You Were The Cartoon, Barry

The country was sick of establishment politicians and Trump resonated with the people. You may not like him or his policies but understanding his appeal shouldn’t be all that difficult
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The moonbat messiah was propelled by a media that created a cult of personality. I could not believe such a hollow and unaccomplished dipshit was even allowed to run, and the GOP allowed the media to select their candidates. McLame was the worst possible pick, so was Romney. I hope Trump has fixed the GOP so that it stops trying to appease leftists in the media, and pick candidates they oppose.

You know, someone who will resist globalist regressive policy, not incrementally allow it to take place like Bushes.

The GOP should have nominated Alan Keyes in 2000. Obozo would never have been more than a community agitator and probably received an Anal Inflicted Death Sentence in a Chicago Bath House by now.


Indeed, a Cinderella story. Media managed to turn a well-spoken and clean nobody into the Democrat's new would-be god.

It's funny how fast his "presidency" was erased.
The Great Obama is still considered one of the greatest modern Presidents

Trump and Bush are considered among the worst

Only in your feeble lefty loon mind.

The Great Obama?? LMAO

History has already decided it

Obama is one of our greatest modern Presidents

Bush and Trump?
Their presidencies before and after Obama only make us realize how great he was

Only in your lefty loon government tit sucker mind.

Obama was far from a great President.

The moonbat messiah was propelled by a media that created a cult of personality. I could not believe such a hollow and unaccomplished dipshit was even allowed to run, and the GOP allowed the media to select their candidates. McLame was the worst possible pick, so was Romney. I hope Trump has fixed the GOP so that it stops trying to appease leftists in the media, and pick candidates they oppose.

You know, someone who will resist globalist regressive policy, not incrementally allow it to take place like Bushes.

The GOP should have nominated Alan Keyes in 2000. Obozo would never have been more than a community agitator and probably received an Anal Inflicted Death Sentence in a Chicago Bath House by now.


Indeed, a Cinderella story. Media managed to turn a well-spoken and clean nobody into the Democrat's new would-be god.

It's funny how fast his "presidency" was erased.
The Great Obama is still considered one of the greatest modern Presidents

By those possessing the greatest ignorance.
The country was sick of establishment politicians and Trump resonated with the people. You may not like him or his policies but understanding his appeal shouldn’t be all that difficult
Snake Oil salesman

The moonbat messiah was propelled by a media that created a cult of personality. I could not believe such a hollow and unaccomplished dipshit was even allowed to run, and the GOP allowed the media to select their candidates. McLame was the worst possible pick, so was Romney. I hope Trump has fixed the GOP so that it stops trying to appease leftists in the media, and pick candidates they oppose.

You know, someone who will resist globalist regressive policy, not incrementally allow it to take place like Bushes.

The GOP should have nominated Alan Keyes in 2000. Obozo would never have been more than a community agitator and probably received an Anal Inflicted Death Sentence in a Chicago Bath House by now.


Indeed, a Cinderella story. Media managed to turn a well-spoken and clean nobody into the Democrat's new would-be god.

It's funny how fast his "presidency" was erased.
The Great Obama is still considered one of the greatest modern Presidents

By those possessing the greatest ignorance.

Overall consensus of noted historians

The moonbat messiah was propelled by a media that created a cult of personality. I could not believe such a hollow and unaccomplished dipshit was even allowed to run, and the GOP allowed the media to select their candidates. McLame was the worst possible pick, so was Romney. I hope Trump has fixed the GOP so that it stops trying to appease leftists in the media, and pick candidates they oppose.

You know, someone who will resist globalist regressive policy, not incrementally allow it to take place like Bushes.

The GOP should have nominated Alan Keyes in 2000. Obozo would never have been more than a community agitator and probably received an Anal Inflicted Death Sentence in a Chicago Bath House by now.


Indeed, a Cinderella story. Media managed to turn a well-spoken and clean nobody into the Democrat's new would-be god.

It's funny how fast his "presidency" was erased.
The Great Obama is still considered one of the greatest modern Presidents

By those possessing the greatest ignorance.

Overall consensus of noted historians

As I said.
The moonbat messiah was propelled by a media that created a cult of personality. I could not believe such a hollow and unaccomplished dipshit was even allowed to run, and the GOP allowed the media to select their candidates. McLame was the worst possible pick, so was Romney. I hope Trump has fixed the GOP so that it stops trying to appease leftists in the media, and pick candidates they oppose.

You know, someone who will resist globalist regressive policy, not incrementally allow it to take place like Bushes.

The GOP should have nominated Alan Keyes in 2000. Obozo would never have been more than a community agitator and probably received an Anal Inflicted Death Sentence in a Chicago Bath House by now.


Indeed, a Cinderella story. Media managed to turn a well-spoken and clean nobody into the Democrat's new would-be god.

It's funny how fast his "presidency" was erased.
The Great Obama is still considered one of the greatest modern Presidents

Trump and Bush are considered among the worst

Only in your feeble lefty loon mind.

The Great Obama?? LMAO

History has already decided it

Obama is one of our greatest modern Presidents

Bush and Trump?
Their presidencies before and after Obama only make us realize how great he was

Only in your lefty loon government tit sucker mind.

