YouGov poll: 43% of Republicans could imagine supporting a military coup in the United States

You're not liberal. You would never have been considered liberal. That's pure delusion. You are nothing but a regressive and a reactionary.

Classical liberalism is a philosophy committed to the ideals of limited government, constitutionalism, rule of law, due process, and liberty of individuals. These liberties include freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and free markets. The Founding Fathers fall under this definition.

I am that. You are not. You are a Progressive.

Progressivism encompasses a wide spectrum of social movements that include environmentalism, labor, agrarianism, anti-poverty, peace, anti-racism, civil rights, women’s rights, animal rights, social justice and political ideologies such as anarchism, communism, socialism, social democracy, and social liberalism.
You're not liberal. You would never have been considered liberal. That's pure delusion. You are nothing but a regressive and a reactionary.

Classical liberalism is a philosophy committed to the ideals of limited government, constitutionalism, rule of law, due process, and liberty of individuals. These liberties include freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and free markets. The Founding Fathers fall under this definition.

I am that. You are not. You are a Progressive.

Progressivism encompasses a wide spectrum of social movements that include environmentalism, labor, agrarianism, anti-poverty, peace, anti-racism, civil rights, women’s rights, animal rights, social justice and political ideologies such as anarchism, communism, socialism, social democracy, and social liberalism.

So you are admitting that you are anti-environment, anti-farming, pro-poverty, pro-racism, anti-civil rights, anti-women's rights and anti-justice.

That doesn't make you a liberal.

It makes you a clueless un-American fascist Libertarian theist.

No wonder you support a military coup against the Constitutionally elected government of We the People.
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You're not liberal. You would never have been considered liberal. That's pure delusion. You are nothing but a regressive and a reactionary.

Classical liberalism is a philosophy committed to the ideals of limited government, constitutionalism, rule of law, due process, and liberty of individuals. These liberties include freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and free markets. The Founding Fathers fall under this definition.

I am that. You are not. You are a Progressive.

Progressivism encompasses a wide spectrum of social movements that include environmentalism, labor, agrarianism, anti-poverty, peace, anti-racism, civil rights, women’s rights, animal rights, social justice and political ideologies such as anarchism, communism, socialism, social democracy, and social liberalism.

So you are admitting that you anti-environment, anti-farming, pro-poverty, pro-racism, anti-civil rights, anti-women's rights and anti-justice.

That doesn't make you a liberal.

It makes you a clueless un-American fascist Libertarian theist.

No wonder you support a military coup against the Constitutionally elected government of We the People.

And the clown attacks a strawman.

Any one surprised?

You're not liberal. You would never have been considered liberal. That's pure delusion. You are nothing but a regressive and a reactionary.

Classical liberalism is a philosophy committed to the ideals of limited government, constitutionalism, rule of law, due process, and liberty of individuals. These liberties include freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and free markets. The Founding Fathers fall under this definition.

I am that. You are not. You are a Progressive.

Progressivism encompasses a wide spectrum of social movements that include environmentalism, labor, agrarianism, anti-poverty, peace, anti-racism, civil rights, women’s rights, animal rights, social justice and political ideologies such as anarchism, communism, socialism, social democracy, and social liberalism.

So you are admitting that you anti-environment, anti-farming, pro-poverty, pro-racism, anti-civil rights, anti-women's rights and anti-justice.

That doesn't make you a liberal.

It makes you a clueless un-American fascist Libertarian theist.

No wonder you support a military coup against the Constitutionally elected government of We the People.

And the clown attacks a strawman.

Any one surprised?


Surprises by what? That rightwingnut loons have double digit IQ's and are incapable of conducting any type of discussion? That is just the status quo.
You're not liberal. You would never have been considered liberal. That's pure delusion. You are nothing but a regressive and a reactionary.

Classical liberalism is a philosophy committed to the ideals of limited government, constitutionalism, rule of law, due process, and liberty of individuals. These liberties include freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and free markets. The Founding Fathers fall under this definition.

I am that. You are not. You are a Progressive.

Progressivism encompasses a wide spectrum of social movements that include environmentalism, labor, agrarianism, anti-poverty, peace, anti-racism, civil rights, women’s rights, animal rights, social justice and political ideologies such as anarchism, communism, socialism, social democracy, and social liberalism.

So you are admitting that you anti-environment, anti-farming, pro-poverty, pro-racism, anti-civil rights, anti-women's rights and anti-justice.

That doesn't make you a liberal.

It makes you a clueless un-American fascist Libertarian theist.

No wonder you support a military coup against the Constitutionally elected government of We the People.

And the clown attacks a strawman.

Any one surprised?


Surprises by what? That rightwingnut loons have double digit IQ's and are incapable of conducting any type of discussion? That is just the status quo.

Billy's post was anything but "loony". Indeed, it was quite intelligent.

The Clown dodged a "real discussion" with the use of a strawman, as I pointed out.

So, if "real discussion" is important to you, why are you not attacking the Clown?
Ok, this is sad, this is just plain, old sad:

YouGov | Could a coup really happen in the United States?



