Ze Trumpenführer's Fence Will Cost Well Over 5 BILLION Dollars

Do You Think The Trumpenführer's Wall Will Cost 5 BILLION Dollars?

  • I'm a Conservative/Republican/rightwinger and I have to say...yes, 5 BILLION dollars should do it.

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • I'm a Conservative/Republican/rightwinger and I have to say...more than 5 BILLION dollars.

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • I'm a Conservative/Republican/rightwinger and I have to say...less than 5 BILLION dollars.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm a liberal/Democrat/progressive and I have to say...yes, 5 BILLION dollars should do it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm a liberal/Democrat/progressive and I have to say...more than 5 BILLION dollars.

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • I'm a liberal/Democrat/progressive and I have to say...less than 5 BILLION dollars.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm an independent and I have to say...yes, 5 BILLION dollars should do it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm an independent and I have to say...more than 5 BILLION dollars.

    Votes: 5 55.6%
  • I'm an independent and I have to say...less than 5 BILLION dollars.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Tomorrow he's going to announce a state of emergency to build the damn fence.

Who thinks it'll be the same old 5 billion?

Who thinks that building that damn wall, as advertised, will just cost 5 BILLION dollars??

That’s a lot of money for something that won’t do any good.

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The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.

The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion
5 billion dollars, or even 50 billion dollars doesnt even come close as chump change to what we have spent on keep sorry ass liberal fuckers alive in their parents basements. 22 trillion dollars compared to 50 billion dollars is like this formula.

$22,000,000,000,000 to 50,000,000,000

$22,000 to $50

You sorry ass mother fuckers who keep blaming Republicans for the debt, all you have to do is stop paying for the WAR that can never be won because a lot of that money wont do any good. Take the 1 trillion dollars pay down the debt and in 15 years there is no more debt, because those that have been sucking off Uncle Sugars tits, now have to get a job, thus paying taxes, or else get shot for trying to steal other peoples stuff. Either way a win, win for the US.

Who said he's going to announce a state of emergency?
According to InfoWars he is.

Look at his MO, whenever Trump says something like "maybe I will x, y, z..." he usually has already decided to do it.

He already said "Maybe I'll call a state of emergency."

Don't get caught flatfooted.

The man has an MO.

I fully expect the announcement tomorrow night.
Marc, I don't think he will do that. I think he would be stopped cold within minutes by a court challenge saying this is not an actual national "emergency." He is only bringing it up again because people are saying he can't, so he's proving he can, but he said he has no plans to do it and I don't think he will. Plus if he does that, DOD would have to have the $$ come out of their budget, and the Generals would not like that.
So he may prove me wrong tomorrow night.
Democrat arguments

"wall are immoral"

"walls are an outdated technology"

"walls are too expensive"

"walls are racist"

"walls don't work"

"walls are mean"

"Jesus, who by the way we don't want in our government , would not like walls"


Wonder why they built that wall in 2016 then ^? Oh that's right, becuase walls work............

So if the wall is built are you going to guarantee that it will solve this “crisis?”

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The wall will end the crisis. This is provable fact.

Prove it.

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Democrat arguments

"wall are immoral"

"walls are an outdated technology"

"walls are too expensive"

"walls are racist"

"walls don't work"

"walls are mean"

"Jesus, who by the way we don't want in our government , would not like walls"


Wonder why they built that wall in 2016 then ^? Oh that's right, becuase walls work............

So if the wall is built are you going to guarantee that it will solve this “crisis?”

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The wall will end the crisis. This is provable fact. In the areas where we now have a permanent border security, there is no crisis. It's the areas where we don't have the permanent fixtures where we have the problems.

Absolutely no one has said "if we build the wall we won't have any more illegals crossing from Mexico into the US" and that isnt' even what the wall is designed for, as any honest person realizes.
that isnt' even what the wall is designed for,
If it isn't to keep illegals from crossing from Mexico into the US, what is it for?
Democrat arguments

"wall are immoral"

"walls are an outdated technology"

"walls are too expensive"

"walls are racist"

"walls don't work"

"walls are mean"

"Jesus, who by the way we don't want in our government , would not like walls"


Wonder why they built that wall in 2016 then ^? Oh that's right, becuase walls work............

