you should Hate Biden more than Hitler

you should Hate Biden more than Hitler​

I do. Hitler is of no consequence to me and is long dead somewhere in S. America, Biden is alive and greatly impacting my life in a bad way.

Hitler was bad only for the Jews, Biden is bad for ALL Humanity
Hitler was bad for far more than just Jews, but point well taken-- -- Biden has negatively impacted the world and far more people than Hitler ever did!
A Bakedbromide thread suggesting that Brandon is worse than Hitler is idiotic. I can’t stomach our Potato in Chief. But he’s not even remotely as evil as Hitler was.

And this thread comes from the same stooge who alternately hates on Trump or praises Trump. Baked has earned every bit of his non-credibility.
Biden is a blithering puppet of those who nominated him. It's very convenient for them to have the media blame what happens on his dementia.

Hitler knew EXACTLY how to captivate a Germany with low esteem with his impassioned speeches. Behind the scenes, Hitler was actually eerily so coherent and calm you wouldn't recognize him. That other shit was mostly an act, just like Biden's true dementia is used as a decoy for those who are deliberately trying to take advantage of Americans. There are recordings of Hitler sounding like an ordinary joe (speaking German, of course).

Two different men, both playing different the same type of lie.

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Oh, they do
And so they should. All Hitler did was impact the lives of millions in Europe, Biden has impacted the lives of billions in America, S. America, Europe, East Europe, and Asia, pretty much fucked up the whole planet. We'd be far better off with Hitler back instead.
And there ya go. I know these people.

They really do prefer Hitler to Biden.

This is who they are.
Hitler was better than Biden. Nazis are better than democrats. Never let the left forget that simple truth.

At least Nazis are honest to your face and tell you they want to conquer and kill you, democrats pretend to be your friends looking out for your welfare here to help you while planning on sticking a knife in your back.
And there ya go. I know these people.

They really do prefer Hitler to Biden.

This is who they are.
The Weimar culture allowed homosexuality to flourish and debase the children of decent Germans. Hitler stepped up and said "No you don't." Had it not been for gays "educating" children, Hitler would never have come to power. Had it not been for the rampant inflation that made the German Mark worthless, there would never have been a World War II. Yes. Certainly. Hitler was miles and miles better than Biden. Biden either knows or should know what results from his folly.

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