Obama was far from a great President.
History has proved otherwise
He is considered a top 10 president
The moonbat messiah was propelled by a media that created a cult of personality. I could not believe such a hollow and unaccomplished dipshit was even allowed to run, and the GOP allowed the media to select their candidates. McLame was the worst possible pick, so was Romney. I hope Trump has fixed the GOP so that it stops trying to appease leftists in the media, and pick candidates they oppose.

You know, someone who will resist globalist regressive policy, not incrementally allow it to take place like Bushes.

The GOP should have nominated Alan Keyes in 2000. Obozo would never have been more than a community agitator and probably received an Anal Inflicted Death Sentence in a Chicago Bath House by now.


Indeed, a Cinderella story. Media managed to turn a well-spoken and clean nobody into the Democrat's new would-be god.

It's funny how fast his "presidency" was erased.
The Great Obama is still considered one of the greatest modern Presidents

By those possessing the greatest ignorance.

Overall consensus of noted historians

As I said.

Those same historians rated Reagan as a top ten President

Are they ignorant there too?
Indeed, a Cinderella story. Media managed to turn a well-spoken and clean nobody into the Democrat's new would-be god.

It's funny how fast his "presidency" was erased.
The Great Obama is still considered one of the greatest modern Presidents

By those possessing the greatest ignorance.

Overall consensus of noted historians

As I said.

Those same historians rated Reagan as a top ten President

Are they ignorant there too?

They were 100% right about Reagan.

Obama?? Off in the weeds.
Trump won for two reasons.

1. The rejection of Obama's Fundamental Transformation and Identity Politics.

2. Hillary ran a horrible campaign, was over confident she would win, and her horrible demeanor and character were exposed to the public.

I think dissent over the media wholly shilling for her was a factor as well.
Trump won for two reasons.

1. The rejection of Obama's Fundamental Transformation and Identity Politics.

2. Hillary ran a horrible campaign, was over confident she would win, and her horrible demeanor and character were exposed to the public.

I think dissent over the media wholly shilling for her was a factor as well.

Yet she also blamed the Media for her loss, but I agree, they were totally in the tank for her, except maybe Fox, and a few radio hosts. Still 99% of the media carried her water.
BTW, speaking of Obama and his and Clinton's Open Borders policy, Human Sex Trafficking and Kidnapping are on the rise in the US and nearing epidemic levels, and are at Epidemic Levels in Latin America.

They are actually investigating a sex trafficking ring that they think lured Miss Uruguay to Mexico with a fake job offer, held her in the Hotel, and Pimped her out, then killed her when she would not quit crying, screaming for help and continued to be combative.

Some of those stories were removed from online not more than 5 minutes ago, but I got a chance to read them, and it sounds like she was beaten up and then hung.

I personally know several pretty girls from my area, that have just disappeared and have never been heard from. The families are distraught. One girl who's sister i went to school with, was found in a Freezer, because she was "uncooperative", as they tried to move her from Ohio, across the border in to Mexico.

Fatimih Davila Sosa, former Miss Uruguay, found dead in Mexico City hotel


MEXICO CITY — A former Miss Uruguay pageant winner was found dead in a Mexico City hotel early Thursday, authorities said.

City prosecutors said a Uruguayan woman was found hanged in the bathroom of a guest room. City officials confirmed the victim had been identified as Fatimih Davila Sosa, who won the Uruguay pageant in 2006.

Since then, she had apparently worked as a model. Officials said she had arrived in Mexico City on April 23 for a supposed job interview.

There was no official ruling on the death. The prosecutor’s office said a homicide investigation was looking into the circumstances surrounding the hanging and whether the woman killed herself or was slain by someone.

This story was just put back up but lacks some of the details it had before.
Hug your daughters and sisters if you have them. This is now becoming a problem in America.

Ex-Miss Uruguay found dead in Mexico City hotel

According to Mexico’s El Universal, investigators are also looking into the possibility that Davila may have been the victim of a prostitution web that promises foreign women work as a model in Mexico, but then become trafficking victims.

The news agency said there have been numerous cases of women kidnapped and forced into prostitution or murdered.

The Great Obama is still considered one of the greatest modern Presidents

By those possessing the greatest ignorance.

Overall consensus of noted historians

As I said.

Those same historians rated Reagan as a top ten President

Are they ignorant there too?

They were 100% right about Reagan.

Obama?? Off in the weeds. historians are geniuses when they evaluate Reagan but are ignorant when they evaluate Obama under the same criteria and rank both in the top ten

Certainly couldn't be Obama, he never took responsibility for anything.

He constantly blamed Bush for the poor economy even well into his SECOND TERM.
Bush WAS responsible for the poor economy
Obama WAS responsible for rescuing us from that economy
By those possessing the greatest ignorance.

Overall consensus of noted historians

As I said.

Those same historians rated Reagan as a top ten President

Are they ignorant there too?

They were 100% right about Reagan.

Obama?? Off in the weeds. historians are geniuses when they evaluate Reagan but are ignorant when they evaluate Obama under the same criteria and rank both in the top ten

They were oh so right about Reagan and historians aren't always right. In his case they were.

In Barry's?? Not so much.

Certainly couldn't be Obama, he never took responsibility for anything.

He constantly blamed Bush for the poor economy even well into his SECOND TERM.

I agree. Nothing was ever his or his administrations fault. It was all BBBUUUSSSHHH.

Wait a minute, didn't he blame the earthquake in Japan...although that may have been Bush's fault also.

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