You pious Dems "non-racists";Racist Clippers Owner Donald Sterling Is a Democrat!

....and Liberals would have you believe that America is racist and it all falls on White Male Conservative Republican Christians. Sterling is not a Republican and it has been established he is not a Christian. Also, all of that "Tent" talk from Liberals about Republicans not being inclusive; Sterling is a vintage example of the wealthy elite Democrat who patronizes Blacks to their face but does not want to break bread with them.

Liberals are full of shit trying to sell the world that white conservatives own the market on Racism. Sotomayor is ranting that dropping affirmative action is racist because Michigan wants everyone to be evaluated equally. States concerned about voter fraud risks are called Return of Jim Crow. You want analogy? Donald Sterling clearly wants to bring back segregated lunch counters. Any Democrat with any honor ought to seek out if they received money from Sterling and return it. Finally, how on God's name could the NAACP be ready to give him a second award when of the Game's hall of famer's, Elgin Baylor, is sueing him? If Rush Limbaugh owned the St. Louis Rams and one of his players sued him for something said on the radio, think the NAACP would be in a position of having to rescind an award to Limbaugh? No. Sterling is a rich, elitist Democrat whose racist core came oozing out because of jealousy. Vintage.

you're the ones who like racist policies.

and do prove when the last time sterling voted dem was.

it's already been proven the last time he gave money was about 20 years ago and it was about $6,000

you're welcome.

now carry on.

I find it hysterical that you're using this to attack democrats instead of one specific individual who has no public political face. people like you are so low, it's amazing.
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Why aren't you conservatives defending this guy the way you defended Phil Robertson and Clive Bundy?
Why are you too stupid to know the difference between free speech and defending hate speech?

There Is a difference?

Does that mean that since I hate the bullshit about Benghazi being a spontaneous boys outing that got out of hand then I am entitled to silence those speaking it? If you're going to defend free speech then you also are defending what you personally choose to call "hate speech". If you get to define hate then I, too, get to define hate.

Now shut up you hater!

See how that works?
My point is that they are both racist comments. So to try to smear an entire party by the racist comments of an individual can easily backfire. So when the left tried to smear the republican party with Bundy's comments, the right was able to do the same thing with Sterling's comments.
I also don't know much about Sterling. I have a feeling that's going to change though. Apparently Obama has weight in on the issue. Along with Michael Jordan and current NBA members. In other words, Bundy's racist remarks just got eclipsed by Sterling's racist comments. That is why the race card smear is a dangerous game. It goes both ways.

Many Republicans and Faux pundents that were riding the Range with Bundy had to do an about face when his comments were published. How many Democrats were defending in anyway this Sterling fellow?

The NBA is far more popular than politics. I use to be a basketball fan, but I'm in Houston. (Most fans can't get Rockets or Astros games on TV anymore unless you buy a specific provider.) So now I'm a Hockey Fan.

well the problem ismsterling was clear. He doesnt want black people at his games.

Bundy tried to equate slavery with being on welfare. Which is pretty much the truth but liberals dont like that and call it racist. And thats because welfare is a tool the left uses for control,. The left never wants a candid discussion on race.
No, Bundy equated "the Negro" of today with being lazy, and that IS racism. He blames government for their laziness, but he stereotypes "the Negro" as lazy which is racism no matter who is to blame.
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Guy seems pretty fucked up, not going to get any defense from me or anyone that is studiously not racist. Who's defending this scumbag? They can be righteously criticized but democrats in general are not like that and all of you attack junkies know it.

The truth is that many Dems are racist. I lived in Chicago for fifteen years and I saw it first hand. Racists can be found in both parties. Secondly, there is a huge difference between being prejudiced and being racist. Many people of all persuasions have prejudices against blacks, but being racist goes well beyond that. If I am cautious about walking down the street in an all black neighborhood because I am white, that does not necessarily mean that I am racist. If I believe that a certain percentage of blacks tend to be lazy and not want to work, for whatever reason, that doesn't make me a racist. To be a racist, you must believe that you are better than someone else because of your own race and that you are superior to them.

