Your Faith On Trial

Sorry, couldn't resist.

In the gospel of John there are exactly seven miracles or signs that confirm that Jesus was the Messiah.

In the book of revelation there are exactly seven seals placed on scripture that prevent everyone from knowing what was written inside.

You don't have to figure anything out. someone else already did the hard work. All you have to do is use your own brain to decide between true and false, life and death. Thats why I've been telling you to purify your mind. Its much easier to do with a clear head.

I can tell you this much.

During the countdown to Armageddon, between the breaking of the sixth and seventh seals, the marking of Gods servants takes place, securing the faithful from destruction.
Nothing in John passes scientific scrutiny. You still have nothing.

Ahem, you have nothing.

Scientific scrutiny is only a constraint in parsing out the meaning of fantastical stories that use figurative language that were never intended to be taken literally by intelligent people..

when I read a story where someone is portrayed as a jackass should I ask a scientist if donkeys can talk?
So John is like a talking donkey? Umm... ok.

Is that what you came up with? Is that really the best you can do?


You could have just said that you were only interested in masturbation and I would have given you some privacy to enjoy your viscous goo........
John still doesn't pass scientific scrutiny.
lol....What are the results from the scientific scrutiny of the story of the three pigs?

Has it been definitively and scientifically determined whether pigs ever spoke or built houses?

If they never did, then its all bunch of worthless human dung that should be tossed in a trashcan and burned..

Is that what you are saying?
Nothing in John passes scientific scrutiny. You still have nothing.

Ahem, you have nothing.

Scientific scrutiny is only a constraint in parsing out the meaning of fantastical stories that use figurative language that were never intended to be taken literally by intelligent people..

when I read a story where someone is portrayed as a jackass should I ask a scientist if donkeys can talk?
So John is like a talking donkey? Umm... ok.

Is that what you came up with? Is that really the best you can do?


You could have just said that you were only interested in masturbation and I would have given you some privacy to enjoy your viscous goo........
John still doesn't pass scientific scrutiny.
lol....What are the results from the scientific scrutiny of the story of the three pigs?

Has it been definitively and scientifically determined whether pigs ever spoke or built houses?

If they never did, then its all bunch of worthless human dung that should be tossed in a trashcan and burned..

Is that what you are saying?
Did I say that I live my life by the story of the three little pigs?
Ahem, you have nothing.

Scientific scrutiny is only a constraint in parsing out the meaning of fantastical stories that use figurative language that were never intended to be taken literally by intelligent people..

when I read a story where someone is portrayed as a jackass should I ask a scientist if donkeys can talk?
So John is like a talking donkey? Umm... ok.

Is that what you came up with? Is that really the best you can do?


You could have just said that you were only interested in masturbation and I would have given you some privacy to enjoy your viscous goo........
John still doesn't pass scientific scrutiny.
lol....What are the results from the scientific scrutiny of the story of the three pigs?

Has it been definitively and scientifically determined whether pigs ever spoke or built houses?

If they never did, then its all bunch of worthless human dung that should be tossed in a trashcan and burned..

Is that what you are saying?
Did I say that I live my life by the story of the three little pigs?
Actually you do. Failed behaviors lead to failure. Normalization of deviance leads to predictable surprises and laughing leads to crying.
So John is like a talking donkey? Umm... ok.

Is that what you came up with? Is that really the best you can do?


You could have just said that you were only interested in masturbation and I would have given you some privacy to enjoy your viscous goo........
John still doesn't pass scientific scrutiny.
lol....What are the results from the scientific scrutiny of the story of the three pigs?

Has it been definitively and scientifically determined whether pigs ever spoke or built houses?

If they never did, then its all bunch of worthless human dung that should be tossed in a trashcan and burned..

Is that what you are saying?
Did I say that I live my life by the story of the three little pigs?
Actually you do. Failed behaviors lead to failure. Normalization of deviance leads to predictable surprises and laughing leads to crying.
What deviance am I engaging in?
Is that what you came up with? Is that really the best you can do?


You could have just said that you were only interested in masturbation and I would have given you some privacy to enjoy your viscous goo........
John still doesn't pass scientific scrutiny.
lol....What are the results from the scientific scrutiny of the story of the three pigs?

