Your Tax Dollars at Work: When the FBI isn’t Framing Presidents…..


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Your Tax Dollars at Work: When the FBI isn’t Framing Presidents…..

It’s holding a ‘Happiness Seminar’ for agents.

19 May 2023 ~~ By Robert Spencer

After the release of the Durham report detailing, among other things, the FBI’s key role in the Russian Collusion hoax, the bureau has faced severe criticism, but it appears unfazed. Instead of engaging in some much-needed introspection — much less the thorough housecleaning that it so desperately requires to cleanse it of its deep corruption and politicization — the FBI has scheduled a “Happiness Seminar” for the end of this month. This is designed to help agents who may be weary after all their hard work of framing a president for a crime he didn’t commit to “discover the power of smiling.” Isn’t it comforting to know that your tax dollars are going for such an urgent necessity as teaching corrupt Biden regime FBI agents to break out into big, wide grins?
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) declared, “The Durham Report is a damning indictment of the FBI under James Comey and the operations of the Department of Justice. Their behavior during the Crossfire Hurricane investigation reads like a page out of the Nixon playbook.” Oh, no, Lindsey, this is much worse than anything Nixon did. But it is in character for you as an establishment, controlled opposition Republican to recall a misdeed by a Republican even while in the midst of decrying a tremendous miscarriage of justice perpetrated by Democrats.
FBI whistleblower Steve Friend tweeted the poster for the Happiness Seminar last Tuesday. Just the News reported on Monday that Friend was “an FBI special agent who left the bureau after blowing the whistle on alleged civil liberty violations during the Jan. 6 Capitol riot investigation.” He “tweeted that the seminar will have three parts that feature ‘the effects of smiling,’ ‘the effects of speaking good words,’ and ‘the effects of doing good deeds.’” Good deeds — you know, like framing the president of the United States if he is a political undesirable.
Friend added, “The @FBI is woke and weaponized. Americans deserve more for their taxpayer dollars and our premier law enforcement agency should focus on combatting actual crime instead of impersonating a Silicone [sic] Valley start up tech firm.” He also wrote that FBI director “Chris Wray wants the @GOP to increase @FBI funding to $11.4 billion. How much taxpayer money goes towards ‘Happiness Seminars’ for employees?” Kevin Brock, the former FBI Assistant Director of Intelligence, observed, “The secret to happiness in an FBI career is investigating individuals who deserve to be investigated and bringing them to justice.” Alas, Mr. Brock, that was in the bad old days when the FBI was an actual law enforcement agency. Now that it’s an arm of the Leftist establishment, there is plenty of time for woke navel-gazing and psychobabble such as this “Happiness Seminar.”
And remember: you’re paying for this. The FBI has been weaponized against a duly elected president of the United States and is increasingly being turned against law-abiding American citizens (such as parents protesting against the woke agenda at school board meetings). But at least today’s brave new FBI agents will trample upon your rights and oppress patriots while giving you a sunny smile. They’ll learn to do that in their “Happiness Seminar”.

“FBI funding to $11.4 billion”... This is ridiculous, that funding needs to be severely slashed. Better yet dismantle the FBI altogether and start over. Too many of the current agents appear to be indoctrinated with woke bull shiite.
To borrow a favorite phrase of Maoist/DSA Democrats—It’s time to “Re-Imagine” the FBI.
Apparently,the officials in power in the Federal Bureau of Investigation have never read or don’t really believe in the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. This is because the Biden/ Harris / Pelosi regime had the FBI conduct an old time like Soviet type invasion of the home of Donald Trump in a raid of political harassment.
What a terrible abuse of Federal power, which was not what, the FBI was originally designed to be used for.
Maybe the thoroughly corrupted infiltrated, FBI by far -left wing with Red/Green alliance is so ingrained in that formerly good federal organization the damage done to that institution might be completely irreversible. As beyond repair and reform.
As Abraham Lincoln so wisely, said “You can’t unscramble eggs.”
The FBI whistleblower hearing was a travesty. Dems are scum.
Totally agree wit you
Whistleblowers are only protected and useful wen testifying for Maoist/DSA Democrats Commies. All others are considered disgruntled employees. Take for example Chelsea Manning vs Snowden, or Vindman vs. Bobulinski.
I honestly believe that the FBI is a criminal cabal at this point. I know there are a lot of good, patriotic men and women in the ranks, but as long as they go along with the wholly corrupt leaders at the top, I can't really have complete respect for them. I highly respect the three whistleblowers who actually risked everything (including their lives, most likely) to tell the truth. They are the most courageous men (real men) of all.

FBI Misused Foreign Spy Database to Target 1/6 Participants, George Floyd Protesters

20 MAY 2023 ~~

FBI officials repeatedly violated their own standards when they searched a vast repository of foreign intelligence for information related to the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U..S. Capitol and racial justice protests in 2020, according to a heavily blacked-out court order released Friday.
FBI officials said the thousands of violations, which also include improper searches of donors to a congressional campaign, predated a series of corrective measures that started in the summer of 2021 and continued last year. But the problems could nonetheless complicate FBI and Justice Department efforts to receive congressional reauthorization of a warrantless surveillance program that law enforcement officials say is needed to counter terrorism, espionage and international cybercrime.
The violations were detailed in a secret court order issued last year by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which has legal oversight of the U.S. government's spy powers. The Office of the Director of the National Intelligence released a redacted version on Friday in what officials said was the interest of transparency. Members of Congress received the order when it was issued last year.

It’s no different than Okay Corral in old Tombstone.... The FBI has been corrupted by the Clanton gang and other lawless criminals. The Federal Marshal's need to come in and clean house.
Time and again the FBI/Stasi have violated the law and their oath to serve, protect and uphold the Constitution of the U.S...

FBI repeatedly misused surveillance tool, unsealed FISA order reveals

FBI Misused Foreign Spy Database to Target 1/6 Participants, George Floyd Protesters

20 MAY 2023 ~~

FBI officials repeatedly violated their own standards when they searched a vast repository of foreign intelligence for information related to the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U..S. Capitol and racial justice protests in 2020, according to a heavily blacked-out court order released Friday.
FBI officials said the thousands of violations, which also include improper searches of donors to a congressional campaign, predated a series of corrective measures that started in the summer of 2021 and continued last year. But the problems could nonetheless complicate FBI and Justice Department efforts to receive congressional reauthorization of a warrantless surveillance program that law enforcement officials say is needed to counter terrorism, espionage and international cybercrime.
The violations were detailed in a secret court order issued last year by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which has legal oversight of the U.S. government's spy powers. The Office of the Director of the National Intelligence released a redacted version on Friday in what officials said was the interest of transparency. Members of Congress received the order when it was issued last year.

It’s no different than Okay Corral in old Tombstone.... The FBI has been corrupted by the Clanton gang and other lawless criminals. The Federal Marshal's need to come in and clean house.
Time and again the FBI/Stasi have violated the law and their oath to serve, protect and uphold the Constitution of the U.S...

FBI repeatedly misused surveillance tool, unsealed FISA order reveals
That ATF has been on the take as well:

I'm surprised they give them time for happiness training in between the gender pronoun sensitivity training and lesson on which historic American flags indicate a domestic terrorist.

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