Anyway, if you don't believe that many Democrats are racist, just walk into a neighborhood bar on the north or northwest side of Chicago and start talking about "the blacks" and see how non-racist all those Dems are. You will be shocked. One last thing; I am pretty much referring to blue collar whites, not the "liberal elite", and there is a very big difference there also.
is in fact a Democrat, according to campaign-contribution records.
Donald Sterling, Los Angeles Clippers
Records show Sterling has donated just $6,000, with no activity since the early 1990s.
He supported Gray Davis early in his career, as well as Bill Bradley.
At the American Power blog, Donald Douglas has an extended discussion of Sterling’s donations to liberal causes
and the left-leaning commentators who have lauded him in the past.
At the time TMZ released its recording, Sterling was scheduled to receive a lifetime achievement award from the NAACP.
Racist Clippers Owner Donald Sterling Is a Democrat | National Review Online
And that is the difference between Democrats and republicans. When we have scum in our ranks we throw them out or ignore them. You on the other hand will take the sleaziest, lying, disgusting crook and praise them to the high heavens all because they have an 'R' after their name. You want examples:
herman cain was elevated to a contender for president despite women coming out of the wood work to condemn him for inappropriate behavior.
You also elevate newt gingrich to a spokesman role in the gop despite his first two marriages ending due to his adultry. He is now on his third wife.
You shower praise on the quitter ex-governor sarah palin while she preaches abstinence with her unwed daughter standing by her side.
You elect a former governor of S. Carolina to the US House desite his lying to the state and his family so he could spend a week in S. America with his mistress.
Lately you have given hero status to a tax cheat who owns the government millions. The man is a un-American crook and you call him a hero.
Put an R behind a dog turd and you would defend it to the death and probably vote it into office. Lord knows it would be better than some of the gop congressional people now in office.
Oh, and for the record, sterling is an insensitive, racist idiot who deserves every bad thing that happens to him. It makes no difference to me if he is a Democrat or republican. The man is an asshole.
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My point is that they are both racist comments. So to try to smear an entire party by the racist comments of an individual can easily backfire. So when the left tried to smear the republican party with Bundy's comments, the right was able to do the same thing with Sterling's comments.
I also don't know much about Sterling. I have a feeling that's going to change though. Apparently Obama has weight in on the issue. Along with Michael Jordan and current NBA members. In other words, Bundy's racist remarks just got eclipsed by Sterling's racist comments. That is why the race card smear is a dangerous game. It goes both ways.

Many Republicans and Faux pundents that were riding the Range with Bundy had to do an about face when his comments were published. How many Democrats were defending in anyway this Sterling fellow?

The NBA is far more popular than politics. I use to be a basketball fan, but I'm in Houston. (Most fans can't get Rockets or Astros games on TV anymore unless you buy a specific provider.) So now I'm a Hockey Fan.

Republicans and "Faux" pundits were not defending racist remarks. They were objecting to government overreaction.

Never said they were. I say it's a false equivalence. Just because they both made incredible racist remarks, one doesn't excuse the other. No one on the left had to run away because no one was riding with Sterling, except for his much younger, Latino girlfriend.

The ownership of the Western land by the Feds was decided over a hundred years ago. Bundy lost in court again and was ordered to remove his cattle from those federal lands.
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Many Republicans and Faux pundents that were riding the Range with Bundy had to do an about face when his comments were published. How many Democrats were defending in anyway this Sterling fellow?

The NBA is far more popular than politics. I use to be a basketball fan, but I'm in Houston. (Most fans can't get Rockets or Astros games on TV anymore unless you buy a specific provider.) So now I'm a Hockey Fan.

Republicans and "Faux" pundits were not defending racist remarks. They were objecting to government overreaction.

Never said they were. I say it's a false equivalence. Just because they both made incredible racist remarks, one doesn't excuse the other. No one on the left had to run away because no one was riding with Sterling, except for his much younger, Latino girlfriend.

The ownership of the Western land by the Feds was decided over a hundred years ago. Bundy lost in court again and was ordered to remove his cattle from those federal lands.

I'm going to give you a unique opportunity......

To not be as stupid when you leave here as you were when you arrived...

Watch, listen, learn

[ame=]Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement - Dirty Harry (Harry Reid) & BLM Land Grab - YouTube[/ame]
....and Liberals would have you believe that America is racist and it all falls on White Male Conservative Republican Christians. Sterling is not a Republican and it has been established he is not a Christian. Also, all of that "Tent" talk from Liberals about Republicans not being inclusive; Sterling is a vintage example of the wealthy elite Democrat who patronizes Blacks to their face but does not want to break bread with them.

Liberals are full of shit trying to sell the world that white conservatives own the market on Racism. Sotomayor is ranting that dropping affirmative action is racist because Michigan wants everyone to be evaluated equally. States concerned about voter fraud risks are called Return of Jim Crow. You want analogy? Donald Sterling clearly wants to bring back segregated lunch counters. Any Democrat with any honor ought to seek out if they received money from Sterling and return it. Finally, how on God's name could the NAACP be ready to give him a second award when of the Game's hall of famer's, Elgin Baylor, is sueing him? If Rush Limbaugh owned the St. Louis Rams and one of his players sued him for something said on the radio, think the NAACP would be in a position of having to rescind an award to Limbaugh? No. Sterling is a rich, elitist Democrat whose racist core came oozing out because of jealousy. Vintage.

you're the ones who like racist policies.

and do prove when the last time sterling voted dem was.

it's already been proven the last time he gave money was about 20 years ago and it was about $6,000

you're welcome.

now carry on.

I find it hysterical that you're using this to attack democrats instead of one specific individual who has no public political face. people like you are so low, it's amazing.

