"Your Husband is the Worst President We Ever Had"

Again, you fucking mentioned Reagan and when I provided facts to show how fucking stupid you are you then go into a rant about how it isn’t the Democrats fault even if they shared power!

I swear you are fucking retarded!

First off forty years ago Tip O’Neil was the Speaker of the House and he was Democrat, so any Bill passed by the House and was sent to the Senate to be passed was passed with his blessing, so guess what Democrats own those Reagan Tax Cuts along with the Republicans seeing they controlled the House back then!

Do you even know how Bills are passed?

Also Texas and California can do their own infrastructure if they deem it is needed and can bypass the Federal Government except on Federal Roads and Projects, so again let focus who is to blame for Texas power issues?

Yep, the Republicans of that state but I bet the moment I pivot and put blame on the Democrats in California you will then scream “ you only blame Democrats “, and again another Dulles moment for you!

Democrats and Republicans caused this mess and the 2020 collapse was because of China not containing their virus which caused the entire World to suffer and yet you still blame Republicans for what your country did!

Another Dulles moment by you!

So yes when the Speaker of the House hands a Bill to the Senate that causes harm years later and he was a Democrat then yes he is to blame along with Reagan but the Buck stops with Republicans in your book but doesn’t stop at a Democrat.

Also Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid controlled the House and Senate in Bush last two years when the 2007 crash happened, so it happened on their watch and hold blame for their voting record and policies that lead up to that crash along with Bush, but you will say no they can’t be held real because they are Democrats.

The bubble was because of bills passed during the Clinton years and other issues from Bush era but you will proclaim that any mistake Democrats made is not their fault as usual!

So do you understand without Tip O’Neil blessing during Reagan years those Tax Cuts would have never happened?

It's the "fault" of the Party who proposed the policy in the first place, and encouraged others to vote for it. Like the Iraq War. Democrats did not propose, and would not have done it if they were in office - no matter how many Democrats voted for it.

The 2020 economic collapse didn't happen because of the pandemic, the 2020 economic collapse happened because of decisions Donald Trump made in the handling of the pandemic. Other first world countries did not suffer a total economic collapse.

None of the other G7 countries suffered the amount or extend of economic problems that the US suffered, and there are two reasons for that:

1. None of the other G7 countries had passed massive tax cuts, and increased their deficits in a "boom" economy. We were busy raising taxes, and cutting unnecessary spending, during the economic boom. Our finances were in better shape to start with because we didn't elect a man with a long history of bankruptcy and breach of contract.

2. The billions we spent on health care and testing were substantially less than the USA because we had 1/3 of the disease and death in the USA. Fewer tests, fewer hospitalizations, fewer deaths = substantially lower costs.

The Canadian budget showed a $14 Billion deficit in 2018/19, and and $39.4 billion deficit in 2020. Yes, the deficit nearly tripled, but here's what happened in the USA. 2018 deficit: $779 billion. 2020 deficit: $3.132 TRILLION dollars, which is more than 4 Times the increase.

If Trump had not completely failed to contain the pandemic, your economy would not have collapsed the way it has, and would be rebounding better than it is. You're still dealing with waves of covid because you've never contained or controlled it.
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An example...Ford Pinto...Chevy Vega. The greedy auto unions combined with the OPEC oil crisis showed us the Asians make better vehicles.

Hey Stupid: The unions didn't design the cars, engineer the cars, or develop the cars. All of these things were decisions made by corporate executives, and the Boards of Directors. Unions has no say in their design or specifications at all. The union workers simply built the cars that the corporate executive TOLD them to build.

Yet here you are blaming unions because these cars aren't as good as the Japanese designed vehicles. How stupid are you to blame the unions for corporate decisions?????
The saddest part is that YOU deny that Democrats are Americans.

Republicans have so little to be proud of these last 40 years, I'm curious as to what you're so "proud" of. Are you proud of the three economic crashes by Republican Presidents every time they get into office.

Are you proud of the anti-democratic laws being passed to ensure that Republicans never lose an election??? Are you proud of the white nationalism now rooted in the Republican Party?

Are you proud that democratic governments around the world are declaring the Republican Party has being both white nationalist and fascist????

Democrats didn't create the "mess you are now facing". They're cleaning up Donald Trump's mess. You seem to think that 4 years of incompetence and chaos can be cleaned up in 18 months, with no hardship for the country. And you absolutely fail to mention everything that Trump tried to do to ensure the failure of the Biden Administration on his way out the door.

Donald Trump's trade wars were never ended, and are still ongoing, because the Biden Administration has been in "crisis management" mode since the day Biden was sworn in. The Tariffs, and farm bankruptcies reached record highs in 2019. They were down dramatically in 2021, and prospects for 2022 look good given the shortages created by the Ukraine War, assuming a good yield and that the heat domes currently scorching the mid-west, aren't too destructive to the crops.

