"Your Husband is the Worst President We Ever Had"

Oh I know you will have 20 rationalizations why it's not Trump's fault and 20 fabrications why the Covid economic distortions that we are dealing with now are Biden's

It's just what you politico tools do.
Show where I wrote any of those reasons about Biden and when you can’t what will be your next lie you partisan hack?

What country did the virus originated in?

Was it China ( your home country ) or the U.S.?

What country arrested Doctors for informing the World about the virus?

Was it China or the U.S.?

What Country failed to inform the WHO and even lied to the WHO about Covid and the dangers of the Virus?

Was it China or the U.S.?

Now if you write the U.S. then who is the good wittle Chinese Whore?
You're crazy.

Trump had to bail out US farmers because of his stupid Chinese tariffs, only $48 billion, wasted.
Trump renegotiating a China trade deal, that INCREASED trade with them by $200 billion a year?
Trump claimed he would bring manufacturing back to the US................................. never happened.

Trump claimed he would get rid of the debt in 8 years, instead he increased it by $7 trillion.
Trump's tax cuts were a disaster.
Instead of creating jobs, they bought their own stock back.

Trump reaction to covid was the worst in the world.

"I'll be the greatest jobs president that God ever created."
Trump lowered the unemployment rate by one percentage point.
Trump scorned our allies and celebrated our enemies.

By far, the worst president since Reagan.
Easily the most corrupt.

Trump really hurt the South Carolina soybean farmers.. Brazil got that business.
Now I am going to bitch slap you because Reagan couldn’t do shit without the House and Senate Approval, and who the fuck was the Speaker of the House during Regan time and who was the Senate Majority Leader at the time?

You simple minded monkey believe the President can change the Tax Code on their own and you want to insult me you spineless piece of trash?

You have no fucking clue who I vote for but one damn thing is for sure it wasn’t for the Republican in the last two fucking elections!

Now as you sit there denying the Democrats involvement let me remind you the Democrats held the House during Reagan time, so the God Damn Speaker of the House was a fucking Democrat that passed those Tax cuts for Reagan but alas you forget this because in China they don’t teach you the truth and all you get is Worthless Propaganda!

Do you even know how the U.S. Government works and how bills are passed and signed into law?

FYI you clueless moron Tip O’Neil was the Speaker of the House during Reagan years and he was a damn Democrat!

Baker was the Senate Leader for six of eight years during Reagan two terms and he was Republican and your racist hero Byrd was the Senate Majority Leader the last two years of Reagan two terms, so again tell me how Democrats were not involved?

I bet you will never respond because a mindless drone like yourself will demand all history to be erased after you discover you are the dumbest fucking piece of shit on this fucking board!

Another Dulles moment for you loser!

Here we go. It's the Democrats fault. If some Democrats voted for a Republican policy, you blame the Democrats - like the Iraq War. Hillary voted for it. It's the Democrats' fault.

You seem to think that the job of Democrats is to block everything that Republicans try to do which is a fallacy. Republicans were elected, and it is beholding on the party which doesn't hold power, to work with the majority to ensure the best legislation possible, not to prevent the winning party from enacting their agenda.

And like all Republicans, your only response is not to defend failed Republican policies, but to attack and blame Democrats for your failed Republican policies. 40 years after Reagan changed the tax code to reward the wealthy, these are the indicators of Republican policy failure:

1. Your poverty rates are the highest in the G7.

2. The wage and wealth gap between rich and poor is the largest in the G7.

3. Your economy has crashed 3 times in the past 40 years - after each of the Republican tax cuts. Each economic crash has benefitted the wealthy, and further impoverished working and low income Americans.

4. Republicans cut and spend, running up the deficit, and spending money they don't have in the belief that "tax cuts pay for themselves". The data simply doesn't back up these assertion:

3. 40 years of refusal by Republicans to maintain infrastructure investment has left your roads full of potholes and your bridges crumbling and dangerous. Republicans believe that the private sector does it better and cheaper, but the private sector has failed your infrastructure needs.

Power grids in California and Texas are old, running badly, and completely inadequate to these states' needs. Privately owned power companies have consistently refused to upgrade or improve their systems, content to collect revenues and give it to shareholders. Aging power equipment in California has been blamed for a number of major wild fires in recent years.

