You pious Dems "non-racists";Racist Clippers Owner Donald Sterling Is a Democrat!

is in fact a Democrat, according to campaign-contribution records.
Donald Sterling, Los Angeles Clippers
Records show Sterling has donated just $6,000, with no activity since the early 1990s.
He supported Gray Davis early in his career, as well as Bill Bradley.
At the American Power blog, Donald Douglas has an extended discussion of Sterling’s donations to liberal causes
and the left-leaning commentators who have lauded him in the past.
At the time TMZ released its recording, Sterling was scheduled to receive a lifetime achievement award from the NAACP.
Racist Clippers Owner Donald Sterling Is a Democrat | National Review Online

Hmmmmmm, I wonder why there has been no donations from him to a political party since the early 1990's? 20 years of non participation?

Wonder if he voted for Obama or McCain or Romney? Or even voted at all?

If a racist, he probably did not vote for Obama....what do you think?

Ouch! That must hurt HealthMyth's head....all that thinking you're asking him and EdgeNo to do.

So, unlike these two idiots, I took your tip and looked it up. I've given more in the last few years than this asshole Sterling has in twenty.

HealthMyths goes down in flames....again.

Contributor Occupation Date Amount Recipient
BEVERLY HILLS PROPERTIES 11/30/89 $1,000 Bradley, Bill (D)

BEVERLY HILLS PROPERTIES 11/30/89 $1,000 Bradley, Bill (D)

BEVERLY HILLS,CA 90212 9/27/91 $1,000 Davis, Gray (D)

REAL ESTATE DEVELOPER 9/9/91 $1,000 Leahy, Patrick (D)
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Guy seems pretty fucked up, not going to get any defense from me or anyone that is studiously not racist. Who's defending this scumbag? They can be righteously criticized but democrats in general are not like that and all of you attack junkies know it.

ALL dimocraps are racists. Always have been, always will be.

For 150 years you were anti-black, now you're anti-white. Mostly.

Some of your kind didn't get the message that your racism has changed.

But you're ALL racists. Every last one of you.

Cliven Bundy? He's just inartfully stupid and unsophisticated.

You people? You're racists. The whole dimocrap party is racist. Top to bottom.
Democrats sole mission in life is to give lip service to helping minorities in order to get their votes. They care nothing about the true well being of the individuals. To stay in power by representing "the provider of freebies" is their modus operandi.
Guy seems pretty fucked up, not going to get any defense from me or anyone that is studiously not racist. Who's defending this scumbag? They can be righteously criticized but democrats in general are not like that and all of you attack junkies know it.

ALL dimocraps are racists. Always have been, always will be.

For 150 years you were anti-black, now you're anti-white. Mostly.

Some of your kind didn't get the message that your racism has changed.

But you're ALL racists. Every last one of you.

Cliven Bundy? He's just inartfully stupid and unsophisticated.

You people? You're racists. The whole dimocrap party is racist. Top to bottom.
Democrats sole mission in life is to give lip service to helping minorities in order to get their votes. They care nothing about the true well being of the individuals. To stay in power by representing "the provider of freebies" is their modus operandi.

So Dems plan is to give lip service (and pass legislation) to "fake" help minorities but they really dont care they just do it to get votes.

And that is worst for blacks than the Republicans who dont even give lip service (or pass legislation) to "fake" help minorities.

So blacks should vote for those that ignore them and do not pander to them because that would be good for them?

Makes sense...:cuckoo:

Unless you were at the bottom of a hole and someone gave you a hand with a "I dont want to do this" look on their face and someone else didnt give you a hand at all. Who would you reach for? The hand or no hand and stay at the bottom?
Who's hypocritical? Name the Democrats who are defending this guy because he's supposedly a Democrat.

Give us a short list, preferably with some names we might all recognize.
So, you have never seen democrats label all Republicans as racist because one person is stupid enough to believe in the whole 'inferior people' bullshit.....and now decide to play innocent when its another asshole who happens to support some of the liberals agenda.

Got it.

The guy is an asshole. So is anyone who makes such comments. However, neither side is guiltless when it come to trying to make the other side look like racists based upon past politics of these assholes.

I maintain that liberals are racists, but not because of this guy, but because of how liberals think about minorities. Their very position that minorities cannot care for themselves without government intervention is in, and of itself, racist thought.

Fuck this guy and those who want to now poo-poo his not being what a democrat is all about while supporting the notion that one idiot who votes Republican and is racist makes all Republicans racists.

Still waiting for that list of Democrats who are defending Sterling.

And, yes, I'm still waiting.
Once again, Conservatives struggle with equivalencies

In their pathetic attempt to say.....See? You guys do it too, so we are even

In this case, you have to go back 20 years to find where Sterling contributed to a Democratic candidate

Why isn't it equivalent?
- Democrats have never embraced the guy
- Nobody ever proclaimed him to be a national hero and patriot
- The media was never standing up for him
- Nobody on the left is defending him

At least they are getting more current. They are still posting about Republicans supporting blacks 70 years ago and pretending that it means something today
is in fact a Democrat, according to campaign-contribution records.
Donald Sterling, Los Angeles Clippers
Records show Sterling has donated just $6,000, with no activity since the early 1990s.
He supported Gray Davis early in his career, as well as Bill Bradley.
At the American Power blog, Donald Douglas has an extended discussion of Sterling’s donations to liberal causes
and the left-leaning commentators who have lauded him in the past.
At the time TMZ released its recording, Sterling was scheduled to receive a lifetime achievement award from the NAACP.
Racist Clippers Owner Donald Sterling Is a Democrat | National Review Online

Hmmmmmm, I wonder why there has been no donations from him to a political party since the early 1990's? 20 years of non participation?

