You won't believe this...


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2015
Yesterday, I saw something pretty incredible. I was walking along and I saw a gun on the sidewalk. All of a sudden, the gun leaped up into the air and shot someone dead. I was flabberghasted. Perhaps the gun control people are correct. Someone needs to do something about these evil guns.
Yesterday, I saw something pretty incredible. I was walking along and I saw a gun on the sidewalk. All of a sudden, the gun leaped up into the air and shot someone dead. I was flabberghasted. Perhaps the gun control people are correct. Someone needs to do something about these evil guns.

If it's the people who do the killing, why won't you support closing the loopholes that allow the bad guys to buy guns?
Yesterday, I saw something pretty incredible. I was walking along and I saw a gun on the sidewalk. All of a sudden, the gun leaped up into the air and shot someone dead. I was flabberghasted. Perhaps the gun control people are correct. Someone needs to do something about these evil guns.

If it's the people who do the killing, why won't you support closing the loopholes that allow the bad guys to buy guns?

Like illegal guns, those bad guys?
Yesterday, I saw something pretty incredible. I was walking along and I saw a gun on the sidewalk. All of a sudden, the gun leaped up into the air and shot someone dead. I was flabberghasted. Perhaps the gun control people are correct. Someone needs to do something about these evil guns.

I believe it....did you know Robert E. Lee and plantation owners still prevent Blacks from becoming legitimate human beings as well?
Yesterday, I saw something pretty incredible. I was walking along and I saw a gun on the sidewalk. All of a sudden, the gun leaped up into the air and shot someone dead. I was flabberghasted. Perhaps the gun control people are correct. Someone needs to do something about these evil guns.

If it's the people who do the killing, why won't you support closing the loopholes that allow the bad guys to buy guns?

Like illegal guns, those bad guys?
No....only the legal guns are a threat.
The illegal ones in the hood aren't the problem.
Yesterday, I saw something pretty incredible. I was walking along and I saw a gun on the sidewalk. All of a sudden, the gun leaped up into the air and shot someone dead. I was flabberghasted. Perhaps the gun control people are correct. Someone needs to do something about these evil guns.

If it's the people who do the killing, why won't you support closing the loopholes that allow the bad guys to buy guns?

First, you need to identify those loopholes, and then those bad guys.
Yesterday, I saw something pretty incredible. I was walking along and I saw a gun on the sidewalk. All of a sudden, the gun leaped up into the air and shot someone dead. I was flabberghasted. Perhaps the gun control people are correct. Someone needs to do something about these evil guns.

If it's the people who do the killing, why won't you support closing the loopholes that allow the bad guys to buy guns?

Like illegal guns, those bad guys?

No, like the loopholes that allow felons to buy guns without background checks.
Yesterday, I saw something pretty incredible. I was walking along and I saw a gun on the sidewalk. All of a sudden, the gun leaped up into the air and shot someone dead. I was flabberghasted. Perhaps the gun control people are correct. Someone needs to do something about these evil guns.

If it's the people who do the killing, why won't you support closing the loopholes that allow the bad guys to buy guns?

First, you need to identify those loopholes, and then those bad guys.

You literally DO live under a rock, don't you?

The private sales loopholes, dumbass.
Yesterday, I saw something pretty incredible. I was walking along and I saw a gun on the sidewalk. All of a sudden, the gun leaped up into the air and shot someone dead. I was flabberghasted. Perhaps the gun control people are correct. Someone needs to do something about these evil guns.

If it's the people who do the killing, why won't you support closing the loopholes that allow the bad guys to buy guns?

First, you need to identify those loopholes, and then those bad guys.

You literally DO live under a rock, don't you?

The private sales loopholes, dumbass.

Ok, and now why don’t you answer the next question and tell me how you separate the good guys from the bad guys. If I own a gun that I want to sell, I have a right to sell it. Tell me how you’re going to protect my rights while at the same time keep guns away from the very small percentage of gun owners who have ill intent.
Yesterday, I saw something pretty incredible. I was walking along and I saw a gun on the sidewalk. All of a sudden, the gun leaped up into the air and shot someone dead. I was flabberghasted. Perhaps the gun control people are correct. Someone needs to do something about these evil guns.

If it's the people who do the killing, why won't you support closing the loopholes that allow the bad guys to buy guns?

Are you really that naive?
Yesterday, I saw something pretty incredible. I was walking along and I saw a gun on the sidewalk. All of a sudden, the gun leaped up into the air and shot someone dead. I was flabberghasted. Perhaps the gun control people are correct. Someone needs to do something about these evil guns.

