you have no issue with this either, even though the Founding Fathers did.
True "liberals" don't believe a lot of that stuff. The progressive/liberal label has been hijacked by authoritarian socialist thugs.
Do you have any links to counter what he said?
My own experience as a Liberal, common sense, the proliferation of partisan trolling, real life. If you believe everything he had to say, you really need to actually meet some Liberals and talk things over.

Ok, let's talk

Is America a democracy?
We have the right to vote for our representatives. Technically, A,Erica is,a democratic republic. There are pockets of pure democracy in some small towns,where each vote counts on local referendums but, by in large, we are not a pure democracy.

But you think that the electoral college should be done away with, right?

Hillary does, she adopted this position AFTER she lost the election.

Now, now, stop talking about the bitter old hag. We can only hope she runs again in 2020.
True "liberals" don't believe a lot of that stuff. The progressive/liberal label has been hijacked by authoritarian socialist thugs.

So has the Tea Party label and conservative label.

Do you find it odd that we see Jew haters in both the Occupy Wall Street Movement and the recent protests in Virginia?
My own experience as a Liberal, common sense, the proliferation of partisan trolling, real life. If you believe everything he had to say, you really need to actually meet some Liberals and talk things over.

Ok, let's talk

Is America a democracy?
We have the right to vote for our representatives. Technically, A,Erica is,a democratic republic. There are pockets of pure democracy in some small towns,where each vote counts on local referendums but, by in large, we are not a pure democracy.

But you think that the electoral college should be done away with, right?

Hillary does, she adopted this position AFTER she lost the election.

Now, now, stop talking about the bitter old hag. We can only hope she runs again in 2020.

The Democratic party lost $1.2 billion dollars trying to elect Hillary, she crashed and burned, and now she's cashing in on her incompetence with a book deal, shocker.
So has the Tea Party label and conservative label.

Do you find it odd that we see Jew haters in both the Occupy Wall Street Movement and the recent protests in Virginia?
Right. The extremes are pretending to represent the majority and get all the attention cause the media doesn't care about sensible people that go about their business, they care about crazy loud mouthed idiots cause RATINGS! You can see it in videos where someone asks an anti-fascist SJW what Ben Shapiro has said that makes him a white supremacist (as one of many examples) and they just shout slogans in response.
I've come up with my own political test to see if you are a liberal.

You might be a liberal if......

…you have no idea what’s the difference between Rule of Law and what you believe is socially just

…believe that achieving a record low percentage of Americans working, and record high percentage of Americans on food stamps and other “public assistance,” are indicators of a successful economic recovery model.

…feel its ok to ask for an ID to buy beer and cigarettes, but racist to require an ID to vote.

…feel that voter fraud is a form of “social justice.”

…ever referred to someone as “my (insert racial or ethnic minority here) friend.”

…identify yourself as a hyphenated-American.

…support “diversity”......unless they have offensive and opposing views.

…watch Bill Maher and Jon Stewart to get your news

…believe that the Constitution was written by neo-Nazi slave owners

… rail against racial discrimination but staunchly support Affirmative Action.

…feel the grassroots Tea Party Movement is a collection of ignorant racists, but the “Occupy Wall Street” movement is a coalition of thoughtful and principled reformers.

…believe CNN and The New York Times are objective, but Fox News and The Wall Street Journal are biased.

....believe that a border wall is unnecessary but live in a gated community

......have no problem with immigrants taking jobs in the US but have a big problem with jobs going over seas to poorer countries.

.....believes that everything should be free cuz it's their right to have it and want to make the evil top 1% pay for it......except for George Soros cuz he is a good guy.

…believe that our Constitution is “living and breathing and ever changing” but unborn children are not.

…want the government out of our bedrooms unless they’re providing free birth control and abortions and getting governmental consent to get married cuz their opinion is really all that matters. Polygamists not welcome.

…asserted Jesus was a welfare state socialist so we should be as well, but demand separation of church and state when it comes to gay sex and abortion.

....actually believe that the Constitution says there is a separation of church and state.

.....think that the US is a democracy and believes that the electoral college should be done away with.

…still refer to Stalin as “Uncle Joe.”

…believe that Che Guevara should have a statue but the Jefferson Memorial should be closed down.

…take orders from your five-year old.

…feel that an open border with Mexico will provide you job security.

…believe jihadist Muslims are misunderstood peaceniks but Christians are cutthroat terrorists.

....think that the prisoners in Gitmo should all be set free but that Trump and "W" should be thrown into jail

…believe that parents should provide permission slips for middle-school field trips, but not abortion referrals.

…believe Obama has contained the Iran nuclear terrorism threat.

…feel the primary objective of ObamaCare is to provide “affordable health care” to the uninsured.

…didn’t know there are now 20 million more uninsured Americans now than when Obama took office.

.....hate Dick Cheney and Ronald Reagan but agree with Dick Cheney's statement concerning Reagan proving that deficits not longer matter cuz of all the massive debt he created.

.....believe all our problems would end if Trump would just die!!!!!!!!!!!

I've come up with my own political test to see if you are a conservative.

You might be an insufferable conservative if......

…you have no idea what’s the difference between Rule of Law and your party if it is in power.

…believe that we have achieved a record low percentage of Americans working (we haven't), and record high percentage of Americans on food stamps (after the republic Great Recession) and other “public assistance,” (ie black people) are facts to base policies of economic austerity on the middle on lower income people.