Instead of being a "proud Republican", why don't you try being a "good American". Right now, it's impossible to be both.
LOL...what Joe's done since taking office is "cleaning up"? Seriously?
With all due respect...THAT'S LAUGHABLE AT THIS POINT!!!
You progressives have FUBARED our economy, created massive amounts of inflation, an ongoing supply chain issue, our big cities are now suffering from some of the worst spikes in crime in decades, millions are pouring across our southern border unchecked, drug overdoses from the drugs that are pouring across our border along with those illegals are killing our young people, we're now being threatened with the possibilities of rolling black outs across much of the US because of your campaign to shut down fossil fuels.
Is there ANYTHING that Joe has gotten right? I won't even get into his foreign affairs fuck ups.
LOL...what Joe's done since taking office is "cleaning up"? Seriously?
With all due respect...THAT'S LAUGHABLE AT THIS POINT!!!
You progressives have FUBARED our economy, created massive amounts of inflation, an ongoing supply chain issue, our big cities are now suffering from some of the worst spikes in crime in decades, millions are pouring across our southern border unchecked, drug overdoses from the drugs that are pouring across our border along with those illegals are killing our young people, we're now being threatened with the possibilities of rolling black outs across much of the US because of your campaign to shut down fossil fuels.
Is there ANYTHING that Joe has gotten right? I won't even get into his foreign affairs fuck ups.

Inflation is worldwide.

You have supply chain issues because Trump tore up all of your trade agreements.

You keep selling guns and the crime rate goes up every time gun sales spike. You're doing it to yourselves.

Millions are NOT "pouring across the border". Stop believing Rupert Murdoch. He's lying.

What Joe has gotten right:

Covid relief money - cash for working Americans was desperately needed;
Afghan withdrawal - mostly right
Infrastructure Bill
Reuniting NATO
Covid vaccine distribution

That's just off the top of my head.
Crime rates are also going up worldwide. A significant number of people seem to have lost their minds in the pandemic. Two days ago a man in Langley BC went on a shooting spree and shot 4 homeless people, killing two of them.

Not coincidentally, it is feared, Joe Rogan made a bad joke on his podcast 4 days before this shooting spree about shooting homeless people. Those with mental health issues, only became more unhinged and radicalized during lockdowns.
It's the "fault" of the Party who proposed the policy in the first place, and encouraged others to vote for it. Like the Iraq War. Democrats did not propose, and would not have done it if they were in office - no matter how many Democrats voted for it.

The 2020 economic collapse didn't happen because of the pandemic, the 2020 economic collapse happened because of decisions Donald Trump made in the handling of the pandemic. Other first world countries did not suffer a total economic collapse.

None of the other G7 countries suffered the amount or extend of economic problems that the US suffered, and there are two reasons for that:

1. None of the other G7 countries had passed massive tax cuts, and increased their deficits in a "boom" economy. We were busy raising taxes, and cutting unnecessary spending, during the economic boom. Our finances were in better shape to start with because we didn't elect a man with a long history of bankruptcy and breach of contract.

2. The billions we spent on health care and testing were substantially less than the USA because we had 1/3 of the disease and death in the USA. Fewer tests, fewer hospitalizations, fewer deaths = substantially lower costs.

The Canadian budget showed a $14 Billion deficit in 2018/19, and and $39.4 billion deficit in 2020. Yes, the deficit nearly tripled, but here's what happened in the USA. 2018 deficit: $779 billion. 2020 deficit: $3.132 TRILLION dollars, which is more than 4 Times the increase.

If Trump had not completely failed to contain the pandemic, your economy would not have collapsed the way it has, and would be rebounding better than it is. You're still dealing with waves of covid because you've never contained or controlled it.
Another twist by the Chinese Bot named Dragonlady!

The markets crashed when China took itself offline and yet you put the blame on Trump as you always do!

You also excuse how the other political party voted for killing innocent people by proclaiming they would have never done it but yet they fucking voted for it, so how do you even come up with your bullshit to defend mass murder and let remember Bill Clinton bombed Iraq on the eve of his Impeachment Vote, so yeah you are fucking retarded!

Funny how China isn’t at fault for anything and no other country has suffered from the Pandemic except the U.S. according to you but when reality is shown you then pivot and proclaim anything about China is a lie and only Trump caused all this damage!

So kindly explain to the board when China closed it economy back in 2020 it didn’t cause damage to the World Economy and how the Pandemic did cause any damage because I want to read your damn lies as usual Dulles!
Crime rates are also going up worldwide. A significant number of people seem to have lost their minds in the pandemic. Two days ago a man in Langley BC went on a shooting spree and shot 4 homeless people, killing two of them.

Not coincidentally, it is feared, Joe Rogan made a bad joke on his podcast 4 days before this shooting spree about shooting homeless people. Those with mental health issues, only became more unhinged and radicalized during lockdowns.
Wow, you will blame anyone you disagree with for another person actions!

Wait, the Pandemic didn’t cause anything according to you, so you need to stop blaming Pandemic seeing your leadership in China will get upset with you and you should blame Trump for the shooting or maybe me?
Rising crime rates date to 2018. The mismanaged COVID pandemic didn't help.

Trump to blame for rising crime rates now?

