Your opinion on Biden's Press Conference performance?

What's your opinion on Biden's performance today? You can choose two

  • Worse than I imagined, and I expected it would be scripted. Total madness

    Votes: 18 33.3%
  • Exactly or close what I imagined. Total insanity, 1984 stuff right now, & the left made it happen

    Votes: 23 42.6%
  • I had no idea Biden had declined so far, this is alarming

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • I thought Biden did pretty well

    Votes: 7 13.0%
  • I thought Biden did very well. He's honest & very caring, and he's transparent

    Votes: 2 3.7%
  • Biden is so refreshing. He's sharp, honest, genuine, a great leader & confirmed my belief in him

    Votes: 4 7.4%
  • Cold Play sucks

    Votes: 5 9.3%

  • Total voters
You seriously think it's going to get worse?

The country is in BIG trouble
No need to worry anymore, Biden's cleaning up the COLOSSAL mess that Trump left behind.

And not a moment too soon.

Thank God!

Colossal mess = no caravans and covid positive illegals allowed into the US.

Lying to yourself is no way to go through life son.
Forming an objective opinion can be very difficult for people.

It's easier to just assume that everyone you don't agree with is stupid or has dementia.

Any objective person watching this staged presser, listening to Biden numerous flubs and paying attention to the policy proposals thus far would be able to determine that Joe will destroy our country. When Harris takes over it only gets worse, not because she has dementia, but because she is far more left-wing Socialist.
I saw the part about immigrants. Seemed fine. I think you guys just have BDS.
You guys tried the dementia thing before and it didn't work then either.
These are people who really do believe that Trump's pressers -- replete with wild, embarrassing hyperbole, transparent Trumpian bullshit, juvenile personal attacks and brutal, non-stop self-aggrandizement -- were the way a President should conduct a press conference.

It's like trying to communicate with children who think one of their favorite cartoon characters would be real cool to have in the Oval Office. It's just pointless.
I saw the part about immigrants. Seemed fine. I think you guys just have BDS.
You guys tried the dementia thing before and it didn't work then either.
These are people who really do believe that Trump's pressers -- replete with wild, embarrassing hyperbole, transparent Trumpian bullshit, juvenile personal attacks and brutal, non-stop self-aggrandizement -- were the way a President should conduct a press conference.

It's like trying to communicate with children who think one of their favorite cartoon characters would be real cool to have in the Oval Office. It's just pointless.

Once again, your childishness shows. Trump wasn’t articulate. Trump was bombastic. Trump was confrontational. Trump could be offensive. Trump’s policies WORKED. All off these things are true. You and other children choose to ignore the last little tidbit, which happens to be the most imporant for those of us that are prudent and wan’t the best for the US. You and other children would rather hear a demented man bumble and stumble, albeit NICELY, and create policies that destroy our country. That is ok, because he is being nice.

You essentially voted for the popular kid who makes bad grades because he is not very intelligent(or demented in Joe’s case), but is cool and promises free pizza Fridays. That is who you children voted for.
Actually, Joe did pretty good.
I much preferred the professorial cool and aplomb of Barack Obama......but Joe knows what is important.*
I contrast Joe's performance with it's ring of sincerity and empathy vs. the previous guy's bluster and brazen falsehoods with their fake affirmations ("lots of people say so", yadda yadda).

Joe struggles, as he clearly acknowledges, with the hang-over of his childhood speech disability. I know a man who has a similar struggle, but I know my friend has got an absolute 1st class mind and keen perception, so I am skeptical that Joe's lack of easy fluency is a sign of diminishment.)

Instead, I saw Joe cogent and aware enough to side-step the silly questions of some reporters (more on that below).

I most especially like Biden's criticism of the effort by Republican state legislatures to restrict, narrow, discourage, and inhibit voting of minorities and poorer neighborhoods. Joe knowswhat that's all about. It's about making it very hard to vote.
Joe emphatically termed it "sick" and "un-American".
I quite agree. It is a crass manipulaton....and shame..... that must be pinned on those Republican state houses.

And, it seemed to me, that Joe signaled his priorities, i.e., the pandemic and infrastructure rather than guns and the filibuster.

Now, that asterisk above (*).......I quite agree with an opinion about the press's performance printed in the Washington Post this morning. Rather than edit it and re-phrase it in my words, here is part of the opinion in the Post:

"The media did not distinguish themselves. By asking about immigration multiple times and echoing the false narrative that Biden had created a “surge," they showed they were more interested in sound bites than actual news. Their failure to ask about the pandemic, the recession, anti-Asian violence, climate change or even infrastructure (Biden had to bring it up himself) was nothing short of irresponsible. They pleaded for a news conference and then showed themselves to be unserious. They never laid a glove on Biden; they did, however, make the case for why these events are an utter waste of the president’s time."
Actually, Joe did pretty good.
I much preferred the professorial cool and aplomb of Barack Obama......but Joe knows what is important.*
I contrast Joe's performance with it's ring of sincerity and empathy vs. the previous guy's bluster and brazen falsehoods with their fake affirmations ("lots of people say so", yadda yadda).

Joe struggles, as he clearly acknowledges, with the hang-over of his childhood speech disability. I know a man who has a similar struggle, but I know my friend has got an absolute 1st class mind and keen perception, so I am skeptical that Joe's lack of easy fluency is a sign of diminishment.)

Instead, I saw Joe cogent and aware enough to side-step the silly questions of some reporters (more on that below).

I most especially like Biden's criticism of the effort by Republican state legislatures to restrict, narrow, discourage, and inhibit voting of minorities and poorer neighborhoods. Joe knowswhat that's all about. It's about making it very hard to vote.
Joe emphatically termed it "sick" and "un-American".
I quite agree. It is a crass manipulaton....and shame..... that must be pinned on those Republican state houses.