Has it been definitively and scientifically determined whether pigs ever spoke or built houses?

If they never did, then its all bunch of worthless human dung that should be tossed in a trashcan and burned..

Is that what you are saying?
Did I say that I live my life by the story of the three little pigs?
Actually you do. Failed behaviors lead to failure. Normalization of deviance leads to predictable surprises and laughing leads to crying.
What deviance am I engaging in?
That is another subject that you have no idea what I am talking about, lol. Go figure out what I am talking about and after you have learned something about it come back here for an advanced course on it.
Ahem, you have nothing.

Scientific scrutiny is only a constraint in parsing out the meaning of fantastical stories that use figurative language that were never intended to be taken literally by intelligent people..

when I read a story where someone is portrayed as a jackass should I ask a scientist if donkeys can talk?
So John is like a talking donkey? Umm... ok.

Is that what you came up with? Is that really the best you can do?


You could have just said that you were only interested in masturbation and I would have given you some privacy to enjoy your viscous goo........
John still doesn't pass scientific scrutiny.
lol....What are the results from the scientific scrutiny of the story of the three pigs?

Has it been definitively and scientifically determined whether pigs ever spoke or built houses?

If they never did, then its all bunch of worthless human dung that should be tossed in a trashcan and burned..

Is that what you are saying?
Did I say that I live my life by the story of the three little pigs?
Did I say that you did?
The catalyst to the kingdom;
“War Scroll” (4Q471)
Where in verse XVII, says, “God will send eternal bliss by the might of the Princely Angel of the Kingdom of Michael. He will enlighten with joy the children of Israel.
1QM v, 1-2) States:He (Michael)will not have much room to act as Royal Messiah while battling the Sons of Darkness. (too busy debunking myths, lies and ignorance=darkness) but then also adds:
“God himself is a supreme agent of salvation and after him in importance is Michael.”
Spiritual light=knowledge and truth
It is Michael who best knows the scripture of truth- Dan 10:21 thus also called the angel (messenger)
of truth who's name is in the Mikra (bible).
The name is in the Temple (MIKDASH) in his name.- (Melakim {I Kings8:43}(2Chronicles6)
Ma'aser Sheni in the Torah says
About tithing the produced food and eating it at the Temple:
“at the site that He shall choose to place His Name”
Michael is the Thresher thus it's also called the MIKdosh (dosh=thresher).
Refering to removing the chaff from the wheat and thus thin film veil from our eyes as well
(Isaiah 25:7says Moshiach removes the thin veil from our eyes)

Jewish tradition says The name of Moshiach will be in the Torah portions;
Torah portion:
Mikeitz מִקֵּץ – Hebrew for "at the end,"
Ketz= A particularly auspicious time for Moshiach to bring the exile to an end.= Mike is the name of the Moshiach who's revealed in the Torah portion regarding the "RETURN" from Exile.
And thus "Restorer". (Ruth, Jeremiah, Isaiah- Jeremiah 11:20, Jeremiah 23:5-6, Isaiah 51:9, Isaiah 59;19, Is.11:4,
Isaiah 25:8)

It is Michael who defeats the devil which is why the "Mikvah" is the name of the ritual cleansing from death.

Michael is the Shiloh (Genesis, Ezekiel)who over turns the false messiah for shiloh means the "one who's
(actual) right it is", that was stolen by the thief.

In Fact Ezra 1 and Isaiah 44-45 the redeemer is the one who battles with the Persian prince and King Cyrus' heart to do the right thing in gathering the Jews and rebuilding the Temple and Dan 10 tells you who that redeemer is by first & last name. That name coinciding with all these prerequisites, like in the name of the Bible, Temple, city Torah portions etc..

The name of Moshiach is in "the Bible" (Mikra). -Melakim {I Kings8:43)and The Torah-Devarim 14:22

RA in Hebrew=Father in Heaven. =Mike is the Father in Heaven (head of the hosts in Jewish and Islamic traditions).

Michael is the Melchizedek (Messenger & king of righteousness) Scrolls and Jewish tradition.