…feel its ok to ask for an ID to buy beer and cigarettes, but a far greater need is to require Democratic leaning voters to jump thru a gauntlet of requirements to register to vote.

…feel that voter suppression is a form of “white identity justice.”

…ever referred to someone they may/may not know as “my (insert racial or ethnic minority here) friend.” to prove their tacit racism is OK in a conversion at the country club.

…identify yourself as a white-American.

…support “diversity”......unless they have upset your white privilege views.

…watch sean handity and listen to rush limpbaugh to PROVE your side of the news

…believe that the Constitution was written by white christian slave owners to establish Merica as a white christian country

… Nod your head silently about racial discrimination while staunchly supporting the idea of reverse discrimination..

…feel the grassroots Tea Party Movement wasn't a collection of ignorant racists astroturfing white identity politics in the face of a BLACK PRESIDENT while the “Occupy Wall Street” is a collection of ignorant racists.

…believe CNN and The New York Times are communist, but Fox News and The Wall Street Journal are fair and balanced news organizations justified in touting our side of the news.

....believe that a border wall is necessary while living in a gated community with sunset laws.

......have problems with immigrants taking jobs in the US but have a big problem with Americans asking for more money than immigrants to do those jobs and love to buy chinese goods at walmart.

.....believes that everything is free to lower income people, cuz they're a drag on the glorious top 1% .....except for George Soros cuz he funds everything that I hate. Even if he doesn't

…believe that our Constitution is a “rigid lifeless document that should never have been amended because it was perfect as written by white christian guys” and unborn children are the product of welfare and Liberalism.

…want the government out of our bedrooms unless they’re GAY and getting christian consent (man and woman) to get married cuz our opinion is really all that matters. Believe that polygamy somehow enters that conversion.

…asserted Jesus was real so we should be in fear of his wrath thru morally laws and that separation of church and state was inshrined in the Constitution in error.

....actually get infuriated that someone would assert that the Constitution says there is a separation of church and state like James Madison.

.....think that the US is a democracy as opposed to a Republic and believe that the electoral college with lower educated rural christian voters is just fine, as long as we win.

…still refer to Joseph McCarthy as “Uncle Joe.”

…believe that Che Guevara should have been imprisoned but the confederate Memorials should be glorified.

…your five-year old should be seen, not heard.

…feel that NAFTA with Mexico, outsourcing jobs to China will provide job security for the CEOs of Merica and that somehow is a good thing.

…believe that ALL Muslims are cutthroat terrorists and that white identity christians are misunderstood peaceniks.

....think that closing Gitmo is a crime because it shines to the world as a deterrent and that President Barack Hussein Obama should be investigated for wanting to believe otherwise.

…believe that middle school aged kids are getting abortions in massive numbers. I heard on FOX...

…believe Obama created the Iran nuclear terrorism threat.

…feel the primary objective of ObamaCare is "socialism" by requiring people to buy insurance from private insurance companies on public markets which were first introduced in the 1970's by the Heritage Foundation as a way to get private insurance companies to compete.

…Believe that there are now 20 million more uninsured Americans now than when Obama took office and claim as fake news reports that the percentage of uninsured in America is at it's lowest point ever. Dick Cheney and Ronald Reagan but disagree with Dick Cheney's statement on Reagan's Voodoo Economic policies that Reagan created any deficits (or raised taxes) because Speaker Tip O'Neil in the House of Representatives created the Reagan deficits. Deficits only matter when Democrats control government.

.....believe all our problems would end if Liberalism would just die!!!!!!!!!!!
Last edited:
I've come up with my own political test to see if you are a liberal.

You might be a liberal if......

…you have no idea what’s the difference between Rule of Law and what you believe is socially just

…believe that achieving a record low percentage of Americans working, and record high percentage of Americans on food stamps and other “public assistance,” are indicators of a successful economic recovery model.

…feel its ok to ask for an ID to buy beer and cigarettes, but racist to require an ID to vote.

…feel that voter fraud is a form of “social justice.”

…ever referred to someone as “my (insert racial or ethnic minority here) friend.”

…identify yourself as a hyphenated-American.

…support “diversity”......unless they have offensive and opposing views.

…watch Bill Maher and Jon Stewart to get your news

…believe that the Constitution was written by neo-Nazi slave owners

… rail against racial discrimination but staunchly support Affirmative Action.

…feel the grassroots Tea Party Movement is a collection of ignorant racists, but the “Occupy Wall Street” movement is a coalition of thoughtful and principled reformers.

…believe CNN and The New York Times are objective, but Fox News and The Wall Street Journal are biased.

....believe that a border wall is unnecessary but live in a gated community

......have no problem with immigrants taking jobs in the US but have a big problem with jobs going over seas to poorer countries.

.....believes that everything should be free cuz it's their right to have it and want to make the evil top 1% pay for it......except for George Soros cuz he is a good guy.

…believe that our Constitution is “living and breathing and ever changing” but unborn children are not.

…want the government out of our bedrooms unless they’re providing free birth control and abortions and getting governmental consent to get married cuz their opinion is really all that matters. Polygamists not welcome.

…asserted Jesus was a welfare state socialist so we should be as well, but demand separation of church and state when it comes to gay sex and abortion.

....actually believe that the Constitution says there is a separation of church and state.

.....think that the US is a democracy and believes that the electoral college should be done away with.

…still refer to Stalin as “Uncle Joe.”