If it's the people who do the killing, why won't you support closing the loopholes that allow the bad guys to buy guns?

Are you really that naive?

I can answer that. Yes, he is really that naive.
Yesterday, I saw something pretty incredible. I was walking along and I saw a gun on the sidewalk. All of a sudden, the gun leaped up into the air and shot someone dead. I was flabberghasted. Perhaps the gun control people are correct. Someone needs to do something about these evil guns.

If it's the people who do the killing, why won't you support closing the loopholes that allow the bad guys to buy guns?

Are you really that naive?

Do you believe you should be able to legally sell alcohol to minors?
Yesterday, I saw something pretty incredible. I was walking along and I saw a gun on the sidewalk. All of a sudden, the gun leaped up into the air and shot someone dead. I was flabberghasted. Perhaps the gun control people are correct. Someone needs to do something about these evil guns.

If it's the people who do the killing, why won't you support closing the loopholes that allow the bad guys to buy guns?

First, you need to identify those loopholes, and then those bad guys.

You literally DO live under a rock, don't you?

The private sales loopholes, dumbass.

Ok, and now why don’t you answer the next question and tell me how you separate the good guys from the bad guys. If I own a gun that I want to sell, I have a right to sell it. Tell me how you’re going to protect my rights while at the same time keep guns away from the very small percentage of gun owners who have ill intent.

You don't lose your right to sell your gun.
Yesterday, I saw something pretty incredible. I was walking along and I saw a gun on the sidewalk. All of a sudden, the gun leaped up into the air and shot someone dead. I was flabberghasted. Perhaps the gun control people are correct. Someone needs to do something about these evil guns.

If it's the people who do the killing, why won't you support closing the loopholes that allow the bad guys to buy guns?

Are you really that naive?

Do you believe you should be able to legally sell alcohol to minors?

No. What loophole do you close that will prevent bad guys from obtaining a gun?
Yesterday, I saw something pretty incredible. I was walking along and I saw a gun on the sidewalk. All of a sudden, the gun leaped up into the air and shot someone dead. I was flabberghasted. Perhaps the gun control people are correct. Someone needs to do something about these evil guns.

If it's the people who do the killing, why won't you support closing the loopholes that allow the bad guys to buy guns?

Are you really that naive?

Do you believe you should be able to legally sell alcohol to minors?

No. What loophole do you close that will prevent bad guys from obtaining a gun?

Jesus. How is it possible you people don't know what the loopholes are?
It's become clear, especially over the past 8 years. that the intent of the communist left is to disarm law abiding citizens so they can impose their tyranny on us with impunity. And the useful idiots (like the ones on this forum) who align themselves with the Democratic Party just fall in line and march in lockstep like brainless zombies because they don't have the ability to think for themselves (nor want to). They gladly follow their leaders agenda, thinking their loyalty will protect them.
Yesterday, I saw something pretty incredible. I was walking along and I saw a gun on the sidewalk. All of a sudden, the gun leaped up into the air and shot someone dead. I was flabberghasted. Perhaps the gun control people are correct. Someone needs to do something about these evil guns.

If it's the people who do the killing, why won't you support closing the loopholes that allow the bad guys to buy guns?

Are you really that naive?

Do you believe you should be able to legally sell alcohol to minors?
Why not in your world a little boy can decide to chop his dick off.
Yesterday, I saw something pretty incredible. I was walking along and I saw a gun on the sidewalk. All of a sudden, the gun leaped up into the air and shot someone dead. I was flabberghasted. Perhaps the gun control people are correct. Someone needs to do something about these evil guns.

If it's the people who do the killing, why won't you support closing the loopholes that allow the bad guys to buy guns?

Are you really that naive?

Do you believe you should be able to legally sell alcohol to minors?

No. What loophole do you close that will prevent bad guys from obtaining a gun?

Jesus. How is it possible you people don't know what the loopholes are?
Then name them. If you go to a store, you have to pass a back ground check, before you can buy a gun.
It's become clear, especially over the past 8 years. that the intent of the communist left is to disarm law abiding citizens so they can impose their tyranny on us with impunity. And the useful idiots (like the ones on this forum) who align themselves with the Democratic Party just fall in line and march in lockstep like brainless zombies because they don't have the ability to think for themselves (nor want to). They gladly follow their leaders agenda, thinking their loyalty will protect them.
And they will also be the first ones to be 'dealt with", if we ever are disarmed.

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