Michael is the Judge of judgement, the refiners fire..see my posts with sources
( to many to list)

See the over 1200 references backing this on my forum post (to many to list).
Malachi 3:24, The Prophet Haggai 2:6-7 , Ps. 72:16, 4Q285 4-5&10, Psalms 7:7-8
4Q246, 1QS x12-18, 1QSb=1Q28b , 4Q300I ii4=4Q299 2 i I4, Melakim {I Kings8:43)Ezekiel 40-43)(Is.2:2, Zekh.14.16-21) Midrash Rabba (Exodus 18) . Exodus 23:20-22, Micah 4:5, Nahum 1. Isaiah 9:6, 11:2-3, 42:19, 61:2 .Psalms 7:7-9, 82:1, 90:4 .Jeremiel 14.
Talmud Ketubot 56a
Zohar II, 146a-146b

Even some sects of Christianity (JW's, Adventist, Coptics, Urantians, some Universalists and Mormons and few orders of Catholic Diocese) know the Biblical Moshiach is Michael.
In fact Abbot Columbia tells us that, on secreting the Stone (Lia Fail), he prophesied that one day 'The Michael' would 'return' to his inheritance.
Interesting enough we find this also in The Coming of Melchizedek 11Q13 Col.2 whereby Michael (the Shiloh of Ezekiel) not only "comes back" for his inheritance, but will "return" them to what is rightfully theirs as well thus the term ones who’s right it is refers to "returning" the Temple and authority "back" to Jerusalem and the Kohanim (Temple Priests/ known as hosts.
The catalyst to the kingdom;
“War Scroll” (4Q471)
Where in verse XVII, says, “God will send eternal bliss by the might of the Princely Angel of the Kingdom of Michael. He will enlighten with joy the children of Israel.
1QM v, 1-2) States:He (Michael)will not have much room to act as Royal Messiah while battling the Sons of Darkness. (too busy debunking myths, lies and ignorance=darkness) but then also adds:
“God himself is a supreme agent of salvation and after him in importance is Michael.”
Spiritual light=knowledge and truth

How ironic it is that you quote manuscripts
found within the Dead Sea Scrolls to validate your lies
and assert your deception as knowledge

Knowledge and Truth...
You wouldn't know knowledge and truth
if they hit you on the head and ran you over

The Dead Sea Scrolls were hidden
to protect them from being destroyed.
Works that were omitted from the Tanakh
because they were not deemed to be Divinely inspired by God.

Works that were considered blasphemy
because it threatened the traditions
of the scribes, pharisees and high priests

Manuscripts which prove Masoretic Text,
as the unchangeable, infallible and literal translation
of the original Hebrew manuscripts are flawed and interpreted
The Masoretes were not using the original
Hebrew manuscripts of the Bible

Manuscripts which are thousands of years older
then the Masoretic Text used to write the Tanakh

The Dead Sea Scrolls are the Aramaic and Greek
literal translation of the original Hebrew, biblical manuscripts
which predate the Masoretic Text and prove its deception

The KJV and it's offsprings have been corrupted as well,
being that all divinely inspired works are not included

You believe what you want,
I'll have faith in believing

You conveniently left out the Tanakh verses and the fact where Scrolls have commentary on the Tanakh which are valuable in understanding who they were speaking of.
You have previously denounced the OT inadvertantly now you bash the comprehension of it and historical context.
Is there anything you havenct bashed including your own Bible & idol?
So John is like a talking donkey? Umm... ok.

Is that what you came up with? Is that really the best you can do?


You could have just said that you were only interested in masturbation and I would have given you some privacy to enjoy your viscous goo........
John still doesn't pass scientific scrutiny.
lol....What are the results from the scientific scrutiny of the story of the three pigs?

Has it been definitively and scientifically determined whether pigs ever spoke or built houses?

If they never did, then its all bunch of worthless human dung that should be tossed in a trashcan and burned..

Is that what you are saying?
Did I say that I live my life by the story of the three little pigs?
Did I say that you did?
Then why bring it up?
Is that what you came up with? Is that really the best you can do?


