You People Who Think Separation of Church and State is Possible.......How Do You Reconcile Abortion??

The term “Separation of Church and State” is a lie pushed by the anti-Christian left. The original term was used by devout Christians that wanted a “wall of separation” in order to protect the church from the state. It in no way was meant to keep a religious citizenry from passing laws reflecting their religious beliefs.

After all, all laws have their roots in Biblical laws and God’s laws.
Simple shit huh?
Look, if I wanted to live the life of an immoral filthy degenerate I’d hope everyone else would as well….I’d hope nobody would prefer to live in a Christianity based society.
It would be bad for every single person who's not a christian, being forced to live under christian rule and subjected to punishments for breaking christian doctrine.

Zealots like you would love it. Decent, sane Americans would not...
Tell me how living in an atheist government is better. Again, move to North Korea, China, and Cuba, so you can see what it is like. My goal is to keep us from becoming like then, and the only way to do it is to stop the creep of atheism into our laws and culture.
Mashmont’s earlier thread and his thoughts in this one make me feel like vomiting.

I think the phrase SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE first came up (or came into prominence) in a letter from Jefferson to the Danbury Baptists.

The framers seem to me to be Deists, especially Jefferson, not opposed to Christianity, nor specifically espousing it.

I am a Christian, but not one like Mashmont.
Why would you want an atheist government, which is the direction the Democrats in Washington have been taking us? I don't know what kind of Christian you are; I'm a Catholic who follows the teaching of Jesus Christ.
Tell me how living in an atheist government is better. Again, move to North Korea, China, and Cuba, so you can see what it is like. My goal is to keep us from becoming like then, and the only way to do it is to stop the creep of atheism into our laws and culture.

I don;t need to move anywhere. I live in a secular nation, and I like it that way.

Lemme' ask you: If you had your way, and this was a "christian" nation, what would happen to those who didn't subscribe to christianity, were vocal about their opposition to it, and refused to live by the ten commandments?
I don;t need to move anywhere. I live in a secular nation, and I like it that way.

Lemme' ask you: If you had your way, and this was [sic] a "christian" [sic] nation, what would happen to those who didn't subscribe to christianity, [sic] were vocal about their opposition to it, and refused to live by the ten commandments [sic]?
English, please.
Watch all the Tards scatter like roaches when the light switch is turned on at midnight….they can’t EVER tell us how or where American Christianity is bad for the Republic.

LefTarded Filth:
“Christianity is bad because abortion is cool as fuck…Christianity is bad because it hurts the feelings of foreigners.”
Sad times we’re in for core Americans. Globalist
Filth is kicking our ass.

American Christianity is bad for the Republic when those on the authoritarian Christo-fascist right seek to codify religious dogma in secular law in an effort to compel religious conformity and silence religious dissent.

American Christianity is bad for the Republic when those on the authoritarian Christo-fascist right seek to create a Christian Republic, a totalitarian theocracy replete with morality police to enforce religious compliance.

And American Christianity is bad for the Republic when those on the authoritarian Christo-fascist right seek to exclude from political participation those not of the Christian faith and deny them public office.

Many of the Founding Generation fled this sort of religious persecution and authoritarianism in Europe and established the doctrine of separation of church and state as enshrined in the First Amendment to prevent such abuse from happening in America, abuse by the authoritarian Christo-fascist right.
American Christianity is bad for the Republic when those on the authoritarian Christo-fascist right seek to codify religious dogma in secular law in an effort to compel religious conformity and silence religious dissent.

American Christianity is bad for the Republic when those on the authoritarian Christo-fascist right seek to create a Christian Republic, a totalitarian theocracy replete with morality police to enforce religious compliance.

And American Christianity is bad for the Republic when those on the authoritarian Christo-fascist right seek to exclude from political participation those not of the Christian faith and deny them public office.
Good thing none of that is, or ever has, happened in the US.
your opinions and your are free to state them--- until the dems cancel the first amendment, and believer me that is one of their goals.
This is a lie.

