"Your Husband is the Worst President We Ever Had"

American corporations are booking record profits for the first quarter of this year. Second quarter numbers are coming out and they're even higher than the first quarter, and yet not once do you Republicans ever blame inflation on the PRICE GOUGING that is going on here.

No, it's all the Biden's fault for putting money in the pockets of working Americans. There is nothing that Republicans hate more than giving money to working people, 8 million Americans fell into poverty when Donald Trump crashed the economy and who did Trump give the bailout money to???? Cruise lines, airlines, and restaurant franchisors.
With all due respect, Dragonlady? Your ignorance of basic economics is shocking! Inflation isn't caused by "price gouging"...it's caused by too much money chasing too few goods! When you pump trillions of government money into an economy that you've burdened with supply chain issues that kill supply...then you are going to get massive demand with scant supply...and THAT is the classic recipe for inflation!
It's Biden's fault because who ever is running him these days doesn't have the first clue about economics! We're in this situation because of that...something that even someone like Larry Summers was warning about LONG before it happened!
The Covid relief money that you liberals pumped into the economy is a major part of what caused both the rampant inflation and the supply chain issues! You're all so clueless about economics it's scary!

Yep, those damn liberals!


Yep, those damn liberals!


That was when the economy was in the shitter because every Democratic Governor in the country had locked their States down tight, Anton! That was when there were no jobs because everything was closed!

I know you're a liberal so you're having a hard time differentiating between THAT crisis and the crisis that Joe Biden caused by giving out so much free government money that people didn't WANT to go back to work even though there were MILLIONS of unfilled job openings! Something that absolutely made the supply chain issue a hundred times worse than it would have been!

Didn't ANY of you on the left take basic Econ classes? Why is this so hard for all of you to grasp?
That was when the economy was in the shitter because every Democratic Governor in the country had locked their States down tight, Anton! That was when there were no jobs because everything was closed!

I know you're a liberal so you're having a hard time differentiating between THAT crisis and the crisis that Joe Biden caused by giving out so much free government money that people didn't WANT to go back to work even though there were MILLIONS of unfilled job openings! Something that absolutely made the supply chain issue a hundred times worse than it would have been!

Didn't ANY of you on the left take basic Econ classes? Why is this so hard for all of you to grasp?

Special pleading horseshit.

Economy was still down 8 million jobs when Trump left office and Biden passed further stimulus.

Isn't it weird how you can bitch all day long about inflation and Biden while giving Trump full pass and taking record low employment and big wage growth for granted?

Take your "basic economics" comment and shove it up your ass, all you know is partisan shit slinging.
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With all due respect, Dragonlady? Your ignorance of basic economics is shocking! Inflation isn't caused by "price gouging"...it's caused by too much money chasing too few goods! When you pump trillions of government money into an economy that you've burdened with supply chain issues that kill supply...then you are going to get massive demand with scant supply...and THAT is the classic recipe for inflation!
It's Biden's fault because who ever is running him these days doesn't have the first clue about economics! We're in this situation because of that...something that even someone like Larry Summers was warning about LONG before it happened!

If there was no war and no pandemic, and you had good trading deals in place with your trading partners, your textbook definition of the "causes of inflation" would have real validity, but you're ignoring all of the extraordinary economic conditions and pressures at play here, including the price gouging that's going on.

We haven't had a normal economy since 2020, so there are a lot of factors involved in this inflation that are not normal, including the War in the Ukraine, and OPEC cutting the supply of oil.

“We used to occasionally have black swan events,” says Richard Wilding, professor of supply chain strategy at Cranfield University in the UK, referring to rare and hard-to-predict occurrences that have major impacts. “The problem at the moment is we have a whole flock of black swans coming at us.”

Both the supply chain crisis and the resulting inflation are far more complex than "too much money chasing too few goods". You can't just attach bumper sticker definitions to explain how we got here or what the problem really is.

I know the modern world wants "sound bite" messaging, simple solutions, and quick fixes, but none of the economic issues facing the world can be explained or dealt with that simply. The supply chain shortages, the high inflation, and the "recession" can't be explained or solved with bumper sticker ideas.
That was when the economy was in the shitter because every Democratic Governor in the country had locked their States down tight, Anton! That was when there were no jobs because everything was closed!

I know you're a liberal so you're having a hard time differentiating between THAT crisis and the crisis that Joe Biden caused by giving out so much free government money that people didn't WANT to go back to work even though there were MILLIONS of unfilled job openings! Something that absolutely made the supply chain issue a hundred times worse than it would have been!
Didn't ANY of you on the left take basic Econ classes? Why is this so hard for all of you to grasp?

You believe every lie Republicans tell you.

While some red states did better economically - including Texas and Florida, they lost far more citizens to covid, they had a lot more disease, and death, which lead to higher costs for testing, treatment, and chaos in workplaces, so that overall, these states had WORSE results than blue states.

This is especially true in Texas and Florida, because both states had such high rates of death and disease even though they had very little disease in the first wave, and basically 6 months to prepare and supply their hospitals for the second wave.

