"Your Husband is the Worst President We Ever Had"

He most certainly wasn’t the best communicator we have ever seen, however, regardless, the vast majority of his policies were spot on. That is what matters most to those of us who have emotionally matured past 6th grade, unfortunately, the vast majority of Democrats can’t make that claim.
Fuck, I swear the left and right are living proof why I support abortion including late stages in life…

Trump is a pathetic conman that used fifteen minutes clips and WWE style talking to get his base to follow him, so do you truly want to compare your support of Trump to the mental midget side of the Democrats because if you do then let just say pot you are black as hell!

Fact is neither side should be proud but alas partisan whores are blinded by their stupidity!
"Thank you for your support" was a stupid comeback.

If someone hit that bitch in the face with a shaving cream pie, would she say "Thank you for the shaving cream pie"?
She just might…

Her comment is classic from the region and she was just mocking the person in her own way…

I do this by saying Thank You to those insulting me…
He most certainly wasn’t the best communicator we have ever seen, however, regardless, the vast majority of his policies were spot on. That is what matters most to those of us who have emotionally matured past 6th grade, unfortunately, the vast majority of Democrats can’t make that claim.
She's in honorable. There isn't any doubt she is a woman.
She is the worst kind of woman. A gold-digging psychotic shrew that would impoverish the entire population to achieve power, prestige and royalty like living. In this modern age, there is no reason for a wife to convince her husband not to run for his personal medical issues. She knew. As did many political pundits, politicians and elitists. And more than that, so did many voters. Jill is not even political that much. Which to me is hands off. But the evidence is there.
Trump is a pathetic conman that used fifteen minutes clips and WWE style talking to get his base to follow him, so do you truly want to compare your support of Trump
We support him for his boldness and all he accomplished. He was the best president of my lifetime. You only hate him because you hate his personality
We support him for his boldness and all he accomplished. He was the best president of my lifetime. You only hate him because you hate his personality

In all fairness, I think President Biden deserves some credit for his accomplishments too.

Gasoline rising to twice the price it was during 2018, a 9.1% inflation rate which is almost 5 times higher than it was in 2019, a recession, and retirement accounts lost $3 trillion dollars just over the last year. The price of oil jumping up to $130 per barrel, having to beg Saudi Arabia and Venezuela for oil while draining our own strategic reserves, sporadic shortages on the store shelves, supply line disruptions, a steadily-increasing trade imbalance with China, an spiraling epidemic of violent crime and drugs, 4 million more illegals within the last two years, more COVID deaths than in 2020, a dishonorable withdrawal from Afghanistan that cost 13 American soldiers their lives, a weakened military, Iran's nuclear program having enough nuclear material to build a bomb, a revitalized Russian oil industry, a major war in Europe that could even go nuclear, and a bumbling, shuffling leader who can't even read a teleprompter without screwing up.

It takes a special kind of person to screw things up that bad. There should be some kind of medal or award.
He most certainly wasn’t the best communicator we have ever seen, however, regardless, the vast majority of his policies were spot on. That is what matters most to those of us who have emotionally matured past 6th grade, unfortunately, the vast majority of Democrats can’t make that claim.
You're crazy.

Trump had to bail out US farmers because of his stupid Chinese tariffs, only $48 billion, wasted.
Trump renegotiating a China trade deal, that INCREASED trade with them by $200 billion a year?
Trump claimed he would bring manufacturing back to the US................................. never happened.

Trump claimed he would get rid of the debt in 8 years, instead he increased it by $7 trillion.
Trump's tax cuts were a disaster.
Instead of creating jobs, they bought their own stock back.

Trump reaction to covid was the worst in the world.

"I'll be the greatest jobs president that God ever created."
Trump lowered the unemployment rate by one percentage point.
Trump scorned our allies and celebrated our enemies.

By far, the worst president since Reagan.
Easily the most corrupt.
Jill shouts back, "thank you for your support"

It's just time to resign or be 25thed

What a lack of manners of this crying gnome. Such scenes remember me always to our old chancellor Helmut Kohl. Someone threw a tomato at him and some seconds later his bodyguards had to defend this tomato throwing idiot because he was attacked from a 2.2 yard tall German "sumo"-chancellor with about 250 pounds live weight.

She reacted by the way very wise. A wonderful woman.
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Funny how you put all the blame on the Republicans while Democrats have controlled the House and Senate a few times in these last forty years and show me where the fuck I wrote I was a proud Republican or is this another one of your delusional responses because you are a butt hurt Whore in China moment again?