It’s Republicans who attack and vilify Establishment Clause jurisprudence; it’s the GOP where you’ll find the Christo-fascist right, and it’s Republicans who promote Christian Nationalism hostile to the Framers’ mandate that church and state remain separate.
the constitution prohibits that and its not going to happen. But maybe you could move to north korea where Kim Jung Un is God.
But for how long – we currently have a Supreme Court dominated by conservative ideologues who have clearly demonstrated their hostility to settled, accepted Establishment Clause jurisprudence and precedent.

And this conservative court has already exhibited its contempt for settled, accepted precedent.
Tell me how living in an atheist government is better. Again, move to North Korea, China, and Cuba, so you can see what it is like. My goal is to keep us from becoming like then, and the only way to do it is to stop the creep of atheism into our laws and culture.
This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Prohibiting government from promoting or endorsing religion – indeed, prohibiting the establishment of an official state religion such as Christianity – does not mean the United States has an ‘atheist’ government.

Just as the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment prohibits government from establishing an official state religion, the Free Exercise Clause prohibits government from prohibiting or criminalizing the private, personal practice of religion, or to follow no religion at all.
Why would you want an atheist government, which is the direction the Democrats in Washington have been taking us? I don't know what kind of Christian you are; I'm a Catholic who follows the teaching of Jesus Christ.
This is a lie.

Democrats do not seek an ‘atheist’ government; indeed, the great majority of Democrats are Christian – an even greater majority are persons of faith.

Democrats follow the Framers’ mandate that church and state remain separate; Democrats support and defend Establishment Clause jurisprudence prohibiting government endorsement or promotion of religion, Democrats support and defend Free Exercise jurisprudence ensuring religious liberty and expression.
I don;t need to move anywhere. I live in a secular nation, and I like it that way.
You like it for now. You won't like it when the Marxist atheists take over, which we are headed for because dunderheads ignore the path we're on.
This is a lie.

Democrats do not seek an ‘atheist’ government; indeed, the great majority of Democrats are Christian – an even greater majority are persons of faith.

Democrats follow the Framers’ mandate that church and state remain separate; Democrats support and defend Establishment Clause jurisprudence prohibiting government endorsement or promotion of religion, Democrats support and defend Free Exercise jurisprudence ensuring religious liberty and expression.
The Democrat leadership isn't Christian in action, and they're the ones running the show. They're pushing the atheist agenda. Besides that, about 70% of atheists vote Democrat compared to 15% who lean Republican. The Democrat Party has removed all mention of God from their platform, starting in 2020.
Negative…they fled monarchy rule and religious persecution….they didn’t flee Christianity

Protestant Christianity

Nah…an all white America would be boring….a likeminded citizenry, one language, total unification, clean cities, few rapes and murders to talk about….nah….BORING.
Wanna know what persecution those Puritans had to endure? I'll tell ya. You see, the Puritans thought, because they were Puritans, that they were better than everyone else. Their shit didn't stink. So they wanted all the non-Puritans to bow before them and kiss their asses. When everyone else told them to take a hike the Puritans were all: "What?!?! You refuse to bow down and submit to us? We're God's special little angels! If you refuse to submit to us that means you're persecuting us! We're outta here!"

You and your ilk should take a lesson from them.
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Wanna know what persecution those Puritans had to endure? I'll tell ya. You see, the Puritans thought, because they were Puritans, that they were better than everyone else. Their shit didn't stink. So they wanted all the non-Puritans bow before them and kiss their asses. When everyone else told them to take a hike the Puritans were all: "What?!?! You refuse to bow down and submit to us? We're God's special little angels! If you refuse to submit to us that means you're persecuting us! We're outta here!"

You and your ilk should take a lesson from them.
Poorly written fiction having nothing to do with actual history.
Poorly written fiction having nothing to do with actual history.
Well, when those Puritans hit these shores they were hardly a bastion of religious toleration. Look what they did to poor Roger Williams.
This fails as a false comparison fallacy.
What was compared to what?
Prohibiting government from promoting or endorsing religion – indeed, prohibiting the establishment of an official state religion such as Christianity – does not mean the United States has an ‘atheist’ government.
It means that it's becoming atheist, and I showed how.
Just as the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment prohibits government from establishing an official state religion, the Free Exercise Clause prohibits government from prohibiting or criminalizing the private, personal practice of religion, or to follow no religion at all.
The first part of that needs to be amended so we don't become an atheist state.

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