I don't know why you would find it hysterical, darlin' do it all the time. :D
Guy seems pretty fucked up, not going to get any defense from me or anyone that is studiously not racist. Who's defending this scumbag? They can be righteously criticized but democrats in general are not like that and all of you attack junkies know it.

The truth is that many Dems are racist. I lived in Chicago for fifteen years and I saw it first hand. Racists can be found in both parties. Secondly, there is a huge difference between being prejudiced and being racist. Many people of all persuasions have prejudices against blacks, but being racist goes well beyond that. If I am cautious about walking down the street in an all black neighborhood because I am white, that does not necessarily mean that I am racist. If I believe that a certain percentage of blacks tend to be lazy and not want to work, for whatever reason, that doesn't make me a racist. To be a racist, you must believe that you are better than someone else because of your own race and that you are superior to them.

Anyway, if you don't believe that many Democrats are racist, just walk into a neighborhood bar on the north or northwest side of Chicago and start talking about "the blacks" and see how non-racist all those Dems are. You will be shocked. One last thing; I am pretty much referring to blue collar whites, not the "liberal elite", and there is a very big difference there also.

Add Boston to that list as well. Those blue collar Irish Democrats aren't too fond of blacks either.
Donald Sterling is a REGISTERED REPUBLICAN since 1998.

So what douchebag?

I switched to voting for Republican from dimocrap scum in 1977 (after Carter pardoned all those cowards... I'd had it with dimocrap scum) and didn't change my registration for twenty years after that. Maybe more than that :dunno:

California used to allow voters of either party to vote in either Primary. Depending on the Party's preference. They changed it recently. So until 2011 or so, California was an 'Open Primary' State.

I doubt you know what that means, but trust me.... It didn't matter how you were registered in California until around 2011.

I just got my wife to change her official registration from Independent to Republican -- After 30 years. And she's worse than I am..... Not, not true. She's not as bad as me.

Sterling was a dimocrap. Period.

The NAACP doesn't give awards to racist Republicans, only to racist dimocraps.

believe it
Same goes for you. You though have your tongue further up into his hole that the other guy.

Donald Sterling is a REGISTERED REPUBLICAN since 1998.

So what douchebag?

I switched to voting for Republican from dimocrap scum in 1977 (after Carter pardoned all those cowards... I'd had it with dimocrap scum) and didn't change my registration for twenty years after that. Maybe more than that :dunno:

California used to allow voters of either party to vote in either Primary. Depending on the Party's preference. They changed it recently. So until 2011 or so, California was an 'Open Primary' State.

I doubt you know what that means, but trust me.... It didn't matter how you were registered in California until around 2011.

I just got my wife to change her official registration from Independent to Republican -- After 30 years. And she's worse than I am..... Not, not true. She's not as bad as me.

Sterling was a dimocrap. Period.

The NAACP doesn't give awards to racist Republicans, only to racist dimocraps.

believe it
It was a well known fact that Sterling was a racist, but he donated to the right party and everyone looked the other direction.

Just like Robert Byrd, former Grand Wizard of the KKK and highly respected Democrat Senator. He said "******" on live national television in 2001, and what happened? Nothing.
Democrats are only interested in using the term 'racism' as a political weapon against their enemies. When one of their own is discovered as a racist, they are more than willing to cover it up and not mention a word of it.

Would a former KKK member be allowed to serve as a respected Republican senator after voting against, WITH AL GORE SR., the Civil Rights Act? What would happen if that Republican said this on national television?

[ame=]Senator Robert Byrd Says White ******* - YouTube[/ame]
Republicans and "Faux" pundits were not defending racist remarks. They were objecting to government overreaction.

Never said they were. I say it's a false equivalence. Just because they both made incredible racist remarks, one doesn't excuse the other. No one on the left had to run away because no one was riding with Sterling, except for his much younger, Latino girlfriend.

The ownership of the Western land by the Feds was decided over a hundred years ago. Bundy lost in court again and was ordered to remove his cattle from those federal lands.

I'm going to give you a unique opportunity......

OMG, that was beyond extremely dumb. It is no wonder you think like you do.......
Republicans and "Faux" pundits were not defending racist remarks. They were objecting to government overreaction.

Never said they were. I say it's a false equivalence. Just because they both made incredible racist remarks, one doesn't excuse the other. No one on the left had to run away because no one was riding with Sterling, except for his much younger, Latino girlfriend.

The ownership of the Western land by the Feds was decided over a hundred years ago. Bundy lost in court again and was ordered to remove his cattle from those federal lands.

I'm going to give you a unique opportunity......

To not be as stupid when you leave here as you were when you arrived...

Watch, listen, learn

[ame=""]Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement - Dirty Harry (Harry Reid) & BLM Land Grab - YouTube[/ame]
Everything Judge Pinhead said was a lie.

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