4. Every aspect of the US economy performs better under Democratic Presidents than Republicans - better job creation, higher wages for workers, the stock market, GDP, health care. Democrats get things done for PEOPLE, not just the wealthy. Republicans have convinced American voters that they're better for the economy, but the numbers show that this is not true.

Show where I wrote any of those reasons about Biden and when you can’t what will be your next lie you partisan hack?

What country did the virus originated in?

Was it China ( your home country ) or the U.S.?

What country arrested Doctors for informing the World about the virus?

Was it China or the U.S.?

What Country failed to inform the WHO and even lied to the WHO about Covid and the dangers of the Virus?

Was it China or the U.S.?

Now if you write the U.S. then who is the good wittle Chinese Whore?

You seem to be obsessed with calling other people "whores". The insults you fling at people you don't even know, are a reflection your own insecurities and self-loathing. Like Donald Trump calling Hillary Clinton "Crooked Hillary".

The rest of your diabtribe triess to blame China for covid. China has NOTHING to do with the failure of Donald Trump and the Republican Party, to properly prepare and protect the nation from a worldwide pandemic. It wasn't the decisions made by the Chinese that resulted in the USA having the highest rates of disease and death in the world.

Because of the abject failure of Americans to contain or control the virus, the USA is now responsible for the continuing spread of multiple variants around the world. Because Americans chose to let the virus run free throughout the country, the virus has had more the 92 million opportunities in the USA to replicate and mutate.

The USA is now fully responsible for the continuing and ongoing pandemic, within their borders.
Show where I wrote any of those reasons about Biden and when you can’t what will be your next lie you partisan hack?

What country did the virus originated in?

Was it China ( your home country ) or the U.S.?

What country arrested Doctors for informing the World about the virus?

Was it China or the U.S.?

What Country failed to inform the WHO and even lied to the WHO about Covid and the dangers of the Virus?

Was it China or the U.S.?

Now if you write the U.S. then who is the good wittle Chinese Whore?

So you don't blame Biden for "current mess"?
Here we go. It's the Democrats fault. If some Democrats voted for a Republican policy, you blame the Democrats - like the Iraq War. Hillary voted for it. It's the Democrats' fault.

You seem to think that the job of Democrats is to block everything that Republicans try to do which is a fallacy. Republicans were elected, and it is beholding on the party which doesn't hold power, to work with the majority to ensure the best legislation possible, not to prevent the winning party from enacting their agenda.

And like all Republicans, your only response is not to defend failed Republican policies, but to attack and blame Democrats for your failed Republican policies. 40 years after Reagan changed the tax code to reward the wealthy, these are the indicators of Republican policy failure:

1. Your poverty rates are the highest in the G7.

2. The wage and wealth gap between rich and poor is the largest in the G7.

3. Your economy has crashed 3 times in the past 40 years - after each of the Republican tax cuts. Each economic crash has benefitted the wealthy, and further impoverished working and low income Americans.

4. Republicans cut and spend, running up the deficit, and spending money they don't have in the belief that "tax cuts pay for themselves". The data simply doesn't back up these assertion:

3. 40 years of refusal by Republicans to maintain infrastructure investment has left your roads full of potholes and your bridges crumbling and dangerous. Republicans believe that the private sector does it better and cheaper, but the private sector has failed your infrastructure needs.

Power grids in California and Texas are old, running badly, and completely inadequate to these states' needs. Privately owned power companies have consistently refused to upgrade or improve their systems, content to collect revenues and give it to shareholders. Aging power equipment in California has been blamed for a number of major wild fires in recent years.

4. Every aspect of the US economy performs better under Democratic Presidents than Republicans - better job creation, higher wages for workers, the stock market, GDP, health care. Democrats get things done for PEOPLE, not just the wealthy. Republicans have convinced American voters that they're better for the economy, but the numbers show that this is not true.

Again, you fucking mentioned Reagan and when I provided facts to show how fucking stupid you are you then go into a rant about how it isn’t the Democrats fault even if they shared power!

I swear you are fucking retarded!

First off forty years ago Tip O’Neil was the Speaker of the House and he was Democrat, so any Bill passed by the House and was sent to the Senate to be passed was passed with his blessing, so guess what Democrats own those Reagan Tax Cuts along with the Republicans seeing they controlled the House back then!

