"Your Husband is the Worst President We Ever Had"

With all due respect, Dragonlady? Your ignorance of basic economics is shocking! Inflation isn't caused by "price gouging"...it's caused by too much money chasing too few goods! When you pump trillions of government money into an economy that you've burdened with supply chain issues that kill supply...then you are going to get massive demand with scant supply...and THAT is the classic recipe for inflation!
It's Biden's fault because who ever is running him these days doesn't have the first clue about economics! We're in this situation because of that...something that even someone like Larry Summers was warning about LONG before it happened!
Statement: "It's Biden's fault because who ever is running him these days doesn't have the first clue about economics! We're in this situation because of that...something that even someone like Larry Summers was warning about LONG before it happened!"

Response: Of course those of us who understand reality were blaming fiscal conservatives and not being fiscal responsible: Bridges fall, tunnels collapse, damn fail and flood, and our electric grid is vulnerable to failures and fires.

What those who kick the can down the road don't understand to rebuild or replace our rusting infrastructure decide cutting taxes are a better way to get votes.
Statement: "It's Biden's fault because who ever is running him these days doesn't have the first clue about economics! We're in this situation because of that...something that even someone like Larry Summers was warning about LONG before it happened!"

Response: Of course those of us who understand reality were blaming fiscal conservatives and not being fiscal responsible: Bridges fall, tunnels collapse, damn fail and flood, and our electric grid is vulnerable to failures and fires.

What those who kick the can down the road don't understand to rebuild or replace our rusting infrastructure decide cutting taxes are a better way to get votes.
So it's "conservatives" that didn't spend the money we Americans pay each year for road, bridge and tunnel up keep, Rye? Not Democrats? Piling MORE taxes onto our backs because they spent the money we gave them to fix infrastructure on OTHER things when we're already getting killed with run away inflation is indicative of what politicians really think of the American taxpayer!
So it's "conservatives" that didn't spend the money we Americans pay each year for road, bridge and tunnel up keep, Rye? Not Democrats? Piling MORE taxes onto our backs because they spent the money we gave them to fix infrastructure on OTHER things when we're already getting killed with run away inflation is indicative of what politicians really think of the American taxpayer!
The fact is you don't give a damn about the infrastructure falling apart. Not until you get hurt or someone in your family is killed. Maybe the latter doesn't matter to you.
The fact is you don't give a damn about the infrastructure falling apart. Not until you get hurt or someone in your family is killed. Maybe the latter doesn't matter to you.
I care about it a lot actually! It pisses me off that I've PAID for infrastructure repair through things like gas taxes and then politicians took that money and spent it on other things! When they do THAT and then come to me whining that they need more taxes to fix infrastructure then pardon me for not believing a word that they say! You know what "infrastructure" is to the left now? It's a giant slush fund that they can use for their agenda!
I care about it a lot actually! It pisses me off that I've PAID for infrastructure repair through things like gas taxes and then politicians took that money and spent it on other things! When they do THAT and then come to me whining that they need more taxes to fix infrastructure then pardon me for not believing a word that they say! You know what "infrastructure" is to the left now? It's a giant slush fund that they can use for their agenda!

How old are you? I'm 73 and I pay a lot in taxes: federal taxes, income taxes real estate taxes and a half dozen more of taxes for schools, BART, Water and Sewage, etc. etc. I don't cry about it. I supported the original bill President Biden wanted to pass because my sons, sons will benefit from them. I resent the banks, they are raising the mortgage taxes over 5% and haven't raised money market savings, all of them pay less than 1%.

I resent the Republican Pols for cutting taxes for the 5% by eliminating the top two brackets for ever, and giving the working citizens doubling the standard deduction sunsetting it in two more years.
How old are you? I'm 73 and I pay a lot in taxes: federal taxes, income taxes real estate taxes and a half dozen more of taxes for schools, BART, Water and Sewage, etc. etc. I don't cry about it. I supported the original bill President Biden wanted to pass because my sons, sons will benefit from them. I resent the banks, they are raising the mortgage taxes over 5% and haven't raised money market savings, all of them pay less than 1%.

I resent the Republican Pols for cutting taxes for the 5% by eliminating the top two brackets for ever, and giving the working citizens doubling the standard deduction sunsetting it in two more years.
You've chosen to live in Cali, Rye. Did you not understand that you WERE going to be paying a lot in taxes? I've chosen to live in Florida. My taxes are probably a third of what you pay. I don't cry about taxes. What I find offensive however is when I've paid a tax like the gasoline tax...which is supposed to go towards the fixing of roads and bridges only to have politicians that couldn't get taxes passed for their pet projects taking that gas tax money and using for something other than what it was supposed to go for.

Do you want fair taxation? Let's do a flat tax. Everyone has skin in the game. Everyone pays taxes dependent on what they buy. You're wealthy and buy boats, expensive cars and mansions? You pay taxes on all of them.
You've chosen to live in Cali, Rye. Did you not understand that you WERE going to be paying a lot in taxes? I've chosen to live in Florida. My taxes are probably a third of what you pay. I don't cry about taxes. What I find offensive however is when I've paid a tax like the gasoline tax...which is supposed to go towards the fixing of roads and bridges only to have politicians that couldn't get taxes passed for their pet projects taking that gas tax money and using for something other than what it was supposed to go for.

Do you want fair taxation? Let's do a flat tax. Everyone has skin in the game. Everyone pays taxes dependent on what they buy. You're wealthy and buy boats, expensive cars and mansions? You pay taxes on all of them.
What's fair in a flat tax? As for the gas tax I've not purchased gas in five years. We had a model 3 and a Chevy Bolt until this year, then we sold the Model 3 for more than we paid for it and purchased the Model Y. We put panels on our roof 5 years ago, never once needed an oil change, a tune up or any radiator, fuel pump or brake works. You ought to try it.
What's fair in a flat tax? As for the gas tax I've not purchased gas in five years. We had a model 3 and a Chevy Bolt until this year, then we sold the Model 3 for more than we paid for it and purchased the Model Y. We put panels on our roof 5 years ago, never once needed an oil change, a tune up or any radiator, fuel pump or brake works. You ought to try it.
It's based on what you buy...the more you buy the more you pay. No tax loopholes...no tax shelters. Rich people buy expensive things. A flat tax would probably take in more in taxes from the wealthy than what we have now.
What's fair in a flat tax? As for the gas tax I've not purchased gas in five years. We had a model 3 and a Chevy Bolt until this year, then we sold the Model 3 for more than we paid for it and purchased the Model Y. We put panels on our roof 5 years ago, never once needed an oil change, a tune up or any radiator, fuel pump or brake works. You ought to try it.
I've got a ten year old Honda Accord that runs like a top and was paid for when I bought it. Wait until you have to buy new batteries for your little electric toys. Wasn't aware that electric cars didn't need brake work! So what you're basically saying is that YOU have the income to afford expensive electric vehicles and you don't really care about the poor people who don't? Got cha'!
You do know that at some point the Government will be figuring out how to tax you on your electric vehicle, right? Just a matter of time, Rye!
Jill shouts back, "thank you for your support"

It's just time to resign or be 25thed

Back off, man...She;s a DOCTOR!

Saddest part about you is how proud you are of your ignorance and stupidity of being a Democrat first and not a American!

This also goes for all the “ I am a Proud “ Republican and let me be clear you shouldn’t be proud of this damn mess we are facing but you are a blinded partisan fool!
Shaming? Lol.

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