…believe that Che Guevara should have a statue but the Jefferson Memorial should be closed down.

…take orders from your five-year old.

…feel that an open border with Mexico will provide you job security.

…believe jihadist Muslims are misunderstood peaceniks but Christians are cutthroat terrorists.

....think that the prisoners in Gitmo should all be set free but that Trump and "W" should be thrown into jail

…believe that parents should provide permission slips for middle-school field trips, but not abortion referrals.

…believe Obama has contained the Iran nuclear terrorism threat.

…feel the primary objective of ObamaCare is to provide “affordable health care” to the uninsured.

…didn’t know there are now 20 million more uninsured Americans now than when Obama took office.

.....hate Dick Cheney and Ronald Reagan but agree with Dick Cheney's statement concerning Reagan proving that deficits not longer matter cuz of all the massive debt he created.

.....believe all our problems would end if Trump would just die!!!!!!!!!!!

I've come up with my own political test to see if you are a conservative.

You might be an insufferable conservative if......

…you have no idea what’s the difference between Rule of Law and your party if it is in power.

…believe that we have achieved a record low percentage of Americans working (we haven't), and record high percentage of Americans on food stamps (after the republic Great Recession) and other “public assistance,” (ie black people) are facts to base policies of economic austerity on the middle on lower income people.

…feel its ok to ask for an ID to buy beer and cigarettes, but a far greater need is to require Democratic leaning voters to jump thru a gauntlet of requirements to register to vote.

…feel that voter suppression is a form of “white identity justice.”

…ever referred to someone they may/may not know as “my (insert racial or ethnic minority here) friend.” to prove their tacit racism is OK in a conversion at the country club.

…identify yourself as a white-American.

…support “diversity”......unless they have upset your white privilege views.

…watch sean handity and listen to rush limpbaugh to PROVE your side of the news

…believe that the Constitution was written by white christian slave owners to establish Merica as a white christian country

… Nod your head silently about racial discrimination while staunchly supporting the idea of reverse discrimination..

…feel the grassroots Tea Party Movement wasn't a collection of ignorant racists astroturfing white identity politics in the face of a BLACK PRESIDENT while the “Occupy Wall Street” is a collection of ignorant racists.

…believe CNN and The New York Times are communist, but Fox News and The Wall Street Journal are fair and balanced news organizations touting our side of the news.

....believe that a border wall is necessary while living in a gated community with sunset laws.

......have problems with immigrants taking jobs in the US but have a big problem with Americans asking for more money than immigrants to do those jobs and love to buy chinese goods at walmart.

.....believes that everything is free to lower income people, cuz they're a drag on the glorious top 1% .....except for George Soros cuz he funds everything that I hate. Even if he doesn't

…believe that our Constitution is a “rigid lifeless document that should never have been amended because it was perfect as written by white christian guys” and unborn children are the product of welfare and Liberalism.

…want the government out of our bedrooms unless they’re GAY and getting christian consent (man and woman) to get married cuz our opinion is really all that matters. Believe that polygamy somehow enters that conversion.

…asserted Jesus was real so we should be in fear of his wrath thru morally laws and that separation of church and state was excluded from the Constitution error.

....actually get infuriated that someone would assert that the Constitution says there is a separation of church and state like James Madison.

.....think that the US is a democracy as opposed to a Republic and believe that the electoral college with lower educated rural christian voters is just fine, as long as we win.

…still refer to Joseph McCarthy as “Uncle Joe.”

…believe that Che Guevara should have been imprisoned but the confederate Memorials should be glorified.

…your five-year old should be seen, not heard.

…feel that NAFTA with Mexico, outsourcing jobs to China will provide job security for the CEOs of Merica and that somehow is a good thing.

…believe that ALL Muslims are cutthroat terrorists and that white identity christians are misunderstood peaceniks.

....think that closing Gitmo is a crime because it shines to the world as a deterrent and that President Barack Hussein Obama should be investigated for wanting to believe otherwise.

…believe that middle school aged kids are getting abortions in massive numbers. I heard on FOX...

…believe Obama created the Iran nuclear terrorism threat.

…feel the primary objective of ObamaCare is "socialism" by requiring people to buy insurance from private insurance companies on public markets which was first introduced in the 1970's by the Heritage Foundation as a way to get insurance companies to compete.

…Believe that there are now 20 million more uninsured Americans now than when Obama took office and claim as fake news reports that the percentage of uninsured in America is at it's lowest point ever. Dick Cheney and Ronald Reagan but disagree with Dick Cheney's statement on Reagan's Voodoo Economic policies that Reagan created any deficits (or raised taxes) because Speaker Tip O'Neil in the House of Representatives created the Reagan deficits. Deficits only matter when Democrats control government.

.....believe all our problems would end if Liberalism would just die!!!!!!!!!!!
All lies. Your butthurt is almost as ridiculous as you.
My own experience as a Liberal, common sense, the proliferation of partisan trolling, real life. If you believe everything he had to say, you really need to actually meet some Liberals and talk things over.

Ok, let's talk

Is America a democracy?
We have the right to vote for our representatives. Technically, A,Erica is,a democratic republic. There are pockets of pure democracy in some small towns,where each vote counts on local referendums but, by in large, we are not a pure democracy.

But you think that the electoral college should be done away with, right?
The electoral college was built into the constitution to empower small states in the election of a president. I have no beef with the electoral college.

You are the first "liberal" I've talked to that passed this first test, and I've talked to a whole slew of them. Congrats.

