Your Horror Stories Of Obama's First 100 Days. It Wasn't Exactly 1985 or 2005, Was It?

i delivered a lot of unemployment checks during Obamas first term....more than i have ever seen.....and many of them were engineers....but it eventually got better....
and how many jobs were lost in the first three months of Obama, then followed by the Obama Stock Market Crash?
:crybaby: Please fill us in on what was happening where you lived{and maybe still live there} in 2009.
All I can remember was seeing most of our local small businesses shutting down, maybe at a rate of one a week {aside from other small businesses throughout Naples, Florida}.
And here we are comparing Trumps first 100 days to Obama? 2009 was the saddest year of our lives,,and thanks to the Democrats !!!
But now,,Naples is on the boom,,,and all thanks to Donald Q. Trump !!!:woohoo:
You do realize that when Obama took office in 2009, the Bush administration left him with the worst recession since the great depression.
Obama's 797 billion dollar stimulus package passed both houses in 60 days.
He issued 17 Executive Orders (none nullified by the courts) in the first 100 days
Announced a 50,000 troop pullout in Iraq
At the end of Obama's first hundred days, 65% of Americans approved of how Obama was doing and 29% disapproved.

In Trump's first hundred days, there has been no significant legislation passed. In the 60 promises candidate Trump made in his self-proclaimed “contract” with Americans, he has kept five, broken five, and taken no action on 34 others. In other words, that “contract” has roughly the same value as a diploma from Trump University. However, he has done something. He holds the record for the most executive orders nullified by the courts at this point in his presidency because they were illegal or unconstitutional. Relations with Russian have reached and all time low. His bombastic rhetoric has brought the US to a point of war with North Korea. And his presidential approval ratings are the lowest of any president at the end of their first 100 days.

Now the honeymoon is over, I can hardly wait to see the next 100 days.
I recall 2009 as an excellent time to invest. Right around this time of year we bought our 3rd house which doubled the amount we had invested in real estate. It worked out great for us and our kids.
:crybaby: Please fill us in on what was happening where you lived{and maybe still live there} in 2009.
All I can remember was seeing most of our local small businesses shutting down, maybe at a rate of one a week {aside from other small businesses throughout Naples, Florida}.
And here we are comparing Trumps first 100 days to Obama? 2009 was the saddest year of our lives,,and thanks to the Democrats !!!
But now,,Naples is on the boom,,,and all thanks to Donald Q. Trump !!!:woohoo:

Thank god for guns, lawyers and pain " clinics".
:crybaby: Please fill us in on what was happening where you lived{and maybe still live there} in 2009.
All I can remember was seeing most of our local small businesses shutting down, maybe at a rate of one a week {aside from other small businesses throughout Naples, Florida}.
And here we are comparing Trumps first 100 days to Obama? 2009 was the saddest year of our lives,,and thanks to the Democrats !!!
But now,,Naples is on the boom,,,and all thanks to Donald Q. Trump !!!:woohoo:

Jobs started disappearing. Service jobs, like those at resorts, quickly vanished after Obama badmouthed some corporations for planning annual events for employees and clients. Even though the trips had been planned and paid for almost a year prior, those who were being bailed out were chastised. Many companies, even those not receiving bailout money, cancelled trips out of fear of being ridiculed.

ACORN was organizing bus trips to harass CEOs and drove busloads of angry people through the wealthy neighborhoods so families no longer felt safe.

Obama came in bitching about the wealthy, who he felt had already made enough money and then started his apology tour. He almost immediately turned on allies and embraced our enemies.

So much bullshit and yet all that vitriol made MO proud of this country for the first time.
President Obama stopped a Depression in his first 100 days

Trump played a lot of golf

President Obama stopped a Depression in his first 100 days

That's awesome!!

How did he do it? Be specific.

Why thanks for asking

The stock market was in a panic and had dropped 6000 points, banks were failing, auto industry was on the ropes
Obama assured investors that the U.S. Government would stand behind the banks. Stimulus would put $700 billion INTO the economy when everyone else was bailing
The stock market slide stopped and investors starting investing back into the market, employers stopped laying off workers

He saved millions of auto industry jobs, all across the country and, actually, around the world.

Easily the best prez in modern times and honest, none of the scandals we get with Rs. And Wowsa, trump will be the most corrupt in our history. Nixon and Reagan were amateurs compared with trump.