While those on the right raged about Andrew Cuomo sending covid patients back to nursing homes, and killing nursing home patients, both Florida and Texas had MUCH higher rates of nursing home deaths than New York in 2020. Texas had the 11th highest rate of nursing home deaths in the nation. Florida was 17th, and New York was 20th. And that was in 2020, when Texas and Florida had far fewer cases than New York.

You believe every lie Republicans tell you.

While some red states did better economically - including Texas and Florida, they lost far more citizens to covid, they had a lot more disease, and death, which lead to higher costs for testing, treatment, and chaos in workplaces, so that overall, these states had WORSE results than blue states.

This is especially true in Texas and Florida, because both states had such high rates of death and disease even though they had very little disease in the first wave, and basically 6 months to prepare and supply their hospitals for the second wave.

While those on the right raged about Andrew Cuomo sending covid patients back to nursing homes, and killing nursing home patients, both Florida and Texas had MUCH higher rates of nursing home deaths than New York in 2020. Texas had the 11th highest rate of nursing home deaths in the nation. Florida was 17th, and New York was 20th. And that was in 2020, when Texas and Florida had far fewer cases than New York.

Talk about your misleading statistics! More old people died in Florida than in New York? That's your point to show that Cuomo handled the pandemic better than DeSantis? One of your more idiotic posts, Dragonlady since Florida's population has FAR more elderly people living here than any other State in the country! We ALWAYS have a higher death rate in that population and always WILL!
The fact that Florida was 17th in the rate of nursing home deaths with New York only slightly behind despite a MUCH younger population actually shows how much better the pandemic was handled in Florida compared to New York!
If there was no war and no pandemic, and you had good trading deals in place with your trading partners, your textbook definition of the "causes of inflation" would have real validity, but you're ignoring all of the extraordinary economic conditions and pressures at play here, including the price gouging that's going on.

We haven't had a normal economy since 2020, so there are a lot of factors involved in this inflation that are not normal, including the War in the Ukraine, and OPEC cutting the supply of oil.

Both the supply chain crisis and the resulting inflation are far more complex than "too much money chasing too few goods". You can't just attach bumper sticker definitions to explain how we got here or what the problem really is.

I know the modern world wants "sound bite" messaging, simple solutions, and quick fixes, but none of the economic issues facing the world can be explained or dealt with that simply. The supply chain shortages, the high inflation, and the "recession" can't be explained or solved with bumper sticker ideas.
The supply chain crisis and inflation is obviously far too complex for the liberals who have been running the country for the past two years! Mayor Pete? He doesn't have a CLUE about transportation logistics and yet Joe Biden put him in charge of Transportation? Gee, and it didn't work out? Who would have thunk it! (eye roll)
Man the Neo-GOP sure are good taking away US Citizens rights, and trying to make liberals cried, with the Moscow inspire stunts like that and others crass behaviors once off limits in US politics, like violent opposition to the transfer of power that we've seen since the rise of Dr. Trumpenstein.

Not really good at getting things done when they are in power but they sure are offensive when they are not in power.

Kick um out ladies, just vote them right the fuck out, while you still can.
Man the Neo-GOP sure are good taking away US Citizens rights, and trying to make liberals cried, with the Moscow inspire stunts like that and others crass behaviors once off limits in US politics, like violent opposition to the transfer of power that we've seen since the rise of Dr. Trumpenstein.

Not really good at getting things done when they are in power but they sure are offensive when they are not in power.

Kick um out ladies, just vote them right the fuck out, while you still can.
man are u stupid....when government does nothing we all benefit
She's in honorable. There isn't any doubt she is a woman..
Honorable? Really? For a married woman to have an affair with a married man is honorable? And then, when the married man's wife mysteriously dies in a traffic accident, divorcing your husband and marrying the man you had the affair with, that's honorable?

I feel for those in your life because you have one screwed up sense of honor.
You right wingers need to stop believing lies. Now this crap is tired. You idiot mindlessly blame Biden for inflation that is global. You guys do understand what global means don't you?

Be very glad trump is not president.
man are u stupid....when government does nothing we all benefit
No we don't. You really need to stop listening to children of the 50's telling you how government can't help you when they ran around as children as the government was handing their parents assistance.
Honorable? Really? For a married woman to have an affair with a married man is honorable? And then, when the married man's wife mysteriously dies in a traffic accident, divorcing your husband and marrying the man you had the affair with, that's honorable?

I feel for those in your life because you have one screwed up sense of honor.
You really need to stop reading that right wing bs. Furthermore, your fake God was a serial adulterer who met his wife at a party while he was on a date with another woman.
You really need to stop reading that right wing bs. Furthermore, your fake God was a serial adulterer who met his wife at a party while he was on a date with another woman.
Met someone while he was on a date is not the same as cheating on your spouses and then marrying. You have a screwed up sense of honor and vows, too. And did anyone die so Trump could marry his wife?
Yes I do and I'm proud to be a democrat.

He sprouted just an opinion. He works Turning Point and is a republican.
He belongs in the Rubber Room along with all of this posts. I put him on ignore. He's scum.

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