Wonder if he voted for Obama or McCain or Romney? Or even voted at all?

If a racist, he probably did not vote for Obama....what do you think?


Checkmate bitch.
Once again, Conservatives struggle with equivalencies

In their pathetic attempt to say.....See? You guys do it too, so we are even

In this case, you have to go back 20 years to find where Sterling contributed to a Democratic candidate

Why isn't it equivalent?
- Democrats have never embraced the guy
- Nobody ever proclaimed him to be a national hero and patriot
- The media was never standing up for him
- Nobody on the left is defending him

At least they are getting more current. They are still posting about Republicans supporting blacks 70 years ago and pretending that it means something today

Well, since he's in California (presumably--he owns a team there) it's logical to assume he's a liberal since most of the state is--even Ahhnold was considered a liberal Republican if you recall.

Beyond that, connecting the dots of his activity 20 years ago as some sort of relevant topic in 2014 political science is weak even for [MENTION=32646]healthmyths[/MENTION]. He needs to stick with stuff he knows about like how to scrape cheese off the inside of his pizza box
They do this thing every so often where they think if they can find a racist in the Dem party then that somehow changes the racist in the republican party.

In fact the only time a republican sees racism is when it comes from a democrat which goes to show how much they actually care about or see racism overall
Why aren't you conservatives defending this guy the way you defended Phil Robertson and Clive Bundy?

first what does phil robertso have to do with this?

second this guy wanted to prevent blacks from attending jis game, what did bundy do again?

oh and we loove pointing out democrat hypocrisy and saw that democrats are still who we thougnt they are, they just bought off a few key black leaders, though they havent ever changed.
They do this thing every so often where they think if they can find a racist in the Dem party then that somehow changes the racist in the republican party.

In fact the only time a republican sees racism is when it comes from a democrat which goes to show how much they actually care about or see racism overall

you are so accurate about yourself.....hell yeah we love to use democrat rules to hang democrats with. Liberalsmtry to police speech, not republicans, so its all you closed.

btw imstill havent had you answer my questions.
Why aren't you conservatives defending this guy the way you defended Phil Robertson and Clive Bundy?

first what does phil robertso have to do with this?

second this guy wanted to prevent blacks from attending jis game, what did bundy do again?

oh and we loove pointing out democrat hypocrisy and saw that democrats are still who we thougnt they are, they just bought off a few key black leaders, though they havent ever changed.

What does Phil Robertson have to do with this? What do the Democrats on USMB have to do with this?

Did this guy really want to prevent blacks from attending the games? If that were true then conservatives should be defending him,

since most conservatives believe that a business owner should have the right to serve or not serve anyone he wants,

for whatever reason.
Racist Clippers Owner Donald Sterling Is a Democrat!

Yeah, a "Reagan Democrat."
If only he chased down, shot and killed a black kid, then he could be a right wing hero. Voting Democrat didn't stop Zimmerman.

Did he give any money to Obama?
If only he chased down, shot and killed a black kid, then he could be a right wing hero. Voting Democrat didn't stop Zimmerman.

Did he give any money to Obama?

You hate Mexican-Americans. We get it.
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Why aren't you conservatives defending this guy the way you defended Phil Robertson and Clive Bundy?

first what does phil robertso have to do with this?

second this guy wanted to prevent blacks from attending jis game, what did bundy do again?

oh and we loove pointing out democrat hypocrisy and saw that democrats are still who we thougnt they are, they just bought off a few key black leaders, though they havent ever changed.

What does Phil Robertson have to do with this? What do the Democrats on USMB have to do with this?

Did this guy really want to prevent blacks from attending the games? If that were true then conservatives should be defending him,

since most conservatives believe that a business owner should have the right to serve or not serve anyone he wants,

for whatever reason.

Preventing people to enter your establishment because of race is illegal. The Republican party is known for being tough on crime. As opposed to the left. There is a reason after all why Eric Holder wants states to allow felons to be able to vote. Since the left is far more lenient on crime than the right it would seem likely that the left would have no objection to Sterling's suggestion.
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Race baiting is a dangerous game. First the left tried to conflate the racist remarks of Bundy with people questioning the tactics the government used against Bundy in a tax dispute. Now, Sterling's racist comments have come back to bite the left since Sterling gave money to the democratic party while being on his way to an NAACP award. The left just got screwed over by their same game. Shame.
Race baiting is a dangerous game. First the left tried to conflate the racist remarks of Bundy with people questioning the tactics the government used against Bundy in a tax dispute. Now, Sterling's racist comments have come back to bite the left since Sterling gave money to the democratic party while being on his way to an NAACP award. The left just got screwed over by their same game. Shame.

Can anyone decipher what this is supposed to mean?

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