Your opinion on Biden's Press Conference performance?

What's your opinion on Biden's performance today? You can choose two

  • Worse than I imagined, and I expected it would be scripted. Total madness

    Votes: 18 33.3%
  • Exactly or close what I imagined. Total insanity, 1984 stuff right now, & the left made it happen

    Votes: 23 42.6%
  • I had no idea Biden had declined so far, this is alarming

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • I thought Biden did pretty well

    Votes: 7 13.0%
  • I thought Biden did very well. He's honest & very caring, and he's transparent

    Votes: 2 3.7%
  • Biden is so refreshing. He's sharp, honest, genuine, a great leader & confirmed my belief in him

    Votes: 4 7.4%
  • Cold Play sucks

    Votes: 5 9.3%

  • Total voters
Aside from the humanitarian crisis at the border that Biden caused and the rising gas prices, how good could the presser have been when he needs cheat sheets to remember what his handlers want him to say? Not to mention the pictures of "journalists" to make sure he doesn't call on anyone he's supposed to steer clear of? This is a man out of touch. Embarrassing to say the least.


Notice how each pic of a "journalist" has a number beside it so he gets asked the questions in the same order his handlers put his answers.
I didn't watch it. But the poutrage response level from the tighties is kind of low, SOP kind of ageism slurs and stuff.
It is very interesting to me that so many Biden voters didnt watch the presser. It can been seen in its entirety on YOUTUBE.

Why dont they want to see what plans the President has for the nation in his own words? It is very odd.

I think it is so they dont have to actually address his dementia.
I watch Biden and see a decent guy trying to get this nation back on track after four years of this trump character who couldn't even talk policy. A character who spent four years promoting himself and his brand. I didn't know anything about Biden but I play some of his clips and he's not a stumble bum like the right wingers on this forum claim. This deal about Georgia not allowing people to drink water while waiting in long voting lines tells me I'm on the correct track in supporting Joe Biden.
I didn't watch it. But the poutrage response level from the tighties is kind of low, SOP kind of ageism slurs and stuff.
I find it convenient not a single board libtard bothered to watch this.


If I'm going to subject my self to a cheerleading by any President, I want there to be legs. Besides I have to stay awake during the day and Joe has never been a real exciting speaker.......
I watch Biden and see a decent guy trying to get this nation back on track after four years of this trump character who couldn't even talk policy. A character who spent four years promoting himself and his brand. I didn't know anything about Biden but I play some of his clips and he's not a stumble bum like the right wingers on this forum claim. This deal about Georgia not allowing people to drink water while waiting in long lines tells me I'm on the correct track in supporting Joe Biden.

Not that the Dems are trying to rig elections by making ID checks illegal?

You think an advocate for a candidate should give out rewards for voting for their candidate? Why?

What if Trump went the polls and gave out $20 bills and said VOTE TRUMP! You seem very simple minded.

What else do you like about the Biden admin policies?
I saw it as someone who is having mental acuity problems but when he spoke OK he spoke as an adult and didn't call anyone a name so whatever.
Apparently he had a cheat sheet with pictures on who to call on and it looks like they are numbered. If anyone watched that shitshow and remembers the order of reporter questions it would be interesting to see if it mapped to this cheat sheet.
Scripted press conferences with canned responses from rehearsed questions given by pre-selected journalists show what a danger Faux Fool Biden is the The American Republic.

They literally had to give this senile imbecile a cheat sheet with pictures of the journalists, and numbered them so he could call upon them in order so not to cross up his cheat sheet or pre written answers.

BTW he tripped up in the debates and read off the wrong answer from one of his pre-canned answer sheets and that is why Biden Inc cancelled one of the debates and why Wallace scrambled to bail Biden out, so this guy's brain has been mush for quite a long time. That's why they hid the fool from the public for so long during the campaign and are hiding him still.

This country is in deep shit, because Harris is also a dumb bimbo and completely unqualified to be VP either, let alone POTUS. China and Iran are already walking all over us, and all the Jihadis in the ME are coming out of hiding.

The Ahab-Jezebel Administration will cause WWIII, mark my word on that.
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Apparently he had a cheat sheet with pictures on who to call on and it looks like they are numbered. If anyone watched that shitshow and remembers the order of reporter questions it would be interesting to see if it mapped to this cheat sheet.
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He is unfit for office. This is why they have been hiding him from public view and the press and need to have orchestrated rehearsed appearances if they even dare cart the mush for brains fool out in front of the spotlights.
Forming an objective opinion can be very difficult for people.

It's easier to just assume that everyone you don't agree with is stupid or has dementia.

Any objective person watching this staged presser, listening to Biden numerous flubs and paying attention to the policy proposals thus far would be able to determine that Joe will destroy our country. When Harris takes over it only gets worse, not because she has dementia, but because she is far more left-wing Socialist.

You just have BDS.

Quote a part you have an issue with.
I only watched part of it. What specifically was so bad about it?

I suspect it's just BDS.
A multitude of lies, blaming Trump for his border crisis, multiple deer in headlight brain fart moments, rambling incoherent diatribes that had nothing to do with the pre-arranged question.

Other than that, it was awesome.

I said to be specific. Point one out for me if it’s so bad.

Just looks like you’re saying “lol hes dum” without actually saying anything meaningful.

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