You could have just said that you were only interested in masturbation and I would have given you some privacy to enjoy your viscous goo........
John still doesn't pass scientific scrutiny.
lol....What are the results from the scientific scrutiny of the story of the three pigs?

Has it been definitively and scientifically determined whether pigs ever spoke or built houses?

If they never did, then its all bunch of worthless human dung that should be tossed in a trashcan and burned..

Is that what you are saying?
Did I say that I live my life by the story of the three little pigs?
Did I say that you did?
Then why bring it up?
Why bring it up?

Because science is irrelevant when trying to discern the moral teaching of a fairy tale except as a constraint as to what is a possible or an impossible to be true interpretation. For instance it can be scientifically proven that pigs can't speak english but that doesn't make the story untrue. And do you really need a scientist to tell you that pigs can't talk?

The story was never about pigs talking or building houses. Science proving that pigs can't talk or build houses is science proving nothing that even the least intelligent person among us didn't already know.

In the same way the subjects in scripture are hidden and not necessarily directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used as I showed you a hidden story within the story of Jesus turning water into wine, a revelation that conforms to reality without changing a single word and does not require the suspension of disbelief or an unsubstantiated belief in the supernatural.

As it pertains to Christianity where many people never think to include reality in their speculations scientific discoveries effectively refute the dogma of more than 32,000 denominations out of hand. I'll give you that.

But that only means that science has proven false what the stories were never about anyway.

Why not break out your microscope to look if there is anything hidden in the words used in scripture? Or a telescope to look if there is anything above the grasp of those who do not think very deeply?

Maybe then you will see something?
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John still doesn't pass scientific scrutiny.
lol....What are the results from the scientific scrutiny of the story of the three pigs?

Has it been definitively and scientifically determined whether pigs ever spoke or built houses?

If they never did, then its all bunch of worthless human dung that should be tossed in a trashcan and burned..

Is that what you are saying?
Did I say that I live my life by the story of the three little pigs?
Did I say that you did?
Then why bring it up?
Why bring it up?

Because science is irrelevant when trying to discern the moral teaching of a fairy tale except as a constraint as to what is a possible or an impossible to be true interpretation. For instance it can be scientifically proven that pigs can't speak english but that doesn't make the story untrue. And do you really need a scientist to tell you that pigs can't talk?

The story was never about pigs talking or building houses. Science proving that pigs can't talk or build houses is science proving nothing that even the least intelligent person among us didn't already know.

In the same way the subjects in scripture are hidden and not necessarily directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used as I showed you a hidden story within the story of Jesus turning water into wine, a revelation that conforms to reality without changing a single word and does not require the suspension of disbelief or an unsubstantiated belief in the supernatural.

As it pertains to Christianity where many people never think to include reality in their speculations scientific discoveries effectively refute the dogma of more than 32,000 denominations out of hand. I'll give you that.

But that only means that science has proven false what the stories were never about anyway.

Why not break out your microscope to look if there is anything hidden in the words used in scripture? Or a telescope to look if there is anything above the grasp of those who do not think very deeply?

Maybe then you will see something?
So what you're saying is that you agree that the bible is all made up. Good for you.
lol....What are the results from the scientific scrutiny of the story of the three pigs?

Has it been definitively and scientifically determined whether pigs ever spoke or built houses?

If they never did, then its all bunch of worthless human dung that should be tossed in a trashcan and burned..

Is that what you are saying?
Did I say that I live my life by the story of the three little pigs?
Did I say that you did?
Then why bring it up?
Why bring it up?

Because science is irrelevant when trying to discern the moral teaching of a fairy tale except as a constraint as to what is a possible or an impossible to be true interpretation. For instance it can be scientifically proven that pigs can't speak english but that doesn't make the story untrue. And do you really need a scientist to tell you that pigs can't talk?

The story was never about pigs talking or building houses. Science proving that pigs can't talk or build houses is science proving nothing that even the least intelligent person among us didn't already know.

In the same way the subjects in scripture are hidden and not necessarily directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used as I showed you a hidden story within the story of Jesus turning water into wine, a revelation that conforms to reality without changing a single word and does not require the suspension of disbelief or an unsubstantiated belief in the supernatural.