Did you also know that those in the Senate were not originally elected directly by the people? Progressives amended the Constitution to let this happen. I assume you have no issue with this either, even though the Founding Fathers did.
The 17th amendment. I have no problem granting people the right to elect their representatives.
If this is actually what you believe is the truth about Liberals, I reject your premise as trolling. But if you're willing to voice your real thoughts, I'd be happy to discuss them with you.

I've never noticed that Votto has ever had an original thought. Have you? He must believe he is clever, how he ever came to that conclusion defies explanation.
I've come up with my own political test to see if you are a liberal.

You might be a liberal if......

…you have no idea what’s the difference between Rule of Law and what you believe is socially just

…believe that achieving a record low percentage of Americans working, and record high percentage of Americans on food stamps and other “public assistance,” are indicators of a successful economic recovery model.

…feel its ok to ask for an ID to buy beer and cigarettes, but racist to require an ID to vote.

…feel that voter fraud is a form of “social justice.”

…ever referred to someone as “my (insert racial or ethnic minority here) friend.”

…identify yourself as a hyphenated-American.

…support “diversity”......unless they have offensive and opposing views.

…watch Bill Maher and Jon Stewart to get your news

…believe that the Constitution was written by neo-Nazi slave owners

… rail against racial discrimination but staunchly support Affirmative Action.

…feel the grassroots Tea Party Movement is a collection of ignorant racists, but the “Occupy Wall Street” movement is a coalition of thoughtful and principled reformers.

…believe CNN and The New York Times are objective, but Fox News and The Wall Street Journal are biased.

....believe that a border wall is unnecessary but live in a gated community

......have no problem with immigrants taking jobs in the US but have a big problem with jobs going over seas to poorer countries.

.....believes that everything should be free cuz it's their right to have it and want to make the evil top 1% pay for it......except for George Soros cuz he is a good guy.

…believe that our Constitution is “living and breathing and ever changing” but unborn children are not.

…want the government out of our bedrooms unless they’re providing free birth control and abortions and getting governmental consent to get married cuz their opinion is really all that matters. Polygamists not welcome.

…asserted Jesus was a welfare state socialist so we should be as well, but demand separation of church and state when it comes to gay sex and abortion.

....actually believe that the Constitution says there is a separation of church and state.

.....think that the US is a democracy and believes that the electoral college should be done away with.

…still refer to Stalin as “Uncle Joe.”

…believe that Che Guevara should have a statue but the Jefferson Memorial should be closed down.

…take orders from your five-year old.

…feel that an open border with Mexico will provide you job security.

…believe jihadist Muslims are misunderstood peaceniks but Christians are cutthroat terrorists.

....think that the prisoners in Gitmo should all be set free but that Trump and "W" should be thrown into jail

…believe that parents should provide permission slips for middle-school field trips, but not abortion referrals.

…believe Obama has contained the Iran nuclear terrorism threat.

…feel the primary objective of ObamaCare is to provide “affordable health care” to the uninsured.

…didn’t know there are now 20 million more uninsured Americans now than when Obama took office.

.....hate Dick Cheney and Ronald Reagan but agree with Dick Cheney's statement concerning Reagan proving that deficits not longer matter cuz of all the massive debt he created.

.....believe all our problems would end if Trump would just die!!!!!!!!!!!

I've come up with my own political test to see if you are a conservative.

You might be an insufferable conservative if......

…you have no idea what’s the difference between Rule of Law and your party if it is in power.

…believe that we have achieved a record low percentage of Americans working (we haven't), and record high percentage of Americans on food stamps (after the republic Great Recession) and other “public assistance,” (ie black people) are facts to base policies of economic austerity on the middle on lower income people.

…feel its ok to ask for an ID to buy beer and cigarettes, but a far greater need is to require Democratic leaning voters to jump thru a gauntlet of requirements to register to vote.

…feel that voter suppression is a form of “white identity justice.”

…ever referred to someone they may/may not know as “my (insert racial or ethnic minority here) friend.” to prove their tacit racism is OK in a conversion at the country club.

…identify yourself as a white-American.

…support “diversity”......unless they have upset your white privilege views.

…watch sean handity and listen to rush limpbaugh to PROVE your side of the news

…believe that the Constitution was written by white christian slave owners to establish Merica as a white christian country

… Nod your head silently about racial discrimination while staunchly supporting the idea of reverse discrimination..

…feel the grassroots Tea Party Movement wasn't a collection of ignorant racists astroturfing white identity politics in the face of a BLACK PRESIDENT while the “Occupy Wall Street” is a collection of ignorant racists.

…believe CNN and The New York Times are communist, but Fox News and The Wall Street Journal are fair and balanced news organizations touting our side of the news.

....believe that a border wall is necessary while living in a gated community with sunset laws.

......have problems with immigrants taking jobs in the US but have a big problem with Americans asking for more money than immigrants to do those jobs and love to buy chinese goods at walmart.

.....believes that everything is free to lower income people, cuz they're a drag on the glorious top 1% .....except for George Soros cuz he funds everything that I hate. Even if he doesn't

…believe that our Constitution is a “rigid lifeless document that should never have been amended because it was perfect as written by white christian guys” and unborn children are the product of welfare and Liberalism.

…want the government out of our bedrooms unless they’re GAY and getting christian consent (man and woman) to get married cuz our opinion is really all that matters. Believe that polygamy somehow enters that conversion.