Wow, you idiots are so desperate to blame anyone but your leadership for the increase of crime!

Next you and Dragontwat will write that Trump and the U.S. created the virus and infected China back in 2019 like China attempted to claim!
Another twist by the Chinese Bot named Dragonlady!

The markets crashed when China took itself offline and yet you put the blame on Trump as you always do!

You also excuse how the other political party voted for killing innocent people by proclaiming they would have never done it but yet they fucking voted for it, so how do you even come up with your bullshit to defend mass murder and let remember Bill Clinton bombed Iraq on the eve of his Impeachment Vote, so yeah you are fucking retarded!

Funny how China isn’t at fault for anything and no other country has suffered from the Pandemic except the U.S. according to you but when reality is shown you then pivot and proclaim anything about China is a lie and only Trump caused all this damage!

So kindly explain to the board when China closed it economy back in 2020 it didn’t cause damage to the World Economy and how the Pandemic did cause any damage because I want to read your damn lies as usual Dulles!

Wasn't it 2017 when Trump killed the US soybean farmers and sent that Chinese market to Brazil?
Trump to blame for rising crime rates now?

Wow, you idiots are so desperate to blame anyone but your leadership for the increase of crime!

Next you and Dragontwat will write that Trump and the U.S. created the virus and infected China back in 2019 like China attempted to claim!

Don't be stupid.

Inflation is worldwide.

You have supply chain issues because Trump tore up all of your trade agreements.

You keep selling guns and the crime rate goes up every time gun sales spike. You're doing it to yourselves.

Millions are NOT "pouring across the border". Stop believing Rupert Murdoch. He's lying.

What Joe has gotten right:

Covid relief money - cash for working Americans was desperately needed;
Afghan withdrawal - mostly right
Infrastructure Bill
Reuniting NATO
Covid vaccine distribution

That's just off the top of my head.
Trump isn’t President any longer, so why is China failing to keep Covid under control in their country and before you spew about their numbers CNN caught them lying!
Don't be stupid.

You are the one trying to blame Trump for everything, so stop being a fucking retard!

Wasn't it 2017 when Trump killed the US soybean farmers and sent that Chinese market to Brazil?
Pelosi, Schumer and Biden are Democrats that control the Federal Government and have been in power since January 2021, so why haven’t they fixed this problem?

Wait, you have no answer except Trump!
You are the one trying to blame Trump for everything, so stop being a fucking retard!

Pelosi, Schumer and Biden are Democrats that control the Federal Government and have been in power since January 2021, so why haven’t they fixed this problem?

Wait, you have no answer except Trump!

Trump is real stupid and has the attention span of a gnat. Every waking moment of the day he spends pumping up his ego.

Again, Trump isn’t President any longer!

Holy fucking shit neither of you want to admit Biden, Pelosi and Schumer are in power and have done little to fix that issue, so again who do you blame for them not doing their job?

Of course Trump!
Trump is real stupid and has the attention span of a gnat. Every waking moment of the day he spends pumping up his ego.

Who is President?

Who is the Speaker of the House?

Who is the Senate Majority Leader?

What political party do they belong to?

None of them are Trump and none of them are Democrat!
Who is President?

Who is the Speaker of the House?

Who is the Senate Majority Leader?

What political party do they belong to?

None of them are Trump and none of them are Democrat!

They have to focus on Trump to avoid Biden and his incompetent administration's failures.
Inflation is worldwide.

You have supply chain issues because Trump tore up all of your trade agreements.

You keep selling guns and the crime rate goes up every time gun sales spike. You're doing it to yourselves.

Millions are NOT "pouring across the border". Stop believing Rupert Murdoch. He's lying.

What Joe has gotten right:

Covid relief money - cash for working Americans was desperately needed;
Afghan withdrawal - mostly right
Infrastructure Bill
Reuniting NATO
Covid vaccine distribution

That's just off the top of my head.
You've got to be kidding! The Covid relief money that you liberals pumped into the economy is a major part of what caused both the rampant inflation and the supply chain issues! You're all so clueless about economics it's scary!
The Afghan withdrawal was a total cluster you know what!
It was Trump who got the vaccines made so Joe "Depends" Biden could distribute them! Trump did the heavy lifting...Biden just had to follow through.
You've got to be kidding! The Covid relief money that you liberals pumped into the economy is a major part of what caused both the rampant inflation and the supply chain issues! You're all so clueless about economics it's scary!
The Afghan withdrawal was a total cluster you know what!
It was Trump who got the vaccines made so Joe "Depends" Biden could distribute them! Trump did the heavy lifting...Biden just had to follow through.

American corporations are booking record profits for the first quarter of this year. Second quarter numbers are coming out and they're even higher than the first quarter, and yet not once do you Republicans ever blame inflation on the PRICE GOUGING that is going on here.

No, it's all the Biden's fault for putting money in the pockets of working Americans. There is nothing that Republicans hate more than giving money to working people, 8 million Americans fell into poverty when Donald Trump crashed the economy and who did Trump give the bailout money to???? Cruise lines, airlines, and restaurant franchisors.

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