You Want to Understand Black Americans’ Solidarity With Palestine?

No hes killed several thousand Palestinians since 2008,most of them civilians. There is no good guy here. We must stop coddling Netanyahu. He is no better than those he tells us are terrorists. He does his dirt knowing we will back him even when he's wrong and that must stop.
The Nation if Islam's hatred of Jews is well documented.
The Nation if Islam's hatred of Jews is well documented.
I'm not a member of the NOI and the relationship between blacks and Jews is complex. Every criticism of Israel is not anti semitism.

Citizens who live in Israel do not like the Netanyahu government. This guy is not a member of the NOI.

Netanyahu Is on Brand: No Responsibility, No Accountability, No Remorse​

On Thursday, Benjamin Netanyahu took his zero-responsibility-always-share-the-blame attitude to a new level by forming a “temporary war cabinet.” In any other case it would be the right thing to do - for him, it's just another way to make sure there is someone else to blame for the Gaza war failures

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I'm not a member of the NOI and the relationship between blacks and Jews is complex. Every criticism of Israel is not anti semitism.
unless its NOI. They make no distinction.

Are the Palestinians getting a raw deal? You betcha.

Has Israel been repeatedly attacked by terrorists from Gaza? You betcha.

Does Hamas' attacks do nothing but strengthen Hamas, and kill Palestinians? You betcha.
unless its NOI. They make no distinction.

Are the Palestinians getting a raw deal? You betcha.

Has Israel been repeatedly attacked by terrorists from Gaza? You betcha.

Does Hamas' attacks do nothing but strengthen Hamas, and kill Palestinians? You betcha.
Well I'm not a member of the NOI. You have been shown that Netanyahu propped up Hamas because he opposed the Palestinian Authority's wish for a Palestinian state. His doing so has created this mess. That's a fact and if you can't handle that, it's not my problem. You will never see me running down Jewish people. You have never seen me refer to globalist control of the world, bashing George Soros or any other negative commentary about Jews anywhere and you won't. So don't try that NOI bullshit with me. Netanyahu is the problem and if you support him you are no better than a black person who blindly supports Farrakhan. Netanyahu's hate for Palestinians allowed him to make this bargain with the devil and the people of Israel need to demand that he be removed and his government replaced by a less extremist government.
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Benjamin Netanyahu failed Israel​

We can now be sure: His policy of repressing Palestinians doesn’t make Israelis safe.

In the past 24 hours, two reports out of Israel have pointed to a striking conclusion: that the failure to prevent Hamas’s murderous assault on southern Israel rests in significant part with the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

First, the Washington Post’s Noga Tarnopolsky and Shira Rubin wrote a lengthy dispatch on the many policy failures that allowed Hamas to break through. They find that, in addition to myriad unforgivable intelligence and military mistakes — especially shocking given Israel’s reputation in both fields — there were serious political problems. Distracted by both the fight to seize control over Israel’s judiciary and their effort to deepen Israeli occupation of the West Bank, Netanyahu and his cabinet allowed military readiness to degrade and left outposts on the Gaza border in the south unmanned.

“There was a need for more soldiers, so where did they take them from? From the Gaza border, where they thought it was calm ... not surprising that Hamas and Islamic Jihad noticed the low staffing at the border,” Aharon Zeevi Farkash, the former head of the Israel Defense Forces’ military intelligence, said in comments reported by the Post.

Second, a columnist at Israel’s Ha’aretz newspaper unearthed evidence that Netanyahu has intentionally propped up Hamas rule in Gaza — seeing Palestinian extremism as a bulwark against a two-state solution to the conflict.

well they're currently making it the middle class' and the rich's problem, through looting that's bound to hit the insurance companies and/or prices in stores.

No, it harms the middle class, who are beginning to defend themselves because law enforcement refuses to.
arrogant AND selfish.
you gotta attract a lot of potential partners, right?
i bet not.
i hope you die lonely.

& you're not smart enough to realize this is gonna hit your wallet & savings sooner or later too.
No, it IS their problem. There are so many resources out there to help the downtrodden that if they aren't availing themselves of those, it is because they don't care to.

If you support them not bettering themselves, then you are enabling them to be poor.
I understand the facts and have understood them for years. Jews are recorded to have owned slaves in America. It is documented. Son, I am not one of those amatuers who listens to Farrakhan ramble and just accepts his word as fact. Some whites who practiced the Jewish religion owned slaves, some whites who practiced the Jewish religion opposed slavery. Some whites who practiced the Jewish religion participated in Jim Crow, some whites who practiced the Jewish religion opposed Jim Crow. This is the reality.