As it pertains to Christianity where many people never think to include reality in their speculations scientific discoveries effectively refute the dogma of more than 32,000 denominations out of hand. I'll give you that.

But that only means that science has proven false what the stories were never about anyway.

Why not break out your microscope to look if there is anything hidden in the words used in scripture? Or a telescope to look if there is anything above the grasp of those who do not think very deeply?

Maybe then you will see something?
So what you're saying is that you agree that the bible is all made up. Good for you.
That's the first time I've seen a "religious" person grant mutual moral, and intellectual equivalency between the three little pigs, and biblical teaching. Refreshing. Clearly one is just as valid as the other...
Did I say that I live my life by the story of the three little pigs?
Did I say that you did?
Then why bring it up?
Why bring it up?

Because science is irrelevant when trying to discern the moral teaching of a fairy tale except as a constraint as to what is a possible or an impossible to be true interpretation. For instance it can be scientifically proven that pigs can't speak english but that doesn't make the story untrue. And do you really need a scientist to tell you that pigs can't talk?

The story was never about pigs talking or building houses. Science proving that pigs can't talk or build houses is science proving nothing that even the least intelligent person among us didn't already know.

In the same way the subjects in scripture are hidden and not necessarily directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used as I showed you a hidden story within the story of Jesus turning water into wine, a revelation that conforms to reality without changing a single word and does not require the suspension of disbelief or an unsubstantiated belief in the supernatural.

As it pertains to Christianity where many people never think to include reality in their speculations scientific discoveries effectively refute the dogma of more than 32,000 denominations out of hand. I'll give you that.

But that only means that science has proven false what the stories were never about anyway.

Why not break out your microscope to look if there is anything hidden in the words used in scripture? Or a telescope to look if there is anything above the grasp of those who do not think very deeply?

Maybe then you will see something?
So what you're saying is that you agree that the bible is all made up. Good for you.
That's the first time I've seen a "religious" person grant mutual moral, and intellectual equivalency between the three little pigs, and biblical teaching. Refreshing. Clearly one is just as valid as the other...
If that were the case you would be trying to subordinate the telling of the three little pigs.

Throughout our nation's history, churches have done what no government can ever do, namely teach morality and civility. Moral and civil individuals are largely governed by their own sense of right and wrong, and hence have little need for external government. This is the real reason the collectivist Left hates religion: Churches as institutions compete with the state for the people's allegiance, and many devout people put their faith in God before putting their faith in the state. Knowing this, the secularists wage an ongoing war against religion, chipping away bit by bit at our nation's Christian heritage.
Dr. Ron Paul
Did I say that you did?
Then why bring it up?
Why bring it up?

Because science is irrelevant when trying to discern the moral teaching of a fairy tale except as a constraint as to what is a possible or an impossible to be true interpretation. For instance it can be scientifically proven that pigs can't speak english but that doesn't make the story untrue. And do you really need a scientist to tell you that pigs can't talk?

The story was never about pigs talking or building houses. Science proving that pigs can't talk or build houses is science proving nothing that even the least intelligent person among us didn't already know.

In the same way the subjects in scripture are hidden and not necessarily directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used as I showed you a hidden story within the story of Jesus turning water into wine, a revelation that conforms to reality without changing a single word and does not require the suspension of disbelief or an unsubstantiated belief in the supernatural.

As it pertains to Christianity where many people never think to include reality in their speculations scientific discoveries effectively refute the dogma of more than 32,000 denominations out of hand. I'll give you that.

But that only means that science has proven false what the stories were never about anyway.

Why not break out your microscope to look if there is anything hidden in the words used in scripture? Or a telescope to look if there is anything above the grasp of those who do not think very deeply?

Maybe then you will see something?
So what you're saying is that you agree that the bible is all made up. Good for you.
That's the first time I've seen a "religious" person grant mutual moral, and intellectual equivalency between the three little pigs, and biblical teaching. Refreshing. Clearly one is just as valid as the other...
If that were the case you would be trying to subordinate the telling of the three little pigs.

