You Want to Understand Black Americans’ Solidarity With Palestine?

The Netanyahu government was propping up Hamas dammit! Catch a clue! Netanyahu is responsible for this bullshit!

Screeching like a demented barn owl doesn't help your argument.
Bullshit. There were Jews that owned, bred and sold slaves. Jews that practiced Jim Crow and there are anti black racist Jews today. A few post in this forum.
You don't even understand your own propaganda. The accusation was made that Jews participated in the Atlantic slave trade centuries ago, not that they owned slaves or participated in the persecution of black people here in America.
No, the premise is correct. You pulled out 2 articles. I'm black and actually talk to black people and have friends all over this country and in other places. The black community is not split. Your mind is unable to comprehend that we can support Israels right to exist and Palesinians right to have their own country. We also can oppose unjust Israeli government policy and support those in Israel who are not right wing extremists.
It's clear from your posts that you are expressing your own personal biases and have no idea what the larger black community supports or what the facts are about the issues in the region.
Net did not kill a thousand Israelis.
No hes killed several thousand Palestinians since 2008,most of them civilians. There is no good guy here. We must stop coddling Netanyahu. He is no better than those he tells us are terrorists. He does his dirt knowing we will back him even when he's wrong and that must stop.
Yes there is and you have been shown it.
No, the only "substance" you have presented is that the author of the article is Jewish and lives in Jerusalem. Perhaps you just need to build up your vocabulary so it includes words like substance and fact and logic.
Look son, America celebrates 1776 every year. So don't tell me what I should stick with. You fully understand the implications of the 1776 Revolution has for today.

However, a lot of Grievance People are rethinking Columbus day and the Civil War. Hard to find grievances in the Revolutionary War and Declaration of Independence. But the Star Spangled Banner? You'll rake that into a MAJOR statement about life in America for Blacks today. IF ONLY --- We had a more correct National Anthem -- racism would disappear -- But that's not why you attack it. Because your job is to PRESERVE racial tension and disparities. Just like the violent radical Hamas and Hesbollah do.

As I understand that you're a Jew, you might want to look at your own checkered past in regard to this.
And there's the link between BLM-like thinking and Hamas. You NEED HATE and accusatory posture to remain relevant. I'm sure what Hamas is selling similar. If ONLY there were no Jews in the Holyland -- life would be so sweet. But check out all the public executions Hamas will still be obliged to support to PURIFY what's left AFTER the Jews have been dealt with. All those CHRISTIAN symbols on THEIR LAND. All the gays and woman who want equality and a different KIND of Islamic purity.

You cant give up the power of division even if I dealt you into my estate and flogged myself twice a day for having a MINISCULE # of Jewish ancestors that were in the shipping/international trade. And you're CERTAINLY not gonna flog yourself about the TRIBAL black African cultures that OFFERED UP those slaves to the New World.

You learned NOTHING from the example I gave you about how Israel PROSTRATED itself to make peace with the Palestinian in 2005 when the IDF forcibly de-Jewed the Gaza strip and GAVE it to PaliAuthority. Only to have the grievance-mongers - WHO DID NOT WANT PEACE to fight their people in the streets for ownership of that gift. HAMAS and their like are the problem. A majority of Israelis WANT a fair deal for the Palestinians and a large percentage of Palis dont WANT conflict and bloodshed. NEITHER party has any other place to go in the world where they'll be safe from attacks.

For years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it’s blown up in our faces

You certainly dont even understand that article. You dont realize that Palestinians are more tribal and organized by family lines than politics. VAST majority of Palis abhor the concept of "central govt democracy". They cant trust a central govt to be fair to all and not riddledd with correction and tribal nepotism.

SO - lemme explain this to you, AFTER Israel rolled on its belly to make peace with Hamas and skiddadle from a now Jew -Free govt, the Palis FOUGHT EACH OTHER for control of that central govt. Hamas ended up with Gaza and Fatah/Pali Authority ended up with West Bank. There was one MORE election a couple years after the Hamas/PAuth war, but the WHOLE CONCEPT of Palestinian Govt died right then. They haven't had another western style election since.

So - to live amongst each other peacefully, the Palis KNEW who to go to for talks and governance in Israel. But ISRAEL had NO ONE TO TALK or contract with for services and agreements with the Palis. THe Palis went leaderless and democracy free.

Since Israel supplies infrastructure and aid to Palis --

THEY HAD TO TALK WITH BOTH SIDES of the Pali split. NO OTHER solution. And Fatah/PaliAut did NOT like that. THEY WANTED to punish GAZA and HAMAS and militant Israelis didn't want ANY contact with Hamas or recognition of them as representing Gaza as a whole.