So if the wall is built are you going to guarantee that it will solve this “crisis?”

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The wall will end the crisis. This is provable fact.

Prove it.

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Prove what stupid? That illegal immigration is next to nothing in areas where we have permanent security fences? DHS has been proving this since 2006 when Democrats first agreed with Republicans that we needed said fence and portions of it were built , Border Patrol data proves CONCLUSIVELY that illegals don't try to cross where there is a border security fence or wall or what the fuck ever you want to cal it.

If you can't even acknowledge basic facts , I've no interest in further discussion with you.

And of course, you would just have to completely ignore common sense to argue that illegal immigration won't drop in areas where there is a total fence making easy crossings more difficult.
Democrat arguments

"wall are immoral"

"walls are an outdated technology"

"walls are too expensive"

"walls are racist"

"walls don't work"

"walls are mean"

"Jesus, who by the way we don't want in our government , would not like walls"


Wonder why they built that wall in 2016 then ^? Oh that's right, becuase walls work............

So if the wall is built are you going to guarantee that it will solve this “crisis?”

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The wall will end the crisis. This is provable fact. In the areas where we now have a permanent border security, there is no crisis. It's the areas where we don't have the permanent fixtures where we have the problems.

Absolutely no one has said "if we build the wall we won't have any more illegals crossing from Mexico into the US" and that isnt' even what the wall is designed for, as any honest person realizes.
that isnt' even what the wall is designed for,
If it isn't to keep illegals from crossing from Mexico into the US, what is it for?

What color are Mexicans?

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Marc, I don't think he will do that. I think he would be stopped cold within minutes by a court challenge saying this is not an actual national "emergency." He is only bringing it up again because people are saying he can't, so he's proving he can, but he said he has no plans to do it and I don't think he will. Plus if he does that, DOD would have to have the $$ come out of their budget, and the Generals would not like that.
I didn't say that he'd get away with it.

I agree that him doing it will trigger other things happening.

However, I believe he will announce it tomorrow.

In any case, we'll see...

Democrat arguments

"wall are immoral"

"walls are an outdated technology"

"walls are too expensive"

"walls are racist"

"walls don't work"

"walls are mean"

"Jesus, who by the way we don't want in our government , would not like walls"


Wonder why they built that wall in 2016 then ^? Oh that's right, becuase walls work............

So if the wall is built are you going to guarantee that it will solve this “crisis?”

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The wall will end the crisis. This is provable fact. In the areas where we now have a permanent border security, there is no crisis. It's the areas where we don't have the permanent fixtures where we have the problems.

Absolutely no one has said "if we build the wall we won't have any more illegals crossing from Mexico into the US" and that isnt' even what the wall is designed for, as any honest person realizes.
that isnt' even what the wall is designed for,
If it isn't to keep illegals from crossing from Mexico into the US, what is it for?

What color are Mexicans?

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Is Lawnmower a color?
Cleaning lady?
Democrat arguments

"wall are immoral"

"walls are an outdated technology"

"walls are too expensive"

"walls are racist"

"walls don't work"

"walls are mean"

"Jesus, who by the way we don't want in our government , would not like walls"


Wonder why they built that wall in 2016 then ^? Oh that's right, becuase walls work............

So if the wall is built are you going to guarantee that it will solve this “crisis?”

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The wall will end the crisis. This is provable fact. In the areas where we now have a permanent border security, there is no crisis. It's the areas where we don't have the permanent fixtures where we have the problems.

Absolutely no one has said "if we build the wall we won't have any more illegals crossing from Mexico into the US" and that isnt' even what the wall is designed for, as any honest person realizes.
that isnt' even what the wall is designed for,
If it isn't to keep illegals from crossing from Mexico into the US, what is it for?

The wall will most certainly not stop all illegal immigration from Mexico, and that is not the purpose of any wall. The wall of your home isn't designed to stop EVERYONE who might illegally enter your home. It's designed to discourage and prevent as much as possible.

But, you of course already knew this.
Tomorrow he's going to announce a state of emergency to build the damn fence.

Who thinks it'll be the same old 5 billion?

Who thinks that building that damn wall, as advertised, will just cost 5 BILLION dollars??
I've said it before..

If Trump's a real billionaire, he should step up and give a billion to a cause he claims is so near and dear in/to his heart.