Throughout our nation's history, churches have done what no government can ever do, namely teach morality and civility. Moral and civil individuals are largely governed by their own sense of right and wrong, and hence have little need for external government. This is the real reason the collectivist Left hates religion: Churches as institutions compete with the state for the people's allegiance, and many devout people put their faith in God before putting their faith in the state. Knowing this, the secularists wage an ongoing war against religion, chipping away bit by bit at our nation's Christian heritage.
Dr. Ron Paul
Churches, especially the mega-churches in the US, are all about greed (collection plate passed in front of everyone) and low morality (treating women and gays poorly), and just being a little bat-shit crazy in general.
Similarities between the NT and 3 little pigs;
both fiction.
both based on swine-The NT main character is written in Greek as IeSous(the swine).
Both main characters make bad Shepherds: the wolf eats his sheep and Jesus lead his flock to scatter and be slain.

None of the page numbers or chapters in both books correlate to future events to show they came from the
Olam Habah(world to come).

In both the Tanakh and even my book the page & authors name or chapters and verses correlate to days and months of their future events.
Tell me any other book that does that.
lol....What are the results from the scientific scrutiny of the story of the three pigs?

Has it been definitively and scientifically determined whether pigs ever spoke or built houses?

If they never did, then its all bunch of worthless human dung that should be tossed in a trashcan and burned..

Is that what you are saying?
Did I say that I live my life by the story of the three little pigs?
Did I say that you did?
Then why bring it up?
Why bring it up?

Because science is irrelevant when trying to discern the moral teaching of a fairy tale except as a constraint as to what is a possible or an impossible to be true interpretation. For instance it can be scientifically proven that pigs can't speak english but that doesn't make the story untrue. And do you really need a scientist to tell you that pigs can't talk?

The story was never about pigs talking or building houses. Science proving that pigs can't talk or build houses is science proving nothing that even the least intelligent person among us didn't already know.

In the same way the subjects in scripture are hidden and not necessarily directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used as I showed you a hidden story within the story of Jesus turning water into wine, a revelation that conforms to reality without changing a single word and does not require the suspension of disbelief or an unsubstantiated belief in the supernatural.

As it pertains to Christianity where many people never think to include reality in their speculations scientific discoveries effectively refute the dogma of more than 32,000 denominations out of hand. I'll give you that.

But that only means that science has proven false what the stories were never about anyway.

Why not break out your microscope to look if there is anything hidden in the words used in scripture? Or a telescope to look if there is anything above the grasp of those who do not think very deeply?

Maybe then you will see something?
So what you're saying is that you agree that the bible is all made up. Good for you.

What part of fairy tale did you not understand?

So let me ask you again, do you believe that made up stories written by mortal men that they attributed to a muse of sorts, what they called divine inspiration, are worthless human dung of no value that convey no hidden moral lessons, no clear timeless teaching, nothing relevant or applicable to life in this world, and are good for nothing other than the trash heap or to be used as fuel for a fire?
Reality is in the middle ground of both your arguments. Mudda says no value and you say lots of value, both are wrong, the answer is in the beginning in Genesis.
You are not to partake of the fruit(teaching) of the tree of knowledge that is both good and evil. The gardens 2 rivers form a cross(predated mark of death) representing the crossing of 2 faiths (thus cause death when you partake of this tree in the center that bares fruit both good and evil combined as one).
This existed in ancient Persia where Mithra and Zoroastrianism was born out of and spans into areas which the Babylonian mystery cults formed including Baal worship.
The NT mixes these problematic teachings born from the garden with the teachings of reason and righteousness which was at the center of Judaic philosophy.
So through the false prophet (serpent) offering these to the second bride (Eve) of MAN (Adam)you have the Torahs ethos mixed
with Mystery Babylon and pagan mythology and seed scams. It's as though you mix fresh clean water (good) with dirty sewage water(evil) and thinking you can nourish with the mixed water you are mistaken cause you will surely get ill and surely die.
So even if there is Torah mixed in the NT Hobelim, that only lures trust and faith into drinking toilet water- it looks fresh, but is deadly. And Mudda, just because the majority religion fell, doesn't mean that if you didn't use their precepts and mistaken definitions along with their followers, nor their poor interps, that you would not find value in the previous ideology they butchered and bastardized. Note it fooled everyone, even the elect, even the non believers.

