You'll Never See Trump Do This


He tricked the stock market into going up, the unemployment rate into going down and inflation into cooling down?! Way to go, Joe! Keep those tricks coming. Pretty slick for someone with dementia, eh?
Now tell us it's transitory...moron.
Where is your evidence???? We have Trump saying he'll end the ACA - again. He tried that the first time he was in office, and he lost the House because of it.

Of course, if Trump is re-elected, elections won't matter. He'll be dictator for life.
Once again you demonstrate you have no clue how America works.

Where is your evidence???? We have Trump saying he'll end the ACA - again. He tried that the first time he was in office, and he lost the House because of it.

Of course, if Trump is re-elected, elections won't matter. He'll be dictator for life.

Trump fought too-and-nail to bring back pre-existing conditions and strips tens of millions of Americans of health care and he's given every indication he intends to pick up exactly where he left off.
Biden's disastrous abandonment of AFG got him held in CONTEMPT by the Brits.

Parliament holds Joe Biden in contempt over Afghanistan​

Donald Trump Faces Travel Ban To 37 Countries​

Newsweek › donald-trump-travel-ban-...

Jun 1, 2024 — Former president and convicted felon Trump could have difficulty entering nations including the U.K., Ukraine and China.
You’ve never golfed, correct?
When a sport is such that fat, out of shape guys can excel at it, it’s not really a sport just a hobby

Maybe one that requires skill to excel at, but it’s not a sport in the athletic sense of the word

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