Other billionaires have set an example for Trump to follow. They have donated/given away a billion to fund what they claim is important.
Democrat arguments

"wall are immoral"

"walls are an outdated technology"

"walls are too expensive"

"walls are racist"

"walls don't work"

"walls are mean"

"Jesus, who by the way we don't want in our government , would not like walls"


Wonder why they built that wall in 2016 then ^? Oh that's right, becuase walls work............

So if the wall is built are you going to guarantee that it will solve this “crisis?”

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The wall will end the crisis. This is provable fact. In the areas where we now have a permanent border security, there is no crisis. It's the areas where we don't have the permanent fixtures where we have the problems.

Absolutely no one has said "if we build the wall we won't have any more illegals crossing from Mexico into the US" and that isnt' even what the wall is designed for, as any honest person realizes.
that isnt' even what the wall is designed for,
If it isn't to keep illegals from crossing from Mexico into the US, what is it for?

The wall will most certainly not stop all illegal immigration from Mexico, and that is not the purpose of any wall. The wall of your home isn't designed to stop EVERYONE who might illegally enter your home. It's designed to discourage and prevent as much as possible.

But, you of course already knew this.
The walls of my home are to keep out the rain and the bears and the subzero temps in winter. They also do a pretty good job of holding up the roof and of giving me some privacy.
Democrat arguments

"wall are immoral"

"walls are an outdated technology"

"walls are too expensive"

"walls are racist"

"walls don't work"

"walls are mean"

"Jesus, who by the way we don't want in our government , would not like walls"


Wonder why they built that wall in 2016 then ^? Oh that's right, becuase walls work............

So if the wall is built are you going to guarantee that it will solve this “crisis?”

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The wall will end the crisis. This is provable fact. In the areas where we now have a permanent border security, there is no crisis. It's the areas where we don't have the permanent fixtures where we have the problems.

Absolutely no one has said "if we build the wall we won't have any more illegals crossing from Mexico into the US" and that isnt' even what the wall is designed for, as any honest person realizes.
that isnt' even what the wall is designed for,
If it isn't to keep illegals from crossing from Mexico into the US, what is it for?

The wall will most certainly not stop all illegal immigration from Mexico, and that is not the purpose of any wall. The wall of your home isn't designed to stop EVERYONE who might illegally enter your home. It's designed to discourage and prevent as much as possible.

But, you of course already knew this.
The walls of my home are to keep out the rain and the bears and the subzero temps in winter. They also do a pretty good job of holding up the roof and of giving me some privacy.

And they also stop people who would come in and take your things if there was no wall there. I mean that's just beyond obvious.

BUT , if someone REALLY wants your collection of glass cats , they will get in and get them, regardless of walls or what kind of locks you use. Does that mean you should say "oh well, walls don't work" and live out in the open? Of course not, because you don't live in a house to keep EVERYONE from getting at your stuff.
Tomorrow he's going to announce a state of emergency to build the damn fence.

Who thinks it'll be the same old 5 billion?

Who thinks that building that damn wall, as advertised, will just cost 5 BILLION dollars??
The smart fence the President wants to build is based on the design of the smart fence Israel recently constructed along its border with Sinai. Before the fence was completed, tens of thousands of Africans illegally entered Israel despite border patrols by the IDF and Border police, but since it was completed, no one has successfully entered Israel illegally from Sinai, so we can be confident that when our smart fence is completed, there will be no more illegal immigration from south of our border. Since Israel has a high cost of living similar to the US, based on the cost of Israel's Sinai smart fence, the US smart fence should cost about 5 or six billion dollars, but Trump has long had a reputation for being a tough negotiator who brings in projects ahead of schedule and below cost estimates, it wouldn't be surprising if the US smart fence came in at $5 billion or even less.

The US smart fence along our border with Mexico, will be bristling with sensors and cameras that will instantly alert the Border Patrol of the location of any attempt to breach or damage the fence, so upgrades of communication and transportation equipment for the Border Patrol will be necessary to allow them to respond to this information efficiently, and while it is unclear at this point how much this will cost, it is hard to imagine the cost will be prohibitive since it will end illegal immigration across our southern border and force those who want to emigrate to the US to apply through legal channels.

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