You Want to Understand Black Americans’ Solidarity With Palestine?

Answer the damn question.
How about you understanding that no one is supporting Hamas? Every Palestinian is not a member of Hamas, and most Palestinians don't like Hamas. What I showed you was that the Netanyahu government was so opposed to a Palestinian state that they empowered Hamas to oppose the Palestinian Authority. Now that is a fact written by a Jewish reprter living in Jerusalem. So maybe the problem isn't just Hamas.
How do we understand the LGBTQPN communities support for Arabs / Palestinians ?
No one is talking about Hamas. Everybody opposes Hamas. But it seems that people have a problem criticizing how Netanyahu enabled Hamas. What part of this do you miss?

For years, the various governments led by Benjamin Netanyahu took an approach that divided power between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank — bringing Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to his knees while making moves that propped up the Hamas terror group.

The idea was to prevent Abbas — or anyone else in the Palestinian Authority’s West Bank government — from advancing toward the establishment of a Palestinian state.

Most of the time, Israeli policy was to treat the Palestinian Authority as a burden and Hamas as an asset.

There is no substance to this article. Her argument has two parts: Netanyahu allows some Gaza Arabs to work in Israel, but he also allows five times as many Arabs from Judea and Samaria to work is Israel, so how is the propping up Hamas and putting down the PA?

The other part of her argument is that Netanyahu should have destroyed Hamas earlier. In fact, in 2018, Netanyahu convened a war cabinet and had the IDF present an analysis of what it would take to reoccupy Gaza after which he called for a vote which failed.

She provides no evidence at all that Israel is in any way keeping the PA down in favor of Hamas. Obviously, this is just a political hit piece.
There is no substance to this article. Her argument has two parts: Netanyahu allows some Gaza Arabs to work in Israel, but he also allows five times as many Arabs from Judea and Samaria to work is Israel, so how is the propping up Hamas and putting down the PA?

The other part of her argument is that Netanyahu should have destroyed Hamas earlier. In fact, in 2018, Netanyahu convened a war cabinet and had the IDF present an analysis of what it would take to reoccupy Gaza after which he called for a vote which failed.

She provides no evidence at all that Israel is in any way keeping the PA down in favor of Hamas. Obviously, this is just a political hit piece.
There is plenty of substance. Netanyahu has been evil since he was put in power and the people of Israel will remove him once this is over.
There is plenty of substance. Netanyahu has been evil since he was put in power and the people of Israel will remove him once this is over.
Maybe you just don't know what the word, substance, means. You seem to think it means the same thing as bias.
Let's get something clear, because it appears that many of you don't know how to read.

This is the title of this thread:

You Want to Understand Black Americans’ Solidarity With Palestine?

This does not say

You Want to Understand Black Americans’ Solidarity With Hamas?​

So once the information was known about the Hamas massacre, immediately the racist right wing media produced a story about a member of BLM and members of color in congress voicing support for Palestine. In the effort to maintain white supremacy by trying to get the government to declare all non whites who oppose the system of white supremacy in America terrorists, or as enemies of America, I have seens a lie posted by various "colorblind, never seeing race, democrats only use race," Republicans about black support for Hamas. Support for Palestine is not support for Hamas. Every Palestinian is not a member of Hamas. So here is an article from the black perspective, because it seems that members of the right in this forum either do not have an understanding that the experience of blacks and whites in America is an example of polar opposites or don't want to recognize this reality.
Maybe you just don't know what the word, substance, means. You seem to think it means the same thing as bias.
I know exactly what it means and since the writer is an Israeli Jewish resident of Jerusalem and has watched what the government has done, her words certainly do have far more substance than your opinion.
So once the information was known about the Hamas massacre, immediately the racist right wing media produced a story about a member of BLM and members of color in congress voicing support for Palestine. In the effort to maintain white supremacy by trying to get the government to declare all non whites who oppose the system of white supremacy in America terrorists, or as enemies of America, I have seens a lie posted by various "colorblind, never seeing race, democrats only use race," Republicans about black support for Hamas. Support for Palestine is not support for Hamas. Every Palestinian is not a member of Hamas. So here is an article from the black perspective, because it seems that members of the right in this forum either do not have an understanding that the experience of blacks and whites in America is an example of polar opposites or don't want to recognize this reality.