…asserted Jesus was real so we should be in fear of his wrath thru morally laws and that separation of church and state was inshrined in the Constitution in error.

....actually get infuriated that someone would assert that the Constitution says there is a separation of church and state like James Madison.

.....think that the US is a democracy as opposed to a Republic and believe that the electoral college with lower educated rural christian voters is just fine, as long as we win.

…still refer to Joseph McCarthy as “Uncle Joe.”

…believe that Che Guevara should have been imprisoned but the confederate Memorials should be glorified.

…your five-year old should be seen, not heard.

…feel that NAFTA with Mexico, outsourcing jobs to China will provide job security for the CEOs of Merica and that somehow is a good thing.

…believe that ALL Muslims are cutthroat terrorists and that white identity christians are misunderstood peaceniks.

....think that closing Gitmo is a crime because it shines to the world as a deterrent and that President Barack Hussein Obama should be investigated for wanting to believe otherwise.

…believe that middle school aged kids are getting abortions in massive numbers. I heard on FOX...

…believe Obama created the Iran nuclear terrorism threat.

…feel the primary objective of ObamaCare is "socialism" by requiring people to buy insurance from private insurance companies on public markets which was first introduced in the 1970's by the Heritage Foundation as a way to get insurance companies to compete.

…Believe that there are now 20 million more uninsured Americans now than when Obama took office and claim as fake news reports that the percentage of uninsured in America is at it's lowest point ever. Dick Cheney and Ronald Reagan but disagree with Dick Cheney's statement on Reagan's Voodoo Economic policies that Reagan created any deficits (or raised taxes) because Speaker Tip O'Neil in the House of Representatives created the Reagan deficits. Deficits only matter when Democrats control government.

.....believe all our problems would end if Liberalism would just die!!!!!!!!!!!
Standing in line to buy Hillary's new book?
You might Liberal if you are fighting against hate but you don’t have any problems with the Democratic Party’s hate groups: Nation of Islam, Klan, La Raza, Black Panthers, LULAC, Muslim Brotherhood, BLM, CAIR, Antifa, Aztlan Nationalist……

Nation of Islam? - A Democratic group? They even around anymore.
Klan? - Their conservative alt-right now.
La Raza? - Is this a radio station in SoCal?
Black Panthers? - You just watch a Blacksploitation movie from the 1960's?
LULAC? - I'm sure the Democratic party would welcome an organization dedicated to improving the lives of people.
Muslim Brotherhood - I'm pretty sure this hood is in the Middle East. You can check for me, thanks.
BLM - Yes, yes they do matter.
CAIR - Again ALL things that seek to improve American-Islamic relates is bad. Yes, you're a conservative.
Antifa? - They scare you real bad on the TeeVee, don't they.
Aztlan Nationalist...? - You must be on stormfront.
I've come up with my own political test to see if you are a liberal.

You might be a liberal if......

…you have no idea what’s the difference between Rule of Law and what you believe is socially just

…believe that achieving a record low percentage of Americans working, and record high percentage of Americans on food stamps and other “public assistance,” are indicators of a successful economic recovery model.

…feel its ok to ask for an ID to buy beer and cigarettes, but racist to require an ID to vote.

…feel that voter fraud is a form of “social justice.”

…ever referred to someone as “my (insert racial or ethnic minority here) friend.”

…identify yourself as a hyphenated-American.

…support “diversity”......unless they have offensive and opposing views.

…watch Bill Maher and Jon Stewart to get your news

…believe that the Constitution was written by neo-Nazi slave owners

… rail against racial discrimination but staunchly support Affirmative Action.

…feel the grassroots Tea Party Movement is a collection of ignorant racists, but the “Occupy Wall Street” movement is a coalition of thoughtful and principled reformers.

…believe CNN and The New York Times are objective, but Fox News and The Wall Street Journal are biased.

....believe that a border wall is unnecessary but live in a gated community

......have no problem with immigrants taking jobs in the US but have a big problem with jobs going over seas to poorer countries.

.....believes that everything should be free cuz it's their right to have it and want to make the evil top 1% pay for it......except for George Soros cuz he is a good guy.

…believe that our Constitution is “living and breathing and ever changing” but unborn children are not.

…want the government out of our bedrooms unless they’re providing free birth control and abortions and getting governmental consent to get married cuz their opinion is really all that matters. Polygamists not welcome.

…asserted Jesus was a welfare state socialist so we should be as well, but demand separation of church and state when it comes to gay sex and abortion.

....actually believe that the Constitution says there is a separation of church and state.

.....think that the US is a democracy and believes that the electoral college should be done away with.

…still refer to Stalin as “Uncle Joe.”

…believe that Che Guevara should have a statue but the Jefferson Memorial should be closed down.

…take orders from your five-year old.

…feel that an open border with Mexico will provide you job security.

…believe jihadist Muslims are misunderstood peaceniks but Christians are cutthroat terrorists.

....think that the prisoners in Gitmo should all be set free but that Trump and "W" should be thrown into jail

…believe that parents should provide permission slips for middle-school field trips, but not abortion referrals.

…believe Obama has contained the Iran nuclear terrorism threat.

…feel the primary objective of ObamaCare is to provide “affordable health care” to the uninsured.

…didn’t know there are now 20 million more uninsured Americans now than when Obama took office.

.....hate Dick Cheney and Ronald Reagan but agree with Dick Cheney's statement concerning Reagan proving that deficits not longer matter cuz of all the massive debt he created.