Note: Cardinal Newman in his book admitted the borrowing of Babylonian and pagan religions.
The archeological finds like the Baal tablet prove this.
And John Apochryphon admits they borrowed from Zoroastrianism, which is where the first and last and ever after speach comes from.
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Did I say that I live my life by the story of the three little pigs?
Did I say that you did?
Then why bring it up?
Why bring it up?

Because science is irrelevant when trying to discern the moral teaching of a fairy tale except as a constraint as to what is a possible or an impossible to be true interpretation. For instance it can be scientifically proven that pigs can't speak english but that doesn't make the story untrue. And do you really need a scientist to tell you that pigs can't talk?

The story was never about pigs talking or building houses. Science proving that pigs can't talk or build houses is science proving nothing that even the least intelligent person among us didn't already know.

In the same way the subjects in scripture are hidden and not necessarily directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used as I showed you a hidden story within the story of Jesus turning water into wine, a revelation that conforms to reality without changing a single word and does not require the suspension of disbelief or an unsubstantiated belief in the supernatural.

As it pertains to Christianity where many people never think to include reality in their speculations scientific discoveries effectively refute the dogma of more than 32,000 denominations out of hand. I'll give you that.

But that only means that science has proven false what the stories were never about anyway.

Why not break out your microscope to look if there is anything hidden in the words used in scripture? Or a telescope to look if there is anything above the grasp of those who do not think very deeply?

Maybe then you will see something?
So what you're saying is that you agree that the bible is all made up. Good for you.

What part of fairy tale did you not understand?

So let me ask you again, do you believe that made up stories written by mortal men that they attributed to a muse of sorts, what they called divine inspiration, are worthless human dung of no value that convey no hidden moral lessons, no clear timeless teaching, nothing relevant or applicable to life in this world, and are good for nothing other than the trash heap or to be used as fuel for a fire?
Yes. The morals taught in the bible or most other religious books of fiction are an abomination and an insult to common decency.
Did I say that you did?
Then why bring it up?
Why bring it up?

Because science is irrelevant when trying to discern the moral teaching of a fairy tale except as a constraint as to what is a possible or an impossible to be true interpretation. For instance it can be scientifically proven that pigs can't speak english but that doesn't make the story untrue. And do you really need a scientist to tell you that pigs can't talk?

The story was never about pigs talking or building houses. Science proving that pigs can't talk or build houses is science proving nothing that even the least intelligent person among us didn't already know.

In the same way the subjects in scripture are hidden and not necessarily directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used as I showed you a hidden story within the story of Jesus turning water into wine, a revelation that conforms to reality without changing a single word and does not require the suspension of disbelief or an unsubstantiated belief in the supernatural.

As it pertains to Christianity where many people never think to include reality in their speculations scientific discoveries effectively refute the dogma of more than 32,000 denominations out of hand. I'll give you that.

But that only means that science has proven false what the stories were never about anyway.

Why not break out your microscope to look if there is anything hidden in the words used in scripture? Or a telescope to look if there is anything above the grasp of those who do not think very deeply?

Maybe then you will see something?
So what you're saying is that you agree that the bible is all made up. Good for you.

What part of fairy tale did you not understand?

So let me ask you again, do you believe that made up stories written by mortal men that they attributed to a muse of sorts, what they called divine inspiration, are worthless human dung of no value that convey no hidden moral lessons, no clear timeless teaching, nothing relevant or applicable to life in this world, and are good for nothing other than the trash heap or to be used as fuel for a fire?
Yes. The morals taught in the bible or most other religious books of fiction are an abomination and an insult to common decency.

I guess you could say that about little red riding hood because grandma got eaten alive by a wolf..or because what happened to the poor innocent little children when the people refused to pay the piper.

Grow up.

BTW, Even though it is adorable seeing you trying to take your first wobbly steps saying things like 'insult to common decency' really do have a very long way to go.

get on with it already.
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Then why bring it up?
Why bring it up?

Because science is irrelevant when trying to discern the moral teaching of a fairy tale except as a constraint as to what is a possible or an impossible to be true interpretation. For instance it can be scientifically proven that pigs can't speak english but that doesn't make the story untrue. And do you really need a scientist to tell you that pigs can't talk?

