Your wife or shooting the guys who want to "harm" her....which do you choose...?

where do you live

and BTW If ownership numbers are down that cuts against the desires of the anti gun scum bags to pass more laws.

The Midwest...

Yes I would think fewer gun owners would lower the demand to pass more laws. I think lower ownership is one reason for lower accidental shooting rates. I don't see anything really having a chance of being passed as long as crime rates and accidental rates continue to decline.

No...more people are getting actual training as more people own guns...because most Americans are responsible people and take owning a gun seriously......

Yes and then there are those people walking around with a gun in their pocket and no holster. These are the people accidently shooting themselves and others. Are you actually against requiring a holster? Anyone with half a brain knows they should use one.
People carrying guns without holsters are illegal gun owners and thugs to begin with. With any luck they will shoot their balls off.

You would think they would be but most the instances I see the person has a carry license.
Man accidentally shoots self at Chick-Fil-A
The 45-year-old man, whom police did not name, was pulling his pants up in the restroom at about 2 p.m. when the gun accidentally discharged and the bullet grazed his leg, said Sgt. Jim Souhrada. The man had a concealed carry license to carry the Glock pistol, which did not have a safety, he said.

The above does not happen if you have a holster. obviously don't carry......they take the pistol out of the holster to sit down and use the toilet....putting it back in the holster is how it gets fired.......
Putting the pistol back in the holster is where a lot of negligent discharges happen...that is why gun people in Illinois didn't like so many ways for businesses to block carrying in their stores...that means if you are carrying, you have to disarm, store the weapon in your car and then put it back in the holster numerous times during your movement around means
1) your pistol is in your car so you need a car safe

2) you are creating more times where someone may negligently discharge a pistol....I think that was the intent on this one by the gun grabbers, they need people dead or injured to try to repeal concealed carry.....
I agree, people should carry a pocket holster that covers the trigger...but I am not going to put the law on them to satisfy the anti gunners....there is no reason to.....pocket carry without a holster is not a problem most of the time...statistics don't show it to be enough of a problem to add even more opportunities to punish law abiding gun owners......

And yes....there are times where carrying without a holster may be necessary....and I won't judge against that.....since the gun isn't going to go off unless you pull the trigger...the holster that covers the trigger is just an added safety measure....

For the safety of everyone a holster should be mandatory. If it was always the gun owner getting shot I would not care, but often it is innocent people injured or killed. I can and have posted many accidents that would have been avoided with a holster.

5 treated for minor injuries after accidental shooting at Clearwater Beach hotel

Sorry, I am not giving anti gunners any more leeway to punish gun people before they break the law or cause harm....just like seat belt laws...they first said "no...we aren't going to give people a ticket if they aren't wearing a seat belt, but we will just have officers warn them about the dangers of not wearing a seat belt" Then it was..." No, we will not have officers stop cars specifically to ticket people who don't wear seatbelts" and now...they specifically can stop you for not wearing a seat belt and ticket you for not wearing it....and they have road stops where they inspect you for drunk driving....and seat belt wearing...

So no....not gives them more power....for a problem that is tiny....

So it would lower accidental shootings which is good for you. Would help protect innocent. It would enforce safe carrying. Everything good but you are still against it. Amazing.

It wouldn't do any of those things brain....dumb people would still do dumb things...and it wouldn't protect any more innocent people than it does now...and it wouldn't lower accidental shootings either.....

Limiting the speed limit to 10 miles an hour would save far more lives...but it isn't going to happen....dittos a new law on mandatory pocket holsters......

You always state carry owners are very law abiding. If that is true then yes they would carry with holsters. If you are now claiming they wouldn't then we have to question if they are in fact very law abiding.
I would guess that 95% of those legally permitted to carry a concealed hand gun use a holster. Your argument is irrelevant.
where do you live

and BTW If ownership numbers are down that cuts against the desires of the anti gun scum bags to pass more laws.

The Midwest...

Yes I would think fewer gun owners would lower the demand to pass more laws. I think lower ownership is one reason for lower accidental shooting rates. I don't see anything really having a chance of being passed as long as crime rates and accidental rates continue to decline.

No...more people are getting actual training as more people own guns...because most Americans are responsible people and take owning a gun seriously......

Yes and then there are those people walking around with a gun in their pocket and no holster. These are the people accidently shooting themselves and others. Are you actually against requiring a holster? Anyone with half a brain knows they should use one.
People carrying guns without holsters are illegal gun owners and thugs to begin with. With any luck they will shoot their balls off.

You would think they would be but most the instances I see the person has a carry license.
Man accidentally shoots self at Chick-Fil-A
The 45-year-old man, whom police did not name, was pulling his pants up in the restroom at about 2 p.m. when the gun accidentally discharged and the bullet grazed his leg, said Sgt. Jim Souhrada. The man had a concealed carry license to carry the Glock pistol, which did not have a safety, he said.

The above does not happen if you have a holster.

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