You'll Never See Trump Do This

That’s an interesting question.

You keep talking about how old and senile Biden is but he could never do this

Do you care about that?


I care that the administration that he is the face of is destroying the country.
Watch Joe Biden do what the former president will never do. It's called riding a bike. Staying fit, both mentally and physically.

I admit trump needs to get on a treadmill.

By the way, Ive been curious how medias touch avoid copywrite infringement lawsuits, isn’t “Midas Touch” already trademarked?

Seems like Midas could sue them for being a rip off, just like music artists do when another artist loosely copies a riff from their song.
I admit trump needs to get on a treadmill.

By the way, Ive been curious how medias touch avoid copywrite infringement lawsuits, isn’t “Midas Touch” already trademarked?

Seems like Midas could sue them for being a rip off, just like music artists do when another artist loosely copies a riff from their song.

Who fn cares? I don't.

It's spelled Meidas if you actually paid any attention.
Sure, Joe doing tricks, only problem is you're too stupid to realize he's doing it to the whole country.
He tricked the stock market into going up, the unemployment rate into going down and inflation into cooling down?! Way to go, Joe! Keep those tricks coming. Pretty slick for someone with dementia, eh?

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