Youngkin Already Picking Fight With Virginia Parents, Get's Smacked Down On Mask Mandate

Looks like Virginia schools run by the DNC are refusing to acknowledge Executive Orders by their governor giving parents the choice as to whether their children wear masks to school.

Democrats only know two kinds of laws, those they like and those they openly defy.

The question is whether Younkin has the authority to do that. They should fight this and send kids who do not wear masks home.
Glad I got my primary education before this vile bullshit started. Schools are making nasty little Nazis out of our children. The children who are absorbing this are going to go out into the world and get the shit kicked out of them regularly.

That is what Republicans are trying to do. Republicans are good little Nazis.
I don't know why they're even bothering to start a fight with the governor over it, most of those kids have become so indoctrinated to wear masks at this point that they'll do it voluntarily. I saw something on the news the other night about parents finding their kids wearing masks while alone in their own bedrooms, and saying kids wear them to school even when their parents say they don't have to because their peers are wearing them. Young kids do tend to do whatever the rest of their peers are doing. Trend setters are few and far between at that age, most kids don't want to stand out as different.

The toy industry makes millions due to that phenomenon. So did Trapper Keeper and Jansport (in my day). Lol
There are no slave chains of iron stronger than the chains of belief.
New Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) began his new job by ensuring that all masks mandates would be banned in schools regardless of what the community and parents want

You're a strange little man. I like how you try to pull off that my neighbors controlling my kids is somehow choice while politicians controlling my kids isn't.

Hey, Virginia, they are MY KIDS.

Fucking ass
I hope someday you see the irony in your positions.
The irony is I am an American and want little government! Limited government would mean no mandates. Exactly what the new governor is promoting. No government
New Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) began his new job by ensuring that all masks mandates would be banned in schools regardless of what the community and parents want.

Speaking to the press on Sunday, Youngkin was asked about the Arlington school district still requiring masks regardless of what the governor says. Arlington County voted 76.7 percent against Youngkin despite his campaign pledge to kill masks in schools.

Youngkin said that clearly, the schools didn't listen to what parents wanted, assuming that the parents in Arlington don't want the mask mandate. Arlington County voted 76.7 percent against Youngkin despite his campaign pledge to kill masks in schools.

First day on the job, don't even know what the law is. This ain't Flori-Duh son. That crap won't fly here.
The voted in an ignoramus.

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