You Want to Understand Black Americans’ Solidarity With Palestine?
Black Americans know colonization when we see it
If you’re wondering why some Black Americans have expressed solidarity with Palestinian people in Gaza, you should consider this slice of American history, ranging from the final years of chattel slavery until the early days of the Reconstruction era. Abraham Lincoln, the country’s 16th President, who signed the Emancipation Proclamation, didn’t have a modernist view of racial equality that many would imagine. Most notably, Lincoln said, “I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races — that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermingling with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which will ever forbid the two races living together on terms of… political equality.” Yikes. Despite Lincoln agreeing that slavery should be abolished, he did not believe Black people could ever coexist in America with White people, a notion many endorsed at the time.

In 1856, Linccon became a member of the American Colonization Society. Those who joined this organization shared Lincoln’s belief that Black people could not co-exist in America as equals to White people. After all, they reasoned, since Europeans forcibly removed Black Americans from their homelands in West and Central Africa, that is where they should return. This idea was presented as an alternative or a condition of abolition; they wanted to force Black Americans to migrate, to leave the country they were born in, which they fought to secure. By 1822, the American Colonization Society successfully established a West African colony. While the creation of this colony displaced and disrupted Indigenous tribes, by 1847, this land “became the independent nation of Libera.”

When local indigenous tribes vehemently resisted initial attempts to purchase land to establish this colony, a “Navy officer in charge, Lieutenant Robert Stockton, coerced a local ruler to sell a strip of land to the Society,” which gave them the leverage to solidify the colony, and ultimately spread its original borders. While Indigenous tribes continued to attack the new colony, they “built fortifications for protections,” and the capital of Liberia, Monrovia, was named to honor President James Monroe, a man who enslaved at least one hundred and seventy-eight African people in America. What does this have to do with Palestine, you may be asking?

Now, to the matter between Israel and Palestine.

According to AJ+ News, a platform that uses digital storytelling to promote “human rights and equality, holding power to account, and amplifying the voices of the powerless,” posted a video explaining that “Israel and Gaza are not two countries at war. Gaza is a territory under siege, where every aspect of life is controlled by Israel.” This sounds very similar to how White Southerners sought to control Black Americans after chattel slavery ended by creating Jim Crow laws, or Black Codes, that cast them as second-class citizens and limited their sociopolitical power and upward mobility.

Adam Hamze wrote in a 2016 Huff Post article there are ten things Palestinians can’t do because of the Israeli Occupation. Some of the most disturbing points Hamze mentioned were that Palestinians in Gaza “can’t control the flow of goods and supplies” or even “control their access to water.” Additionally, Palestinians are not free to travel across borders and or have “the same due process rights of citizenship.”

Another shocking limitation is that Palestinians in Gaza are not “equally protected by labor laws and live under curfew, which doesn’t allow them to stay out late. “Gaza residents call their home the world’s largest open-air prison. Over 1.8 million people live here on just 365 square kilometers of land. The population of Gaza — two-thirds of them younger than 25 — live in one of the most densely populated places on earth.” When you intentionally deprive people of resources, poverty, and desperation blossom, and so do extremist groups, who exploit the fact that traditional methods of mediation have failed to recruit.

After a recent attack from Hamas, a terrorist organization that’s been at odds with other Palestinian leadership in the Gaza Strip, Israel has responded by declaring war.

“According to the United Nations, roughly 6,400 Palestinians and 300 Israelis have been killed in the ongoing conflict since 2008, not counting the recent fatalities.” Sadly, following any attempt to criticize Israeli policy, someone is bound to call you anti-Semitic. However, this is a false dichotomy. You can oppose Israeli Occupation and anti-semitism at the same time.

Do African Americans support Israel or "Palestine"?

How about you understanding that no one is supporting Hamas? Every Palestinian is not a member of Hamas, and most Palestinians don't like Hamas. What I showed you was that the Netanyahu government was so opposed to a Palestinian state that they empowered Hamas to oppose the Palestinian Authority. Now that is a fact written by a Jewish reprter living in Jerusalem. So maybe the problem isn't just Hamas.
Hamas has not been ejected by them, nor have they asked and aided Israel to get rid of them.
Do African Americans support Israel or "Palestine"?

