Young Women: What Turns You On ?

You seem to think that equality means they have to do what men would do. Nothing could be further from the truth.
You have to tell me women have less sex on average than most men. How unequal.
Fake fucks !
I had a housekeeper in 2004 and she asked me ' what now ?"
I said I'm gonna eat you and then you go home. KEWL !!!
Next several months were a blast... Then I "went home"...left the states.
Not often discussed too much in public, but discussed very often in private is the subject of getting horny. It's a rather important thing in life, and especially so for married couples. Feel free to post a list of your top 3, in either heterosexual or lesbian lifestyle (no tran nutjobs please - sanity required here) And please be honest - don't hold back, and be serious. This isn't a comedy show.

And in case anybody might be interested, I am a male.
Are there any young women on here?

As too the topic my first two wives LOVED my hands. Don't ask me why, I have no clue and it seems like a weird thing to me but they both told me that.
You seem to think that equality means they have to do what men would do. Nothing could be further from the truth.
You have to tell me women have less sex on average than most men. How unequal.

I don't have to tell you anything. But you have the freedom to pursue or ignore any woman. Pursuing is your choice. A woman has a choice to pursue or ignore any man. Pursuing a man is her choice.

Expecting her to pursue you in order to prove something is ridiculous.
Equality means men and women have equal value and rights. Daniel wants it to mean since he would fuck anything, they should fuck him.
Women enjoy an absolute advantage regarding things sexual. How many women have been used by whole gangs of guys compared to men getting used by whole gangs of women?

Equal pay for equal work!

They may have an advantage. They also have more at stake. If they get pregnant, you may have to pay child support. But they will feel morally obligated to raise a child for 18 years.

And whether you like it or not, society judges them for what they do sexually in ways men never get judged.
How unequal. Remember women, insist on equality!

I didn't say it was equal. But society does it anyway.
Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.
Henry Kissinger

You guys crack me up. You want to know what attracts women, and you only listen to men's answers. Lol
I never questioned it much. I always just looked for a nice lady that was bored and cured their boredom. Always been a winning strategy for me.
I haven't found too many women who believe in equality and claim they want to help me practice get really really good at full body massage.

Women's equality has nothing to do with getting undressed for you.
If she's wearing a strap on is she equal ?

Only if I can have multiple orgasms.

Although it does make me wonder about whether that would make Daniel happy when she pushed him against the wall in his fantasy.
lol. I don't believe in equality unless gold is involved?

Then what you believe is irrelevant to the conversation.
It must be relevant for the sake of equality.

The fact that you say you don't believe in equality unless gold is involved is not relevant. Gold has nothing to do with being equal, unless you are specifically talking about equal pay. The fact that you have such selective beliefs is not relevant to a thread talking about what turns women on.
Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.
Henry Kissinger

You guys crack me up. You want to know what attracts women, and you only listen to men's answers. Lol
I never questioned it much. I always just looked for a nice lady that was bored and cured their boredom. Always been a winning strategy for me.
I haven't found too many women who believe in equality and claim they want to help me practice get really really good at full body massage.
There are differences between men and women. And in today's world if a man falters he is taken to task by other men. A women can become a woman again. We are getting weaker as a nation. And we live in a world of conquerors.
I believe it should be more about morals and being moral enough to do unto others as we would have others do unto us.

Free full body massage for women, got morals, chics?

Now you are misquoting the Golden Rule to justify your claims?

The Golden Rule is to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Your juvenile fantasy of women putting all the moves on you, just because you want them to is ridiculous. Want women to come on to you? Be more attractive to them than the other men around, and make them believe you have something to offer.
It is moral if you would have others do unto you as you do unto them.

And for them to ignore you, as they wish you would ignore them? That is also the Golden Rule.

Let me ask you, have you ever had sex with someone you were not attracted to at all?
You ask women to tell you what turns them on, and then you want to ridicule her when she answers? lol Yeah, that will encourage more answers.
Can you read ? I did not ask HER. She (by her own admission) is an "Old" lady. The TITLE of the thread is >>
Young Women: What Turns You On ?... get it ?