Do you even know how Bills are passed?

Also Texas and California can do their own infrastructure if they deem it is needed and can bypass the Federal Government except on Federal Roads and Projects, so again let focus who is to blame for Texas power issues?

Yep, the Republicans of that state but I bet the moment I pivot and put blame on the Democrats in California you will then scream “ you only blame Democrats “, and again another Dulles moment for you!

Democrats and Republicans caused this mess and the 2020 collapse was because of China not containing their virus which caused the entire World to suffer and yet you still blame Republicans for what your country did!

Another Dulles moment by you!

So yes when the Speaker of the House hands a Bill to the Senate that causes harm years later and he was a Democrat then yes he is to blame along with Reagan but the Buck stops with Republicans in your book but doesn’t stop at a Democrat.

Also Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid controlled the House and Senate in Bush last two years when the 2007 crash happened, so it happened on their watch and hold blame for their voting record and policies that lead up to that crash along with Bush, but you will say no they can’t be held real because they are Democrats.

The bubble was because of bills passed during the Clinton years and other issues from Bush era but you will proclaim that any mistake Democrats made is not their fault as usual!

So do you understand without Tip O’Neil blessing during Reagan years those Tax Cuts would have never happened?
You seem to be obsessed with calling other people "whores". The insults you fling at people you don't even know, are a reflection your own insecurities and self-loathing. Like Donald Trump calling Hillary Clinton "Crooked Hillary".

The rest of your diabtribe triess to blame China for covid. China has NOTHING to do with the failure of Donald Trump and the Republican Party, to properly prepare and protect the nation from a worldwide pandemic. It wasn't the decisions made by the Chinese that resulted in the USA having the highest rates of disease and death in the world.

Because of the abject failure of Americans to contain or control the virus, the USA is now responsible for the continuing spread of multiple variants around the world. Because Americans chose to let the virus run free throughout the country, the virus has had more the 92 million opportunities in the USA to replicate and mutate.

The USA is now fully responsible for the continuing and ongoing pandemic, within their borders.

It is Trump fault that China lied to the World and didn’t contain the virus!

Also Nancy Pelosi was the Speaker of the House when the virus came in at Washington State back in January 2020, and at that time she felt the ex-President was being too harsh and felt it was a overreaction based on racism, so let me ask you how do you feel about Pelosi stupidity back then and her willingness to use the virus as a weapon like Trump did that caused so many deaths?

Also State Governor’s are responsible for what goes on within their borders, so Texas, California and New York own their death rates and notice I listed Texas and unlike you I hold everyone accountable for their damn failure!
Again, you fucking mentioned Reagan and when I provided facts to show how fucking stupid you are you then go into a rant about how it isn’t the Democrats fault even if they shared power!

I swear you are fucking retarded!

First off forty years ago Tip O’Neil was the Speaker of the House and he was Democrat, so any Bill passed by the House and was sent to the Senate to be passed was passed with his blessing, so guess what Democrats own those Reagan Tax Cuts along with the Republicans seeing they controlled the House back then!

Do you even know how Bills are passed?

Also Texas and California can do their own infrastructure if they deem it is needed and can bypass the Federal Government except on Federal Roads and Projects, so again let focus who is to blame for Texas power issues?

Yep, the Republicans of that state but I bet the moment I pivot and put blame on the Democrats in California you will then scream “ you only blame Democrats “, and again another Dulles moment for you!

Democrats and Republicans caused this mess and the 2020 collapse was because of China not containing their virus which caused the entire World to suffer and yet you still blame Republicans for what your country did!

Another Dulles moment by you!

So yes when the Speaker of the House hands a Bill to the Senate that causes harm years later and he was a Democrat then yes he is to blame along with Reagan but the Buck stops with Republicans in your book but doesn’t stop at a Democrat.

Also Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid controlled the House and Senate in Bush last two years when the 2007 crash happened, so it happened on their watch and hold blame for their voting record and policies that lead up to that crash along with Bush, but you will say no they can’t be held real because they are Democrats.

The bubble was because of bills passed during the Clinton years and other issues from Bush era but you will proclaim that any mistake Democrats made is not their fault as usual!

So do you understand without Tip O’Neil blessing during Reagan years those Tax Cuts would have never happened?

You really are too stupid to be one person.