The issue here is the Israeli government. Lets start discussing the policies of the Israeli government and do not try the Palestine never existed lie. Maybe ask blacks do we accept the policies of the Israeli government. We don't have to support the unjust policies of that government just to say we support Israel.
I know exactly what it means and since the writer is an Israeli Jewish resident of Jerusalem and has watched what the government has done, her words certainly do have far more substance than your opinion.
Clearly you don't know what the word, substance, means. You are still confusing it with bias. Her article provides no substance to support her conclusions.
Hamas has not been ejected by them, nor have they asked and aided Israel to get rid of them.

The Netanyahu government was propping up Hamas dammit! Catch a clue! Netanyahu is responsible for this bullshit!
The issue here is the Israeli government. Lets start discussing the policies of the Israeli government and do not try the Palestine never existed lie. Maybe ask blacks do we accept the policies of the Israeli government. We don't have to support the unjust policies of that government just to say we support Israel.
Obviously, the African American people are divided about whether they support Israel or the Palestinians, so the basic premise of your thread is false.
Bullshit. There were Jews that owned, bred and sold slaves. Jews that practiced Jim Crow and there are anti black racist Jews today. A few post in this forum.

Just like there are blacks NOW, that do the same.

Clean up your own house, asswipe.
Clearly you don't know what the word, substance, means. You are still confusing it with bias. Her article provides no substance to support her conclusions.
No, I understand substance very well. You are the biased one. This is not the only person writing this.

The Reckoning

Israel must grapple first with its enemies, and then with the failures of its own government.

By Yossi Klein Halevi

Israel faces two very different reckonings. The first is with our enemies. Until now, Netanyahu and his right-wing allies viewed Hamas as a kind of strategic asset: So long as it was in power in Gaza, a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was impossible. For that reason, in addition to effectively bribing Hamas to refrain from attacking Israel, Netanyahu allowed massive infusions of cash from Qatar to prop up the Hamas government.

Besides Netanyahu’s delusion that Hamas could be politically useful, successive Israeli governments had other reasons to stop short of removing Hamas. The price of such a military conflict, in the loss of both Israeli soldiers and Palestinian civilians, would be horrific. And now all-out war with Hamas would mean an almost certain death sentence for the 150 Israeli hostages it has seized in its attacks.

Israel is hardly blameless. Understandably but disastrously, many Israelis have conflated security fears, which justify a military presence in the West Bank, with historical and religious longings for the biblical land we call Judea and Samaria. Those longings are the basis for the settlement enterprise, whose political goal is to preclude any solution to the Palestinian tragedy. And in recent months we have seen an outrageous rise in settler violence against innocent Palestinians. Even as we protect ourselves from Hamas, we need to oppose those among us who would emulate Hamas.

Israel’s second reckoning, which must await the end of the war, will be with Benjamin Netanyahu. Following the Yom Kippur War, a lone reservist named Motti Ashkenazi began a hunger strike outside the office of Prime Minister Golda Meir, demanding that she take responsibility for the joint Egyptian-Syrian surprise attack and resign. The Agranat Commission, a government-appointed inquiry headed by Israeli Supreme Court Chief Justice Shimon Agranat, focused on the failures of the military leadership and avoided blaming the politicians. But an enraged public rallied around Ashkenazi and, six months after the war, the prime minister resigned.

If anything, the rage many Israelis feel today toward Netanyahu is far greater. By tearing apart the country in his attempt to weaken the courts, he knowingly undermined Israeli deterrence. He was repeatedly warned by the IDF of the likely consequences of his judicial revolution, in terms of both the IDF’s readiness for war and the willingness of Israel’s enemies to test its weakness. Netanyahu ignored the warnings, even refusing at one point to meet with the IDF chief, Herzi Halevi.

The Netanyahu government was propping up Hamas dammit! Catch a clue! Netanyahu is responsible for this bullshit!
There is absolutely no basis in fact or logic for the claim that Netanyahu was propping up Hamas.
That's rather disingenuous John. Blacks owned less than 1 percent of the slaves and most of them purchased relatives. Fact.

13.2 percent of the black population owned slaves as opposed to the 1.8% of the white population that owned them.

Obviously, the African American people are divided about whether they support Israel or the Palestinians, so the basic premise of your thread is false.
No, the premise is correct. You pulled out 2 articles. I'm black and actually talk to black people and have friends all over this country and in other places. The black community is not split. Your mind is unable to comprehend that we can support Israels right to exist and Palesinians right to have their own country. We also can oppose unjust Israeli government policy and support those in Israel who are not right wing extremists.

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