I wrote in my response to your illiterate friend that Republicans ain’t any better and there is nothing to be proud of but alas you are one retarded bitch that believe Democrats have saved the World from Brain ( Pinky and the Brain ) while ignoring Democrats have caused as much damage over the same period of time!

So bitch it is your turn to show where I have ever written I am a proud Republican and when you can not then fuck you and learn to read you ignorant Whore!

Misogynistic, Republican, and with no knowledge of the economy. The perfect Republican - an rude asshole who thinks his shit doesn't stink.

Ronald Reagan changed the tax code and the economy in 1981. By the end of his second term, Reagan knew his tax cuts were a mistake and raised a lot of other taxes to make up for the loss of income, but he tried to retain as much of his income tax cuts as possible. W and Trump both cut the federal income taxes and both cuts resulted in a crashed economy.

Reagan's tax cuts, and his destruction of the union movement, resulted in stagnating wages for working Americans. The union movement built the American middle class and working Americans have fared very poorly without their unions.

Until the tax code is rewritten, the Republican tax code continues to reward the rich, and punish the poor.
Misogynistic, Republican, and with no knowledge of the economy. The perfect Republican - an rude asshole who thinks his shit doesn't stink.

Ronald Reagan changed the tax code and the economy in 1981. By the end of his second term, Reagan knew his tax cuts were a mistake and raised a lot of other taxes to make up for the loss of income, but he tried to retain as much of his income tax cuts as possible. W and Trump both cut the federal income taxes and both cuts resulted in a crashed economy.

Reagan's tax cuts, and his destruction of the union movement, resulted in stagnating wages for working Americans. The union movement built the American middle class and working Americans have fared very poorly without their unions.

Until the tax code is rewritten, the Republican tax code continues to reward the rich, and punish the poor.
Now I am going to bitch slap you because Reagan couldn’t do shit without the House and Senate Approval, and who the fuck was the Speaker of the House during Regan time and who was the Senate Majority Leader at the time?

You simple minded monkey believe the President can change the Tax Code on their own and you want to insult me you spineless piece of trash?

You have no fucking clue who I vote for but one damn thing is for sure it wasn’t for the Republican in the last two fucking elections!

Now as you sit there denying the Democrats involvement let me remind you the Democrats held the House during Reagan time, so the God Damn Speaker of the House was a fucking Democrat that passed those Tax cuts for Reagan but alas you forget this because in China they don’t teach you the truth and all you get is Worthless Propaganda!

Do you even know how the U.S. Government works and how bills are passed and signed into law?

FYI you clueless moron Tip O’Neil was the Speaker of the House during Reagan years and he was a damn Democrat!

Baker was the Senate Leader for six of eight years during Reagan two terms and he was Republican and your racist hero Byrd was the Senate Majority Leader the last two years of Reagan two terms, so again tell me how Democrats were not involved?

I bet you will never respond because a mindless drone like yourself will demand all history to be erased after you discover you are the dumbest fucking piece of shit on this fucking board!

Another Dulles moment for you loser!
People who mindlessly blame anything bad happening on Biden, need to consistently blame Trump for Covid or stfu.

Imagine having even an ounce of consistency?
Misogynistic, Republican, and with no knowledge of the economy. The perfect Republican - an rude asshole who thinks his shit doesn't stink.

Ronald Reagan changed the tax code and the economy in 1981. By the end of his second term, Reagan knew his tax cuts were a mistake and raised a lot of other taxes to make up for the loss of income, but he tried to retain as much of his income tax cuts as possible. W and Trump both cut the federal income taxes and both cuts resulted in a crashed economy.

Reagan's tax cuts, and his destruction of the union movement, resulted in stagnating wages for working Americans. The union movement built the American middle class and working Americans have fared very poorly without their unions.

Until the tax code is rewritten, the Republican tax code continues to reward the rich, and punish the poor.
An example...Ford Pinto...Chevy Vega. The greedy auto unions combined with the OPEC oil crisis showed us the Asians make better vehicles.
Seeing Covid came from China ( You know your mother country ) the blame is on them but alas you will never blame them while you blame the man that rapes your mind daily…

Oh I know you will have 20 rationalizations why it's not Trump's fault and 20 fabrications why the Covid economic distortions that we are dealing with now are Biden's

It's just what you politico tools do.

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