So what. Blacks owned slaves in higher numbers so your argument is shit.

Move on.
Why Did Netanyahu Want to Strengthen Hamas?

There’s no doubt that in the immediate and short term, the reasons behind the disgraceful mishap of inconceivable scope that led to the Hamas army’s unhindered takeover of more than 20 Israeli communities near the Gaza border that dark Simchat Torah day involve an embarrassing military and intelligence failure.

Of course, they also involve the criminal neglect of the affairs of state by an indicted prime minister who is feverishly preoccupied with finding ways to escape trial. And the price is the destruction of the existential foundations of Israeli society and of the country.

But the deep roots of the feasibility of the murderous assault by the Islamist nationalist phalangists from the prison that is Gaza on Israeli citizens should actually be sought in an earlier period of Benjamin Netanyahu’s time in office as prime minister – prior to his criminal trial and his alliance with nationalist Kahanists and the judicial coup, back when he was considered “level-headed” and “rational” and “responsible.”

That’s because since he took office as prime minister a second time in 2009, that same Netanyahu developed and advanced a destructive, warped political doctrine that held that strengthening Hamas at the expense of the Palestinian Authority would be good for Israel.

The purpose of the doctrine was to perpetuate the rift between Hamas in Gaza and the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank. That would preserve the diplomatic paralysis and forever remove the “danger” of negotiations with the Palestinians over the partition of Israel into two states – on the argument that the Palestinian Authority doesn’t represent all the Palestinians.

That flawed strategy turned Hamas from a minor terrorist organization into an efficient, lethal army with highly trained, dehumanized stormtroopers, bloodthirsty killers who mercilessly slaughtered innocent Israeli civilians including women, children and the elderly.

This is solidly documented. Between 2012 and 2018, Netanyahu gave Qatar approval to transfer a cumulative sum of about a billion dollars to Gaza, at least half of which reached Hamas, including its military wing.

It is when you don't put it in context to how it was done. There were 4 million slaves in the U.S. by 1860 and approximately 4,000 blacks owned almost 14,000 slaves. The majority of them owned 2-3 slaves who were actually family members. Something like 52 blacks out of 4,000 could actually be classified as slave owners in the manner that whites owned slaves. That's 52 too many, but when you consider that over 90 percent of the blacks living in the U.S. at the time were enslaved, it's kinda innaccurate to just say that blacks owned slaves without pointing this out.
That's more than fair. But it does not excuse them any more than it lessens the opprobrium for whites who owned slaves.
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That's more than fair. But it does not excuse them any more than it lessens the opprobrium for whites who owned slaves.
Actually it does for the majority of the freed blacks that used the system to buy their relatives, and in turn freed them even as they were considered slaves technically. What is not excusable are the 52 or so blacks who owned slaves as property and treated them as white slaveowners did.
Are white slave owners out from under condemnation when they freed slaves at the owners' death by the wish of their wills?
That's a false equivalence. Blacks played the system, purchased family members, and their family members were actually free even though technically they were considered slaves. Seems that people don't catch this or want to catch it.
It is an accurate equivalence. You have to play by the definitions and facts and context.
No it really isn't if the people who were purchased were not actually enslaved. You can go by the definition or you can look at the process to see if the actions met the terms of the definition. For all but around 52 blacks out of 4,000 the definition of slavery did not meet the actions that happened once they were purchased. They were not forced to perform chores, they were not required to work from sun up until sundown, they were not beaten for disobeying their master, they could walk about freely, they could do everything every other free person could do. That's not slavery.
Suck on it Black racist Ostrich.******everday. All day.

38-year-old Christopher Wright was gunned down while he was on his way to meet up with fellow Baylor School grads after he got into an argument with Darryl “Too Tall” Roberts, according to surveillance video reviewed by Chattanooga police.

Roberts, 57, is a career criminal with 66 prior arrests. He was charged with first-degree murder and is currently being held at the Hamilton County jail on a $5 million bond.

Wright, a Yale grad and prominent businessman, was a father to 3 beautiful children, including an 8-week-old baby.

You Want to Understand Black Americans’ Solidarity With Palestine?​

That's the thread topic. The discussion is not about some white idiots obsession with looking for crimes committed by blacks when 85 percent of whites who get murdered are murdered by other whites.
No, it's Americas problem. White racism is costing this country at least a trillion dollars each year. White racism will kill this economy.
How much does 6-8 Million Illegals , Getaways , Visa Overstayers and Refugees over the last 33 months Cost ?

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