You're not crazy: Trump just blamed Obama for the Russian attack that Trump says didn't happen


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
You're not crazy: Trump just blamed Obama for the Russian attack that Trump says didn't happen
MONDAY, JUN 26, 2017 5:00 AM EDT
You’re not crazy: Trump just blamed Obama for the Russian attack that Trump says didn’t happen

President Trump called the Russian hack a "hoax" and then blamed it on Obama, On the same day! Insane or brilliant?


You’re not insane. The president of the United States, Donald Trump, is currently blaming the previous president, Barack Obama, for not doing enough — indeed, for not doing anything, he says, to prevent the Russian attack on the 2016 election, which Trump has repeatedly said is a hoax. In other words, Trump wants to know why didn’t Obama prevent this thing that never actually happened. Again, you’re not insane.

It’s difficult to know where to begin unpacking Trump’s latest series of public statements regarding the Russian attack and the subsequent Trump-Russia scandal, chiefly because we’re unraveling the words of someone whose growing insanity makes us feel like we’re all going a little bit crazy too. Imagine for a moment trying to deconstruct the words of George W. Bush if he had denied the 9/11 attacks ever took place, and then if he blamed Bill Clinton for not doing enough to prevent the, you know, nonexistent attacks. This is where we are with our very own Mad King and his stunted, upside-down view of how presidents are supposed to behave and communicate.

For months now, Trump’s been telling us that the Russian attack is a Democratic hoax — a big, fat sour-grapes excuse for why Hillary Clinton lost the electoral vote. He keeps saying this despite the assessment of all 17 intelligence agencies, countless federal law enforcement officials, dozens of respected members of Congress, and, indeed, a growing number of high-profile Republicans, all of whom say that Russia launched a major cyber-attack against us and it’s likely to get much worse before it gets better. Yet Trump keeps denying this despite what he’s almost certainly been told in classified briefings and intelligence assessments.

Last week, the Washington Post published a bombshell report about how the intelligence community and the Obama White House dealt with the attack amid the harrowing events of the most raucous and unpredictable presidential campaign in modern history. Included in the article was a quote from an unnamed former Obama official who said the 44th president “choked” in the face of the attack. Anyone who remembers the incendiary climate of the campaign has to give Obama a bit of latitude for not turning the attack into a political psycho-bomb, with Trump and his legion of Pepe-cultists accusing the president, not to mention his former secretary of state, of trying to rig the election against the screechy reality show host.
You’re not crazy: Trump just blamed Obama for the Russian attack that Trump says didn’t happen

Holy shit! Trump is batshit insane but I guess he's admitting that we were attacked. Trump is the last person that should be over seeing anything.

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