Your expectations for the next administration

He's trying not to alert the the government that's spying on us....
PHOT is the stock can look it up on yahoo finance. It sells right now for 2 cents a share. It's risky...but life is risky.

It appears they sell supplies for growing marijuana.

Yep...I warned him but he wouldn't listen to me :rolleyes:

It could be a major growth industry.

It hasn't grown a lick in the trading...but it has potential, he's in at an excellent price, it spikes and I eat crow

You could invest $500 and make a killing if the price went to $1.00
PHOT is the stock can look it up on yahoo finance. It sells right now for 2 cents a share. It's risky...but life is risky.

It appears they sell supplies for growing marijuana.

Yep...I warned him but he wouldn't listen to me :rolleyes:

It could be a major growth industry.

It hasn't grown a lick in the trading...but it has potential, he's in at an excellent price, it spikes and I eat crow

You could invest $500 and make a killing if the price went to $1.00
That's the plan...
It appears they sell supplies for growing marijuana.

Yep...I warned him but he wouldn't listen to me :rolleyes:

It could be a major growth industry.

It hasn't grown a lick in the trading...but it has potential, he's in at an excellent price, it spikes and I eat crow

You could invest $500 and make a killing if the price went to $1.00
That's the plan...
Why do you think this company will be the one to benefit from the marijuana boom?
Yep...I warned him but he wouldn't listen to me :rolleyes:

It could be a major growth industry.

It hasn't grown a lick in the trading...but it has potential, he's in at an excellent price, it spikes and I eat crow

You could invest $500 and make a killing if the price went to $1.00
That's the plan...
Why do you think this company will be the one to benefit from the marijuana boom?
It's about hysteria and greed more than anything. If you go back about two years you will see spikes in pot stock prices across the board...based on what was being approved in Colorado. It was short lived...but if it happens again...bonanza. The stocks will move up with panic buying. Phot has gone as low as .003 cents per share. When and if that happens you buy 100000 shares for 300 bucks. Then you pray a lot.
The government will be larger, more powerful, more intrusive, more imperial five years from on than it is now.
Doesn't matter which of these clowns is elected.
PHOT is the stock can look it up on yahoo finance. It sells right now for 2 cents a share. It's risky...but life is risky.

It appears they sell supplies for growing marijuana.

Yep...I warned him but he wouldn't listen to me :rolleyes:

It could be a major growth industry.

It hasn't grown a lick in the trading...but it has potential, he's in at an excellent price, it spikes and I eat crow

You could invest $500 and make a killing if the price went to $1.00

I'm picky about which sectors I buy into, I don't agree with the legalization of drugs or their use so that's my reason on this one
I have no expectations at this point. I'd need to know who will be running it before I could
What are the major issues you want addressed by the next President? Which candidate(s) do you see best meeting your expectations?

My issues:
  • I want fiscal restraint, I would expect Cruz to be the most hardline on spending.
  • I want an end to pushing of non-traditional values, again on this one I'd go with Cruz.
  • For sensible foreign trade policies, my choice would be Trump's stance on not giving away the store.
  • For healthcare and social security I think Trump's business sense would be most helpful.
  • Don't think I'd be disappointed with Supreme Court appointments made by Trump or Cruz or Kasich
  • On keeping our country and military forces safe, I'm uneasy with all of them. Hillary has the experience and one would hope she's learned from all her mistakes.
  • Immigration is not high on my list. I'll toss Kasich a bone.
  • Taxes - anybody but Hillary and Bernie
  • Regarding banking and regulations I'd pick Kasich or Trump to be most sensible, although my heart's with Bernie
  • On the environment I'd also give the nod to Kasich for striking a good balance

Cruz would have fiscal restraint?!? Wars and ultrasound wands cost money, y'know :dunno:
What are the major issues you want addressed by the next President? Which candidate(s) do you see best meeting your expectations?

My issues:
  • I want fiscal restraint, I would expect Cruz to be the most hardline on spending.
  • I want an end to pushing of non-traditional values, again on this one I'd go with Cruz.
  • For sensible foreign trade policies, my choice would be Trump's stance on not giving away the store.
  • For healthcare and social security I think Trump's business sense would be most helpful.
  • Don't think I'd be disappointed with Supreme Court appointments made by Trump or Cruz or Kasich
  • On keeping our country and military forces safe, I'm uneasy with all of them. Hillary has the experience and one would hope she's learned from all her mistakes.
  • Immigration is not high on my list. I'll toss Kasich a bone.
  • Taxes - anybody but Hillary and Bernie
  • Regarding banking and regulations I'd pick Kasich or Trump to be most sensible, although my heart's with Bernie
  • On the environment I'd also give the nod to Kasich for striking a good balance
It is best not to have any expectations, since it is most likely none will be fulfilled.
It is best not to have any expectations, since it is most likely none will be fulfilled.