.....believe all our problems would end if Trump would just die!!!!!!!!!!!

I've come up with my own political test to see if you are a conservative.

You might be an insufferable conservative if......

…you have no idea what’s the difference between Rule of Law and your party if it is in power.

…believe that we have achieved a record low percentage of Americans working (we haven't), and record high percentage of Americans on food stamps (after the republic Great Recession) and other “public assistance,” (ie black people) are facts to base policies of economic austerity on the middle on lower income people.

…feel its ok to ask for an ID to buy beer and cigarettes, but a far greater need is to require Democratic leaning voters to jump thru a gauntlet of requirements to register to vote.

…feel that voter suppression is a form of “white identity justice.”

…ever referred to someone they may/may not know as “my (insert racial or ethnic minority here) friend.” to prove their tacit racism is OK in a conversion at the country club.

…identify yourself as a white-American.

…support “diversity”......unless they have upset your white privilege views.

…watch sean handity and listen to rush limpbaugh to PROVE your side of the news

…believe that the Constitution was written by white christian slave owners to establish Merica as a white christian country

… Nod your head silently about racial discrimination while staunchly supporting the idea of reverse discrimination..

…feel the grassroots Tea Party Movement wasn't a collection of ignorant racists astroturfing white identity politics in the face of a BLACK PRESIDENT while the “Occupy Wall Street” is a collection of ignorant racists.

…believe CNN and The New York Times are communist, but Fox News and The Wall Street Journal are fair and balanced news organizations touting our side of the news.

....believe that a border wall is necessary while living in a gated community with sunset laws.

......have problems with immigrants taking jobs in the US but have a big problem with Americans asking for more money than immigrants to do those jobs and love to buy chinese goods at walmart.

.....believes that everything is free to lower income people, cuz they're a drag on the glorious top 1% .....except for George Soros cuz he funds everything that I hate. Even if he doesn't

…believe that our Constitution is a “rigid lifeless document that should never have been amended because it was perfect as written by white christian guys” and unborn children are the product of welfare and Liberalism.

…want the government out of our bedrooms unless they’re GAY and getting christian consent (man and woman) to get married cuz our opinion is really all that matters. Believe that polygamy somehow enters that conversion.

…asserted Jesus was real so we should be in fear of his wrath thru morally laws and that separation of church and state was excluded from the Constitution error.

....actually get infuriated that someone would assert that the Constitution says there is a separation of church and state like James Madison.

.....think that the US is a democracy as opposed to a Republic and believe that the electoral college with lower educated rural christian voters is just fine, as long as we win.

…still refer to Joseph McCarthy as “Uncle Joe.”

…believe that Che Guevara should have been imprisoned but the confederate Memorials should be glorified.

…your five-year old should be seen, not heard.

…feel that NAFTA with Mexico, outsourcing jobs to China will provide job security for the CEOs of Merica and that somehow is a good thing.

…believe that ALL Muslims are cutthroat terrorists and that white identity christians are misunderstood peaceniks.

....think that closing Gitmo is a crime because it shines to the world as a deterrent and that President Barack Hussein Obama should be investigated for wanting to believe otherwise.

…believe that middle school aged kids are getting abortions in massive numbers. I heard on FOX...

…believe Obama created the Iran nuclear terrorism threat.

…feel the primary objective of ObamaCare is "socialism" by requiring people to buy insurance from private insurance companies on public markets which was first introduced in the 1970's by the Heritage Foundation as a way to get insurance companies to compete.

…Believe that there are now 20 million more uninsured Americans now than when Obama took office and claim as fake news reports that the percentage of uninsured in America is at it's lowest point ever. Dick Cheney and Ronald Reagan but disagree with Dick Cheney's statement on Reagan's Voodoo Economic policies that Reagan created any deficits (or raised taxes) because Speaker Tip O'Neil in the House of Representatives created the Reagan deficits. Deficits only matter when Democrats control government.

.....believe all our problems would end if Liberalism would just die!!!!!!!!!!!
All lies. Your butthurt is almost as ridiculous as you.

English much?
…you have no idea what’s the difference between Rule of Law and your party if it is in power.
That doesn't make sense. You're basically trying to say that "if you believe the rule of law applies differently to your party than the other" i think.

…believe that we have achieved a record low percentage of Americans working (we haven't), and record high percentage of Americans on food stamps (after the republic Great Recession) and other “public assistance,” (ie black people) are facts to base policies of economic austerity on the middle on lower income people.
My belief in cutting down on the welfare state is purely based on the idea that encouraging dependence creates more dependence. It'd be irresponsible to eliminate all public aid for those in need but people ultimately need to be responsible for helping themselves.

…feel its ok to ask for an ID to buy beer and cigarettes, but a far greater need is to require Democratic leaning voters to jump thru a gauntlet of requirements to register to vote.
I guess i'd plead ignorance on the obstacles to getting a valid state ID (in reference to the "jumping through hoops" comment) but it's never been hard for me to get one as a U.S. citizen.

…feel that voter suppression is a form of “white identity justice.”
I don't. I think that everyone who can and wants to vote should be able to vote, within reason. I don't see the problem with needing some valid ID to prove your identity but i'd listen to arguments against that if they're well reasoned.