So no, I did not ask "women" ( as you put it). I asked YOUNG women.

And I didn't ridicule her. I just commented on her choice of who is hot. I realize people can have varying opinions, it's just that Paul Ryan being called hot, was a bit weird. (most people would probably agree)
What turns women on (or people in general) is usually a pretty private thing.

I applaud women for telling their spouse or partner exactly what they like or what turns them on. But an old man asking women what turns them on gets pretty scary for most.

Typically it comes down to "None of your business".
I'm not an "old man". I date women as young as 18 (routinely), who think I'm 34, and offer no question about it whatsoever. Most are in their 30s.

As for what is my business, that is the young woman's business, my business, and none of yours.
You fuckers have quite a lifestyle and quite the mental health legal system to enforce it against other people against their will.
What other skeletons do you have in the closet? Rape and torture? Arranged accidents, premeditated heart attacks, murder-for-hire, and professional character assassination?
Is there a doctor in the house ? Bring a bar of soap too.
Agreed. It seems logical that some women would feel that being asked such a question in a forum like this borders on "creepy".
It is creepy to you, if you are "creepy".

As for a "forum like this", I see no definition of this forum as being outside the bounds of this subject matter. A forum like this is perfectly applicable to just about any subject.
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I'm not here. I'm just a cop.
IOW I don't make the law, I just enforce it. :deal:
You are what the word "ignore" was created for. Now go learn how to play those 28 guitars you own. No excuses - I give lessons online.
Women enjoy an absolute advantage regarding things sexual. How many women have been used by whole gangs of guys compared to men getting used by whole gangs of women?
Please do an investigation on that, and come back with a report.

As for "absolute advantage regarding things sexual" the recent invention of the lovense lush has added a whole new dimension to that, wouldnt you say ? (although since men are involved as well, the lovense has to be a benefit to us guys too-sometimes saves the day (or night)
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I'm not an "old man". I date women as young as 18 (routinely), who think I'm 34, and offer no question about it whatsoever. Most are in their 30s.
Date or socialize or gather in a group setting? And for that matter what's wrong with girls 17 and under? They're going to have to develop strong relationships with adults in the community look for work as they grow up, etc.
for what is my business, that is the young woman's business, my business, and none of yours
If that's your daughter, niece, or granddaughter, otherwise that's verging on indecency.
It is creepy to you, if you are "creepy".
Some guys just don't hesitate … which, well, is really creepy when you work so hard to make it not so.
Now you are misquoting the Golden Rule to justify your claims?

The Golden Rule is to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Your juvenile fantasy of women putting all the moves on you, just because you want them to is ridiculous. Want women to come on to you? Be more attractive to them than the other men around, and make them believe you have something to offer.
True. Agreed. But I would add to that being able to come in contact with them in the first place, and finding attractive ones who are not married. Woody Allen once said > 90% of life is just showing up.
Much of this thread has diverged into discussions about equality and relationships, and away from the thread's topic of just plain horniness. That is, horniness for young women, to whom the TITLE QUESTION is posed.

Really, nobody should be posting in the thread other than young women telling us what they get turned on by.
Be more attractive to them than the other men around, and make them believe you have something to offer.
That's not going to work. Those women don't feel young and beautiful unless men are old, fat, and bald. And a man's pocketbook is all that they find attractive about him.
True. Agreed. But I would add to that being able to come in contact with them in the first place
Come in contact? You're just hopping in bed and having sex. What kind of "contact" are talking about? Not just socializing face to face with all your clothes on, that's for sure.
and finding attractive ones who are not married
You mean she's having sex with any man who opens his wallet, and she's not a total slut or a whore?
Woody Allen once said > 90% of life is just showing up.
Good thing then because I'm not a Communist or a stand-up comedian, and I don't "show up" for those parties.
Much of this thread has diverged into discussions about equality and relationships, and away from the thread's topic of just plain horniness. That is, horniness for young women, to whom the TITLE QUESTION is posed.

Really, nobody should be posting in the thread other than young women telling us what they get turned on by.

Oops! Well, that is what happens when you post in an open forum. Anyone who want to can reply. And we did.

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