Those with a firm belief in the 2nd amendment have expectations. Those tossing money at these folks have expectations. If I didn't have expectations then I sure wouldn't give a hoot about political elections.
Even leftist douche bags believe money is speech. They prove it whenever the demand government financing of elections. If money isn't speech, they why provide any money at all?

You are painfully stupid. And you put that stupidity on display every single fucking day. Why? Do you really think comments like the one above is "intelligent"?

Damn dude, get a fucking job.
It is best not to have any expectations, since it is most likely none will be fulfilled.

Those with a firm belief in the 2nd amendment have expectations. Those tossing money at these folks have expectations. If I didn't have expectations then I sure wouldn't give a hoot about political elections.
Well I guess I don't give a hoot then. I mean really....can't you see that our political class is entirely corrupt and owned by the billionaire class? Do you really think they will do the right thing for the nation? History tells us they will not. So, in my view it is best to not have expectations...well my expectation is they will F**K it all up. That is what I expect.
What are the major issues you want addressed by the next President? Which candidate(s) do you see best meeting your expectations?

My issues:
  • I want fiscal restraint, I would expect Cruz to be the most hardline on spending.
  • I want an end to pushing of non-traditional values, again on this one I'd go with Cruz.
  • For sensible foreign trade policies, my choice would be Trump's stance on not giving away the store.
  • For healthcare and social security I think Trump's business sense would be most helpful.
  • Don't think I'd be disappointed with Supreme Court appointments made by Trump or Cruz or Kasich
  • On keeping our country and military forces safe, I'm uneasy with all of them. Hillary has the experience and one would hope she's learned from all her mistakes.
  • Immigration is not high on my list. I'll toss Kasich a bone.
  • Taxes - anybody but Hillary and Bernie
  • Regarding banking and regulations I'd pick Kasich or Trump to be most sensible, although my heart's with Bernie
  • On the environment I'd also give the nod to Kasich for striking a good balance

fiscal restraint? how about we restore taxes to where they were pre-baby bush?

traditional values? no one is interested in your idea of "values", and you've lost in the court

trump's "stance" on trade has been called a disaster by every legitimate economist because they will start a trade war

trump's business "sense" led to bankrupting multiple companies and screwing his investors

Hillary has more knowledge in her little finger than any other candidate in decades

taxes? I love when people like you defend tax policies that enrich the top 15 and hurt the working and middle classes. let me know when we stop corporate welfare

trump knows nothing. Hillary and Kasich do.

Kasich on climate? he thinks climate change is "G-d's will". well so is cancer, but we treat it.
What are the major issues you want addressed by the next President? Which candidate(s) do you see best meeting your expectations?

My issues:
  • I want fiscal restraint, I would expect Cruz to be the most hardline on spending.
  • I want an end to pushing of non-traditional values, again on this one I'd go with Cruz.
  • For sensible foreign trade policies, my choice would be Trump's stance on not giving away the store.
  • For healthcare and social security I think Trump's business sense would be most helpful.
  • Don't think I'd be disappointed with Supreme Court appointments made by Trump or Cruz or Kasich
  • On keeping our country and military forces safe, I'm uneasy with all of them. Hillary has the experience and one would hope she's learned from all her mistakes.
  • Immigration is not high on my list. I'll toss Kasich a bone.
  • Taxes - anybody but Hillary and Bernie
  • Regarding banking and regulations I'd pick Kasich or Trump to be most sensible, although my heart's with Bernie
  • On the environment I'd also give the nod to Kasich for striking a good balance

fiscal restraint? how about we restore taxes to where they were pre-baby bush?

traditional values? no one is interested in your idea of "values", and you've lost in the court

trump's "stance" on trade has been called a disaster by every legitimate economist because they will start a trade war

trump's business "sense" led to bankrupting multiple companies and screwing his investors

Hillary has more knowledge in her little finger than any other candidate in decades

taxes? I love when people like you defend tax policies that enrich the top 15 and hurt the working and middle classes. let me know when we stop corporate welfare

trump knows nothing. Hillary and Kasich do.

Kasich on climate? he thinks climate change is "G-d's will". well so is cancer, but we treat it.
If we treated cancer the way we treat climate change, we would just kill ourselves.

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