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ILMAO........The auto industry bailouts began under Bush and Obama led by example. So I guess Bush is your greatest modern day POUS, you just didn't know it. No need to thank me, and I'm sure Bush would appreciate your devotion.

The DOW hit its lowest point on Obama's watch. That would be March 2009, but nice try anyway. Granted we tanked. History and logic say there's no where but up. Yet we under-performed because of an inept government. We really didn't see any improvement until the Dems lost the house.
Service jobs, like those at resorts, quickly vanished after Obama badmouthed some corporations for planning annual events for employees and clients. Even though the trips had been planned and paid for almost a year prior, those who were being bailed out were chastised. Many companies, even those not receiving bailout money, cancelled trips out of fear of being ridiculed.

Out of curiosity, how many companies canceled their retreats without receiving bailout money as result of Obama? I am sorry, you deserve all the criticism you receive if you go to Congress on a Monday with your pockets turned out and then head to Vegas on Friday for a luxury retreat. It's really shitty optics.
Service jobs, like those at resorts, quickly vanished after Obama badmouthed some corporations for planning annual events for employees and clients. Even though the trips had been planned and paid for almost a year prior, those who were being bailed out were chastised. Many companies, even those not receiving bailout money, cancelled trips out of fear of being ridiculed.

Out of curiosity, how many companies canceled their retreats without receiving bailout money as result of Obama? I am sorry, you deserve all the criticism you receive if you go to Congress on a Monday with your pockets turned out and then head to Vegas on Friday for a luxury retreat. It's really shitty optics.

Many of the companies made it clear that the annual events had been planned and paid for up to a year in advance. I doubt they got a full refund so it was not only money lost but it also hurt some resorts who couldn't keep all their employees on the payroll.

I didn't agree with the bail outs for AIG and other 'too big to fail' companies. Many did pay the money back but not all of them.

Obama's attack on them hurt the small businesses who provided services to the big companies. Even companies who hadn't taken any bail out money cancelled their events.

Obama kept saying that people made enough money at some point and that the money should be returned to it's rightful owners. It was all bullshit meant to appease their base but was nothing but meaningless rhetoric. When GM became government motors, many dealerships across the country were closed. Some that got the axe were actually doing very well while others who were doing poorly were kept alive. It seemed like those owned by minorities were bailed out even though it was likely they'd fail because they weren't selling cars for years before that. It was nothing but appeasement for the Dem base and not a sound plan to help the economy.

From the start, Obama wanted to interfere in the private sector, part of the fundamental change he wanted. It was clear he intended to tear the country down so he could rebuild it to mirror the socialist countries he admires so much.
President Obama stopped a Depression in his first 100 days

Trump played a lot of golf
He did nothing of the sort. He turned a recession into a depression. Recessions cure themselves. They don't require government input.
President Obama stopped a Depression in his first 100 days

Trump played a lot of golf
He did nothing of the sort. He turned a recession into a depression. Recessions cure themselves. They don't require government input.
Obama's priority of the first 100 days was to make the middle class suffer as much as possible because they were all racists.
Dem's in congress were asking, where's Obama. :laugh:
and remember later on in the 8 year Obama Depression when gas was around $4.00 a gallon? Obama had no concern,,,playing golf was more important than helping the poor/middle class pay for gas.
President Obama stopped a Depression in his first 100 days

Trump played a lot of golf
He did nothing of the sort. He turned a recession into a depression. Recessions cure themselves. They don't require government input.
Obama's priority of the first 100 days was to make the middle class suffer as much as possible because they were all racists.
Obama stopped a depression in his first 100 days....Trump played golf
why do democrats keep bringing up the first 2000 days? we are discussing the first 100 days when Obama Going on vacation was more important than helping the middle class.
and when you think of all the billions spent on solar panel research/development/soylndra/batteries for electric cars,,,etc etc etc. well? did Obama create 20 Million jobs from that investment?
:crybaby: Please fill us in on what was happening where you lived{and maybe still live there} in 2009.
All I can remember was seeing most of our local small businesses shutting down, maybe at a rate of one a week {aside from other small businesses throughout Naples, Florida}.
And here we are comparing Trumps first 100 days to Obama? 2009 was the saddest year of our lives,,and thanks to the Democrats !!!
But now,,Naples is on the boom,,,and all thanks to Donald Q. Trump !!!:woohoo:
More small business was shut down during the Obama years than any other president…

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