This is why OLD history does not matter, Old history would NOT HELP the Palis unify and anoint new leadership. PRAGMATIC leadership recognizing the CURRENT state of affairs SAVED the Gaza Palis from more severe hardship during those times.

That article is wishing that Israel should have inserted itself between Hamas and PaliAuthority and taken the side of the PA. The PA wanted their Pali brethren in Gaza to suffer, Israel WISELY decided NOT to prop a government that the Palis didn;t appreciate.

That journal article was just wishing that the Pali Authority HAD SUCCEEDED, And since I'm talking with Mr. 1619 Project and grieving OLD grievances -- The Pali Authority really never HAD a chance a succeed. Those wishing elsewise and writing about what COULD have been -- couldnt run a spice stand in a Jerusalem alleyway.
Adam Hamze wrote in a 2016 Huff Post article there are ten things Palestinians can’t do because of the Israeli Occupation. Some of the most disturbing points Hamze mentioned were that Palestinians in Gaza “can’t control the flow of goods and supplies” or even “control their access to water.” Additionally, Palestinians are not free to travel across borders and or have “the same due process rights of citizenship.”

About the crappy source material in your OPost -- You seem to feast on other people's opinions who pepper us with 800 wasted words about the HISTORY of racism and then TRY to expound on PRESENT conflicts they dont understand,

I've made it clear that Hamas in Gaza and the now defunct sham govt of the Pali Authority in the West Bank are STILL AT WAR since their fight over the Gaza hand-over. You need to ACCEPT that fact.

And then learn that almost ALL infrastructure aid to Gaza SINCE that hot civil war - goes THRU the Pali Authority to Gaza. Because INTERNATIONALLY it is recognized that Gaza is under rule of a terrorist organization and if the world wants to help the Palestinians - they do that through the Pali Authority even unto this day. So Gaza is DEPENDENT on the PA for any crumbs it passes along. It's the PA that gleefully SUPPORTS the blockade of Gaza and seeks to starve out Hamas as the "political competition".

As for exports/imports -- there's a lot of whining about tariffs/custom fees. Because the Palis DONT HAVE customs and internationally recognized shipping and receiving on their own. PARTLY because what goes/comes by AIR goes thru Israeli or Jordanian customs and what goes by sea is largely not allowed to use ports in Gaza. Having their own legit CUSTOMS regs and enforcement is not really possible because Palis dont WANT central govt with rigid regulations and pesky fees.

Best illustration of that from TODAYS news is that Hamas used the dribbble of PA funding to build their own arsenal of 3000 or 4000 homemade missiles. The used PVC water pipes they PULLED UP FROM THE GROUND that were part of water project that was being funded thru the PA. Hamas even has a propaganda film I've seen on TV this week of them digging UP those pipes, cleaning and cutting them for missile tubes and home brewing the rocket fuel from FERTILIZER and other squandered materials.

THERE was "the Gaza water project", Pipes had started to be laid from a proposed desalinization plant that NEVER got built from International aid money. And now those pipes are flying indiscrimately thru the skies because killing Jewish civilians was MORE important than becoming independent of ISrael supplying their water.

You and your sources know very little about Israeli Pali relations.
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That's rather disingenuous John. Blacks owned less than 1 percent of the slaves and most of them purchased relatives. Fact.
Not all, and it is disingenuous to suggest otherwise. What is a fact is that slavery existed and had to die. The southern states resisted in treason, were defeated, and then resurrected in a post-slavery world. The segregation and economic servidtude of blacks continued for another century.
You don't even understand your own propaganda. The accusation was made that Jews participated in the Atlantic slave trade centuries ago, not that they owned slaves or participated in the persecution of black people here in America.
I understand the facts and have understood them for years. Jews are recorded to have owned slaves in America. It is documented. Son, I am not one of those amatuers who listens to Farrakhan ramble and just accepts his word as fact. Some whites who practiced the Jewish religion owned slaves, some whites who practiced the Jewish religion opposed slavery. Some whites who practiced the Jewish religion participated in Jim Crow, some whites who practiced the Jewish religion opposed Jim Crow. This is the reality.

Not all, and it is disingenuous to suggest otherwise. What is a fact is that slavery existed and had to die. The southern states resisted in treason, were defeated, and then resurrected in a post-slavery world. The segregation and economic servidtude of blacks continued for another century.
It is when you don't put it in context to how it was done. There were 4 million slaves in the U.S. by 1860 and approximately 4,000 blacks owned almost 14,000 slaves. The majority of them owned 2-3 slaves who were actually family members. Something like 52 blacks out of 4,000 could actually be classified as slave owners in the manner that whites owned slaves. That's 52 too many, but when you consider that over 90 percent of the blacks living in the U.S. at the time were enslaved, it's kinda innaccurate to just say that blacks owned slaves without pointing this out.

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