Once again, you blame Democrats for Republican Policy initiatives because Democrats respected the will of the people and worked with the Republican President, not against him.


You seem to be obsessed with calling other people "whores". The insults you fling at people you don't even know, are a reflection your own insecurities and self-loathing. Like Donald Trump calling Hillary Clinton "Crooked Hillary".

The rest of your diabtribe triess to blame China for covid. China has NOTHING to do with the failure of Donald Trump and the Republican Party, to properly prepare and protect the nation from a worldwide pandemic. It wasn't the decisions made by the Chinese that resulted in the USA having the highest rates of disease and death in the world.

Because of the abject failure of Americans to contain or control the virus, the USA is now responsible for the continuing spread of multiple variants around the world. Because Americans chose to let the virus run free throughout the country, the virus has had more the 92 million opportunities in the USA to replicate and mutate.

The USA is now fully responsible for the continuing and ongoing pandemic, within their borders.
Also seeing Biden has been President since January of 2021 and the Pandemic is still an issue in China can we blame Biden for China failure to contain their virus or will you blame Trump who is no longer President?

Maybe we can blame Bush or Reagan or maybe you for your government failure?

Another fine Dulles moment by the Partisan Whore of a Monkey in China that goes by Dragonlady!

Here we go. It's the Democrats fault. If some Democrats voted for a Republican policy, you blame the Democrats - like the Iraq War. Hillary voted for it. It's the Democrats' fault.

You seem to think that the job of Democrats is to block everything that Republicans try to do which is a fallacy. Republicans were elected, and it is beholding on the party which doesn't hold power, to work with the majority to ensure the best legislation possible, not to prevent the winning party from enacting their agenda.

And like all Republicans, your only response is not to defend failed Republican policies, but to attack and blame Democrats for your failed Republican policies. 40 years after Reagan changed the tax code to reward the wealthy, these are the indicators of Republican policy failure:

1. Your poverty rates are the highest in the G7.

2. The wage and wealth gap between rich and poor is the largest in the G7.

3. Your economy has crashed 3 times in the past 40 years - after each of the Republican tax cuts. Each economic crash has benefitted the wealthy, and further impoverished working and low income Americans.

4. Republicans cut and spend, running up the deficit, and spending money they don't have in the belief that "tax cuts pay for themselves". The data simply doesn't back up these assertion:

3. 40 years of refusal by Republicans to maintain infrastructure investment has left your roads full of potholes and your bridges crumbling and dangerous. Republicans believe that the private sector does it better and cheaper, but the private sector has failed your infrastructure needs.

Power grids in California and Texas are old, running badly, and completely inadequate to these states' needs. Privately owned power companies have consistently refused to upgrade or improve their systems, content to collect revenues and give it to shareholders. Aging power equipment in California has been blamed for a number of major wild fires in recent years.

4. Every aspect of the US economy performs better under Democratic Presidents than Republicans - better job creation, higher wages for workers, the stock market, GDP, health care. Democrats get things done for PEOPLE, not just the wealthy. Republicans have convinced American voters that they're better for the economy, but the numbers show that this is not true.

Also to add what you forgot to factor in that you are giving Biden credit for is that the U.S. Largest State Economy didn’t really reopen until Biden was President and California generated the boom along with Texas and not Democrats on the Federal Level!
You really are too stupid to be one person.

Once again, you blame Democrats for Republican Policy initiatives because Democrats respected the will of the people and worked with the Republican President, not against him.


Holy shit and you call me stupid!

You are just making excuses for Tip O’Neil failure to stop Reagan!

It is Trump fault that China lied to the World and didn’t contain the virus!

Also Nancy Pelosi was the Speaker of the House when the virus came in at Washington State back in January 2020, and at that time she felt the ex-President was being too harsh and felt it was a overreaction based on racism, so let me ask you how do you feel about Pelosi stupidity back then and her willingness to use the virus as a weapon like Trump did that caused so many deaths?

Also State Governor’s are responsible for what goes on within their borders, so Texas, California and New York own their death rates and notice I listed Texas and unlike you I hold everyone accountable for their damn failure!

It's Donald Trump's fault that HE lied to the AMERICAN PEOPLE, and didn't contain the virus.
Holy shit and you call me stupid!

You are just making excuses for Tip O’Neil failure to stop Reagan!