…ever referred to someone they may/may not know as “my (insert racial or ethnic minority here) friend.” to prove their tacit racism is OK in a conversion at the country club.
Context matters. If you're talking about a topic that concerns a certain group then why not mention someone's ethnicity/religion/heritage/viewpoint? If you're talking about your golf swing and feel the need to say "well my black friend can't hit the ball for shit" then you're onto something for sure.

…identify yourself as a white-American.
Racism, plain and simple. Actual racist government officials with the power to discriminate on behalf of the government used the same, exact argument for why blacks didn't deserve to vote, etc. If you invalidate the opinions of a white man simple for his gender and his race then you're doing the exact thing you complain about, and it's disgusting.

…support “diversity”......unless they have upset your white privilege views.
"Diversity" encompasses more than just race. A group of 3 people, one consisting of a black man, a white man and an asian man all from the same background and school of thought is not more diverse than 3 white guys, one of which grew up in poverty and is a liberal, another white man who grew up rich and is a moderate and a third who grew up middle class, gay conservative. That is, if you care about anything more than someone's skin color of course.

…watch sean handity and listen to rush limpbaugh to PROVE your side of the news
Hannity and Limbaugh, but i agree.

…believe that the Constitution was written by white christian slave owners to establish Merica as a white christian country
That sounds like a viewpoint of the hard left actually, which is their justification for why the constitution isn't a valid document.

… Nod your head silently about racial discrimination while staunchly supporting the idea of reverse discrimination..
Discrimination is discrimination. There's no such thing as "reverse discrimination."

…feel the grassroots Tea Party Movement wasn't a collection of ignorant racists astroturfing white identity politics in the face of a BLACK PRESIDENT while the “Occupy Wall Street” is a collection of ignorant racists.
It wasn't, but it did become highjacked by people like that.

…believe CNN and The New York Times are communist, but Fox News and The Wall Street Journal are fair and balanced news organizations touting our side of the news.
True. Everyone, including all news sources, have their bias. You need to acknowledge the bias before then considering the validity.

....believe that a border wall is necessary while living in a gated community with sunset laws.
Are gated communities really a thing? The "wall" idea is a sound one and is something that many European countries are doing to stem the influx of muslim immigrants. I'd assume they're racists as well?

......have problems with immigrants taking jobs in the US but have a big problem with Americans asking for more money than immigrants to do those jobs and love to buy chinese goods at walmart.
I'm all for immigration of the legal variety, not for illegal immigration. It's pretty simple. Illegal immigration doesn't really have anything to do with chinese stuff at walmart. It would have much more to do with manual labor jobs which can easily be paid cash.

.....believes that everything is free to lower income people, cuz they're a drag on the glorious top 1% .....except for George Soros cuz he funds everything that I hate. Even if he doesn't
The "1%" thing is ridiculous because there will always be a top 1% unless you kill everyone in nation. If someone wants to steal from the poor to give to the rich then that's despicable of course, but it's not "stealing" if someone provides a good or service that a lot of people want and are willing to pay for. A huge problem is taxing those who add economic value to society (i.e. work, innovate, etc) for a living (rich or not) to provide for people who don't add economic value to a society is a recipe for collapse, and it's why socialism has never worked in practice and never will.

…believe that our Constitution is a “rigid lifeless document that should never have been amended because it was perfect as written by white christian guys” and unborn children are the product of welfare and Liberalism.
Does any logical person believe that? If anyone believes that then they should be roundly ignored.

…want the government out of our bedrooms unless they’re GAY and getting christian consent (man and woman) to get married cuz our opinion is really all that matters. Believe that polygamy somehow enters that conversion.
The government never should have got into the marriage business in the first place. And i think you've won the gay marriage thing. Most people if they don't openly encourage it, tolerate it as long as they're not forced to participate in it.

…asserted Jesus was real so we should be in fear of his wrath thru morally laws and that separation of church and state was excluded from the Constitution error.

....actually get infuriated that someone would assert that the Constitution says there is a separation of church and state like James Madison.

.....think that the US is a democracy as opposed to a Republic and believe that the electoral college with lower educated rural christian voters is just fine, as long as we win.
Again, doing what you did above, judging white people again and suggesting their vote doesn't matter. Racism, plain and simple. The electoral college is critical to ensure that the small states have a voice regardless of the outcome of the election. Otherwise, the only states that would matter in an election really would be California, Texas, Illinois and New York.

…believe that Che Guevara should have been imprisoned but the confederate Memorials should be glorified.
It's moreso the objection to the erasing of history and the ignorance to the kind of man Robert E. Lee really was. But i can see why people wouldn't be comfortable with those as having a statue of someone is a way of honoring and remembering them for what they did in their lives.

…your five-year old should be seen, not heard.
Depends on what you're talking about. 5 year olds are woefully unequipped to talk intelligently about most things.

…feel that NAFTA with Mexico, outsourcing jobs to China will provide job security for the CEOs of Merica and that somehow is a good thing.
The biggest job killer is technology and automation, not jobs. If we still had all of our manufacturing jobs we used to, we wouldn't be the biggest economy in the world. There's a reason China can produce good a lot cheaper than us: their standard of living is much lower.

…believe that ALL Muslims are cutthroat terrorists and that white identity christians are misunderstood peaceniks.
You're simply denying reality if you compare christians on the whole with Muslims on the whole. Not all muslims are radical but many more than you likely think hold radical views like those on women's rights and gay rights. It's not right to discriminate against someone for those but that doesn't mean it's not smart to acknowledge the differences in culture and values and see that there's some real, fundamental incompatibilities here that have led and continue to lead to a lot of issues.