And, it seemed to me, that Joe signaled his priorities, i.e., the pandemic and infrastructure rather than guns and the filibuster.

Now, that asterisk above (*).......I quite agree with an opinion about the press's performance printed in the Washington Post this morning. Rather than edit it and re-phrase it in my words, here is part of the opinion in the Post:

"The media did not distinguish themselves. By asking about immigration multiple times and echoing the false narrative that Biden had created a “surge," they showed they were more interested in sound bites than actual news. Their failure to ask about the pandemic, the recession, anti-Asian violence, climate change or even infrastructure (Biden had to bring it up himself) was nothing short of irresponsible. They pleaded for a news conference and then showed themselves to be unserious. They never laid a glove on Biden; they did, however, make the case for why these events are an utter waste of the president’s time."

Shuddering has nothing to do with completely losing your train of thought on several occasions and making incoherent statements. The man has dementia. It isn’t his fault, but lets get real here.
I only watched part of it. What specifically was so bad about it?

I suspect it's just BDS.
A multitude of lies, blaming Trump for his border crisis, multiple deer in headlight brain fart moments, rambling incoherent diatribes that had nothing to do with the pre-arranged question.

Other than that, it was awesome.
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He made it about him, and he lied. It's not even a lie, they tell him what to say and he has dementia.

Wow, you're wrong again. The reporter made it about him. Do I really need to spell this out for you? I mean, it's right there. Anyone can read it.

Yamiche: (08:17)
Thanks so much, Mr. President. You’ve said over and over again that immigrants shouldn’t come to this country right now. This isn’t the time to come. That message is not being received. Instead, the perception of you that got you elected as a moral decent man is the reason why a lot of immigrants are coming to this country and entrusting you with unaccompanied minors. How do you resolve that tension and how are you choosing which families can stay and which can go given the fact that even though with Title 42 there are some families that are staying? And is there a timeline for when we won’t be seeing these overcrowded facilities run by CPB when it comes to unaccompanied minors?

I don't know how you can possibly misinterpret his response as him saying that they're coming because of him lol.

You sure you don't have dementia? Maybe just a severely bad case of BDS. I suggest you get that treated ASAP.
I'm shocked that was one of the pre-arranged questions Veggie Joe's handlers picked for him to answer.

What a softball. That clown should have her press credentials taken away and pissed on.
I saw the part about immigrants. Seemed fine. I think you guys just have BDS.
You guys tried the dementia thing before and it didn't work then either.
These are people who really do believe that Trump's pressers -- replete with wild, embarrassing hyperbole, transparent Trumpian bullshit, juvenile personal attacks and brutal, non-stop self-aggrandizement -- were the way a President should conduct a press conference.

It's like trying to communicate with children who think one of their favorite cartoon characters would be real cool to have in the Oval Office. It's just pointless.
Seek help soon. :itsok:
Aside from the humanitarian crisis at the border that Biden caused and the rising gas prices, how good could the presser have been when he needs cheat sheets to remember what his handlers want him to say? Not to mention the pictures of "journalists" to make sure he doesn't call on anyone he's supposed to steer clear of? This is a man out of touch. Embarrassing to say the least.


1. I watched most of his press conference.

2. Like many other people, I was watching for signs of dementia.

3. I think that he did a good job (although the questions were softball. And there was no antagonism, as there was toward President Trump).

4. I did notice that he lacked any zest, and he is certainly a shell of his former self.

5. I noticed that there was a brief episode regarding his eyes. I cannot describe it.

6. If I were grading his performance, I would give him a B.

(Like everyone else, I was astonished that he said he might run again. I thought that he had ruled out a second term. Maybe he felt that it would not be wise if politicians considered him a lame duck.)

(I am old enough to remember President Kennedy's press conferences. Now those were A+ performances!)
I saw the part about immigrants. Seemed fine. I think you guys just have BDS.
You guys tried the dementia thing before and it didn't work then either.
These are people who really do believe that Trump's pressers -- replete with wild, embarrassing hyperbole, transparent Trumpian bullshit, juvenile personal attacks and brutal, non-stop self-aggrandizement -- were the way a President should conduct a press conference.

It's like trying to communicate with children who think one of their favorite cartoon characters would be real cool to have in the Oval Office. It's just pointless.

Once again, your childishness shows. Trump wasn’t articulate. Trump was bombastic. Trump was confrontational. Trump could be offensive. Trump’s policies WORKED. All off these things are true. You and other children choose to ignore the last little tidbit, which happens to be the most imporant for those of us that are prudent and wan’t the best for the US. You and other children would rather hear a demented man bumble and stumble, albeit NICELY, and create policies that destroy our country. That is ok, because he is being nice.

You essentially voted for the popular kid who makes bad grades because he is not very intelligent(or demented in Joe’s case), but is cool and promises free pizza Fridays. That is who you children voted for.
Oh no!
I saw the part about immigrants. Seemed fine. I think you guys just have BDS.
You guys tried the dementia thing before and it didn't work then either.
These are people who really do believe that Trump's pressers -- replete with wild, embarrassing hyperbole, transparent Trumpian bullshit, juvenile personal attacks and brutal, non-stop self-aggrandizement -- were the way a President should conduct a press conference.

It's like trying to communicate with children who think one of their favorite cartoon characters would be real cool to have in the Oval Office. It's just pointless.

Were discussing Covid Importing Super Spreader *Joe's press conference because no longer President and the press conference just happened. We know You cant defend *Joe so you must bash Trump. Talking reality to leftists is what's pointless.

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