You keep repeating and proving your stupidity with every post you make.
So why the hell are you replying to my point about those that blame Biden for anything bad happening?
Because you had more than that and told every to shut the fuck up when it isn’t your right, so don’t tell other posters what they can or can not write because you hold no authority to do so.

Also you made a fucking false claim against me and have yet to supply where I wrote anything that you stated and the reason why is because you can’t support your opinion of me.

Fact is China is to blame for China failure and decades of bad policy making caused this issues and both political parties own this mess and not just one!
Because you had more than that

Nope! No I didn't.

Here it is again: IF you brainlessly blame Biden for whatever happens while he is in office, then have the consistency to apply the same standard to Trump.

You posting as if I'm blaming Trump for Covid means you either can't read or can't understand what you are reading. Stop wasting my time.
Now I am going to bitch slap you because Reagan couldn’t do shit without the House and Senate Approval, and who the fuck was the Speaker of the House during Regan time and who was the Senate Majority Leader at the time?

You simple minded monkey believe the President can change the Tax Code on their own and you want to insult me you spineless piece of trash?

You have no fucking clue who I vote for but one damn thing is for sure it wasn’t for the Republican in the last two fucking elections!

Now as you sit there denying the Democrats involvement let me remind you the Democrats held the House during Reagan time, so the God Damn Speaker of the House was a fucking Democrat that passed those Tax cuts for Reagan but alas you forget this because in China they don’t teach you the truth and all you get is Worthless Propaganda!
So, republicans make and introduce a bill.

Representative Jack Kemp and Senator William Roth, both Republicans.

The Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 (ERTA), or Kemp–Roth Tax Cut, was an Act that introduced a major tax cut, which was designed to encourage economic growth. The federal law enacted by the 97th US Congress and signed into law by US President Ronald Reagan.

Reagan signs it, and you blame democrats?
Do you even know how the U.S. Government works and how bills are passed and signed into law?

FYI you clueless moron Tip O’Neil was the Speaker of the House during Reagan years and he was a damn Democrat!

Baker was the Senate Leader for six of eight years during Reagan two terms and he was Republican and your racist hero Byrd was the Senate Majority Leader the last two years of Reagan two terms, so again tell me how Democrats were not involved?
They didn't create the bill, republicans did.
I bet you will never respond because a mindless drone like yourself will demand all history to be erased after you discover you are the dumbest fucking piece of shit on this fucking board!
Just like the Iraq invasion, when it went south republicans blamed democrats for THEIR proposal to invade Iraq.
Another Dulles moment for you loser!

It is Trump fault that China lied to the World and didn’t contain the virus!
Why is it some people the US are the only people in the in the world blaming China for covid?
Just so happens it's the same people who botched the response to the virus.
Also Nancy Pelosi was the Speaker of the House when the virus came in at Washington State back in January 2020, and at that time she felt the ex-President was being too harsh and felt it was a overreaction based on racism,
No, she didn't.

“… Actually, tens of thousands of people were still allowed in from China. So it wasn’t as it’s described, as this great moment,” Pelosi said with a smile. “There were Americans come back, green card holders coming back, but there were tens of thousands.”

“So, if you’re going to shut the door because you have an evaluation of an epidemic, then shut the door,” the speaker said.
so let me ask you how do you feel about Pelosi stupidity back then and her willingness to use the virus as a weapon like Trump did that caused so many deaths?
But don't mention Trump because he never shut down Chinese travelers, they were many that came in from Europe and many other Asian countries.
Also State Governor’s are responsible for what goes on within their borders, so Texas, California and New York own their death rates and notice I listed Texas and unlike you I hold everyone accountable for their damn failure!
No, you didn't.
You're just shifting blame.
Why is it some people the US are the only people in the in the world blaming China for covid?
Just so happens it's the same people who botched the response to the virus.

No, she didn't.

“… Actually, tens of thousands of people were still allowed in from China. So it wasn’t as it’s described, as this great moment,” Pelosi said with a smile. “There were Americans come back, green card holders coming back, but there were tens of thousands.”

“So, if you’re going to shut the door because you have an evaluation of an epidemic, then shut the door,” the speaker said.

But don't mention Trump because he never shut down Chinese travelers, they were many that came in from Europe and many other Asian countries.

No, you didn't.
You're just shifting blame.


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