"One nation, under G-d, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all".

Just to remind.

Indivisible? My ass. I don't support democrats, I don't support this POTUS, I don't support this congress, I don't support redistribution of income, I don't support entitlements, I don't support SS, I don't support going in dept to fund shovel ready spending projects that no one wanted to fund in the first place, I don't support paying government employees to snoop on everyone on the planet, I don't support killing Americans from drones without trial, I don't support any of this shit. I would celebrate if this democrat/republican cartel looses power.
Billy's post was anything but "loony". Indeed, it was quite intelligent.


That you can't differentiate says volumes about you!

Billy posted the traditional historical definition of "liberal".

His point that it has nothing to do with the modern American "liberal" is completely true.

YOu ignored that fact to attack a strawman.

That was dishonest and cowardly of you.

I called you on your bullshit, and instead of responding seriously or honestly, you doubled down on your dishonest and cowardly behavior.

As to be expected from a Clown.

That you don't care how this reflects on you says volumes about YOU.
So you are admitting that you are anti-environment, anti-farming, pro-poverty, pro-racism, anti-civil rights, anti-women's rights and anti-justice.

Not at all. So, why are you admitting that you cannot read basic English and understand, and refrain from adding the voices in your head to the mix?

That doesn't make you a liberal.

Again, read. Or have someone adept in English help you. I never said I was "a liberal".

It makes you a clueless un-American fascist Libertarian theist.

No, it makes me liberal in the truest sense.

No wonder you support a military coup against the Constitutionally elected government of We the People.

I do not support a military coup, but I would not be at all surprised should one occur, considering the damage you termites are doing.
Well, there is a difference between "Classical" Liberalism and "Modern" Liberalism.

There is also a long history of thoughts and realizations that caused this transformation. The label "Classical" liberals is no longer used today. Liberal refers to Modern liberals. People who hold the "Classical" Liberal ideology are usually called Libertarians.
Billy's post was anything but "loony". Indeed, it was quite intelligent.


That you can't differentiate says volumes about you!

Billy posted the traditional historical definition of "liberal".

His point that it has nothing to do with the modern American "liberal" is completely true.

YOu ignored that fact to attack a strawman.

That was dishonest and cowardly of you.

I called you on your bullshit, and instead of responding seriously or honestly, you doubled down on your dishonest and cowardly behavior.

As to be expected from a Clown.

That you don't care how this reflects on you says volumes about YOU.

That you suffer from the same dementia that affects the other poster is not my problem.

Neither of you has the requisite authority to redefine the term liberal.

Deal with it.
Neither of you has the requisite authority to redefine the term liberal.

Deal with it.

You appear to be the single most incognizant poster on the board.

If anyone attempted to redefine "liberal", it was your Progressive forebears in the early 20th Century, and whose ignorant progeny are currently running from the old, now-besmirched term and returning to the use of "Progressive", a misnomer if I ever heard one.
People who hold the "Classical" Liberal ideology are usually called Libertarians.

The Founding Fathers were not Libertarians.

Libertarianism is a religious cult and Libertarians believe in a fantasy world where they are all superheroes and save the world from the forces of darkness on a daily basis.

BK has admitted that he has a comic book fetish that feeds into his Libertarian cult delusions.

I have no doubt whatsoever that he imagines himself leading the military coup in the OP.
People who hold the "Classical" Liberal ideology are usually called Libertarians.

The Founding Fathers were not Libertarians.

Libertarianism is a religious cult and Libertarians believe in a fantasy world where they are all superheroes and save the world from the forces of darkness on a daily basis.

BK has admitted that he has a comic book fetish that feeds into his Libertarian cult delusions.

I have no doubt whatsoever that he imagines himself leading the military coup in the OP.

Now I know why this guy's initials are "D.T."
Neither of you has the requisite authority to redefine the term liberal.

Deal with it.

You appear to be the single most incognizant poster on the board.

If anyone attempted to redefine "liberal", it was your Progressive forebears in the early 20th Century, and whose ignorant progeny are currently running from the old, now-besmirched term and returning to the use of "Progressive", a misnomer if I ever heard one.

Ironic coming from a Libertarian cultist.
For the clearly ignorant, the percent of the military that claims conservative is higher than the civilian population. do the math, if you can
My comment wasn't about conservative vs liberal, but about patriotic vs unpatriotic and the 43% of Republicans who apparently aren't vs a military which overwhelmingly is. How's that math, Benedict?
You're confusing patriotism with being a Tory. You think, wrongly, that the military is loyal to the government.

This is where real Americans and leftist split. Cons are loyal to the country, leftist are loyal to the government.

i love when people in 2015 speak as if they think they're still in revolutionary times.
I used tory to drive home the point that leftist support the government and not the country and freedom.

welcome back

what you call freedom is a giant temper tantrum.
No, what I call freedom is freedom, what you call freedom is the government making people do what you want them do to.

That's actually tyranny, but being a leftist, you don't care.

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