You want proof that Biden faces being impeached?

Had Biden held back funds for Hamas, how many lives would that save by depriving Hamas of rockets and pay for killers to kill the Israelis?

That’s just some bullshit in your empty head.

There is no evidence anything Biden did caused the murder spree, let alone evidence that it was done to supposedly divert attention from something else.

The idiocy you sign up for is mind boggling.
Playing games isn’t going to help the GOP in ‘24. The people want actual results, not schoolyard tantrums.
We know the Senate is stacked to save Biden. But the damage done to Biden by screaming we impeached his ass will hit a lot of citizens hard. They won't vote again for this criminal.
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I live in Colorado. And as you might have heard, Democrats want to remove Trump off the ballot here. Never asked us democratically. Nope. Just unilaterally, without any jurisprudence and the judge is Anti Trumper and blithely wants Trump off the ballot. Why? Because "reasons". I haven't voted Democrat in over 25 years. And they always win every single time.
I live in Colorado. And as you might have heard, Democrats want to remove Trump off the ballot here. Never asked us democratically. Nope. Just unilaterally, without any jurisprudence and the judge is Anti Trumper and blithely wants Trump of the ballot. Because "reasons". I am lost.
So far as Colorado goes and it's Democrat judge and perhaps jury, even if they find against Trump, it will end up in the Supreme Court and get quashed. We have nuts in all of the states and nuts hate Trump.
Quote Biden asking for funding for Hamas.

When you can’t, please stop running your silly mouth before doing a basic fact check.
Use proper form in any questions to me and I will help you.
So far as Colorado goes and it's Democrat judge and perhaps jury, even if they find against Trump, it will end up in the Supreme Court and get quashed. We have nuts in all of the states and nuts hate Trump.
So far as Colorado goes and it's Democrat judge and perhaps jury, even if they find against Trump, it will end up in the Supreme Court and get quashed. We have nuts in all of the states and nuts hate Trump.
It seems, if democrats where officials in road race, their opponents would always lose due to whatever rando reason Dems can tack on. And they would cheat all day long and say its threat to the race if you question their officiating.
Oops, you confused yourself. Trump is actually criminally charged and faces a mountain of evidence.

Not a mere accusation. Spot the difference.
As I said, that is not a conviction. See if you now get it. Biden is going down and pretty damned soon. And the evidence is overwhelming.

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