....think that closing Gitmo is a crime because it shines to the world as a deterrent and that President Barack Hussein Obama should be investigated for wanting to believe otherwise.
What good reason is there really to close Gitmo? It'd make you "feel" better, basically. What happens there, right or wrong, is a totally separate issue. If we're indeed torturing and abusing prisoners there then would it be better to torture and abuse prisoners in the continental United States? Keep your eye on the ball there.

…believe that middle school aged kids are getting abortions in massive numbers. I heard on FOX...
The numbers of abortions really have no bearing on the morality of abortion.

…believe Obama created the Iran nuclear terrorism threat
He certainly didn't help.

…feel the primary objective of ObamaCare is "socialism" by requiring people to buy insurance from private insurance companies on public markets which was first introduced in the 1970's by the Heritage Foundation as a way to get insurance companies to compete.
It's a gateway to "Medicare for all" or universal healthcare. And the idea that the government can force someone to buy something from anyone, government or not, is a violation of the constitution, plain and simple. The intentions behind Obamacare doesn't matter with respect to that.

…Believe that there are now 20 million more uninsured Americans now than when Obama took office and claim as fake news reports that the percentage of uninsured in America is at it's lowest point ever.
Well if people deny facts then that makes them an idiot. Dick Cheney and Ronald Reagan but disagree with Dick Cheney's statement on Reagan's Voodoo Economic policies that Reagan created any deficits (or raised taxes) because Speaker Tip O'Neil in the House of Representatives created the Reagan deficits. Deficits only matter when Democrats control government.
The biggest problem with republicans right now (which is different from conservatives) is just that: they say one thing then do another. To dismiss Reagan completely for one thing though is stupid, just like it would be to dismiss Clinton or Obama or Bush as well.

.....believe all our problems would end if Liberalism would just die!!!!!!!!!!!
What's funny is that the current "progressive" left is pushing reasonable liberals away. You can see that when they turn on Bill Maher of all people.
You might Liberal if you are fighting against hate but you don’t have any problems with the Democratic Party’s hate groups: Nation of Islam, Klan, La Raza, Black Panthers, LULAC, Muslim Brotherhood, BLM, CAIR, Antifa, Aztlan Nationalist……

Nation of Islam? - A Democratic group? They even around anymore.
Klan? - Their conservative alt-right now.
La Raza? - Is this a radio station in SoCal?
Black Panthers? - You just watch a Blacksploitation movie from the 1960's?
LULAC? - I'm sure the Democratic party would welcome an organization dedicated to improving the lives of people.
Muslim Brotherhood - I'm pretty sure this hood is in the Middle East. You can check for me, thanks.
BLM - Yes, yes they do matter.
CAIR - Again ALL things that seek to improve American-Islamic relates is bad. Yes, you're a conservative.
Antifa? - They scare you real bad on the TeeVee, don't they.
Aztlan Nationalist...? - You must be on stormfront.

Obama volunteered to work for the racist Nation of Islam

Conservatives are mainstream people. They are not the Klan or Nazis. Obama and Clinton gave glowing speeches about Klansman Robert Byrd. Hillary called Klansman Byrd her “friend and mentor”

La Raza brags about changing America into a Latino nation and killing Anglos

Obama gave a speech to the racist New Black Panthers.

LULAC is a racist group that want to protect illegal alien criminals from being deported.

Muslim Brotherhood has sworn to erase Jews from the planet and is regarded to be a terrorist organization. Obama hosted them in the White House.

BLM is a racist separatist organization who hate policemen and who held a parade in Dallas where 5 policemen were assassinated. Obama hosted them in the White House.

CAIR are islamist

Antifa are violent far left wing extremist who are opposed to freedom of speech.

Aztlan Nationalist are racist who do not accept that America is a sovereign country.
My own experience as a Liberal, common sense, the proliferation of partisan trolling, real life. If you believe everything he had to say, you really need to actually meet some Liberals and talk things over.

Ok, let's talk

Is America a democracy?
We have the right to vote for our representatives. Technically, A,Erica is,a democratic republic. There are pockets of pure democracy in some small towns,where each vote counts on local referendums but, by in large, we are not a pure democracy.

But you think that the electoral college should be done away with, right?

Hillary does, she adopted this position AFTER she lost the election.

Now, now, stop talking about the bitter old hag. We can only hope she runs again in 2020.
What was more politically important to you: defeating Sec. Clinton or electing Donald Trump?
Ok, let's talk

Is America a democracy?
We have the right to vote for our representatives. Technically, A,Erica is,a democratic republic. There are pockets of pure democracy in some small towns,where each vote counts on local referendums but, by in large, we are not a pure democracy.

But you think that the electoral college should be done away with, right?
The electoral college was built into the constitution to empower small states in the election of a president. I have no beef with the electoral college.

You are the first "liberal" I've talked to that passed this first test, and I've talked to a whole slew of them. Congrats.

Did you also know that those in the Senate were not originally elected directly by the people? Progressives amended the Constitution to let this happen. I assume you have no issue with this either, even though the Founding Fathers did.
The 17th amendment. I have no problem granting people the right to elect their representatives.

Why do you think the Founding Fathers did not have them directly elected?

It is interesting to note that there are only 2 Senators per state and their terms are far longer than in the House where they are directly elected by the people.

Could it be that they empowered Congressmen more in the Senate for a reason? If so, what? If not, where they just stupid?

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