The story was never about pigs talking or building houses. Science proving that pigs can't talk or build houses is science proving nothing that even the least intelligent person among us didn't already know.

In the same way the subjects in scripture are hidden and not necessarily directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used as I showed you a hidden story within the story of Jesus turning water into wine, a revelation that conforms to reality without changing a single word and does not require the suspension of disbelief or an unsubstantiated belief in the supernatural.

As it pertains to Christianity where many people never think to include reality in their speculations scientific discoveries effectively refute the dogma of more than 32,000 denominations out of hand. I'll give you that.

But that only means that science has proven false what the stories were never about anyway.

Why not break out your microscope to look if there is anything hidden in the words used in scripture? Or a telescope to look if there is anything above the grasp of those who do not think very deeply?

Maybe then you will see something?
So what you're saying is that you agree that the bible is all made up. Good for you.

What part of fairy tale did you not understand?

So let me ask you again, do you believe that made up stories written by mortal men that they attributed to a muse of sorts, what they called divine inspiration, are worthless human dung of no value that convey no hidden moral lessons, no clear timeless teaching, nothing relevant or applicable to life in this world, and are good for nothing other than the trash heap or to be used as fuel for a fire?
Yes. The morals taught in the bible or most other religious books of fiction are an abomination and an insult to common decency.

I guess you could say that about little red riding hood because grandma got eaten alive by a wolf..or because what happened to the children when the people refused to pay the piper.

Grow up.

BTW, Even though it is adorable seeing you trying to take your first wobbly steps saying things like 'insult to common decency' really do have a very long way to go.

get on with it already.
Long way to go for what? Until I believe in nonsense like you do?
We are living in perilous times. In the days ahead we can either lean upon our own understanding (and fall) or trust in God no matter what may come (and stand). The greater our faith, the greater our peace in times of trouble. The greater our suffering, the bigger our faith grows, if we can only continue to trust in God and believe that God is in full control. There is no triumph without the trial. We have been called to be overcomers but there must be something to overcome. For every trial we overcome, our faith increases. For every cliff hanger moment when Satan whispers, "Where is your God now?"....... There it is God is watching to see the reflection of His only begotten Son in us. Our trials are gifts, promotions, compliments.. it is as if God is saying, I already know this one will pass the test even as my servant Job did. Do your worst Satan because at the end of this thing? My servant will still be standing on the Rock (Jesus Christ).

Here is Mrs. Cowman's March 7th Devotional:

For even when we came into Macedonia, our body had no rest at all, but we were troubled in every way – struggles from the outside, fears from within
(2 Cor 7:5).

Why should God have to lead us thus, and allow the pressure to be so hard and constant? Well, in the first place, it shows His all-sufficient strength and grace much better than if we were exempt from pressure and trial. “The treasure is in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.”

It makes us more conscious of our dependence upon Him. God is constantly trying to teach us our dependence, and to hold us absolutely in His hand and hanging upon His care.

This was the place where Jesus Himself stood and where He wants us to stand, not with self-constituted strength, but with a hand ever leaning upon His, and a trust that dare not take one step alone. It teaches us trust.

There is no way of learning faith except by trial. It is God’s school of faith, and it is far better for us to learn to trust God than to enjoy life.

The lesson of faith once learned, is an everlasting acquisition and an eternal fortune made; and without trust even riches will leave us poor.
—Days of Heaven upon Earth

“Why must I weep when others sing?
’To test the deeps of suffering.’
Why must I work while others rest?
’To spend my strength at God’s request.’
Why must I lose while others gain?
’To understand defeat’s sharp pain.’
Why must this lot of life be mine
When that which fairer seems is thine?
’Because God knows what plans for me
Shall blossom in eternity.’”

Streams in the Desert - March 7
Hey Jere, would you go to "google translate" and convert this from Russian to English?
Нет бога, кроме Бога. Мухаммад - посланник Бога

Thing is, all religion say they're the best, The One True Way, yadda yadda.

Remember that line from the Vietnam-era song '... nobody's right if everybody's wrong'.
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